The "shared gym" is accused of having less equipment and only a treadmill.

  Following bike-sharing, shared sleeping cabin, shared umbrella and shared charging treasure, recently, "shared gym" (pictured) appeared in Dongli Community of Shilibao, Chaoyang District. The Beijing Morning Post reporter found that in the space of four or five square meters, there are air conditioners, air purifiers, treadmills, televisions and other equipment. After scanning the code, you can enter the fitness. Residents nearby said that the "shared gym" has appeared here for nearly a month and is often used at night. However, some people say that the five-minute charge in 1 yuan is too high and there are too few facilities in the space.

  Gongxiang gym xian community

  "Running for a minute, charge 0.2 yuan. Sharing fitness debut in a residential area in Beijing, will you go? " Yesterday, such a news was widely spread on the Internet. According to reports, the "shared gym" covers an area of about 5 square meters and can chat, listen to songs and watch movies online. To find out, yesterday morning, the Beijing Morning Post reporter came to Dongli Community, Shilibao, Chaoyang District to experience the "shared gym".

  The reporter saw that there are two "shared gyms" in the community, covering an area of four or five square meters. According to a nearby resident, the "shared gym" has been set up here for about a month, and people can be seen running in it on weekdays, but almost no one has been seen during the day.

  Outside the "shared gym", there is a safe use regulation, which stipulates that children under 12 years old and elderly people over 60 years old should not use it; Alcoholics, patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and hypoglycemia should not use it, and precautions such as "Do not exercise on an empty stomach, it is most appropriate to use it one hour after meals" should be reminded.

  The only fitness equipment is the treadmill.

  After downloading the software according to the prompt, the reporter needs to fill in the real-name authentication of the ID card information as required, and pay the 99 yuan deposit to officially use it. After scanning the code to open the door, the client begins to charge. Although the space is small, the room looks relatively clean, equipped with air conditioning and appropriate temperature, as well as air purifiers, televisions, fire extinguishers and other equipment. On the wall inside the "gym", there is a daily health record of the sports cabin, which was filled in on August 11th, and there is also a lost and found, next to which there are emergency calls and no smoking signs.

  However, the reporter found that it is a "gym" that is not worthy of the name. The fitness equipment inside is only a treadmill and there are no other fitness equipment, which is far from the real gym.

  At present, it is less put in Beijing.

  The staff of the residential property said that the establishment and installation of the "shared gym" was approved by the property. According to the staff, because there is no gym in the community, such equipment can just make up for this gap and meet the fitness needs of some people. However, the reporter found from the client that at present, there are less than ten "shared gyms" of the brand in Beijing, and there are two in the community.

  The "gym" slogan is self-help fitness for 24 hours, but a young woman in the community said that people are often seen running inside when they come back from work at night on weekdays, and few people are seen during the day. "Personally, I think five minutes in 1 yuan is more expensive, and there is no other equipment. It costs several yuan to go in and run for a while, so it is better to run outside."

  Some netizens agree with this and think that the equipment of "shared gym" is too monotonous. "If only there were a bathroom, I wouldn’t want to sweat out of it." "Although the gym is expensive, there are many patterns to choose from, and a treadmill is too monotonous." However, some people are full of expectations and think that it is very convenient to set up the "gym" in the community, and the relatively good environment inside is also a good choice for community fitness.

  Beijing Morning Post live news reporter Kang Jiawen and photo

Rush to the hot search! The soldier brother who jumped into the river to save people on the Bund has found it!

  "Someone fell into the river!"

  "May Day" holiday

  A woman fell into the water on the Bund in Shanghai.

  Brother Bing jumped onto the hot search.

  Netizens like it.

  "This is the sense of security given by China soldiers."  

  A woman fell into the river on the Bund in Shanghai.

  Armed police on duty decisively jumped into the river to save people.

  On the evening of May 2, a woman was on the Bund in Shanghai.

  Fall into Huangpu river

  Armed police on patrol rushed to the scene.

  Climb over the fence and jump into the river.

  Rescue the woman who fell into the river ashore 

  This scene 

  See netizens have a boiling passion.

  Tens of thousands of netizens praised this.

  There are also many netizens curious.

  Who is this brave soldier brother?  

  The rescue soldier is the platoon leader after 95.

  These two details in the river are worrying.

  Armed police to save people

  Qiao Haitao, platoon leader of the first mobile detachment of the Armed Police Shanghai Corps.

  At 10 o’clock that night, he was patrolling the Bund viewing platform.

  Suddenly received a report that someone fell into the water.

  Qiao Haitao quickly led the team to the scene.

  At the same time, please ask your comrades to find the lifebuoy. 

  It’s urgent! 

  A woman on the river is ups and downs in the wave.

  See the woman’s back up.

  Worried that she would drown and suffocate

  Qiao Haitao only took off his military cap.

  Too late to take off the heavy military uniform.

  Don’t hesitate to climb over the railing and jump into the river.

  Swim to the woman 

  The uniform is very heavy after soaking in water.

  Fortunately, Qiao Haitao has excellent quality.

  I swam to the woman in 10 seconds.

  At this point, the comrades on the shore dropped the lifebuoy.

  Qiao Haitao asked the drowning woman to hold the lifebuoy firmly. 

  Unexpectedly, due to the urgent waves on the river.

  The woman was very weak again, and the lifebuoy was actually released.

  Qiao Haitao had to hold the woman again.

  Reach for the lifebuoy and put it under the woman’s arm.

  Struggling to push her ashore

  Comrades Zhou Yonggang and Jiang Jianye on the shore.

  Put down the rescue rope

  Qiao Haitao lifted the woman with his last strength.

  The woman was successfully saved.

  From Qiao Haitao jumping into the water to pushing the woman to the shore 

  The whole process only takes 2 minutes.

  Qiao Haitao was exhausted at this time.

  And choked a lot of water because the waves were too big.

  Unable to climb up the rescue rope.

  Fortunately, the rescue boat arrived at this time.

  Rescue it from the water. 

  It is understood that platoon leader Qiao Haitao is from Pudong, Shanghai. 

  Born in 1998.

  Enlisted by the veteran’s father.

  Recall this thrilling scene

  He simply said

  "This is all I should do!" 

  Netizen: This is the army!

  Qiao Haitao’s heroic figure 

  Won the praise of countless netizens.

  "This is the people’s army.

  For the people without hesitation. " 

  Some netizens also reminded me.

  be away

  Be sure to pay attention to your own safety 

  Give your life to jump into the river and save lives bravely.

  Like Qiao Haitao!

  Salute to the soldiers in China!

  ▌ This article Source: Central Radio and Television General Station Voice of China (ID: zgzs001) Comprehensive Shanghai Armed Police

  Producer Ma Wenjia

  Editor-in-Chief Zhang Zhida

  Editor Xu Chenyang

Anti-monopoly breaks the ills of big data "killing"

  On December 17th, "Big Data Killing" was searched by Weibo again, this time the protagonist was Meituan. Taxi software takes different pricing for the same customers, and booking hotel members costs more than ordinary users … … In recent years, "big data killing" has been frequently searched. Experts pointed out that the Anti-monopoly Guide on Platform Economy (Draft for Comment) (hereinafter referred to as the Anti-monopoly Guide) refines the provisions of the Anti-monopoly Law regulating Internet violations and promotes the platform to better assume social responsibilities. In order to eradicate the chaos of "big data killing", it is essential to improve laws and regulations and strengthen law enforcement, and urge enterprises to be honest and self-disciplined.

  "Big data killing" frequency hot search

  On December 17th, an article titled "I was cut by a member of Meituan" was screened on social media. Based on his own experience of ordering takeout, the author found that in the same store on Meituan, with the same delivery address and at the same time, the delivery fee for members was higher than that for non-members. According to the article, it was thought that opening take-away members would save money, but the delivery fee of almost all take-away merchants nearby was higher than that of non-members from 1 yuan to 5 yuan.

