"Crowd" exposes director’s special to guide Andy Lau’s "soul pumping"

1905 movie network news On February 10, the Spring Festival inspirational comedy starring director Rao Xiaozhi was revealed to the audience for his unique absurd comedy style.

But who knew that Rao Xiaozhi, who had won 790 million box office and high reputation as a dark horse, was in a long period of anxiety after entering the "Crowd" project, and even "nervous enough to suspect that he had a heart attack".

In the face of the strongest Spring Festival, in the face of Andy Lau’s joining, Rao Xiaozhi admitted that the popularity of "Crowd" had a bad start and was worried that it would live up to Brother Hua’s expectations, but Andy Lau’s reply gave him a shot in the arm: "Your talent will definitely be seen."

Xiao Yang was tortured the worst by Rao Xiaozhi, but still praised him as a "natural director"

The studio director Andy Lau’s "soul pumping" skillfully explains the troubles of Wan Qian’s lines

As a friend of Rao Xiaozhi for many years, Xiao Yang did not hide her recognition of the director. On the set of "The Crowd", Xiao Yang was always the one who was abused the most. The director’s requirements for him were also very high, always saying "another one" "can be better", and even in a scene where Liu Dehua slapped Xiao Yang bluntly: "Brother Hua should really fan it, the effect of real fan is better."

So Xiao Yang was forcibly slapped by Liu Dehua 36 times. But when it comes to the evaluation of the director, Xiao Yang still sincerely said that "he is naturally suitable to be a director, because he is not only immersed in his own world, but also can solve the difficulties in reality tit for tat." For example, when Wan Qian was faced with a difficult line and asked for advice on the spot, Rao Xiaozhi could immediately "prescribe the right medicine" to help her understand the character’s mood.

As a director with a very strong personal style, Rao Xiaozhi has an innate sense of humor, just as Xiao Yang described it as a "high-level joy." In the filming of the scene where Andy Lau taught Xiao Yang how to play the role of being stabbed to death, the director took a flash of inspiration from Andy Lau’s traditional character characteristics and proposed, "Brother Hua, you can add that kind of twitch." As it turned out, the performance became one of the most talked-about passages because of the temporary "twitch".

Andy Lau’s original sound in Mandarin, Rao Xiaozhi incarnated as a "sparring partner"

The line "nanny style" demonstration is very professional

At the request of the director, the whole film of "Crowd" must be played by Andy Lau in Mandarin, and no dubbing is used. It is difficult to know that there are not many movies with the original sound of Hua Ge’s Mandarin, and what is even more difficult is that he has to read the tongue twister "800 Pacesetters Run to the North Slope" fluently in the film. It is said that this tongue twister scene is also the most difficult one for Hua Ge. He practices back and forth on the set and reads the script anytime and anywhere.

In this director’s special, Andy Lau broke the news that "the director will read every line specially to me." In order to have a better line effect, the director will read every line to Andy Lau first, and then the two will communicate the final expression effect. Especially for some lines of stage performances, the stage director Rao Xiaozhi will read words synchronously with Brother Hua, looking for differences, and perfecting them to the best effect over and over again.