What does 315 mean? What day is it? What is the theme of the party on March 15th, 2017?

  The 315 party in 2017 will be held at 8: 20 pm on March 15. The theme of this year’s party is "Gather the power of honesty with responsibility”。 Why did network integrity become the theme of this year’s 315 party? What does 315 mean? What day?

  • The live broadcast of the 315 party enters:
  • Rights phone:

What does 315 mean? What day is it? What is the theme of the party on March 15th, 2017?

The origin of 3.15

  March 15th every year is "World Consumer Rights Day", which was decided by international organization of consumers unions in 1983. Its purpose is to expand the publicity of consumer rights protection, so as to attract worldwide attention, promote the cooperation and exchanges between consumer organizations in various countries and regions, and better protect consumer rights internationally.

315— — The purposes of International Consumer Rights Day are as follows:

  1, provide information to consumers, educate consumers, improve consumers’ awareness and ability to safeguard their rights and interests.

  2. Handle consumer complaints and help consumers recover their losses.

  3, collect the opinions of consumers and feedback to the enterprise.

  4. Create public opinion, publicize consumers’ rights, and form public pressure to improve consumers’ status.

  5. Participate in the formulation of national or government laws and policies on consumers, and ask the government to establish a consumer administrative system to deal with consumer problems.

  6. Establish consumer groups and establish consumer sovereignty.

  7. Strengthen international consumer groups and cooperation.

Review: the focus of 315 over the years

2016: Building consumption togetherfreshmanform

  With the Internet going deep into life and reshaping people’s consumption concept, China’s consumption expenditure became the first driving force of economic growth in 2015. The party on March 15th, 2016 will focus on the two terms of "consumption" and "ecology". This evening’s party will focus on exposing some hidden rules of traditional consumption and emerging consumption fields. Among them, the take-away platform "Hungry" was criticized by the first name for hiding the black-hearted workshop, and it was criticized by the name because of the attention of consumers, such as the clear sale of the charging program, the hidden scam of used car trading, and the tricky promotion activities.

Related listed companies: Dao Youdao

2015: Consumption in the sun

  As early as 1999, the theme of the "March 15th" party was "Sunshine of the Century". Fifteen years later, the "March 15th" party in 2015 responded to the theme of 1999, and it was drafted as "Consumption in the Sunshine", indicating that consumers can be braver and more dignified under the sunshine of the rule of law. Operators will be more disciplined, honest and credible; Regulators have more laws to follow and stricter law enforcement.

  This March 15th party was the first to criticize the excessive maintenance of many brand 4S stores in the automobile industry. Unicom employees used customer ID cards to open more real-name cards. It was exposed that three major state-owned banks could use fake ID cards to handle cards. China Mobile and China Railcom provided various support for harassing calls. The explosion of electric hot water bottles was criticized by the party because of complaints from consumers and buyers.

Related listed companies: China Unicom, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, China Bank, No.100 Holdings, Zhongda Products, Meiling Electric.

2014: Make consumption more dignified

  2014 marks the 20th anniversary of the promulgation and implementation of the Law on the Protection of Consumers’ Rights and Interests, and it is also a new starting point for the promulgation and implementation of the New Consumer Law. The theme of the party is to make consumption more dignified and revolve around the words "faith, law and righteousness".

  The first person to be criticized by name was Hangzhou Guangqi Trading Company, which imported expired food as raw materials for bakery, and the expiration time ranged from several days to several years. These expired raw materials were repackaged or sold after the date was modified.

  Other topics that are widely concerned by consumers, such as Gaohong, a subsidiary of Datang Telecom, implanting malicious software to reveal users’ privacy, violating the rules of Kangenbei brand cod liver oil, stealing money in public places without password wifi, and falsifying the fuel consumption of Haima cars, have been complained by consumers.

Related listed companies: Gaohong, Datang Telecom, Kang Enbei, Haima Automobile

2013: I am the master of my rights and interests.

  Online shopping is increasingly recognized by consumers and has become an important part of people’s lives.

  The first company criticized by name this year is the Apple mobile phone maintenance scam. After-sales maintenance of iPhone mostly adopts the whole machine exchange situation, while in China, the back cover of iPhone will not be replaced, and if the back cover is replaced, it will cost about 500 yuan more. Others named include the bulge of JAC Tongyue’s body paint, the loss of power during the driving of Volkswagen DSG gearbox and other complaints from consumers.

Related listed companies: JAC Automobile

2012: Building Honesty Together with You and Me

  Fake prices, commercial fraud and other acts of losing credibility not only harm the interests of the people, but also endanger the development of economy and society and hinder the civilization and progress of the nation and society. The theme of the party on March 15, 2012 is to build integrity together, with you and me.

  This 3.15 party exposed a series of business dishonesty incidents, such as McDonald’s selling expired food, Zhengzhou Guomao 360 Carrefour store being exploded to change the product packaging date, China Telecom providing spam companies with a full network channel to post spam messages, employees of China Merchants Bank and ICBC leaking information about customers sold, and illegal enterprises in Shantou, Guangdong Province making children’s toys with medical waste.

Related listed companies: China Telecom, China Merchants Bank and Industrial and Commercial Bank.

2011: Escort new consumption

  In 2011, around the theme of "escorting new consumption", under the premise of paying more attention to the new historical background, we will pay attention to the new phenomena and problems in the emerging consumption field and set our eyes on the most concerned, direct and realistic consumption problems of the people.

  The first Kumho tire to be criticized by name used a lot of recycled rubber in the production process, which greatly reduced the safety performance of the finished tire. Other names criticized include Shuanghui Clenbuterol incident, Gome’s malicious deception of state subsidy funds by exchanging old ones for new ones, Tian Popo’s illegal drug bath injury incident, and Hebei Chenguang Factory’s production of napkins with deinked paper, which have attracted consumers’ attention in the new consumption era.