  At that time, "Meituan was killed by explosion" and quickly boarded the hot search list of Weibo on that day. Netizens complained in Weibo, Zhihu, black cats, friends circle, etc. about the differential treatment of old members by Meituan: the delivery fee is higher, the price increases after eating in the same store for two or three times, the full amount of membership is reduced after opening, and even the renewal of membership fee has felt that Meituan’s "likes the new and hates the old". Moreover, this is not only the case with the US Mission, but also the above problems when you are hungry.

  Later, Meituan’s take-out issued a statement in response, saying that the difference in delivery fee has nothing to do with membership. Because of the positioning cache in the software, the user’s last historical positioning was wrongly used, which deviated from the user’s actual position, resulting in inaccurate estimation of delivery fee. When placing an order, it will be calculated according to the real delivery address and will not be affected.

  The reporter learned that consumers’ complaints about "big data killing" are not just on the takeaway platform. During the "double 11" this year, Ms. Han, a Beijing consumer, found that she booked a hotel through an App, and the price difference was about 1000 yuan.

  On September 15th, CCTV named the phenomenon of "big data killing" on the online travel platform, and mentioned that the online travel platform set differentiated prices for the same product or service under the same conditions for tourists with different consumption characteristics. On the same day, a poll conducted on the Weibo showed that 15,000 people thought they had encountered obvious price differences, accounting for nearly 80% of all voters.

  In March 2019, the survey results of "Big Data Killing" released by Beijing Consumers Association showed that 88.32% of the respondents thought that "Big Data Killing" was common or very common, and 56.92% of the respondents said that they had been killed by "Big Data". At the same time, respondents believe that online shopping platforms, online travel and online car rides have the most problems in consumer "big data killing", and online travel ranks first.

  On December 20, 2018, "Big Data Killing" was elected as the top ten buzzwords in social life in 2018.

  … …

  In addition, similar "killing" phenomena have appeared on many platforms such as air tickets and movies.

  "Big data killing" needs to be standardized

  Nowadays, big data algorithms are becoming more and more advanced, and information customization can meet people’s diversified and personalized needs. Liu Peng, an expert in the field of big data and artificial intelligence, said that the Internet platform can accurately portray netizens by collecting social data and behavioral data, thus reducing the cost of users’ access to information, improving the quality of service to users and adding convenience to life.

  According to Wang Wei, director of the Information Security Department of Beijing Jiaotong University, "killing big data" is not technically difficult. He pointed out that after mastering personal information, behavior habits and other data, the platform judges its preferences, user adhesion, price sensitivity, etc., and uses big data technology to achieve "thousands of people", so that different prices or search results seen by different users can be "killed".

  Shen Hao, a professor at the Big Data Research Center of Communication University of China, has the same view. He further pointed out that the Internet platform can easily judge whether it is a "stranger" or a "regular customer" through the amount of user data and the frequency of data updates. As a result, the platform makes a lot of money, the interests of merchants and consumers are damaged, and it is easy to lead to monopoly.

  Shen Hao introduced that generally speaking, there are two "kill-cooked" routines of the platform: one is to raise prices for users who are not sensitive to prices, and the other is to cultivate old users to develop consumption habits and reduce preferential treatment for old users, that is, to "treat new users better than old users". The "new users" here refer not only to newly registered users, but also to users who have stopped using them for a period of time and then returned.

  From the legislative practice of European and American countries, once the behaviors such as "killing big data" are identified as unfair behaviors such as price discrimination, they will be strictly prohibited.

  In 1914, the United States promulgated the Clayton Act, which clarified the impermissible practices such as price discrimination, exclusive transactions, and mergers and acquisitions that would seriously weaken competition. Amazon was exposed to differential pricing in 2000, and the prices displayed before and after users deleted cookie data were different. Amazon CEO Bezos apologized afterwards and said that all this was just an "experiment."

  In May 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation came into effect, and the rights of Internet organizations to freely collect, analyze and manage user information will be strictly limited and regulated. On December 15, 2020, the European Union promulgated the draft Digital Market Law. Hong Yanqing, a senior researcher at the Peking University Institute of Rule of Law and Development, said that the explanatory memorandum of the draft pointed out that a few large platforms are increasingly serving as portals or "gatekeepers" between enterprise users and end users. These "gatekeepers" have substantial control over the access to the digital market, which leads many enterprise users to have greater dependence on these "gatekeepers" and in some cases lead to unfair behavior towards enterprise users. Article 55 of the draft clearly requires the gatekeeper to use data: in order to ensure that enterprise users can obtain relevant data, the gatekeeper should allow them to obtain data free of charge without hindrance according to the requirements of enterprise users, and should also allow the third party contracted by enterprise users to access these data. The "gatekeeper" should also facilitate real-time access to these data through appropriate technical measures.

  At present, there are laws such as E-commerce Law and Consumer Protection Law that regulate the "big data killing" behavior in China, but in fact, consumers often face the problem of proof when they encounter "big data killing".

  In 2019, when the Beijing Consumers Association released the survey results of "Big Data Killing", it pointed out that operators usually defend themselves on the grounds of product model or configuration, enjoying package discounts, and different time points, and do not disclose specific algorithms, rules and data. On the contrary, consumer rights protection is often in a difficult position to prove. The reporter inquired about the referee’s document network and found that some consumers had sued a take-away platform to the court on the grounds of "big data killing", but because of the difficulty of proof, both the first instance and the second instance lost.

  Anti-monopoly has a bright sword for "killing big data"

  In this context, the Anti-monopoly Law (Revised Draft) that has been completed and the Anti-monopoly Guide that has just finished soliciting opinions bear the expectations of all sectors of society.

  Zhai Wei, executive director of the Competition Law Research Center of East China University of Political Science and Law, pointed out that the Anti-Monopoly Guide refines the relevant provisions of the Anti-Monopoly Law regulating the Internet platform. Article 17 of the guide clearly points out that operators in the market-dominant platform economy may implement differential transaction prices or other trading conditions, new and old trading counterparts, differential standards, rules and algorithms, and differential payment conditions and trading methods based on big data and algorithms, according to the payment ability, consumption preferences and usage habits of the trading counterparts.

  At the same time, the Anti-Monopoly Law (Revised Draft) clarifies four possible legitimate reasons for operators in the field of platform economy to implement differential treatment, namely, to implement different trading conditions according to the actual needs of the trading counterparts and in line with legitimate trading habits and industry practices, to carry out preferential activities for the first transaction of new users within a reasonable period of time, to carry out random transactions based on the rules of fairness, reasonableness and non-discrimination on the platform, and other reasons that can prove the legitimacy of the behavior.

  Associate Professor Zhong Gang, executive director of the Competition Law Research Center of East China University of Political Science and Law, further explained that the clear justification is not to give the merchants an opportunity, but to follow the market logic and maintain the normal profit space of the merchants. According to Zhong Gang, judging whether "big data killing" is established in legal procedures will also give both parties the same right of proof.

  Enterprises should attach importance to anti-monopoly compliance

  The strong scale effect and network effect of the Internet industry itself are inherently exclusive to competition. Xiong Hongru, an associate researcher in the Innovation and Development Research Department of the State Council Development Research Center, pointed out that "the big is not a problem, but the big bullying the small, algorithm collusion and even governance risks within the platform".

  "The Anti-Monopoly Law protects the interests of consumers." Zhang Dezhi, director of the Consumer Supervision Department of the China Consumers Association, said, "I hope that after the revision of the Anti-Monopoly Law and the promulgation of the Anti-Monopoly Guide, it will be reloaded to help create a business atmosphere of fair competition and let consumers become real beneficiaries."

  Yu Zuo, Secretary-General of the Competition Policy Committee of China Institute of Industrial Economics, pointed out that monopoly enterprises abuse their dominant market position and set unreasonable high prices, which will definitely damage the interests of consumers in the end. It is expected that in the future, law enforcement departments will strengthen law enforcement in accordance with the revised Anti-Monopoly Law and the Anti-Monopoly Guide, and strictly investigate behaviors such as "big data killing" involving price discrimination and abuse of market dominance, so as to make the market compete fairly, improve product quality and benefit consumers.

