Liu Yifei: "Dew Beauty" was beaten in the kissing scene, and the director treated me as a vase

    1905 movie network news On October 29, director Gao Xixi made an appearance at the film press conference with the stars of the new film, Liu Yifei, Wang Xuebing, and Tang Yan. One of the male protagonists, Rain Zheng Zhixun, was unable to attend the event due to filming in South Korea. At the scene, Liu Yifei revealed that the shooting scene was full of danger. In addition to jumping off a building and drowning, she was also "punched" by Wang Xuebing during the kissing scene. Director Gao Xixi praised Liu Yifei for being "willing to work hard for the role", but she jokingly "blackened herself": "Actually, I know that the director didn’t expect much from me at the beginning, just treated me as a vase."

    It is reported that the movie "Dew Beauty" will be officially released in theaters on November 7.

Liu Yifei was beaten by Wang Xuebing in a kissing scene, and the director initially regarded me as a vase

    Liu Yifei, who plays the heroine Xing Lu in the film "Lushui Hongyan" based on Zhang Xiaoxian’s novel "Lushui Hongyan", said she chose to take on the role because she saw the dramatic conflict in the character, which opened up more possibilities for her performance: "Xing Lu is a very divided person. She has contradictions and hatred in her heart, and there are many plays within the play, which is a bit like." In order to fully present Xing Lu’s struggles with money and love, the director arranged a lot of visually striking scenes. Watching Liu Yifei keep filming underwater all day for a drowning scene, Gao Xixi was moved and praised her as an actress who was "willing to work hard for the role". Hearing the director’s praise, Liu Yifei "blackened herself": "In fact, the director should have no expectations for me at the beginning, just treat me as a vase!"

    In addition to the scenes of jumping off a building and drowning, Liu Yifei also revealed that the process of her kissing scene with Wang Xuebing was also "dangerous": "The two of us were scuffling and kissing in the heavy rain, and I suddenly felt punched in the face." Wang Xuebing hurriedly explained: "Hand slippery! Hand slippery!" And complained: "The passion scenes in’Dew Beauty ‘are like martial arts scenes!" In contrast, another male protagonist, Rain, is obviously more "liked" by Liu Yifei. Although the language is not clear, Liu Yifei said that the two have a tacit understanding during the play, and praised the other party as a "genius": "Our lines are often long and long, and I pause very casually, but Rain can match my rhythm, which is very genius."

Gao Xixi said that he will continue to make movies, and Wang Xuebing talked about Li Yapeng: He is now single

    Gao Xixi is known to audiences for making TV series such as "Happiness is Like a Flower" and "Three Kingdoms". "Beauty in Dew" is his first big-screen work. Another well-known TV director, Zhao Baogang, has just released his film debut. In an interview, Zhao Baogang said that if the box office of the work is not good, he will return to the small screen and will not try again. In this regard, Gao Xixi has a diametrically opposite attitude: "I like movies, and I have confidence in the box office of’Beauty in Dew ‘. If there is a bad result, I will also’lose again and again’."

    Wang Xuebing, who starred in "scum" in "Dew Beauty", is currently busy rehearsing the play, and he also appeared on the stage with a rather decadent and exaggerated appearance on the same day. Earlier, Li Yapeng, a friend in Wang Xuebing’s circle, was photographed going to the theater to visit the class. Regarding Li Yapeng’s state after his divorce from Wang Fei, Wang Xuebing responded: "He is single now, so he controls his private life." When asked if he would introduce a new girlfriend to his good friend, he said flatly: "I don’t do this."

Li Bingbing’s "Di Renjie" resembles Lin Qingxia, and Xu Hark is shocked by falling off a horse and being injured

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"Shangguan Jinger" looks exactly like Lin Qingxia back then.

Li Bingbing men’s clothing styling.

  NetEase EntertainmentJuly 22 NewsThe intense filming of Hengdian, the martial arts detective blockbuster "Di Renjie’s Tongtian Empire" that has invested over 100 million yuan, is coming to an end. After the recent exposure of Andy Lau’s version of "Di Renjie", the crew once again exposed the appearance of the female lead Li Bingbing’s "Shangguan Jinger". From the photos, the heroism and ruthlessness between the eyebrows are very similar to Lin Qingxia in "The Invincible East".

  It is reported that in the film, Li Bingbing and Andy Lau and Leung Ka Hui have a lot of fighting scenes, and injuries are inevitable. Since Leung Ka Hui and Andy Lau were injured, Li Bingbing also fell from his horse yesterday, injuring his ankle. Fortunately, he did not injure a bone, which would not affect the filming process, but it really shocked Director Tsui Hark.

  Samuel HungLi Bingbing is said to resemble Lin Qingxia back then

  The style that Tsui Hark designed for Lin Qingxia in "The Invincible East" was a classic that was still fresh in people’s memory. Now, on the 25th anniversary of Tsui Hark Film Studio, "Di Renjie’s Tongtian Empire" is the 50th work of the studio. Xu Hark, who has not made a martial arts film in five years, is shooting this martial arts return at this time. It is no longer so important whether it is a tribute or an innovation. The recently exposed "Di Renjie" style played by Andy Lau, see a fashionable version of Di Renjie, horn hat, suit collar, and a hipster look, but from today’s exposure of Li Bingbing’s "Shangguan Jing’er" style, it seems that we can see the shadow of Xu Hark’s earlier martial arts, high bun, thick eyebrows and big eyes with a ruthlessness, a complete replica of Lin Qingxia in "The Invincible East", and even martial arts instructor Hong Jinbao saw it for the first time Call it too similar.

