What does 315 mean? What day is it? What is the theme of the party on March 15th, 2017?

  The 315 party in 2017 will be held at 8: 20 pm on March 15. The theme of this year’s party is "Gather the power of honesty with responsibility”。 Why did network integrity become the theme of this year’s 315 party? What does 315 mean? What day?

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What does 315 mean? What day is it? What is the theme of the party on March 15th, 2017?

The origin of 3.15

  March 15th every year is "World Consumer Rights Day", which was decided by international organization of consumers unions in 1983. Its purpose is to expand the publicity of consumer rights protection, so as to attract worldwide attention, promote the cooperation and exchanges between consumer organizations in various countries and regions, and better protect consumer rights internationally.

315— — The purposes of International Consumer Rights Day are as follows:

  1, provide information to consumers, educate consumers, improve consumers’ awareness and ability to safeguard their rights and interests.

  2. Handle consumer complaints and help consumers recover their losses.

  3, collect the opinions of consumers and feedback to the enterprise.

  4. Create public opinion, publicize consumers’ rights, and form public pressure to improve consumers’ status.

  5. Participate in the formulation of national or government laws and policies on consumers, and ask the government to establish a consumer administrative system to deal with consumer problems.

  6. Establish consumer groups and establish consumer sovereignty.

  7. Strengthen international consumer groups and cooperation.

Review: the focus of 315 over the years

2016: Building consumption togetherfreshmanform

  With the Internet going deep into life and reshaping people’s consumption concept, China’s consumption expenditure became the first driving force of economic growth in 2015. The party on March 15th, 2016 will focus on the two terms of "consumption" and "ecology". This evening’s party will focus on exposing some hidden rules of traditional consumption and emerging consumption fields. Among them, the take-away platform "Hungry" was criticized by the first name for hiding the black-hearted workshop, and it was criticized by the name because of the attention of consumers, such as the clear sale of the charging program, the hidden scam of used car trading, and the tricky promotion activities.

Related listed companies: Dao Youdao

2015: Consumption in the sun

  As early as 1999, the theme of the "March 15th" party was "Sunshine of the Century". Fifteen years later, the "March 15th" party in 2015 responded to the theme of 1999, and it was drafted as "Consumption in the Sunshine", indicating that consumers can be braver and more dignified under the sunshine of the rule of law. Operators will be more disciplined, honest and credible; Regulators have more laws to follow and stricter law enforcement.

  This March 15th party was the first to criticize the excessive maintenance of many brand 4S stores in the automobile industry. Unicom employees used customer ID cards to open more real-name cards. It was exposed that three major state-owned banks could use fake ID cards to handle cards. China Mobile and China Railcom provided various support for harassing calls. The explosion of electric hot water bottles was criticized by the party because of complaints from consumers and buyers.

Related listed companies: China Unicom, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, China Bank, No.100 Holdings, Zhongda Products, Meiling Electric.

2014: Make consumption more dignified

  2014 marks the 20th anniversary of the promulgation and implementation of the Law on the Protection of Consumers’ Rights and Interests, and it is also a new starting point for the promulgation and implementation of the New Consumer Law. The theme of the party is to make consumption more dignified and revolve around the words "faith, law and righteousness".

  The first person to be criticized by name was Hangzhou Guangqi Trading Company, which imported expired food as raw materials for bakery, and the expiration time ranged from several days to several years. These expired raw materials were repackaged or sold after the date was modified.

  Other topics that are widely concerned by consumers, such as Gaohong, a subsidiary of Datang Telecom, implanting malicious software to reveal users’ privacy, violating the rules of Kangenbei brand cod liver oil, stealing money in public places without password wifi, and falsifying the fuel consumption of Haima cars, have been complained by consumers.

Related listed companies: Gaohong, Datang Telecom, Kang Enbei, Haima Automobile

2013: I am the master of my rights and interests.

  Online shopping is increasingly recognized by consumers and has become an important part of people’s lives.

  The first company criticized by name this year is the Apple mobile phone maintenance scam. After-sales maintenance of iPhone mostly adopts the whole machine exchange situation, while in China, the back cover of iPhone will not be replaced, and if the back cover is replaced, it will cost about 500 yuan more. Others named include the bulge of JAC Tongyue’s body paint, the loss of power during the driving of Volkswagen DSG gearbox and other complaints from consumers.

Related listed companies: JAC Automobile

2012: Building Honesty Together with You and Me

  Fake prices, commercial fraud and other acts of losing credibility not only harm the interests of the people, but also endanger the development of economy and society and hinder the civilization and progress of the nation and society. The theme of the party on March 15, 2012 is to build integrity together, with you and me.

  This 3.15 party exposed a series of business dishonesty incidents, such as McDonald’s selling expired food, Zhengzhou Guomao 360 Carrefour store being exploded to change the product packaging date, China Telecom providing spam companies with a full network channel to post spam messages, employees of China Merchants Bank and ICBC leaking information about customers sold, and illegal enterprises in Shantou, Guangdong Province making children’s toys with medical waste.

Related listed companies: China Telecom, China Merchants Bank and Industrial and Commercial Bank.

2011: Escort new consumption

  In 2011, around the theme of "escorting new consumption", under the premise of paying more attention to the new historical background, we will pay attention to the new phenomena and problems in the emerging consumption field and set our eyes on the most concerned, direct and realistic consumption problems of the people.

  The first Kumho tire to be criticized by name used a lot of recycled rubber in the production process, which greatly reduced the safety performance of the finished tire. Other names criticized include Shuanghui Clenbuterol incident, Gome’s malicious deception of state subsidy funds by exchanging old ones for new ones, Tian Popo’s illegal drug bath injury incident, and Hebei Chenguang Factory’s production of napkins with deinked paper, which have attracted consumers’ attention in the new consumption era.

Related listed companies: Shuanghui Development, Gome

2010: new rules, new impetus

  Compared with the 1990s, the consumption environment, consumption characteristics and consumption patterns have undergone earth-shaking changes in 2010. Consumers are more hurt by merchant rules. At the same time, once the rules go wrong, it is no longer individuals who are hurt, but all consumers. The theme of this March 15th party is "New Rules, New Motives".

  The first thing criticized at the party was the high maintenance cost of HP tablet. Some consumers reported that HP only guaranteed the expensive screen in the notebook for two years. Once the screen has problems and the warranty period exceeds two years, consumers will have to bear huge maintenance costs, which is contrary to the warranty policy of "one year for the whole machine and three years for the main components" generally implemented by the state.

Related listed companies: HP