Related listed companies: Shuanghui Development, Gome

2010: new rules, new impetus

  Compared with the 1990s, the consumption environment, consumption characteristics and consumption patterns have undergone earth-shaking changes in 2010. Consumers are more hurt by merchant rules. At the same time, once the rules go wrong, it is no longer individuals who are hurt, but all consumers. The theme of this March 15th party is "New Rules, New Motives".

  The first thing criticized at the party was the high maintenance cost of HP tablet. Some consumers reported that HP only guaranteed the expensive screen in the notebook for two years. Once the screen has problems and the warranty period exceeds two years, consumers will have to bear huge maintenance costs, which is contrary to the warranty policy of "one year for the whole machine and three years for the main components" generally implemented by the state.

Related listed companies: HP

Wang Sicong and Wang Jianlin appeared in Huang Yiming’s live stream, and netizens were boiling

Text/Pineapple Xiaojiu

It had been quite a while since Huang Yiming brought his daughter to recognize his father.

The netizens also went from shock, suspicion and expectation at the beginning to acceptance and recognition.

After all, Huang Yiming made such a big commotion, and Wang Sicong and the Wang family did not come forward to deny it.

Without denying it, in the hearts of netizens, it is equivalent to acquiescence.

Wang Sicong has not responded to this matter since his last comment.

Just when everyone thought that the Wang family was going to deal with this matter coldly, Wang Sicong and Wang Jianlin both appeared in Huang Yiming’s live stream.

The netizens were instantly excited.

What happened?

It turned out that when Huang Yiming was live, a netizens claiming to be "Grandpa Wang" and "Your Dad is here" suddenly appeared in the live stream.

The former’s avatar is Wang Jianlin, and the latter’s avatar is Wang Sicong’s avatar on ins "Your father is here".

This person has entered the live stream, and the carnival has swiped several times.

The key is that this person not only brushes the carnival, but also keeps leaving messages in the comment area:

Dad is here, Dad is here!

The netizens couldn’t help but wonder:

Is this Wang Sicong himself?

After all, in the live stream, there are not many big brothers who can make a move to the carnival.

Those who can brush several in a row are even rarer.

Just as he was talking, there were a few more large-scale crazy brush special effects.

The name has nothing to do with Wang Sicong, and many netizens still question it.

Will there be Wang Sicong’s trumpet among these numbers…

It feels like Wang Sicong is really:As people sit at home, the pot falls from the sky.

The netizens were also shocked by the fantastical plot direction and the unexpected special effects.

Everyone is constantly discussing, and some people understand each other.

Dad is here, so come out and show your face generously.

Some netizens said:

Didn’t he already show up? He even brushed the carnival, how could he still show up?

Some netizens are also questioning:

Is it really Wang Sicong? Impossible?

Some netizens replied:

The operation of such a ghost horse is obviously the work of Wang Sicong…

The key is that there is a user who uses Wang Jianlin’s avatar, and the account with the same avatar as Wang Sicong has been sending hearts.

As a result, everyone can always see that two numbers similar to Wang Jianlin and Wang Sicong have been floating above the comment area.

The netizens called out directly:

Mr. Wang is mighty, is this going to start being domineering to protect his wife?

Some people also expressed that:

It’s just that the avatar is the same, it shouldn’t be the Wang father and son.

Then some netizens said:

Is there a possibility that they are themselves, deliberately appearing in such a strange way, so that people can’t imagine them.

































The public has raised three major questions about Hangzhou Fujiazi’s drag racing crash

One of Tan Zhuo’s favorite photos during his lifetime became his last photo.

Data map: Photo by Ren Ye, a reporter for the driver involved in the accident

  The public questions the "5.7" drag racing death case

  Our reporter, Wang Chengming, correspondent, Yan Yongzhou

  Question 1: Can the perpetrator still go home and surf the Internet?

  After the QQ space of the perpetrator Hu Bin was found and cracked by netizens, there were photos of Hu Bin himself traveling in Beijing in the space. The mood of the space owner was updated in the early morning of May 8 to: "Blank, causing a big disaster." This update aroused strong doubts from netizens: Under the premise of criminal responsibility, the perpetrator Hu Bin was actually lifted from the compulsory measures that night and went home to surf the Internet?

  One car owner, who did not want to be named, said that at the scene of the incident, the attitude of the traffic police handling the case changed subtly before and after the long phone contact with the perpetrator’s mother. And Hu Bin was able to go home that night. The fact that Hu Bin was not investigated for multiple violations before the incident also raises questions. It can be said that this "loose" law enforcement environment created the impunity of lawbreakers and led to the tragedy.

  Question 2: The speed of the vehicle involved in the accident was only 70 yards per hour?

  At the first press conference of the West Lake Traffic Control Department, it was initially determined that the speed of the vehicle involved was 70 yards per hour, based on the statements of the parties and the statements of relevant witnesses.

  This raised more questions. Witnesses at the scene at the time said that Tan Zhuo flew nearly 5 meters high when he was hit by the car, and it was obvious that the speed of 70 yards per hour could not be established.

  A vehicle expert, who did not want to be named, believes that according to the original braking equipment of the accident car factory, it takes about 35 meters to brake at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour to 0. After the vehicle hits the person, it takes more than 50 meters to stop. According to the driver’s instinctive reaction, assuming that he braked at full force at that time and the speed was at least 100 kilometers or more, according to the speed limit of 50 kilometers on this road, it is absolutely not wrong to say that the perpetrator was speeding at more than double the speed at that time.

  The traffic control department has released information one after another in the past two days, and has re-visited the scene to measure the speed of the vehicle, but the public still has doubts. Can the speed measurement of the accident be more transparent?

  Question 3: Is it a "traffic accident" or "endangering public safety"?

  After Hu Bin was criminally detained by the police on the charge of "causing a traffic accident," the public questioned that his drag racing in a busy area caused death, which constituted "disregard for the safety of unspecified public personnel" and met the criminal requirements of "endangering public safety."

  Because the penalties for the two crimes in the Criminal Law are far apart, the former can be sentenced to less than three years in prison, while the latter can be sentenced to death.