  The prototype of Shangguan Jing’er’s corner is "Shangguan Wan’er", the first female prime minister in history. She has been protecting and carefully serving Wu Zetian, who can be said to be Wu Zetian’s eyes and ears. This time, Xu Ke has added a lot of "super powers" to her. In addition to climbing the cornice and walking the wall, he also used ventriloquism and animal speech with Andy Lau, and listening to the heart. In the setting of weapons, Director Xu used Li Bingbing’s long whip in "King of Kung Fu", and also let her use seven weapons such as long swords, short knives, and darts in the film. In the words of Hong Jinbao, Shangguan Wan’er is an ancient "super policeman", maintaining the long-term stability of the ghost market and the world.

  From the perspective of the exposed modeling scenes, this scene takes place in the "ghost market", which is the story of an underground city after the earthquake, which has completely different rules of the game from the ground city. In this dark ghost city, the "national teacher" is its leader, and it is more worth mentioning that the national teacher is the "god" used to imprison people’s thoughts in Wu Zetian’s world. When Liu Dehua and Li Bingbing jointly resolved the case, they encountered all kinds of resistance, all of which were from the hands of the national teacher. The scene in the photo shows Shangguan Jing’er fighting the "national teacher" to save Di Renjie.

  It is reported that Li Bingbing has nine looks in the film, which is also the most looks she has ever made in a movie, and it can be regarded as the most looks for actresses in ancient martial arts movies.

  Related links:

  • Similar to Lin Qingxia, Li Bingbing’s "Di Renjie" men’s clothing exposure (picture) 2009-07-22

  • "Di Renjie" Li Bingbing shaped like Lin Qingxia, fell off a horse and was injured 2009-07-22

  • Andy Lau can’t bear to shoot "Di Renjie", Tsui Hark sleeps two hours a day 2009-06-02

Jay Chou was exposed: his relationship with Patty Hou came out of an "online chat".

  On the evening of February 15th, Jay Chou led the singing of the "Red 2009 Hengfeng Night" romantic Valentine’s Day large-scale star concert, which was staged at the new stadium in Xuzhou, Jiangsu. China News Agency, photo by Yongjun

Data map: Patty Hou. Published by China News Agency, photo by Zhang Kui

  Chairperson Zhou’s love affair is no less than his music. Even if his affair with Hou Pei Cen has long been old news, many details of this past story still make people want to pry. Chairperson Zhou is tight-lipped about it, but this time, he has been sold "absolute privacy" by his behind-the-scenes "Iron Triangle" – the royal lyricist Fang Wenshan, the royal makeup artist Du Guozhang, and the royal dance teacher Hou Pei Cen’s love affair began with "online love" – the cool-looking Chairperson Zhou also has a shy and sullen side when he is in love.

  Zhou Dong is an idiot

  I can’t even go to the convenience store to buy anything.

  "If you take away the phone and give Jay Chou some change and throw it on the streets of Taipei, it is estimated that it will be difficult for him to survive." Fang Wenshan said of Jay Chou in his life.

  Fang Wenshan admits that Jay Chou is a creative genius, but he is almost incompetent in daily life. According to him, Jay Chou’s parents divorced early in life and have been living with his mother, and his mother takes care of everything, so Jay Chou can’t even pay the most basic utilities and go to the convenience store to buy things. "After entering the company, there is an assistant to take care of him, because the assistant is always around, so Jay Chou has no cash or credit card. If the assistant is not there for dinner or doing anything, he will borrow it from me."

  Zhou Dong loves tricks

  Improper celebrities must be big scammers

  The outside world gave Jay Chou some imagination, which made him feel very cold. In fact, Jay Chou was talented in trickery, and everyone around him had suffered from his evil hands. When Du Guozhang, the royal makeup stylist who often traveled with Chairperson Zhou, talked about these pranks of Chairperson Zhou, he told reporters, "If Jay Chou is not a star today, he is definitely the leader of a fraud group."

  Once, Fang Wenshan received a call from Hong Kong. The other party said in a Hong Kong accent that he had won the radio music award and wanted to broadcast Fang Wenshan’s acceptance speech live. "At that time, I said, ‘Thank you all, I am very happy to get this award today.’ It turned out that Jay Chou was the one who did it." The ice cream teacher also admitted that Jay Chou is very good at changing his voice and can speak as various people. "Sometimes he calls me, ‘Hey, hello, I want to learn a 3D dance, do you have it there?’ He also asked’How much is it, do you accept it? ‘He always makes fun of everyone with these strange phone calls."

  Zhou Dong is also sullen

  Zhou Houlian started online chatting

  The Internet is indispensable among ordinary people, but the hipster Jay Chou doesn’t know about typing and surfing the Internet, "Typing is a one-finger magic skill, he typed very slowly, just a few simple words. For him, the computer only has the function of finding information."