  "The life of law lies in its implementation. Administration according to law is the key link of law implementation, and consciously abiding by the law is an important condition for law implementation. " Zhong Chun, an associate professor at Jinan University Law School, said that Internet companies are not short of professional knowledge or professionals, and they should strive to comply with regulatory requirements in anti-monopoly compliance in the future.

  With the increasing attention of the regulatory authorities and the maturity of the market, the domestic anti-monopoly laws and regulations and the level of law enforcement will be improved and improved rapidly. Lv Laiming, a professor at the Law School of Beijing Technology and Business University and vice president of the Beijing E-commerce Law Research Association, suggested that "fines are not the only way. When enforcing the law or supervising, administrative supervision departments can also take interviews and guidance to further urge them to rectify according to law."

  To solve the chaos of "big data killing", in addition to improving laws and regulations and strengthening law enforcement, it is more important for enterprises to abide by the law, be honest and self-disciplined.

  "Internet platform enterprises should strictly abide by anti-monopoly laws and regulations and maintain fair competition in the market." When answering a reporter’s question, the relevant person in charge of the Anti-monopoly Bureau of the General Administration of Market Supervision suggested that enterprises should sort out their own business practices in accordance with the provisions of the Anti-monopoly Law and not engage in monopolistic behaviors prohibited by the Anti-monopoly Law. At the same time, respect the law, abide by the law, and effectively strengthen anti-monopoly compliance management in accordance with the requirements of the Anti-monopoly Compliance Guide for Operators.

  Xue Jun, director of Peking University E-commerce Law Research Center, suggested that enterprises should establish a socialized appraisal mechanism according to the application scenarios of the algorithm and its impact on citizens’ basic rights and interests, so as to avoid the possible antitrust consequences of the algorithm.

  Only when laws and regulations are "long teeth", supervision plays an anti-monopoly combination boxing, and enterprises are promoted to self-discipline and social co-governance, can we get rid of the stubborn disease of "killing big data", change "killing" into "familiarity" and turn "first-time customers" into "repeat customers".

Olympic stars are unwilling to be lonely and play in the entertainment circle after retirement.

  Sohu Olympic star retired, but not out of our sight. In recent years, it is not uncommon for Olympic stars to retire and switch to the entertainment industry. Before they get rid of the aura of Olympic champions, they have become "newcomers" in the entertainment industry with a special identity, and they have turned around in a gorgeous way, which is dizzying and they have attracted much attention. Just stepped off the sports scene and stepped on the stage, what about their development in the entertainment circle?

"Baby" in the eyes of advertisers

  Liu Xuan: Undoubtedly, he is a successful "crab eater".

  From a sports star to an entertainment star, Xuan Meiren is undoubtedly a successful "crab eater". At present, she is switching freely between the entertainment circle and the sports circle with a healthy and positive image, playing a single, playing a TV series, being a host, being a referee and making constant announcements.

  Liu Xuan, who won the gymnastics balance beam gold medal for China for the first time at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, also drew a full stop for her gymnastics career. Surprisingly, after retiring, she quickly made a "Golden Avenue" in the film and television circle. Over the past few years, she has taken over many film and television works, such as The Ultimate Goal, My Beautiful Homesickness, My Father and I, and successfully created a distinctive character with her love for acting and good acting skills. She is considered by the industry to be very talented in acting, and therefore she has become a "treasure" in the eyes of some film and television crews and advertisers. For a long time, many crews have sought her for filming, and many advertisers have sought her endorsement. In last year’s "Great Fame", the fresh combination of Liu Xuan and Pu Shu won the title in one fell swoop, which also showed us Liu Xuan’s specialty in singing.

  It is worth mentioning that, with the popularity and healthy and positive image gradually accumulated in recent years, Liu Xuan, who has successfully transformed into an entertainment star, is highly praised by the industry: "Liu Xuan, a sports and entertainment star who is both entertaining and not vulgar and not gossiping, is expected to open up a road for sports stars to be a film and television singer in addition to being a coach, an official and doing business, and become a talented female star."

"Shiny" Tian Liang enters entertainment.

  Tian Liang: It is no accident that Tian Liang and but with graces granted by heaven and not to be concealed entered entertainment.

  Tian Liang was born with a handsome appearance and star temperament, so it was no accident that he turned to entertainment. Although he has set foot in the entertainment circle, so far no film and television drama has come out. Even so, Tian Liang has earned many advertising opportunities for himself with his healthy image, and his high exposure will still make his figure appear in our sight.

  Tian Liang experienced the most in 2007. From an Olympic champion to an entertainment rookie, he not only did not fade out of our sight, but created a "Tian Liang effect". Since he announced his retirement, his every move has received attention, his post-retirement dynamics, his smooth development in the entertainment industry, his rumored girlfriend and so on, all of which have become topics of discussion. Even getting married can make the national media crazy and scramble to report.

  Recently, Tian Liang is filming his first TV series "The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl", and plays the role of Cowherd. Under the arrangement of the crew, Tian Liang also listened to the teacher of Beijing Film Academy invited by the crew about performance. He listened to the teacher with an open mind and taught him how to perform, and sometimes imitated his lines. It seems that Tian Liang really put a lot of effort into playing the role of Cowherd.

Enter Phoenix TV as the host.

  Mo Huilan: The former Olympic champion is in charge today.

  Mo Huilan, who is cheerful and lively, has been called "21st century" by the International Sports Federation and named as "Mo-style somersault" on uneven bars.

  She retired in 1997 and was admitted to the journalism department of Renmin University of China in September 1998. In 1999, he served as a special correspondent for Tianjin TV Station for the 43rd World Gymnastics Championships. In 2000, he served as the special host of the 27th Olympic Games for Beijing TV Station, and since October 2001, he has served as the host of Phoenix TV’s China Olympic Tour Program. Successfully entering Phoenix TV is the best affirmation of her ability.

The sonorous rose is still beautiful after the storm.

  Sang Lan: After the storm, the rainbow starry sky presided over the continuation of the Olympic dream.

  Sang Lan once enjoyed the reputation of "vault champion" in China Gymnastics Team, and won many honors. However, she accidentally missed the vault in goodwill games, new york in 1998, and became paralyzed in a few seconds. However, she did not choose to be depressed, but accepted the challenge of fate calmly and always insisted on realizing her Olympic dream in her own way.

  With her hard work and strength, this sunny girl conquered countless people with a "Sang Lan smile". She once admitted: "Sports and entertainment are not separated." Sang Lan not only joined Star TV and became the host of Sang Lan 2008, but also opened her sports commentary column in many media. Nowadays, more and more people begin to recognize her performance.

A new star under the flash

  Sang Xue: A New Life of Music under the Flash.

  After retiring, Sang Xue immediately entered the entertainment circle. Because of his star appearance and good sound quality, Sang Xue released his first single "Wounded Snow" last year, and then recorded "Hi" and "Perfect Moment". At the same time, Sang Xue has been invited to participate in a series of large-scale parties as an Olympic champion for many times. At present, Sang Xue has also participated in a new round of fame of Hunan Satellite TV.

  The indissoluble bond between the diving industry and the entertainment industry in China is getting closer and closer. With the famous players such as Tian Liang and Guo Jingjing stepping into the entertainment industry one after another, many divers, including Sang Xue, seem to be planning their life after retirement. Perhaps, the flash is their next choice.

Editor: Xu Guimei

2020 Style Awards Fashion Word of Mouth List: Handu Yishe, the most popular young fashion women’s clothing brand of the year.

  The theme of the 2020 Style Awards is "Digitalization, Sustainability, Chinese Style and New Beauty", and you are invited to pay close attention to the attack and development of the fashion industry. As an authoritative and comprehensive fashion portal, Sina Fashion not only gathers superior resources in the industry, but also never stops exploring the "style iteration". This year, Sina Fashion seriously selected and commended the brands, events and figures with the most style and scientific spirit in the China market, and contributed professional consumption guidance.