  Liu Chenglin, a lawyer at Liuhe Law Firm, expressed confidence that the court will make a trial according to law. He believes that the core of the case is the subjective intention of the perpetrator Hu Bin to drive at high speed. In any case, I believe that the huge social effect of this incident will become an important reference indicator for the judge to decide the case.

  (Hangzhou, May 12)

  Ask "Road Killer"

  A university graduate in his prime has left us regretfully. But who will be next? When will "road killers" stop taking lives?

  One of the follow-up questions:

  A "killer" who doesn’t pay for his life can only be let go?

  Everyone knows that "ten accidents are nine times faster".

  But why are so many people still speeding recklessly, even in the streets?

  "The most important thing is to have a heavy enough price for breaking the law so that those people don’t dare to do whatever they want." Many experts and readers have pointed out that from a management perspective, the penalties for those responsible for traffic accidents are too light. Generally, points are deducted and money is lost, and most of them do not need to pay for themselves, and the insurance company will settle the claim. Even if the person is killed, according to the "Criminal Law", it is generally sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention.

  Xiao Yan, an associate professor at Guanghua Law School at Zhejiang University, said: "I think some serious speeding violations should not be equated with ordinary traffic accidents. The nature of this mentality is’disregard for the safety of unspecified public personnel ‘, and should be considered for suspected endangerment of public safety." In August last year, the Chaoyang District People’s Court in Beijing sentenced three young men for the first time for "endangering public safety".

  According to the provisions of the Criminal Law, crimes against public safety are felonies punishable by fixed-term imprisonment of more than 10 years, life imprisonment or the death penalty. The deterrent effect of felonies on traffic offenders will undoubtedly be greatly enhanced.

  The second question:

  Illegal rage, can you revoke the "killer license" in time?

  The perpetrator of the "May 7" drag racing death in Hangzhou had speeding three times before, including the one in December last year, which reached 210 kilometers per hour, while the speed limit was 120 kilometers per hour, far more than 50%.

  The province’s penalties for serious speeding violations have always been strict, exceeding the specified speed by more than 50%, and the driver’s license will be revoked.

  Liu Zikun, a driver with more than 10 years of driving experience, said: "The reason why the driver’s license of this perpetrator has not been revoked may involve a procedural issue. Now catching speeding is basically an off-site law enforcement, and then the punishment notice is mailed to the offender. If the offender does not take the initiative to accept the punishment, it will be counted as a’general ledger ‘at the annual trial."

  Liu Zikun said that if the off-site law enforcement finds that the driver’s license is to be revoked, it should be "specially handled" and severely punished as soon as it is found. Only in this way can the threat to public safety and other lives be reduced in a timely manner, and it is also a more responsible approach for the violator himself.

  Question number three:

  The zebra crossing has become a "death line", where does the sense of security come from?

  "Pedestrians are frequently killed at zebra crossings, which is almost a’death line ‘. This is a great irony to social order and modern rule of law."

Fujiazi drag racing accident news tracking:

    The Revelation of the Case of Hangzhou Fujiazi’s Drag Racing Death (Part 1)

    The Revelation of the Case of Hangzhou Fujiazi’s Drag Racing Death (Part 2)

    Hangzhou Fujiazi drag car crash continues: Police urgently search for two key witnesses

    The "rich family son" drag racing tragedy continues: the Public Security Bureau answers questions from the outside world

    Flaunting wealth and hating wealth: the social divide that cannot be ignored

    Hangzhou police talk about the death of a rich boy in a drag racing accident: the case will be handled fairly

    Fujiazi once raced on the Shanghai-Hangzhou Expressway to 210 kilometers per hour

    Expert: Rich boy’s drag racing behavior has been suspected of "endangering public safety"

    Sunshine, motivated, caring, loving life, this is Tan Zhuo

    Tan Zhuo, go well, there are no cars coming and going in heaven

    Why do highways frequently stage "life and death speed"?

The Internet exposed a number of film plans, Deng Chao cooperated with Zhang Jiajia and Zhou Xun to partner Yao Chen

"Ferryman" and "To Youth 2" projects were exposed

    1905 movie network news Recently, some netizens on Weibo revealed several new film plans for 2015. In addition to the already public "To Youth 2", which has been produced by Wang Jiawei, directed by Zhang Jiajia, and starred by Wu Yifan, the lineup of several other films is also quite interesting. Among them, Zhou Xun and Yao Chen will co-star in "Love Returns to CBD", Deng Chao will star in Zhang Jiajia’s film adaptation, and Peng Yuyan and Zhou Dongyu will co-star in the film, all of which were first exposed in 2015.

    Previously, the news that "Ferryman" was produced by Wong Kar-wai, directed by Zhang Jiajia, and starring Tony Leung has been officially announced by the filmmaker Ali Pictures, and the exposed information also revealed that a first-line popular actress is also in talks. The film will be released before June 2016. In addition to the male lead Wu Yifan who has signed the contract, "To Youth 2, You Are Here" is also negotiating for Angelababy and Jing Boran to star. The film is expected to be released by the end of this year.

"Love Returns to CBD" and "Passing Through Your World" plans were exposed

    The news of several films in this revelation can be described as heavy news. Zhou Xun and Yao Chen have signed on to star in "Love Returns to CBD". The director of the film is Lu Yang, who has successfully directed, and the two male lead candidates are also likely to be Wu Yanzu and Feng Shaofeng in negotiations. If true, the lineup is strong. The film is an inspirational female film about Zhou Xun’s role as a female assistant at a Wall Street investment bank who is determined to pursue and reinvent herself under the dilemma of love and morality. It will start in Beijing, Hong Kong and New York in March this year, and is expected to be released in the New Year’s Eve in 2016.

    Previously, the news that Zhang Jiajia’s work "Passing Through Your World" would be made into a movie attracted much attention, and this time, Zhang Jiajia served as the producer of the film, and the director and starring candidates will be Zhang Yibai and Deng Chao. The film will also be released in the first half of this year and will be released within next year.