  When it came to computers, the ice cream teacher also quietly revealed a little secret. Jay Chou finally knew how to use the chat tool after learning for a long time, but because he couldn’t register, he used to steal other people’s instant chat tool accounts, "Once, while I was away, he used my online chat tool to chat with my friend. The other party found out from the text that it was not me, and asked him who he was. He said, ‘I am Jay Chou,’ but the other party didn’t believe it and asked him to open the video. Usually my video is on, but Jay Chou will insist on closing it. He feels that the video makes him feel insecure. That day, Jay Chou actually agreed to open the video and let the other party confirm that the person chatting with him was – Hou Pei Cen." After getting acquainted on the Internet, Jay Chou and Patty Hou became closer and closer, gradually developing into lovers and becoming the only relationship Jay Chou admitted to.

  Chairperson Zhou called Fang Wenshan "wife" on different occasions. Although this nickname sounded awkward, it did prove Fang Wenshan’s value to the entire pop music scene. Xiaoyu

Editor in charge: Sun Jie

How much is the price of an electric car without being torn? Tel Bell leads the 400 super energy second generation strong attack

In congested cities, cars are often not convenient enough, and soaring oil prices make many people "unbearable". In order to alleviate this situation, many people turn their attention to two-wheeled electric vehicles that are small and less restricted by road conditions. As a new energy means of transportation, it is not only convenient to park, but also has incomparable advantages in terms of environmental protection, so more and more people choose electric vehicles as a means of transportation. However, many people often fall into the misunderstanding when purchasing electric vehicles, focusing on "how much is the price of electric vehicles generally", but in fact, in addition to price, battery life and energy saving are the focus that should be paid attention to.

No need to be tornHow much is the price of an electric car?Energy saving and power saving should also be paid attention to

Compared with tearing the purchase price of electric vehicles too much, it is better to directly choose an energy-saving and power-saving electric vehicle, which can not only run farther, but also save money for long-term use. Among many electric vehicle brands, "electric vehicles that run farther" – Tailing has many years of technical experience in energy saving, low carbon and environmental protection.

Up to now, more than 100 of Tailing’s products have passed the certification of China Quality Certification Center, won the "section" label, and accumulated more than 600 various patents, mastered the national patent power saving technology, and also created the cloud power 4.0 power saving system. In addition, Tailing is also the only enterprise involved in the formulation of energy-saving certification rules for electric bicycles, electric motorcycles, and electric mopeds, which shows its leading position in energy conservation in the industry.

In 2020, equipped with the core technology of electric vehicles, cloud power 4.0 system, the super-energy series of Taiwan Bell was born! "One charge, double mileage" allows Taiwan Bell users to feel the sincerity and strength of the Taiwan Bell brand to make products, and the product value has made a qualitative leap. It has become a value model of electric vehicle products. The ultra-long battery life ability has won high praise from the market, and it has won the affirmation and love of consumers. In one fell swoop, it has laid the market position of the king of Taiwan Bell battery life. The global market has delivered 4.50 million vehicles.

For TELLING, in-depth research and development of energy-saving technologies is not only to bring better travel experience to consumers, but also to make some contributions to the global environmental protection cause. Over the years, TELLING has deeply participated in the theme activities of World Environment Day, the "Efforts to Realize Low-Carbon Travel in Urban Transportation" summit held by the United Nations Environment Programme, and also attended the United Nations Environment Assembly. It also publicly proposed the implementation of carbon trading for electric vehicles for the first time at the 2021 Boao Forum of Chinese Entrepreneurs. From Kenya and Uganda in Africa to the Philippines and Thailand in Asia, dozens of countries and regions around the world have launched electric travel projects, and TELLING has taken practical actions to help global environmental governance, showing its commitment to corporate responsibility!

No need to be tornHow much is the price of an electric car, and battery life is the key

Tailing’s deep cultivation in energy conservation, emission reduction, low carbon and environmental protection has also brought it super battery life. You must know that the battery life problem has always been a pain point for the electric vehicle industry to break through. Many consumers have concerns that electric vehicles "ride halfway without electricity". To this end, Tailing has always adhered to independent innovation and is committed to using intelligent and technological methods to solve the anxiety of electric vehicle users.

It is precisely because of the perseverance of TELLING that it has set one new record after another in the history of electric vehicle battery life. In the "Mira National Tour Mileage Challenge" in 2018, TELLING achieved the goal of driving 100km on a single charge; in the 70-year 70-city TELLING Ultra Mileage Challenge Championship in 2019, TELLING’s Lion LION set a new record of 202.7km on a single charge, taking the lead in opening the 200KM battery life era of two-wheeled electric vehicles; in 2020, TELLING successfully set the Guinness World Record for "the longest distance driven by an electric scooter on a single charge" with a range of 656.8km… It is these records that make TELLING a veritable "electric vehicle battery life king".

Time to 2022, the super bell series once again broke through the upgrade, in February this year, the bell successfully launched "double mileage, double quality assurance", once again refresh the new height of cruising mileage and user experience, become a milestone in the development of the industry! "Spring production and sales total more than 250,000", the bell super second generation knock-out product pacesetter forward, full speed running 100 kilometers, comprehensively improve the new standard of battery life, data is the best praise, spring best-selling 250,000, become a real explosive pacesetter!

How much is the price of an electric car without being torn? The first choice for the strength of the joint model of the bell running men

On the occasion of the traditional peak sales season, Tailing Group released a new super second-generation Running Man family product to the world on June 8. They are the super second-generation leader 400, the super second-generation superstar, the super second-generation Lulu, the super second-generation player, the super second-generation Chaojun, the super second-generation beautiful, and the super second-generation pacesetter youth version. As the official designated electric vehicle of the "Run It" program, these 7 products have become the lucky ones. They are the joint models of the Running Man family, commemorating the three-year running history of Tailing and Running Man. The new products of Tailing Running Man family will fully express and inherit the image and spirit of Running Man. The elements of Running Man in the body are prominent, fashionable and shining. The product core is the most perfect interpretation of double mileage and double quality assurance.