  2020 Style Awards Fashion Word of Mouth List: Handu Yishe, the most popular young fashion women’s clothing brand of the year.

  Description of the selection of fashion word-of-mouth list for 2020 Style Awards: All the awards are combined with popular netizens’ voting and Weibo big data (number of fans, number of keyword readings, number of mentions, number of searches, comments and praises, etc.) to select the annual word-of-mouth list in the fashion field.

  Handu Yishe, founded in 2008, focuses on young and fashionable women’s clothing brands, and has led the whole network in sales for 7 consecutive years; In 2020, Handu Yishe is the brand with the largest number of fans in Tmall women’s wear category, winning the favor of over 50 million young women.

Handu Yishe has been leading the sales for 7 consecutive years, winning the attention of over 50 million young consumers.

  Handu Yishe is not only sought after and loved by young fashion people, but also loved by Chinese and Korean stars. More this year, IU, the first female in Korea, joined Handu Fashion Director. This is the first time that IU has cooperated with China clothing brands since she became the first Gucci brand ambassador in Korea.

  In the same year, Gianna Jun, a top Korean actress, endorsed Handu Yishe for the second time, and personally participated in the design with IU to bring the "double-faced workplace" series. What deserves crazy Call is that this is the only China women’s clothing brand endorsed by Gianna Jun. The cooperation between two TOP Asian stars has given the brand more connotation and imagination.

  As a brand focusing on young fashion women’s wear, Handu Yishe has landed in Milan, Paris, new york and other internationally renowned fashion weeks many times; At the same time, we have jointly launched a number of design co-names, such as GUCCI designer Agustina, Hermes designer elahi Ma, and Korean pioneer designer PARK.

  This year, Handu Yishe established the first young fashion design institute in Asia, and specially invited seven mentor groups, including Hong Enzhu, president of Korea Fashion Designers Association, and Choi Beom Suck, the "fashion king" of Korea, to link the high-quality resources of Chinese and Korean designers, so as to develop more creative and cutting-edge designs and lead the fashion trend.

  The focus on design and the precise control of young fashion have made Handu Yishe sought after and loved by young fashion people. If you want to know the new trends of young fashion and see what new items Handu Yishe released in the season, you can get it in one second!

  The latest double-sided workplace series jointly launched by Gianna Jun X Handu Yishe X IU is entirely a masterpiece. Among them, the series designed by IU, the fashion director of Handu, is mainly based on the future retro style, which combines the unique retro style of the Millennium with the romantic and sweet elements of the avant-garde women in the future workplace to create a brand-new "trend play". Gianna Jun’s co-branded series mixes the elements of modern street fashion, presenting the exquisite sense of metropolis and trend in a brand-new way, and creating a unique imprint of "double-faced women in the workplace" for future commuters. See IU and Gianna Jun demonstration, not enough? Then it’s better to capture some fashion details!

  Shirts with wooden ears are overlapped with turtlenecks, and then matched with plaid tweed. This classic wearing method not only increases the level of modeling, but also reduces the age of wearing, while at the same time being playful.

  Handu Yishe, which was released by authoritative trend agency WGSN in 2020 and focused on the trend, also keenly captured the trend of fashion colors in this series. Printed sweaters with purple as the main color are a must-buy item for fashion experts.

  How can the little fairy’s wardrobe be short of bubble sleeves? The top of bubble sleeves is responsible for creating a palace texture, while the contrasting plaid pleated skirt is cool. Dressed in a mix-and-match style, the "Handu Girls" hold on to the trends.

  Combining caring elements with metallic materials, injecting more brilliant feminine charm into cool and handsome motorcycle jackets through gloss and mirror effect, which may be the secret of Gianna Jun’s cool style that never lacks femininity.

  The woolen coat is decorated with a detachable and practical metal chain, which instantly makes your coat item a story-telling "explosion".

  The mastery of various popular elements and the insistence on design innovation have made Handu Yishe always at the forefront of the trend since its establishment. These hard-core strengths not only make Handu Yishe the most popular young fashion women’s clothing brand in this year’s fashion word-of-mouth list, but also enable him to contract your wardrobe ~

The implementation of the new version of the negative list of foreign investment access | The restrictions on the ratio of foreign shares in the automobile industry are fully liberalized

  CCTV News:On January 1 this year, the new negative list of foreign investment access was implemented. In the field of automobile manufacturing, compared with the 2020 version of the document, the new list is clear, and the restrictions on the ratio of foreign shares in passenger car manufacturing and the restriction that the same foreign investor can establish two or less joint ventures to produce similar vehicle products in China will be abolished. What does this mean for foreign auto companies and China’s auto industry?

  In 2018, the restrictions on the ratio of foreign shares in special-purpose vehicles and new energy vehicles will be abolished; In 2020, the restrictions on the ratio of foreign shares in commercial vehicles will be abolished; In 2022, the restriction on the ratio of foreign shares in passenger cars will be abolished, and at the same time, the restriction on no more than two joint ventures will be abolished. After a four-year transition period, China’s automobile industry is fully open to foreign investment.

  In 1994, the "Automobile Industry Policy" issued by China set the "upper limit of 50% of the shareholding ratio of foreign-funded enterprises", and since January 1 this year, this red line of industrial policy will withdraw from the historical stage.

  Experts said that the major policy of liberalizing the ratio of foreign shares in the automobile industry and overlapping relevant automobile industry policies will have a far-reaching impact on the development of the automobile industry in China.

Beijing urban management changes new uniforms, and each player has a number on his chest.

  Since yesterday (October 1st), the city’s urban management team members in Beijing have started to carry out law enforcement inspections with new uniforms. Recently, the Municipal Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau has uniformly renewed the uniforms and signs of law enforcement personnel in the city’s urban management system. On the first day of the Eleventh Golden Week, the city’s environmental order was good. During the festival, all urban management and law enforcement departments will take a break and take up their posts, focusing on strengthening the prevention and control of bustling commercial districts and characteristic blocks, major transportation hubs, large-scale gatherings, activities and other crowded areas.

  After asking the way, the tourist said, Have you changed your uniforms?

  "Have you changed your uniforms?" Yesterday morning, outside the East Palace of the Summer Palace, Mr. Li, who was traveling from Hebei to Beijing, was surprised after asking the urban management team for directions. He said: "I mainly asked the city management for directions in the Bird’s Nest two days ago, and the answer was very detailed. I still have an impression of the previous uniforms."

  Beijing Youth Daily reporters saw in Qianmen and the Summer Palace and other popular National Day attractions that all urban management team members have put on new uniforms and started to perform their duties. The clothing color is navy blue, with a golden logo, and each team member’s number is on the chest.

  According to reports, the new uniforms mainly consider adapting to the fact that urban management law enforcement workplaces are mostly outdoors and on the streets, which is convenient for duty activities. This is also the requirement of the Municipal Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau to implement the "Administrative Measures for the Supply of Clothing and Signs for Urban Management Law Enforcement" by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, strengthen the construction of urban management law enforcement teams, and further promote standardized and civilized law enforcement.

  Solve the problem of people who are not empty in the three-meal car

  After the flag-raising ceremony yesterday morning, crowds poured into Qianmen area, and the law enforcement team members of Dongcheng Urban Management began to guide the crowd. According to reports, in view of the relatively dense number of tourists watching the flag-raising during the holiday season, Dongcheng City Management has sent six law enforcement teams to strengthen the deployment in Qianmen Arrow Tower, Qianmen East Street and Chang’ an Avenue from 5: 00 every day, and sell tourist goods to the following tourists. Personnel engaged in unlicensed catering will be disposed of promptly and quickly.


  节日期间 北京城管全员停休



  According to the person in charge of the Municipal Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau, the management of construction sites will continue to be strengthened during the festival, and the construction enclosures in key areas will be checked according to the specifications, and the construction dust will be strictly controlled, and the management of construction waste transportation will continue to be strengthened to prevent road spillage; Increase the control of illegal activities such as open-air barbecue, burning garbage and white pollution. Visit and investigate the gas supply, users, kitchen waste generation and collection and transportation units around the key security areas one by one, and rectify the problems.