The Tibetan White Paper will star Peng Yuyan and Zhou Dongyu

    The previously rumored "Tibetan White Paper" starring Peng Yuyan and Yang Zishan has also been exposed. The candidate for the male lead of the film is still Peng Yuyan, and the candidate for the female lead has become Zhou Dongyu. Based on the diary-style novel of the same name written by real people and true events, the film tells the road love story of a Hong Kong boy and a Jiangxi girl who meet in Lhasa in 2003 during SARS. Directed by director Lin Yuxian and produced by Guan Jinpeng, it will be released before June next year.

Shanhai L9 "big, provincial and strong" three product advantages

Jietu Automobile is releasing the Shanhai new energy sequence, and announced the first mass production officially, priced at 16.69-18 8,900 yuan. The new car is based on Kunpeng hybrid C-DM technology, positioned as "big family big seven-seat super hybrid", this time a total of Air Light, Air, Pro, Max 4 models have been launched, with the three product advantages of "big, provincial and strong" to create a new car experience of travel + hybrid

Appearance colors include Tianshui Bi, black, salt lake white, distant mountain gray, mist gray, and aurora green. Interior colors include spring green with fresh home style and dark black with light luxury style.

With 4862mm long body and 2850mm long wheelbase, the ultimate variable space, more in line with big family user requirements;

Adopting Kunpeng Super Hybrid C-DM, it has an industry-leading 44.5%, with a comprehensive operating mileage of 1100Km; equipped with 8155 high computing power platform, it provides more than 15,000 Jietu road books, making it convenient for users to plant their own travel routes at any time.

Jietu Shanhai L9 is also the first hybrid model that promises lifelong quality assurance of the whole vehicle, which can be called the "most ideal car in the 200,000 class"

Peng Yuyan: Strongly through the desolation

Original Madame Figaro Madame Figaro

Forging and polishing the body as the container of the character, extreme self-discipline, concentration, and almost symbolic masculine aesthetic template, these characteristics related to beauty and will character constitute Peng Yuyan, or rather, the established impression of Peng Yuyan facing the outside world. After more than 20 years in the industry, the accumulated works have continuously consolidated this side. Peng Yuyan is no longer a name, but a label bound to many entries.

When he leads his dog on the red carpet and beach in Cannes, people are in a trance for a moment: Peng Yuyan is actually 42 years old? – Yes, he has reached the age of a middle-aged actor, and time has left natural marks on his face. In the upcoming movie "Dog Formation", Peng Yuyan plays a northwestern man released on parole, dark, hunched, silent, and almost without lines. On the cold and desolate Gobi, forsaken by human society, he and an equally lost black dog depend on each other and redeem each other.

After the film was completed, he adopted the partner who helped him complete most of the filming and named him Xiao Xin. On May 24, "Dog Array" won the Best Film Award in the "One Kind of Attention" section of the 77th Cannes Film Festival by a unanimous vote. Xiao Xin also won the "Golden Palm for Dogs" jury award specially designed to honor animals at the Cannes Film Festival. Peng Yuyan accepted the award on his behalf. He smiled and teased that he came to Cannes with the "Roll! Ashin" crew 13 years ago, but did not win the award. Xiao Xin won the award the first time he came.

At the seaside of Cannes, passers-by asked Xiao Xin’s name was "Xin" of "Hard"? He gently corrected: It was Xin of Cinderella.

Like Erlang in "Dog Formation", he is also back on the road. With Xiao Xin, there is also a stable heart.

Before "Dog Array," Peng Yuyan had not been filming for two years. The pause button was initially pressed by the environment, and he himself wanted to seriously consider the next development direction, so the pace naturally slowed down. Over the past decade or so, his amazing will for movies and performances has become a self-discipline sample: substantial muscle gain, fat loss, various professional-level skills, high cooperation without fear of hardship, and willingness to "suffer". The director who has worked with him commented, "Peng Yuyan can use his soul to command the body. He doesn’t care how much damage, laziness and coquetry his body has."

When suffering becomes the norm, the outside world is naturally full of curiosity and inquiry, and the bitter swallower himself can only give his own answers again and again in interviews and inquiries. In this interview, the 42-year-old Peng Yuyan was much more peaceful, just smiled lightly, "I need a breakthrough point and landing point for the performance, otherwise how can I act? The process of preparation and learning can help me enter faster. Is there a real happy creation in the world? I want to say I have it, that would sound cool, but it turns out that I don’t, I really don’t have it."

In this industry, "hand familiarity" is almost non-existent, and any actor with creative requirements will tighten in front of the camera, hoping to give an expression that meets the standard or breaks through his own. Peng Yuyan has expressed his reverence for acting more than once, and to this day he still worries that he will not be able to act well and that the homework for the role is not enough. "There are still a lot of helplessness and doubts in the acting, and there are too many uncertainties in the process. But I can’t help it. I try my best to do it, and I can only believe in myself at that time."

When the cast of "Dogs" was announced, some netizens expressed skepticism that Peng Yuyan, who is regarded by the public as tall and handsome, is difficult to connect with the social fringes released on parole in small towns in the west. But after the film was screened in Cannes, it received a warm response. Zavier Dolan, who is the chairperson of the jury of the "One Focus" section, said, "This is a master director’s work."

The story takes place in 2008 in a small town on the northwestern border. Peng Yuyan plays Erlang, who is released from prison on parole. He has a shaved head, dark complexion, and a little hunched back. From time to time, he purses his lips and shrinks, his eyes are indifferent and dull, and he is full of vigilance and defense. The whole film may only have dozens of words, and the silence that borders on aphasia also represents Erlang’s departure and break from society. Because of his special status, he is banned from leaving the town and has no hope of a new life. Forced to make a living, he can only join the local dog fighting team that rounders up stray dogs.