When consumers buy electric vehicle products, they can pay attention to the price of electric vehicles, but in fact, the price is also determined by their own budget. Compared with the price, we need to pay more attention to the power saving, energy saving and battery life of electric vehicles. You can look for the "China Energy Conservation Certification" logo and choose an electric vehicle brand like Tailing that runs far and saves energy and electricity, especially the recently launched super second-generation Running Man family new product, which can not only save electricity costs, but also reduce carbon dioxide emissions, in response to the national call for energy conservation and emission reduction.

Five Hong Kong Film Muses Classic Film Lenses: Zhu Yin, Lin Qingxia, Zhang Min

1905 movie network news Hong Kong Film and Television has brought you many classic movies, many of which are memorable. They have created many classic characters and shots that have been widely circulated. The so-called classic is that as soon as a certain play is mentioned, she can think of her. She has become a representative of this role, such as Zhu Yin blinking, Lin Qingxia drinking, Wang Zuxian dressing, Zhang Min looking back, Qiu Shuzhen poker and so on.


The first one, Zhu Yin, blinked.

Zhu Yin once stunned Zixia Fairy in the movie. This role is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and is difficult to be surpassed. Among them, Zixia’s most classic action is to wink at the Great Sage, which is simply moving.


Second, Qingxia Lin drinks

Lin Qingxia once played the undefeated Dongfang in "Smiling Ao Jianghu", and the shot of her drinking in the water with her head up in a red dress became a classic. At this moment, she is not only a handsome and heroic young man, but also a beautiful and moving enchanting girl.


Third, Wang Zuxian dressing

Wang Zuxian’s most deeply rooted role is the role of Nie Xiaoqian in the movie "The Ghost of a Thousand Women". The moment she dresses in the play, she is shy and charming, which makes people want to stop. This scene has also become a classic.


Fourth, Zhang Min turns back

Zhang Min once played Zhao Min in the movie, and the most classic scene in this version is the scene where Zhang Min turns around immediately, which can be called a surprise.


Fifth place, Qiu Shuzhen’s mouth poker

Qiu Shuzhen once played Begonia in the movie, and the scene of her wearing a red trench coat with playing cards in her mouth became a classic. Not only did she have a variety of styles, but she also perfectly combined the pure and cute with the sexy and charming temperament, which was very stunning.

Exclusive: Zhang Ziyi Hei Chao joins Huading, Donnie Yen and Han Geng are grand

Full list of winners:

Outstanding Achievements in Chinese Film – Wong Kar-wai, Zhang Ziyi

Best Mandarin Film in Huading Film Satisfaction Survey – "Tangshan Earthquake"

Best Foreign Language Film in Huading Film Satisfaction Survey –

Best Chinese Film – "The Founding of the People"

Best Director for a Chinese Film – Feng Xiaogang, "Tangshan Earthquake"

Best Actress in a Chinese Movie – Xu Fan, "Tangshan Earthquake"

Best Actor in a Chinese Movie – Donnie Yen, "Ip Man 2"

Best Supporting Actress in a Chinese Movie – Lin Xinru

Best Supporting Actor in a Chinese Film – Nicholas Tse, "October Siege"

2010 Huading Film Satisfaction Survey, New Chinese Film Actor of the Year:

Xiao Shenyang, Wang Luodan, Li Chen, Qin Lan, Yao Di, Bai Bing, Bai Jing, Yuan Ting, Shiya, Jiang Ruijia

Top 10 New Chinese Movie Actors of the Year – Xiao Shenyang

2010 Huading Film Satisfaction Survey, the top ten favorite movie stars of the general public:

Liu Xiaoqing, Zhang Ziyi, Guo Fucheng, Nicholas Tse, Xu Qing, Yang Lixin, Liu Ye, Xu Xiyuan, Xia Yu, Dong Jie

Chinese Movie Theme Song – Sa Dingding

Huading Movie’s Most Anticipated Actor – Han Geng

The Best Environmental Stars of Huading Movies – Chen Desen and Gu Juji

Best Actor in a Chinese Romance Film – Yao Chen’s "Swinging Marriage Contract"

Best Actor in a Chinese Fantasy Movie – Cai Zhuoyan, "Wind and Cloud 2"

Best Actor in a Chinese Comedy Film – Zhong Xintong

Best Actor in a Chinese Drama Movie – Guo Fucheng

Deng Chao’s retro style appeared on Weibo night, and the gentleman’s funny style was seamlessly switched

Deng Chao interacts with the audience

1905 movie network news Deng Chao’s retro look appeared on the 2017 Weibo night. The classic black dress was paired with a white shirt, and the overall shape was casual and handsome. On the red carpet, Deng Chao showed a warm side, not only taking care of his red carpet companion Angelababy, but also interacting happily with photographers in different positions. When taking POSE photos, Deng Chao also showed his true colors as a ghost horse. After making a few handsome and serious movements, his style changed into a funny style, sometimes raising his hand and making a "take off" gesture, sometimes crossing his legs to show a ghost horse expression. Even the photographers who were filming couldn’t help but laugh, and the superhuman joy energy infected the scene.