  Urban management volunteers help serve tourists.

  In addition, the urban management law enforcement department, in conjunction with the Beijing Urban Management Volunteers Association, set up urban management law enforcement publicity service stations in tourist attractions and window areas during the National Day to provide tourists with services such as inquiries, directions and simple medical care while monitoring the environmental order.

  Yesterday, in Qianmen Street, Nanluoguxiang Pedestrian Street, Summer Palace and other areas, volunteers organized by urban management departments participated in the publicity of laws and regulations, stopped uncivilized behavior, and provided some services urgently needed by tourists, such as directions.

  The person in charge of the Municipal Urban Management and Law Enforcement Bureau said that mobilizing members of the association, volunteer groups and the general public to actively participate in the maintenance of the holiday environmental order, especially guiding social units in key areas to actively participate in environmental governance and rectification, can jointly create a beautiful and clean urban environment.

  Text/Reporter Li Tao

  Photography/Reporter Wang Zhenlong Cui Jun

Enhancing Innovation Ability and Accelerating Synergy and Integration —— Observation of 2023 World New Energy Vehicle Congress

  Xinhua News Agency, Haikou, December 9th Title: Enhance innovation ability and accelerate coordination and integration — — Observation of 2023 World New Energy Vehicle Congress

  Xinhua News Agency reporters Wen Jinghua and Wang Cunfu

  The data shows that from January to October this year, the production and sales of new energy vehicles in China both exceeded 7 million, with a market share of over 30%. The new energy vehicle industry has entered a new stage of comprehensive market expansion.

  The reporter learned from the 2023 World New Energy Vehicle Conference held in Haikou from 7 to 9 that China’s new energy vehicle-related fields are promoting high-quality industrial development by improving R&D and innovation capabilities and promoting industrial synergy and integration.

  The site of the technical exhibition area of the 2023 World New Energy Vehicle Conference. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xia Tianzhe

  Improve R&D and innovation capabilities

  Power battery system, charging solution, hydrogen fuel storage & HELIP; … The reporter saw at the conference that from vehicle enterprises to parts enterprises, from information and communication enterprises to energy enterprises, the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain and collaborative industries are surging with innovation vitality.

  "China has persistently tackled key core technologies of new energy vehicles, laid out the industrial chain around innovation chain, and relied on the industrial chain to strengthen innovation chain. The level of technology research and development and industrialization has been continuously improved, which has provided an important impetus for new energy vehicles to move towards full marketization." Chen Jiachang, Vice Minister of Science and Technology, said.

  Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited’s Kirin battery technology, Horizon’s innovative intelligent computing architecture, BMW China’s high-performance hybrid drive system & HELIP; … The conference released the results of the 2023 "Global New Energy Vehicle Frontier and Innovative Technology", and 10 innovative technologies from industrial chain enterprises were selected. "These innovative technologies have been applied in mass production, effectively improving the technical level of new energy vehicles." Li Jun, honorary chairman of China Automotive Engineering Society and academician of China Academy of Engineering, said.

  Wan Gang, President of China Association for Science and Technology and President of the World New Energy Vehicle Congress, said that under the development trend of electrification, intelligence and low carbon, it is necessary to promote the development of pure electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles and fuel cell vehicles as a whole, continue to strengthen the collaborative breakthrough of common key technologies such as power battery system, new chassis architecture and autonomous driving system, and accelerate the application of typical scenarios and the construction of new infrastructure for the integrated development of "vehicle, energy and Lu Yun".

 In the technical exhibition area of the 2023 World New Energy Automobile Conference, a hydrogen fuel cell system displayed by car companies. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xia Tianzhe

  Promote industrial synergy and integration

  At present, new energy vehicles integrate artificial intelligence, big data and other revolutionary technologies, and the industrial chain and value chain continue to expand into the fields of transportation, energy, information and communication. Accelerating the construction of a new ecology of the automobile industry is not only the internal demand of industrial technological change, but also the source of power for the future development of the industry.

  The reporter learned from the conference that Hainan Province, the venue of this conference, as the first province in China to explicitly put forward the "ban on the sale of fuel vehicles" in 2030, is continuing to expand the industrial chain of new energy vehicles, expand the global application market of new energy vehicles, and create an intelligent networked automobile development Hainan plan.

  "We are promoting the pilot of intelligent networked car access and road traffic, building the first consumer intelligent transportation system in China and a global demonstration province for open car networking applications, and striving to make the tourist highway around the island an all-round open and rich scene ‘ Che neng Lu Yun ’ Demonstration road. " The main person in charge of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee said at the meeting.

  With the continuous increase in the number of new energy vehicles, a large number of charging demands also bring challenges to the smooth operation of the power grid. Li Ming, deputy chief engineer of State Grid Co., Ltd., said that by deepening industry cooperation, promoting the introduction or improvement of charging peak-valley time-of-use electricity prices, strengthening iterative upgrading of key technologies and equipment, accelerating demonstration and verification of typical scenarios and large-scale application, orderly charging will be comprehensively promoted, and the integration and interaction between vehicles and networks will be accelerated to build a charging and replacing development model suitable for new power systems.

  Building a cross-border integration ecology and promoting mutual empowerment and collaborative innovation of various business entities have become the consensus of the guests. The "Consensus of the 2023 World New Energy Vehicle Conference" issued by the conference proposes that all parties will strengthen cross-border collaboration in the transformation of innovation achievements and frontier demonstration applications. At the same time, around the typical scenes such as vehicle-energy interaction, vehicle-road integration, and Che Yun coordination, we will speed up the technical iterative research and accelerate the cross-industry and inter-departmental integration and development of automobiles, energy, transportation, information and communication.

  2023 world new energy automobile congress auto show site. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xia Tianzhe

  Deep insight into user needs

  The medium-sized and large-sized pure electric SUV with the price of 200,000 yuan is equipped with intelligent driving functions such as digital vision blind compensation and one-button AI driving. The pure electric sports car with the price of 300,000 yuan has both electric scissors doors and soft-top convertible & HELIP; … At the booth of SAIC in this conference, the new energy vehicles of independent brands of Roewe, Zhiji, MG and other enterprises made a concentrated appearance, attracting many visitors to ask questions.

  "Building the vehicle products of inclusive users will help consumers better accept new energy vehicles, and also contribute to the iterative upgrading of new energy vehicle technology industry and the sustainable development of new energy vehicle enterprises." Zu Sijie, vice president and chief engineer of SAIC, said that Pratt & Whitney electric smart cars will drive the full marketization of new energy vehicles.

  The reporter saw at the conference that the upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain actively identify the changes in demand side, and take closely following the needs of users as the top priority to broaden the market.

  Deng Chenghao, vice president of Changan Automobile and CEO of Deep Blue Automobile, said that in recent years, the automobile market in China has developed rapidly towards electrification and intelligence, and the demand of users has also been upgraded from simple travel to digital partners in the whole scene. We must adhere to the principle of user choice as the primary principle of innovative products of enterprises, and respect the diversified needs of users in terms of energy supplement, safety and intelligence.

  "What does the market need? Everyone hopes to support as many intelligent functions as possible with higher cost performance on the most mass-produced models. " Yang Yuxin, chief marketing officer of Black Sesame Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. believes that it is necessary to realize multi-functional support through product architecture innovation and help customers realize more intelligent function integration in one car.

  Xin Guobin, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that China’s new energy vehicles have entered a critical stage of comprehensive market development, but there are still problems in industrial development, such as insufficient resource support capacity, unbalanced market development, and industrial layout to be optimized. Next, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will actively promote the innovative development of new energy and intelligent networked vehicles, further optimize industry management policies, create a first-class business environment, and continue to promote the high-quality development of the new energy automobile industry.

Reporter’s unannounced visit: When will the taxi service chaos stop if it is not a hidden rule?