In the pursuit of a black dog suspected of carrying rabies virus, Jiro and the black dog "don’t bite and don’t know each other". It is also because of the mutual company and redemption of the black dog that Jiro has gained the courage to go back on the road and break through the "array" that once limited him. The film’s tone is cold, and there are a lot of large-scale vistas of the desolate landscape of the Gobi, where one person and one dog are particularly insignificant. But even such a person who struggles to survive in harsh weather and embarrassing situations still has real desires and dreams. He wants to have a new life.

Unlike most of Peng Yuyan’s screen images, the character of Erlang can be said to have nothing to do with good-looking, and the whole person is withdrawn and gloomy. In order to be close to the identity and local environment, he has to be tanned and rough, and with aphasia and silence, the performance can hardly be expressed by lines. Peng Yuyan initially received the script and thought Erlang was dumb. "Later, it was found that he did not know how to speak, but did not want to speak. He took the initiative to cut off the language and only communicate with people he trusted. This made me feel quite challenged."

Before 2020, Peng Yuyan had been in a state of intense output, shooting seven consecutive plays in one year. His screen image ranged from gymnast to police officer, college student to air-conditioning repairman, and the role map was very broad. But the role of Erlang, Peng Yuyan admitted that it was unprecedented, "I really want to experience this process from the perspective of an observer. And the timing is quite coincidental. I got this script at the age of 40, and it has a strong touch and resonance. If I had seen it ten years earlier, I might not have had these empathy."

There was another reason why Peng Yuyan was moved by the love of the director Guan Hu. "I think the director is a person who loves animals very much." He counted the director’s previous works, "Bullfight", "Killing Life", "Old Pao’er" and "Eight Hundred", all of which had various animal shoots.

The filming was concentrated in Guazhou and Yumen, Gansu Province, where the climate was dry and the ultraviolet rays were strong. Peng Yuyan went to experience life in advance, and learned about the customs, living habits, and intonation and accent. These preparations were no different from every time he entered the group in the past. Step by step, he started to change from the environment and moved closer to the role. But there were also very different content from the past. For example, he didn’t have to over-carve his muscles, and his training programs were replaced by motorcycle and animal rehearsals. The crew hired a professional team to train animal actors, and he also had a lot of training to do.

Animals are extremely difficult to shoot, and there are many uncontrollable factors. There are hundreds of dogs on the crew of "Dog Formation", as well as tigers and other large animals in the zoo plot. These all require Peng Yuyan to rehearse in advance to reduce mistakes on the scene. "Animals are not actually performing, they are just showing natural and real reactions, obeying human instructions, and each reaction may be different," he smiled, feeling that he had become the one being taken away, "I will be influenced, I am not acting, everyone is the real performance."

The director Guan Hu also mentioned in the Cannes interview, "It’s more important to pay attention to the wildness of Peng Yuyan. In many movies, it is difficult for him to show the strong wildness and the loneliness in his body. In fact, he doesn’t need to act. As long as he is given a state, he will naturally show it."

In the film, Jiro tried several times to ride a motorcycle out of the town, but failed. One of the falls, Peng Yuyan has a shot of wiping the blood on his forehead with his hand, with a bit of the mythical mystery of Erlang’s eyes opening, indicating that he is about to break through his inner demons.

However, Peng Yuyan did not specify where Jiro’s awakening was. He felt that the artistic judgment should still be handed over to the audience. After the performance was edited and arranged differently, the final feeling belonged to the audience.

In reality, when I really came into contact with Peng Yuyan, I couldn’t feel the "wildness" that Director Guan Hu said at all. His speech was low-pitched, he loved to laugh, and occasionally he would make a few humorous jokes. In addition, this time he brought Xiao Xin, and he had to appease his emotions from time to time. The whole persona is very soft. "I also hope to say that I can create happily, and I can act simply and easily, but I still want to tell everyone that the filming is not as good as I thought. Sorry, it’s a little ruining my beautiful imagination," he smiled wryly, "Sometimes it rains half the time, or when I have a meal, I have to wait until I come back and then shoot. The mood has been broken, and the state of the human and the dog is not compatible, so I can shoot again, and I can’t help it

But there was a small detail that flashed by, but it could give a glimpse of how he and Jiro fit together –

"Peng Yuyan, who has been repeatedly discussed and written by the outside world, what are the differences between the Peng Yuyan you personally know?"

After listening to it, he almost didn’t think much about it, and immediately replied: "I don’t even know what kind of person I am, and I’m still looking for it. The outside world’s opinions definitely don’t represent all of me. The online world we are in contact with now is used to showing the delicate and beautiful side, but good or bad, I am myself. It’s normal for others not to know or misunderstand, and I don’t care that much about it."

Jiro is speechless and withdrawn. He doesn’t care about the outside world’s opinions, and he doesn’t care about his own injuries. He just wants to ride a motorcycle and leave the town. As a result, he rolls around in the wind and sand, and bleeds in embarrassment. But if you can’t do it once, you have to come again. He is a marginal person in society, but he also has a little enthusiasm in his heart. When he met this role at the age of 40, Peng Yuyan felt that the timing was right. "He gave me some new ideas about the emotional communication between humans and animals, including my own cognition and pursuit of performance. Animals are very simple. They live in the moment and will not hide their feelings. They can receive the kindness and sincerity you release. Now it is all about emotional internal friction. I think it may be that the desire and self-awareness are too strong? You see, I only live with dogs in the play, what’s the point of internal friction, right? "

During his time in Cannes, photos of Peng Yuyan walking his dog on the red carpet and being met by passers-by while walking his dog on the beach appeared frequently on domestic social platforms, and the comment section praised his relaxed state. This is in sharp contrast to the extreme self-discipline that once became his label, and it is also like a strange intertext of fate – Peng Yuyan has indeed entered a new stage of life.

After the pace of work slowed down, Peng Yuyan spent more time with his family and enriched himself. He was very filial to his mother, and he took her to travel around the world when he had time, including this time at Cannes, to share the joy of winning awards directly with his mother. Studio footage recorded him and his mother hugging and cheering, like lively children. During the previous period of recuperation, he also accompanied his mother to do various experiments. "I will accompany my mother to practice the piano and take piano lessons with her. I follow my teacher to learn pottery by myself, sometimes practice calligraphy, read the" Tao Te Ching ", and meditate. The main thing is to experience a lot of different things, and my family likes to do them together."