Deng Chao and baby walk the red carpet

At the ceremony, Deng Chao, who met many friends, still maintained an excited mood, not only chatting non-stop off the stage, but also playing a humorous role on the stage. When it was announced on the spot that Deng Chao and Yang Mi were awarded the 2017 Weibo Night King & Queen respectively, Deng Chao waited for a moment at the entrance to the stage, and held Yang Mi on stage together in a very gentleman’s posture. However, it took only three seconds for the warm man to switch to the "talk" mode, praise his companions and say jokes frequently, and the live interaction was quite interesting.

Deng Chao won the 2017 Weibo Night King & Queen;

This year, "model worker" Deng Chao has also achieved double blossoming in the field of film and variety shows. The new season "Run" ranks at the top of the annual variety show topic ratings list. The joy energy of the super captain continues to release, and the national affinity index soars again. Two starring works have come out. The former plays a bohemian young man A Lang in a small town, and the latter is the sharp and wise detective Fang Mu. The two completely different roles not only make people feel the acting charm of Deng Chao again, but the box office 1.30 billion of the two films also adds a heavy weight to his personal cumulative box office and commercial appeal. In addition, Deng Chao won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Male Actor with his "unique and delicate psychological portrayal and strong character shaping skills" in the corner of Zhongxin Xiaofeng, which can be said to be deserved. The latest work was also completed in 2017. The film is the first time he has ventured into the theme of ancient costumes after many years, and has cooperated with Zhang Yimou for the first time. The performance of one person playing two roles has made Deng Chao accept huge challenges in physical shaping while investing in acting. He has completed the two processes of violent thinness and muscle growth in a short period of time, which has excited both inside and outside the industry.

Cai Xukun became the first producer of cross-border, Yang Zi removed Qin Junjie from customs, causing heated discussions

       The new version of the #Star Power List #was officially launched. The list consists of four regional lists: the mainland list, the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan list, the Asia-Pacific list, and the European and American list, as well as the Rookie Star Ranking for future rising stars. It relies on Weibo data to count the number of reads, interactions, social influence, and fan love value (sending flowers) indices. Several indicators are converted and accumulated according to the corresponding weight ratio, and the final result generates the overall list ranking of each region. Click to enter the full list > > > >

  The third issue of the Star Power List in 2019 was released. The top three on the mainland list in this issue were Cai Xukun, Zhu Yilong, Bai Yu, Zhao Wei, Yang Zi, and Wang Junkai, followed by Chen Linong in the Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan lists. Lin Junjie and Wang Jiaer won the second and third places. Ouyang Nana, Yan Yalun, and Lin Yanjun also achieved good results. The first place in the Asia-Pacific list was won by Sunnee, a member of the Rocket Girl. You Changjing, Pianzhi Liangtai, Kimura Takuya, and Dimaxi successively entered the top of the list. Troye-Sivan, EmmaDumont, and TaylorSwift, the champions of the European and American lists, won the second and third places respectively. In addition, Bi Wenjun, the champion of the Rookie Star Ranking in this issue, was followed by Jin Han and Ding Chengxin, a member of the Typhoon Youth Group Let’s take a look at the entertainment events that took place last week!

  At 17:00 on January 18, Cai Xukun released the first installment of the star producer’s micro-plan S-level personal growth documentary "Cai Xukun’s Unfinished" on his personal Weibo. Once the show was released, it attracted enthusiastic attention from fans and netizens. "Cai Xukun’s Unfinished" is the first personal growth documentary of the star producer’s micro-plan S-level produced by Weibo & Sina Entertainment. Cai Xukun, who crossed the border as a producer for the first time, hopes to review his childhood, embrace the present, and challenge the future after the new year of 20 years. In the twelve episodes of the program, Cai Xukun will bring his own wish list to complete the unfinished, missing and hoped-to-complete wishes and challenges. Cai Xukun will bring everyone to experience a more diverse world and see more possibilities for themselves.

  On January 19, the family fun movie "Detective Pu Songling" starring Jackie Chan, which will be released on the first day of the new year in 2019, held a Chinese New Year group visit. Producer Liu Xiaoguang, director Yan Jia, and starring Ruan Jingtian, Zhong Chuxi, Lin Baihong, Lin Peng, Qiao Shan, Pan Changjiang, and Luu Brothers sang and danced to pay New Year’s greetings in advance. The theme song "Laugh Together" of "Detective Pu Songling" sung by Jackie Chan and Cai Xukun has been widely praised since its release. The dynamic and magical melodies and catchy lyrics have brought a good mood for the New Year in advance. Talking about the cooperation with Cai Xukun, Jackie Chan said with a smile: "Immediately 20 years younger, they are all singing and dancing. I prefer to sing the more lyrical ones, and when I sing these, I will be young."

  Recently, Zhao Wei’s fans will send support gifts to Zhao Wei, who is working hard to rehearse the play, to express their feelings. Not only are there appetizing fruit drinks, but also warm fat sea and black wolfberry, which are super warm! Zhao Wei also immediately left a message to express her gratitude, and euphemistically expressed that she would not send any more, and also laughed that she finally lost weight.