Taxi is forbidden to pick up and drop off passengers in front of Gongbei Port Square in Zhuhai.

Outside the exit of Guangzhou Railway Station, several cars stopped under the viaduct of Inner Ring Road, which were suspected to be "black cars" with no operating qualification.

Outside the exit of Guangzhou Railway Station, several cars stopped under the viaduct of Inner Ring Road, which were suspected to be "black cars" with no operating qualification.

Near the exit of Guangzhou Railway Station, a taxi driver is bargaining with passengers.

Passengers waiting in line for a taxi at Shenzhen North Railway Station.

On the evening of the 1st, a taxi was waiting in the waiting area of Zhongshan Station on the urban rail.

  Editor’s Note: Since June this year, our province has started the promotion of civilized service of taxi industry in the Pearl River Delta region, further standardizing business practices, improving service quality, establishing a civilized image, promoting the construction of a humanistic bay area that is livable, suitable for business and suitable for tourism, and creating a good social atmosphere for celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China. All localities and departments attached great importance to it, acted quickly, did a lot of work and achieved initial results. This action will be promoted throughout the province by the end of this year.

  According to the requirements of the provincial party Committee, there is still a gap between the progress of actions in various places and the goals. In order to find out the real situation, September 1 — On the 2nd, Nanfang Daily sent a number of unannounced visits to directly attack the chaos of taxi service in nine key public places in the Pearl River Delta, hoping to attract further attention from relevant departments, intensify rectification and effectively promote problem solving.

  Why don’t you watch?

  It seems to be a hidden rule not to hit the watch.

  The driver said he could earn twice as much.

  At about 19: 30 on September 2, the reporter came to Foshan Bus Station and saw seven cars jammed at the passenger exit, five of which had obvious taxi signs and the other two were ordinary cars without signs. Drivers get together and wait for the passengers to leave the station.

  Before the reporter stepped forward, a driver asked enthusiastically.

  "Where to?"

  "Very close, Lingnan Tiandi."

  "30 yuan."

  "Don’t you hit the watch?"

  "No watch, no one here watches."

  During the conversation between the reporter and the driver, several drivers next to him immediately gathered around. Seeing that the reporter said that 30 yuan was too expensive, a middle-aged man shouted loudly: "20 yuan, you earn more 10 yuan than playing the watch." The reporter accepted this.

  The middle-aged man told reporters that it is an unspoken rule that taxis at the entrance of Foshan bus station don’t hit the meter. "I tell you that 30 yuan is cheap, and sometimes it will open 50 yuan and 60 yuan." About 10 minutes’ drive, although the middle-aged man chatted with the reporter, he was very vigilant and kept an eye on the reporter’s mobile phone from time to time.

  At 9 o’clock on the 2nd, the reporter came to Jiangmen Bus Terminal. Five taxis are parked in the taxi pick-up and drop-off area. When the reporter approached, several taxi drivers gathered around and asked about the destination. "Don’t hit the watch, go to Wanda Business Circle, 30 yuan." One of the drivers said. Reporter mobile navigation found that the distance was only 3.6 kilometers, and the price quoted by the driver was twice as high as the meter price. In this bus station, it seems to be a hidden rule not to hit the watch. Li Shifu, a taxi driver, said, "Who will give you a watch? We have been waiting here for an hour or two. "

  On the morning of the 2nd, the reporter came to Zhaoqing Yueyun Bus Terminal. There were five or six taxis parked in the loading area of the station taxis. Drivers get off the bus and gather on the side of the road to attract customers. "Master, can you walk to Zhaoqing Railway Station?" Because the destination is close, when the reporter opened his mouth, the taxi driver who was originally enthusiastic was a lot cold. "No watch, 40 yuan." One of the drivers said. Other drivers said that the journey was too short to take orders.

  After the reporter insisted on "pricing by meter", a driver finally agreed to let the reporter get on the bus. He revealed "inside story": "It’s only about 7 kilometers to Zhaoqing Railway Station. If you don’t play the meter, you can earn twice as much as 20 yuan. I don’t think it’s easy for you to carry big bags and small bags before doing your business. "

  Why did you refuse to carry it?

  Rejected for 5 times in 20 minutes

  It’s a reason to charge an electric car

  On the morning of September 2, the reporter took a taxi from a certain place in Baoan District, Shenzhen to Nanshan Science and Technology Park. The road conditions were congested, and it took about one hour to travel 15 kilometers. At the end of the destination, because there were many cars on the road, the driver let the reporter off at the red light. For safety reasons, the reporter asked the driver to drive through the traffic lights and then pull over. When printing the invoice, the driver complained, "It’s really unlucky to receive a ticket from you to come to the high-tech park."

  Since all taxis in Shenzhen have been completely electrified, "charging" has become the reason for refusing to carry taxis. The reporter repeatedly encountered the phenomenon of taxi refusal on the grounds of "charging" in Shenzhen Houhai and Science Park.

  On the afternoon of the 2nd, the reporter took a taxi from a place in Nanshan District, Shenzhen to Longgang District. The taxi driver said that the shift and charging usually started at 3 pm, and the charging time was about one hour. At around 5 pm, "it is difficult to take a taxi" due to shift and charging may occur in many areas.

  In the first half of this year, two taxi drivers in Shenzhen Airport refused to take the taxi on the grounds that passengers were going to Zhangmutou in Dongguan and Hengqin in Zhuhai. The drivers said that there was not enough electricity or they could not charge after they arrived at their destination. Since February this year, the transportation department has set up a number of warning signs at the entrance of the waiting area of Shenzhen Airport, requiring taxis to keep sufficient electricity when waiting at the station, and not to refuse to carry them for reasons such as insufficient electricity.

  At about 12 o’clock on the 1st, the reporter came to the main entrance of Zhongshan Bus Terminal and planned to take a taxi to Xingzhong Square, 3.5 kilometers away. Outside the bus terminal, the reporter didn’t see a special taxi waiting area. After learning that the reporter’s destination was Xingzhong Square, a taxi driver immediately turned and left, and another taxi driver told the reporter: "It is more convenient to take a taxi across the street!"

  According to the driver’s prompt, the reporter came to the other side of the road to wait for the bus. After 15 minutes, he still didn’t get a taxi. The three taxis passing by either refused to take the bus or didn’t hit the meter. During the 20 minutes of waiting here, the reporter was refused by five taxis.

  At 10 o’clock on the 2nd, at the entrance of Zhongshan Pok Oi Hospital, the reporter planned to take a taxi to Zhongshan Bus Terminal 6 kilometers away. In the no-stop area in front of the hospital, three taxis were parked scattered, and a driver quoted 40 yuan to the reporter. He said: "This price is the same as charging by meter, whether it is a meter or not." He also said that invoices can be issued without a meter, and the invoice amount is determined by the reporter, and the handling fee can be supplemented. The reporter opened the online car software and found that the estimated cost is within 30 yuan for the same distance.

  After the reporter got on the bus, the driver took out a handheld invoice printer, connected it to the taxi meter through the data cable, and then printed the invoice according to the amount reported by the reporter. During the driving process, the driver explained why he didn’t want to hit the meter. He said that he was driving a new energy taxi, and the monthly "money" was half cheaper than that of a general taxi, but every time he received a single order, the taxi company had to draw nearly 10% commission. In order to earn more, he didn’t want to hit the meter.

  Why do you love to fight?

  Station staff help attract customers.

  "Black car" is seriously overloaded

  "As long as you go to Baiyun Airport in 120 yuan, the distance is more than 30 kilometers. This price is not expensive. Can you go?" "Go to Guangzhou South Railway Station? There is still a seat, just get on the bus and go. " The reporter visited some stations and subway stations in Guangzhou and found that the illegal operation of private cars and cars without operating qualifications is widespread, and some vehicles are seriously overloaded in pursuit of profits, which has great security risks.