Before coming to France, Peng Yuyan was deeply impressed by the scenery and architecture of Nice and Lyon, as well as the flower fields of Provence. At that time, he also took his mother to the nearby "clay city", Roussillon, where the soil is rich in red ochre sand mines, famous for its magnificent red cliffs, orange-red house facades and ochre quarries. The town was originally named Viscus Russulus, which means "red mountain" in Latin. The aerial view of the picture is full of red, and it looks full of vitality. – Peng Yuyan introduced with great interest, trying to pronounce the word starting with R, with a serious and funny expression. Everyone laughed.

"I remember that there are shows everywhere near Red Earth City, so I took my mother to play. The houses over there are also red and orange, which is very beautiful. After the ochre is mined, there will be large mines that turn into caves. We watched the projection animation in it, and it felt great."

Of course, the trip was also deeply touched. Peng Yuyan also went to see the room where Van Gogh lived before his death, just like the painting of "Van Gogh’s Bedroom in Arles". The room was low and narrow, and it did not look so comfortable. He also thought about the artist’s creation and life there, some things that were not pleasant and light. As an actor, the sensitivity of the senses cannot be turned off, and it will be hit at any time.

He had to admit that there were too many moments when he was "hit", and there were many moments of confusion and pain in his life, and the tempering from the body was only part of it. "This question is too difficult," he began to smile bitterly again, "There are so many things happening in the world every day, and there are all kinds of natural and man-made disasters. If emotions can be put into words, wouldn’t it be too simple? After all, people are so complicated."

Just now, he was still talking about how he only lived with dogs when filming "Dog Formation", which was easier than people. Soon, the interview questions from human society stumped Peng Yuyan. "You will ask me how my birthday was, how my life changed, who remembers?" He laughed in distress, showing a child-like expression, but complaining was a complaint, but he still racked his brain to recall, and took the answer out of his head, "Oh, I remember! I’m taking a break for my birthday this year. In the past, every birthday was filming, and it was rare to take a break this year."

In his early twenties, Peng Yuyan made a name for himself by his hard work. After the age of thirty, these hardships were left on his body as medals, along with the wounds and scars left by training and shooting. In the interview during the promotion stage of the movie "Emergency Rescue", he said that the wounds and scars he fell in the past still itch at night. But people rely on their will to survive and use their energy in what they think is right. Now in his forties, he wants to save energy for things he likes in the future, and when he encounters the moment to fight again, he will fight again.

"Experience, I came to this world to experience," he chose to accept all the feelings that appeared, "There is a voice deep in our hearts that we may not be able to hear, but intuition exists, guiding us to do something. I like to climb mountains and go to sea, ski and ride, go to different places around the world to see different cultures, these energy from the outside world are injected into the body, very happy."

If you are not happy occasionally, it doesn’t matter. Peng Yuyan recently received "One Hundred Years of Solitude" from a friend. In the long story, there are so many ups and downs, but the book is over when closed. Returning to his own life, he believes that the key is "forgiveness", "People will be internal friction and fragile, but that is still myself. If it is not good or perfect, I will forgive myself, and these shortcomings will not affect me to become a complete and real person at all."

Produced by PRESENTED KAN Hongjie

Producer & Styling SUPERVISOR & STYLING Chen Liming

PHOTOGRAPHY Alex Huanfa Cheng


MAKE UP Jane Weiwen


Produced by PRODUCER Mai Mai

Interview & Writing INTERVIEW & WRITER Gu Xiang

Video Director VIDEO DIRECTOR Shen Hui



Original title: "HOMMES Cover Story | Peng Yuyan: Strongly Through the Desolation"

Read the original text

Old swimming photos with Lin Qingxia exposed, Jackie Chan said his favorite is still Lin Fengjiao (photo)

Jackie Chan (from right) posed for a group photo with Qingxia Lin and Qin Xianglin in Thailand many years ago.

Jackie Chan prepares for dinner after the premiere.

  China News Service, March 25, Jackie Chan went to Taiwan yesterday with Wu Yanzu and director Er Dongsheng to build momentum for the movie "Shinjuku Incident" and attended the premiere. Seeing more tourists at Taoyuan Airport, he said: "There is a feeling of warming up, and the economy should improve." Recently, old photos of him wearing swimming trunks and Lin Qingxia and Qin Xianglin appeared on the Internet. He said yesterday: "It was taken when we went to Thailand to do charity activities before marriage. At that time, a group of people played paragliding, and I almost died." He also talked about his past relationship with Teresa Teng, and revealed that his wife Lin Fengjiao rejected the 15 million yuan (NT $, the same below) advertising invitation.

  According to Taiwan’s Apple Daily, Jackie Chan’s appearance at the premiere of "Shinjuku Incident" this time is to promote the film again after going to Taiwan in September 2003 to promote "Gold Medal Avoid Death". Before the premiere, he gave a non-stop interview. The interview with Dongfeng "Entertainment @Asia" also broke the news of Lin Qingxia, saying that he and Lin Qingxia and Qin Xianglin beach eye-catching photos were circulated on the Internet. At that time, Lin Qingxia wanted to go into the water, but was worried that someone would look at her in a swimsuit, so she had to give up the idea. The host Hou Pei-cen praised his strong abdominal muscles, and Jackie Chan couldn’t help but laugh at himself: "It used to be a 6-pack muscle, but now it is a unity muscle."

  When interviewed by Zhongtian, he admitted that his relationship with the late superstar Teresa Teng was caused by the right time and place, and he was busy adding that his favorite was still Lin Fengjiao.

  He also said that many people were looking for Lin Fengjiao to come back, and offered her 15 million yuan to shoot shampoo advertisements. "I asked her, if you just wash your hair and move it, can you make some money for me? But she just refused."