  The netizens are all Sherlock Holmes series! On January 18, some netizens posted that they found that Yang Zi had cleared Qin Junjie and deleted his related Weibo. By checking the friends who followed Yang Zi and Qin Junjie, netizens found that Yang Zi had indeed cleared Qin Junjie, and Qin Junjie was still paying attention to Yang Zi. Searching for "Qin Junjie" on Yang Zi Weibo showed 0 content, while Qin Junjie Weibo also had Yang Zi related content, including the birthday celebration Weibo posted for him. In addition, the two publicly fell in love on February 16, 2017. Yang Zi has deleted the Weibo, and Qin Junjie still retains it.

  It is reported that on the afternoon of August 12, 18, Yang Zi Studio and Qin Junjie Studio jointly issued a statement announcing that Yang Zi and Qin Junjie had broken up, saying that the two had ended their relationship and become friends again. The two had collaborated on "The Legend of the Dragon Ball" and "The Infernal Affairs", and officially announced their relationship on February 16, 2017.

  Chen Linong has been very popular since his debut. Recently, he shared his work routine on Weibo. In the video, Chen Linong is wearing a blue sweater and stands in the rain. It takes a while to run towards the camera. He also jokingly captioned "It’s cold and rainy, please take good care of yourself, don’t get wet like me. My love is deep and heavy!" Weibo received an enthusiastic response from fans.

  A few days ago, Ouyang Nana participated in Game LIVE. Interestingly, she seemed to rarely play games. Yesterday, during the live broadcast, she suddenly shouted "Someone hit me, brother" and asked her teammates for help. Unexpectedly, her teammates told her, "That was your own shot."

  netizens have left messages to discuss: "Will I be so nervous that I can’t even press a gun", "Nabi, there are really too few people like you who seriously call playing games as work.", "In the live broadcast, Ouyang Nana is really cute and real, but there are some dishes", "Why can Ouyang Nana’s gun be a powder drop?"; There are also netizens discussing game accounts, "I also met’Wuhan Peng Yuyan ‘is also a real person?", "Who would have thought that my chicken eater’s name is Hu Ge", "I am Shanwei Liang Jingru", "It seems that Ying Cai’er in Chaoyang District is Ying Cai’er herself".

  If you have a dream, you have to realize it! Sunnee sent a Weibo to sign up for "Singer" a few days ago, and wrote emotionally: "I was confused for 7 years and just wanted to get a stage to sing. Last year, I got a good opportunity to show my singing and performance. After that, many people asked me: What do you want to do in the future? I always said without hesitation: I want to be a singer! Although I am not perfect yet, my love for music is not deceiving. In my heart, a stage is really important." Her determination has also received strong support from fans and friends.

  In addition, according to foreign media reports, when Kim Kardashian was asked about her old grudge with Taylor Swift in the latest interview, Dafang said that it has been "turned over": It’s all over. Kardashian said in the interview that although the two sides have not privately discussed all kinds of rivalry wars, she believes that both of them have put aside the past and choose to look forward. ("Over it, We’ve all moved on.")

  In addition, the current Rookie Star Ranking champion Bi Wenjun, followed by Jin Han and Typhoon Junior Team member Ding Chengxin.

Vivo helps digital transformation, Blue River operating system promotes new development of open-source technology

The Open Atom Developer Conference 2023, an annual developer event led by the Open Atom Open Source Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the Foundation), was held in Wuxi, Jiangsu on December 16-17. Vivo, as a partner of this conference, was invited to participate in the opening ceremony. At the same time, as a core member of the Open Atom Developer Conference, vivo actively promotes the establishment of a fast application ecosystem branch to build an operating system software ecosystem with the industry and help the software ecosystem prosper.

Picture: 2023 Open Atomic Developers Conference scene

Yang Chun, general manager of vivo’s software system integration department and general manager of Blue River operating system, gave an opening speech on the theme of "General artificial intelligence leads the new era of operating system" at the meeting, and expressed core views on the development prospects of AI and the technical concept of Blue Heart Big Model and Blue River System. "With the vigorous development of AI, AI will inevitably combine with various forms of end point devices to form a new intelligent experience. The combination of artificial intelligence and end point devices will form a new intelligent experience, and the future operating system will also be more diversified. At the same time, it will usher in a comprehensive change in interaction patterns, application ecology, technical architecture, etc. Based on the above thinking, we insist on independent research and development of operating systems, and actively participate in the tide of ecological construction. "

Picture: Yang Chun, general manager of vivo software system integration department and general manager of Blue River operating system, delivered a keynote speech

AI and end point devices combine to bring a more intelligent and diverse operating system experience

On November 1, 2023, vivo released the self-developed Blue Heart Big Model Matrix, which contains three parameter orders of one billion, ten billion, and one hundred billion. A total of 5 self-developed big models have the characteristics of large and complete, strong algorithm, true security, self-evolution, and wide open source. It fully covers core scenarios and leads the industry in model capabilities. Vivo also took the lead in open sourcing the 7 billion parameter level Blue Heart Big Model 7B and the corresponding fine-tuning framework. Developers can fine-tune based on the Blue Heart Big Model 7B, develop models and applications suitable for their own business, and try to commercialize. Based on the above thinking, vivo released the Blue River Operating System, a self-developed smart operating system that has been built for many years. It has three characteristics: inherently smarter, inherently smoother, and inherently safer.