  At 5 o’clock on September 2, outside Guangzhou East Railway Station, the voice of "black car" drivers soliciting customers is endless. "Go to South Station?" "Did you go to Baiyun District?" Whenever a passenger comes out of the exit, a driver comes forward to greet him warmly.

  Although a large number of cruise taxis lined up in order to wait for passengers at the scene, it did not seem to affect the customers of "black cars". A taxi driver said that in order to attract passengers, "black cars" mostly take low prices and carpooling as "selling points". "The early subway bus hasn’t left yet. Passengers who are in a hurry choose ‘ to save money. Black car ’ Carpool travel. "

  At 6 o’clock on the 2 nd, outside the exit of Guangzhou Railway Station, about one or two hundred meters away from the front of the cruise taxi lane, several cars were parked under the viaduct of the Inner Ring Road, suspected to be "black cars" without operational qualifications. A driver crossed the road and wandered in front of the vehicle entrance and exit passage in the railway station square to attract customers. Several drivers also took advantage of the opening of the gate to get in and stay at the passenger exit to solicit business.

  A stopped passenger asked the driver, "What kind of car do you drive?" The driver replied, "I am driving ‘ Didi ’ Yes. " “‘ Didi ’ Isn’t it through an online appointment? " The passenger asked him, waved his hand and left quickly. Some passengers have just been persuaded by the driver, and when they are still hesitating, the driver immediately drags the passenger’s suitcase to the car.

  "Black cars" are also active outside many subway stations in Guangzhou. "Is there a direction of University Town and Panyu Nansha?" On the night of the 2nd, there were shouts outside the exit of Chebei South Station of the subway. More than 10 cruise taxis and "black cars" stopped at the roadside, and drivers were struggling for passengers.

  At about 23: 40 on the same day, the reporter saw at the entrance and exit of Guangzhou Hanxi Changlong subway station on both sides of Hanxi Avenue that there were more than 20 "black cars" and cruise taxis, and the success rate of carpooling was high. One of the "black cars" pulled four passengers to Qifu New Village in Panyu District in less than 10 minutes.

  Some taxi drivers are even seriously overloaded in order to increase their income. In the early morning of the 2 nd, at Guangzhou East Railway Station, more than 10 passengers were packed into a Guangdong A brand black seven-seat van, including a female passenger with a baby in her arms. In order to carry more passengers, the driver even prepared a plastic stool with the car. It is understood that all these passengers go to Guangzhou South Railway Station to transfer to the high-speed train, and the carpooling price is 20 yuan per person, which is about 1/4 of the normal taxi fare, while the income of van drivers from illegal operation can reach about 200 yuan, far exceeding the legal operation of vehicles.

  On the morning of the 2nd, the reporter came to Dongguan Bus Terminal. In the taxi waiting area, more than 10 cars are waiting for outbound passengers. "Where to go? Dongcheng, right? Just carpooling. " The station staff beckoned the taxi driver waiting beside them to come over while soliciting passengers.

  The driver greeted the reporter and another passenger on the bus. "Why isn’t your car parked with other cars, but on the side road?" In the face of passengers’ inquiries, the driver said frankly: "Short-distance passengers in urban areas, other drivers are unwilling to pull, so I will pull two people by the way."

  When the reporter asked about the fare, the driver said: "The taxis waiting in the station don’t hit the meter. I will charge you both to 20 yuan. It is more cost-effective to hit the meter in 23 yuan where you go." After arriving at the destination, he took an invoice from 40 yuan to the reporter as a boarding pass.

  In Dongguan, passenger stations and town streets are high-risk places for taxi chaos. The reporter looked up relevant complaints on the local website in Dongguan and found that taxis often don’t hit the meter in Dongguan Bus Terminal, Humen high-speed railway station and other places.

  Why is it difficult to take a taxi?

  It is difficult to take a taxi at the entry and exit port.

  Traffic hubs are crowded together.

  At 18: 30 on September 1, the reporter arrived at Zhuhai Station by the Guangzhou-Zhuhai intercity railway train. As soon as he left the station, he went straight to the temporary taxi pick-up area. Unexpectedly, the scene in front of us discouraged reporters. At first glance, the long queue has turned several corners.

  The on-site staff told the reporter that such a queue is very common, and the same is true of the boarding point at the nearby Gongbei Port. "Now there are about one or two hundred people waiting in line for a taxi, and it is estimated that it will take an hour or two." The staff member said. In desperation, the reporter had to carry his luggage and walk to Qiaoguang Road, 700 meters away, to take the network car. Due to the serious traffic jam in Gongbei section, it was about 19: 30 when the reporter got on the Internet.

  The average daily passenger flow at Gongbei Port and Zhuhai Station of urban rail is hundreds of thousands. At present, there are only two taxi pick-up points available, and "difficulty in taking a taxi" has become a major pain point.

  Previously, there were three taxi pick-up points near Gongbei Port, namely, the taxi special area of Gongbei Port Bus Terminal, the temporary taxi pick-up area of Zhuhai Station of Urban Rail Transit and the taxi pick-up point of Qiguan Station. Affected by the renovation of the underground passage, the taxi pick-up point at Qiguan Station was cancelled on July 27th this year, leaving only two pick-up points on the ground.

  Many problems arise with more passengers, fewer cars and long queues. Some citizens report that when taking a taxi near Gongbei Port, they often encounter problems such as taxi drivers not picking up short-distance tickets, "black car" drivers soliciting passengers halfway and bargaining.

  "When I mentioned going to Qianshan, several taxi drivers didn’t want to go because it was close. When I went to the hotel opposite the port and continued to take a taxi, a silver private car drove over and took the initiative to open the door to signal us to get on the bus. " A citizen said that at that time, he was carrying a big bag and two children, but he had no choice but to take a "black car" to go home.

  On the 2nd, during an unannounced visit to several transportation hubs in Huizhou, the reporter saw that a large number of "motorcycle" soliciting customers and social workers distributed small advertisements. At 10 o’clock in the morning on the 2nd, many passengers at Huizhou Bus Terminal left the station. In front of the square, a row of "motorcycles" were already waiting here, and drivers waved to attract customers. As the taxi stand is on the first floor, some passengers didn’t pay attention to the signs and couldn’t find the boarding position. In this area, many social workers stopped passengers to distribute advertising leaflets. (Text/Photo: Nanfang Daily Unannounced Interview Group)

The State Sports General Administration issued the Development Plan of Outdoor Sports Industry in Mountainous Areas.

  Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, National Development and Reform Commission, General Administration of Sport

  Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Land and Resources, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development

  Ministry of Transport National Tourism Administration

  Notice on Issuing the Development Plan of Outdoor Sports Industry in Mountainous Areas

  All provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government, sports bureaus, development and reform commissions, departments of industry and information technology (commissions), departments of finance (bureaus), departments of land and resources, departments of housing, urban and rural areas and construction, transportation departments and tourism bureaus (commissions):

          The "Mountain Outdoor Sports Industry Development Plan" is hereby printed and distributed to you. Please conscientiously implement it according to the actual situation and accelerate the development of mountain outdoor sports industry.

  General administration of sports

  National Development and Reform Commission

  Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

  the Ministry of Finance

  Ministry of Land and Resources (MLR)

  Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development

  Ministry of Transport

  National Tourism Administration

  October 21, 2016

 Development planning of outdoor sports industry in mountainous areas

  Mountain outdoor sports industry is an important part of fitness and leisure industry. It is a series of economic activities that provide related products and services to the public with the natural mountain environment as the carrier, participation experience as the main form and the purpose of promoting physical and mental health, mainly including mountaineering, hiking, camping, cycling, natural rock climbing, orientation and navigation. At present, China has entered the decisive stage of building a well-off society in an all-round way, and people’s sports consumption mode has changed from physical consumption to participatory consumption. Vigorously developing the outdoor sports industry in mountainous areas is an important way to meet people’s diversified sports consumption needs, an important content of implementing the National Fitness Plan (2016-2020), building a healthy China and stimulating the vitality of industrial development, and is of great significance to releasing consumption potential and creating new kinetic energy for economic growth. In order to popularize and popularize mountain outdoor sports and accelerate the development of mountain outdoor sports industry, this plan is formulated. The implementation time of this plan is the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period.