  He seemed nervous at the beginning of the premiere last night, and stuttered slightly. After the premiere, he went to the "Ji Yuan" restaurant on Dunhua South Road for dinner. When asked if he had felt old in the past few years, Jackie Chan said slowly: "When a person reaches a certain age, there will always be certain places that are not good!" Does he feel powerless? Jackie Chan replied philosophically: "We are not in the ring!" Asked if his hair is thinner after middle age? He immediately hunched over his body to show the reporter carefully and said directly: "Is there?"

Editor in charge: Zhang Renhe

Liu Yifei: "Dew Beauty" was beaten in the kissing scene, and the director treated me as a vase

    1905 movie network news On October 29, director Gao Xixi made an appearance at the film press conference with the stars of the new film, Liu Yifei, Wang Xuebing, and Tang Yan. One of the male protagonists, Rain Zheng Zhixun, was unable to attend the event due to filming in South Korea. At the scene, Liu Yifei revealed that the shooting scene was full of danger. In addition to jumping off a building and drowning, she was also "punched" by Wang Xuebing during the kissing scene. Director Gao Xixi praised Liu Yifei for being "willing to work hard for the role", but she jokingly "blackened herself": "Actually, I know that the director didn’t expect much from me at the beginning, just treated me as a vase."

    It is reported that the movie "Dew Beauty" will be officially released in theaters on November 7.

Liu Yifei was beaten by Wang Xuebing in a kissing scene, and the director initially regarded me as a vase

    Liu Yifei, who plays the heroine Xing Lu in the film "Lushui Hongyan" based on Zhang Xiaoxian’s novel "Lushui Hongyan", said she chose to take on the role because she saw the dramatic conflict in the character, which opened up more possibilities for her performance: "Xing Lu is a very divided person. She has contradictions and hatred in her heart, and there are many plays within the play, which is a bit like." In order to fully present Xing Lu’s struggles with money and love, the director arranged a lot of visually striking scenes. Watching Liu Yifei keep filming underwater all day for a drowning scene, Gao Xixi was moved and praised her as an actress who was "willing to work hard for the role". Hearing the director’s praise, Liu Yifei "blackened herself": "In fact, the director should have no expectations for me at the beginning, just treat me as a vase!"

    In addition to the scenes of jumping off a building and drowning, Liu Yifei also revealed that the process of her kissing scene with Wang Xuebing was also "dangerous": "The two of us were scuffling and kissing in the heavy rain, and I suddenly felt punched in the face." Wang Xuebing hurriedly explained: "Hand slippery! Hand slippery!" And complained: "The passion scenes in’Dew Beauty ‘are like martial arts scenes!" In contrast, another male protagonist, Rain, is obviously more "liked" by Liu Yifei. Although the language is not clear, Liu Yifei said that the two have a tacit understanding during the play, and praised the other party as a "genius": "Our lines are often long and long, and I pause very casually, but Rain can match my rhythm, which is very genius."

Gao Xixi said that he will continue to make movies, and Wang Xuebing talked about Li Yapeng: He is now single

    Gao Xixi is known to audiences for making TV series such as "Happiness is Like a Flower" and "Three Kingdoms". "Beauty in Dew" is his first big-screen work. Another well-known TV director, Zhao Baogang, has just released his film debut. In an interview, Zhao Baogang said that if the box office of the work is not good, he will return to the small screen and will not try again. In this regard, Gao Xixi has a diametrically opposite attitude: "I like movies, and I have confidence in the box office of’Beauty in Dew ‘. If there is a bad result, I will also’lose again and again’."

    Wang Xuebing, who starred in "scum" in "Dew Beauty", is currently busy rehearsing the play, and he also appeared on the stage with a rather decadent and exaggerated appearance on the same day. Earlier, Li Yapeng, a friend in Wang Xuebing’s circle, was photographed going to the theater to visit the class. Regarding Li Yapeng’s state after his divorce from Wang Fei, Wang Xuebing responded: "He is single now, so he controls his private life." When asked if he would introduce a new girlfriend to his good friend, he said flatly: "I don’t do this."

Li Bingbing’s "Di Renjie" resembles Lin Qingxia, and Xu Hark is shocked by falling off a horse and being injured

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"Shangguan Jinger" looks exactly like Lin Qingxia back then.

Li Bingbing men’s clothing styling.

  NetEase EntertainmentJuly 22 NewsThe intense filming of Hengdian, the martial arts detective blockbuster "Di Renjie’s Tongtian Empire" that has invested over 100 million yuan, is coming to an end. After the recent exposure of Andy Lau’s version of "Di Renjie", the crew once again exposed the appearance of the female lead Li Bingbing’s "Shangguan Jinger". From the photos, the heroism and ruthlessness between the eyebrows are very similar to Lin Qingxia in "The Invincible East".

  It is reported that in the film, Li Bingbing and Andy Lau and Leung Ka Hui have a lot of fighting scenes, and injuries are inevitable. Since Leung Ka Hui and Andy Lau were injured, Li Bingbing also fell from his horse yesterday, injuring his ankle. Fortunately, he did not injure a bone, which would not affect the filming process, but it really shocked Director Tsui Hark.

  Samuel HungLi Bingbing is said to resemble Lin Qingxia back then

  The style that Tsui Hark designed for Lin Qingxia in "The Invincible East" was a classic that was still fresh in people’s memory. Now, on the 25th anniversary of Tsui Hark Film Studio, "Di Renjie’s Tongtian Empire" is the 50th work of the studio. Xu Hark, who has not made a martial arts film in five years, is shooting this martial arts return at this time. It is no longer so important whether it is a tribute or an innovation. The recently exposed "Di Renjie" style played by Andy Lau, see a fashionable version of Di Renjie, horn hat, suit collar, and a hipster look, but from today’s exposure of Li Bingbing’s "Shangguan Jing’er" style, it seems that we can see the shadow of Xu Hark’s earlier martial arts, high bun, thick eyebrows and big eyes with a ruthlessness, a complete replica of Lin Qingxia in "The Invincible East", and even martial arts instructor Hong Jinbao saw it for the first time Call it too similar.