Picture: 2023 Open Atomic Developers Conference scene

Smart, smooth, and secure, Blue River defines the future of the operating system

As a self-developed smart operating system in the era of general artificial intelligence, Blue River Operating System expands the ability of multi-modal input and output methods based on the AI large model at the intelligent level, and supports multiple recognition paths such as voice, picture, and text. At the same time, Blue River Operating System supports a new paradigm of application development. It can realize AI service engines and multi-mode input subsystems, and has many new applications of smart operating systems. It can provide code generation and graphic generation capabilities as well as customization of system vision such as themes and wallpapers. It is an essential tool for emerging productivity and creativity.

Figure: The three characteristics of the Blue River operating system are inherently smarter, inherently smoother, and inherently more secure

In order to further improve the fluency of the system, vivo must ensure that the Blue River system can run on very low-configuration devices on the one hand, and on the other hand, starting from full-stack technology, it has made breakthroughs in the five key technical directions of operating system programming language, runtime, super coroutine mechanism, virtual graphics card framework, and memory management algorithm. It has realized a series of key technologies, and the operating efficiency has been significantly improved, making the system smoother and easier to use.

Industry data shows that about 70% of serious security bugs in operating systems are related to improper memory use, and it is difficult to completely solve the problem of fixing security bugs. In this regard, vivo chose Rust language as the development language of the system framework, becoming the first operating system written in this language in the industry. The advantage of Rust language is that it can detect security problems caused by improper memory use during the compilation stage, ensuring memory safety and concurrency safety from the source.

Picture: 2023 Open Atomic Developers Conference scene

In addition, Blue River Operating System uses BlueXlink connection technology based on the distributed design concept, which is widely compatible with industry standard protocols and serves smart home, smart travel, smart office and other scenarios, supporting Blue River Operating System’s IoT intelligent experience.

Digital transformation promotes the rise of open source, technological innovation drives the future of the industry

Cultivating open source ecology is a key task of the national software development strategy. The national 14th Five-Year Plan includes open source as a long-term goal for the first time. Under the general trend of digital transformation, basic software and hardware have become an important link related to national security. Today, China has become the world’s largest open source app store. vivo, as a core member unit, promoted the establishment of the China Software Association Fast Application Ecology Branch to jointly build fast application technology standards. In 2021, the source code implementation of fast application technology standards was officially donated to the Open Atomic Open Source Foundation and became an incubation project hapjs. In 2023, the number of devices in the industry supporting the fast application technology standard of hapjs has exceeded 1.50 billion. The self-developed Blue River operating system released by vivo this year is also compatible with this ecological standard, and will jointly build an operating system software ecosystem with the industry.

In the future, vivo will continue to deepen its efforts in the field of scientific and technological innovation, cooperate with ecological partners, and make every effort to promote industrial ecological construction, contributing to the prosperity and development of the industry.

The "groupies" in Sea Science City – "Yuanwang" measures the group portraits of scientific workers on board

  On the morning of January 20, Yuanwang 6, which successfully completed the 26th and 27th Beidou navigation satellite maritime monitoring and control missions, docked at the wharf of the China Satellite Maritime Monitoring and Control Department, which also means that the China Satellite Maritime Monitoring and Control Department has started a new year of work.

  The "Yuanwang" survey ship is known as the "Maritime Science City". In 2017, the "Yuanwang" fleet successfully completed 11 maritime measurement and control missions. Here, the Science and Technology Daily reporter saw that the "star chasers" in the Maritime Science City chased their dreams in the ocean and built their dreams in space, and used practical actions to write a chapter for the realization of the "space dream".

  Gold Operator Hu Jinhui: Ocean Holding Star "First Person"

  A basin of clear water, a ping-pong ball, a pair of chopsticks – a game was going on fiercely. The swell lashed violently against the side of the boat, the hull swayed, and the ping-pong balls in the water flipped non-stop. In the flash of lightning, a pair of chopsticks firmly clamped the ping-pong ball.

  "It’s Hu Jinhui again!" The onlookers cheered. Hu Jinhui – Yuanwang No. 6 ship measurement and control technician, the main operator of a certain type of measurement and control radar.

  To measure and control space targets at sea, the operator is first required to track the target quickly, accurately and stably. The task of the radar operator is to use the radar to track and capture the target at the first time, which is directly related to the success or failure of the maritime measurement and control mission. They were the first to see the satellites in the sky on the ocean, so they were called the "first people" in the ocean to lead the star.

  "Playing this small game is not only for entertainment, but also to exercise the radar operator’s eyesight, wrist strength and arm strength." Speaking of professionalism, Hu Jinhui gushed, "The electromagnetic wave interference on board, sea level refraction interference, etc. will all affect the capture target. How to eliminate interference and quickly capture the target requires the operator to have keen observation. The left hand controls the’orientation ‘and the right hand controls the’pitch’. The combination of the two is equivalent to drawing circles with one hand and drawing squares with the other. In order to accurately control the equipment, the operator’s hands need to be extremely skilled and closely coordinated…"

  During a mission, the target appeared more than ten seconds in advance, the sky was still raining, and the target kept flashing and jumping, making it difficult to capture. Hu Jinhui was stunned, his head was blank, his palms were sweaty, and his calves were trembling. After the initial tension passed, he forced himself to calm down, find the predetermined track, and quickly captured the target with the stunt he had practiced for many years.

  In 2011, Shenzhou VIII and Tiangong-1 were rendezvous and docking in space for the first time. Yuanwang VI needed to track the spacecraft 100 laps. 100 laps, laps are all tests. The sea conditions are poor and the tracking time is long, and both physical and psychological are subject to multiple tests. In this protracted battle, Hu Jinhui and his team successfully completed the mission. In 2013, when performing the mission, in the face of unprecedented severe sea conditions, he and his colleagues carefully tested and maintained the equipment, and finally achieved "zero failure" of the radar antenna. The tracking accuracy of the circle meets the requirements of the index…

  Since boarding Yuanwang, Hu Jinhui has successfully completed more than 50 missions. Hu Jinhui said: "My dream is to keep working in my post and do my best to contribute to the aerospace industry."

  The new crew of Dr. Tian UK: giving the professional group the wings of efficiency

  Rich theory and lack of practice, plump ideals and cruel reality, the two encounter, so that the new crew of the Yuanwang No. 6 ship, Tian Yingguo, was severely slapped in the face as soon as he got on the ship.

  The first time he went to sea, he went to the harsh Indian Ocean, and the seasickness that was already commonplace to others made him complain.

  The first time he was on duty, unfamiliar equipment, numerous circuit diagrams, and complex signal flow charts kept him in a hurry.

  The first time he was on a mission, sitting behind the monitoring desk, the tense atmosphere and rigorous process made him, who was responsible for a tiny part of the satellite launch mission, feel his own insignificance and the glory of his mission.

  Difficulties always have to be overcome. Learn from the basic principles, start from the basic operation, actively communicate with the post master if you don’t understand, and work overtime to make up lessons if you don’t understand. After the foundation was firmly established, Tian Yingying made rapid progress. In just two months, he had become proficient in a series of operations such as theodolite star measurement and deformation point detection, and understood the principles, becoming a qualified optical post technician.

  After successfully passing the apprenticeship period, he did not stop his research. Taking charge of equipment is a basic requirement for every position, and Tian Yingying set himself a higher goal – to find out the equipment is insufficient and correct it.

  When performing offline data comparison on two different types of inertial navigation equipment at one time, he found that this manual comparison mode was time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the operation steps were cumbersome. The accuracy and timeliness were also highly susceptible to human factors.

  Why not give full play to his strengths and use automated software instead of manual scientific comparison? For Tian Yingying, who has been working on software data processing in the laboratory for a long time, everything seems to be a natural fit. After consulting data, discussing and analyzing, optimizing algorithms, and integrating interfaces, in repeated attempts and explorations, he successfully developed the "offline comparison software for a certain type of inertial navigation data of the surveying ship". This software was successfully run for the first time, reducing the comparison time from more than 10 minutes to 4 minutes, and the comparison accuracy was greatly improved.

  In just 100 days after boarding the ship, the new crew member Tian UK developed nearly 10 small software, including theodolite star measurement optimization software and ship elevation calculation software, which gave the professional team the wings of efficiency and made maritime measurement and control more accurate.

  System Engineer Lei Guojian: The land-sea relay looks at the "China Star" from a distance

  Lei Guojian, who had been longing for the sea since he was a child, came to work on the "Yuanwang" after graduating from college in 2008. Unexpectedly, he was assigned to the Yuanwang No. 2 ship, which was about to retire from the maritime measurement and control line. "Although Yuanwang No. 2 ship has outstanding merits, the suspension of sailing means that it cannot go to sea!" Lei Guojian was a little depressed.

  It doesn’t matter if the ship doesn’t go to sea, people are the most terrifying if they don’t have the will to fight. Lei Guojian, who cheered up, took the satellite long tube task as a maritime measurement and control task and explored a new model of "manned, unattended". The staff was reduced from 6 to 2, and the long tube task of 16 satellites and more than 1,150 laps was successfully completed, which drew a successful conclusion to the measurement and control process of Yuanwang No. 2.

  In October 2014, Yuanwang No. 7 ship officially started construction, and Lei Guojian was selected as the first batch of key personnel to go to the equipment development plant to start equipment and production learning and quality supervision.

  He fought for more than 600 days and nights in a row and traveled to more than 10 cities. He participated in the review of more than 250 equipment design drawings, found more than 20 errors in the drawings, solved more than 50 equipment problems, and firmly held the key to equipment quality control. He made great contributions to the smooth completion of Yuanwang No. 7 ship’s measurement and control equipment and the rapid formation of measurement and control capabilities.

  In May 2016, there was a problem in the first comprehensive exercise of the whole system and full staff after the construction of Yuanwang No. 7 ship – the signal flashed out! However, from the transmitter to the receiver, from the cable to the plug, from the hardware to the software one by one, the crux was not found. Lei Guojian, who was familiar with the No. 7 ship, led the professional team to work overtime to investigate one by one. The problem was finally identified as an error in the transmission polarization method, which completely solved the major technical problems.

  In the Shenzhou 11 manned flight mission, Yuanwang No. 7 was the first stick in the measurement and control of the land-sea relay. In an emergency when the target was about to enter the station, an equipment fuse blew and an alarm was issued. Lei Guojian made an emergency investigation and successfully located the faulty part, so that the equipment resumed normal work. Under the leadership of Lei Guojian, the professional team worked continuously for 20 hours, providing strong measurement and control support for the accurate orbit operation of the Shenzhou spacecraft. The professional group he led was rated as a "high-quality team" due to its excellent business ability and successful completion of the task. (Reporter
Zhang Qiang, Wei Long, Gao Chao, Yang Linhai)