  The prototype of Shangguan Jing’er’s corner is "Shangguan Wan’er", the first female prime minister in history. She has been protecting and carefully serving Wu Zetian, who can be said to be Wu Zetian’s eyes and ears. This time, Xu Ke has added a lot of "super powers" to her. In addition to climbing the cornice and walking the wall, he also used ventriloquism and animal speech with Andy Lau, and listening to the heart. In the setting of weapons, Director Xu used Li Bingbing’s long whip in "King of Kung Fu", and also let her use seven weapons such as long swords, short knives, and darts in the film. In the words of Hong Jinbao, Shangguan Wan’er is an ancient "super policeman", maintaining the long-term stability of the ghost market and the world.

  From the perspective of the exposed modeling scenes, this scene takes place in the "ghost market", which is the story of an underground city after the earthquake, which has completely different rules of the game from the ground city. In this dark ghost city, the "national teacher" is its leader, and it is more worth mentioning that the national teacher is the "god" used to imprison people’s thoughts in Wu Zetian’s world. When Liu Dehua and Li Bingbing jointly resolved the case, they encountered all kinds of resistance, all of which were from the hands of the national teacher. The scene in the photo shows Shangguan Jing’er fighting the "national teacher" to save Di Renjie.

  It is reported that Li Bingbing has nine looks in the film, which is also the most looks she has ever made in a movie, and it can be regarded as the most looks for actresses in ancient martial arts movies.

  Related links:

  • Similar to Lin Qingxia, Li Bingbing’s "Di Renjie" men’s clothing exposure (picture) 2009-07-22

  • "Di Renjie" Li Bingbing shaped like Lin Qingxia, fell off a horse and was injured 2009-07-22

  • Andy Lau can’t bear to shoot "Di Renjie", Tsui Hark sleeps two hours a day 2009-06-02

Jay Chou was exposed: his relationship with Patty Hou came out of an "online chat".

  On the evening of February 15th, Jay Chou led the singing of the "Red 2009 Hengfeng Night" romantic Valentine’s Day large-scale star concert, which was staged at the new stadium in Xuzhou, Jiangsu. China News Agency, photo by Yongjun

Data map: Patty Hou. Published by China News Agency, photo by Zhang Kui

  Chairperson Zhou’s love affair is no less than his music. Even if his affair with Hou Pei Cen has long been old news, many details of this past story still make people want to pry. Chairperson Zhou is tight-lipped about it, but this time, he has been sold "absolute privacy" by his behind-the-scenes "Iron Triangle" – the royal lyricist Fang Wenshan, the royal makeup artist Du Guozhang, and the royal dance teacher Hou Pei Cen’s love affair began with "online love" – the cool-looking Chairperson Zhou also has a shy and sullen side when he is in love.

  Zhou Dong is an idiot

  I can’t even go to the convenience store to buy anything.

  "If you take away the phone and give Jay Chou some change and throw it on the streets of Taipei, it is estimated that it will be difficult for him to survive." Fang Wenshan said of Jay Chou in his life.

  Fang Wenshan admits that Jay Chou is a creative genius, but he is almost incompetent in daily life. According to him, Jay Chou’s parents divorced early in life and have been living with his mother, and his mother takes care of everything, so Jay Chou can’t even pay the most basic utilities and go to the convenience store to buy things. "After entering the company, there is an assistant to take care of him, because the assistant is always around, so Jay Chou has no cash or credit card. If the assistant is not there for dinner or doing anything, he will borrow it from me."

  Zhou Dong loves tricks

  Improper celebrities must be big scammers

  The outside world gave Jay Chou some imagination, which made him feel very cold. In fact, Jay Chou was talented in trickery, and everyone around him had suffered from his evil hands. When Du Guozhang, the royal makeup stylist who often traveled with Chairperson Zhou, talked about these pranks of Chairperson Zhou, he told reporters, "If Jay Chou is not a star today, he is definitely the leader of a fraud group."

  Once, Fang Wenshan received a call from Hong Kong. The other party said in a Hong Kong accent that he had won the radio music award and wanted to broadcast Fang Wenshan’s acceptance speech live. "At that time, I said, ‘Thank you all, I am very happy to get this award today.’ It turned out that Jay Chou was the one who did it." The ice cream teacher also admitted that Jay Chou is very good at changing his voice and can speak as various people. "Sometimes he calls me, ‘Hey, hello, I want to learn a 3D dance, do you have it there?’ He also asked’How much is it, do you accept it? ‘He always makes fun of everyone with these strange phone calls."

  Zhou Dong is also sullen

  Zhou Houlian started online chatting

  The Internet is indispensable among ordinary people, but the hipster Jay Chou doesn’t know about typing and surfing the Internet, "Typing is a one-finger magic skill, he typed very slowly, just a few simple words. For him, the computer only has the function of finding information."

  When it came to computers, the ice cream teacher also quietly revealed a little secret. Jay Chou finally knew how to use the chat tool after learning for a long time, but because he couldn’t register, he used to steal other people’s instant chat tool accounts, "Once, while I was away, he used my online chat tool to chat with my friend. The other party found out from the text that it was not me, and asked him who he was. He said, ‘I am Jay Chou,’ but the other party didn’t believe it and asked him to open the video. Usually my video is on, but Jay Chou will insist on closing it. He feels that the video makes him feel insecure. That day, Jay Chou actually agreed to open the video and let the other party confirm that the person chatting with him was – Hou Pei Cen." After getting acquainted on the Internet, Jay Chou and Patty Hou became closer and closer, gradually developing into lovers and becoming the only relationship Jay Chou admitted to.

  Chairperson Zhou called Fang Wenshan "wife" on different occasions. Although this nickname sounded awkward, it did prove Fang Wenshan’s value to the entire pop music scene. Xiaoyu

Editor in charge: Sun Jie