  I. Development Foundation and Facing Situation

  With the continuous improvement of the national economic level, the sports consumption demand of the masses is also rising, and the mountain outdoor sports industry has achieved rapid growth: the number of outdoor sports enthusiasts in China has reached 130 million, and the outdoor products market has reached 18 billion yuan. The overall strength, industrial coverage, social participation and market recognition of China’s mountain outdoor sports industry have been greatly improved. At the same time, the weak links that restrict the outdoor sports industry in mountainous areas are still outstanding: the industrial scale is small, the industrial base is weak, the industrial system is not perfect, the lack of low-end consumption power coexists with high-end consumption outflow, the increasingly close industrial cooperation coexists with the lack of multi-department cooperation, and the management system is imperfect and the operation mechanism is not smooth.

  At present, the mountain outdoor sports industry is bound to usher in new strategic development opportunities. With the gradual implementation of the "Healthy China" strategy, the deepening of supply-side structural reform, and the wide application of concepts and tools such as "internet plus", smart tourism and big data, the demand for personalization, stratification and experience of the public tends to be strong, and the supply of mountain outdoor sports products in China will expand from low level and singleness to multi-level and diversified, and the participating groups will change from younger to different ages and diversified.

  Second, the overall requirements

  (A) the guiding ideology

  Fully implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Third, Fourth and Fifth Plenary Sessions of the 18th National Congress, firmly establish and implement the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing in accordance with the overall layout of "Five in One" and the strategic layout of "Four in All", with improving people’s well-being and health level as the starting point and the end result, with the supply-side structural reform of mountain outdoor sports industry as the main line, and with innovative development ideas and tapping industrial potential as the starting point.

  (2) Basic principles

  Reform leads, innovation develops. Strengthen the role of reform in promoting the development of outdoor sports industry in mountainous areas, intensify reform, and maximize market potential through policy innovation, management innovation, technological innovation and service innovation. Break down industry barriers, remove institutional obstacles, and form a policy system conducive to the healthy and rapid development of outdoor sports industry in mountainous areas. Strengthen the guidance of planning, policies and standards, and innovate the service mode and the development model of outdoor sports industry in mountainous areas.

  Improve the market and stimulate vitality. Follow the law of industrial development, improve the market mechanism and strengthen market supervision. Actively cultivate diversified market players, attract social capital to participate, fully mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of the whole society, and provide rich and diverse products and services that meet the needs of the masses.

  Adjust measures to local conditions and highlight advantages. Based on the current development situation, we should integrate space resources, give full play to the advantages of China’s vast territory and abundant natural resources in mountainous areas, develop the outdoor sports industry in mountainous areas with regional characteristics, and establish an inter-regional coordinated development mechanism to effectively promote the sustainable development of the outdoor sports industry in mountainous areas.

  Strengthen safety and optimize the environment. Increase investment in safety and security, deepen the awareness of safety responsibility, and strengthen the responsibility system for safety subjects, supervision and post responsibility. Strengthen the awareness of ecological protection, follow strict environmental protection standards, strengthen the protection of drinking water sources and nature reserves, prevent and control environmental pollution, and promote the overall quality of the people.

  (3) Development goals

  A mountain outdoor sports industry system with reasonable layout, perfect functions and complete categories has been basically formed. The market mechanism has been continuously improved, and the consumer demand has become more and more vigorous, which has significantly improved the driving role for other industries. By 2020, the total scale of mountain outdoor sports industry will reach 400 billion yuan, which will become an important force to promote sustainable economic and social development.

  Market players are growing. By 2020, a number of leading enterprises with great influence and strong driving force will emerge, launch a number of outdoor sports products with excellent quality, cultivate a number of qualified mountain outdoor sports clubs and a large number of qualified mountain outdoor sports instructors, and form a number of distinctive industrial clusters and well-known brands.

  The industrial base has improved significantly. The supply of outdoor sports venues and facilities in mountainous areas has increased significantly. Form a different level and diversified mountain outdoor sports event system. The population participating in outdoor sports in mountainous areas is growing, and the proportion of residents’ outdoor sports consumption in per capita disposable income has increased significantly.

  The industrial environment is constantly optimized. The vitality of institutional mechanisms has been significantly enhanced, administrative monopoly and local protection have been effectively eliminated, the standard system has been further improved, the resource information interactive service platform has been gradually formed, the regulatory mechanism is standardized and efficient, and the market system is healthy and orderly.

  III. Main tasks

  (A) to speed up the construction of venues and facilities

  Improve the infrastructure network. Strengthen the scientific planning and layout of outdoor sports venues and facilities in mountainous areas, and establish a three-dimensional and diversified system of outdoor sports venues and facilities in mountainous areas. Appropriately increase the proportion of land for outdoor sports facilities and supporting facilities in mountainous areas. Combine smart cities and green travel, plan and build urban slow-moving system and coordinate urban and rural greenway network, and build national trail system and bicycle road network. We will build a number of outdoor sports venues and related service facilities such as outdoor camps, hiking trails, hiking trails and cycling trails, and promote the construction of star-rated standards.

  Column 1 Building outdoor sports venues and facilities in mountainous areas

  In the form of "point, line and surface", scientific layout will be made to form a three-dimensional and diversified system of outdoor sports venues and facilities in mountainous areas.

  "Points": large-scale national outdoor leisure sports centers (bases) around big cities, medium-sized outdoor sports campsites, and functional areas where small mountain outdoor facilities are concentrated.

  "Line": national trails with various functions, outdoor cycling system, greenway network with sports and fitness functions, slow-moving system, etc.

  "Face": A linear path of sports, leisure and fitness connects all points of the venue facilities in series, supporting the corresponding public service facilities and forming an integrated platform.

  Revitalize the existing site resources. Make full use of parks and urban outdoor vacant places, focus on building a number of outdoor sports facilities that are convenient for the people and benefit the people, dig deep into idle resources in outdoor mountains, and support the use of unused land, abandoned land and remote mountains to build outdoor sports projects in mountainous areas.

  Expand the development space of the site. Guide qualified suburban areas to build mountain outdoor sports infrastructure such as hiking trails, mountain outdoor camps, hiking and cycling service stations, and improve supporting services. Plan and improve the construction of outdoor sports complex in mountainous areas. Encourage tourist attractions, state-owned forest farms and other reasonable planning and construction of outdoor sports facilities in mountainous areas. Support rural collective economic organizations to participate in mountain outdoor sports projects by themselves or by means of land use rights, joint ventures, etc.

  (B) enrich the supply of sports events

  Improve the competition system. Continue to improve and innovate, and build a level system of top-level events, professional events and amateur events. Organic combination of mountain outdoor sports boutique events and mass events, and actively promote the effective connection between national events and local events.

  Cultivate characteristic activities. Strive to creatively plan a number of high-level and high-quality mountain outdoor sports theme games, create outdoor sports games and festivals with regional characteristics and local culture as the theme, cultivate outdoor experience and adventure activities with environmental protection, outdoor knowledge and skills and personality shaping as the theme, and establish forums and exhibitions with mountain outdoor sports, outdoor culture and outdoor industrial exchanges as the theme.

  Create a brand event. Expand the scale of events, increase the types of events, cultivate a number of international brand events, create a number of nationally influential and well-known brand events, and form a good situation for the development of mountain outdoor sports events with "one product" and "one place, one product".

  (3) Cultivate diversified market players

  Support enterprise development. Guide powerful mountain outdoor enterprises to further enhance their core competitiveness through management output, chain operation and scale development. Encourage large-scale mountain outdoor enterprises to achieve cross-regional, cross-industry and cross-ownership mergers, restructuring and listing. Encourage overseas mergers and acquisitions of dominant brand enterprises to expand the international market. Support the rapid development of operating outdoor sports clubs. Encourage all kinds of small and medium-sized outdoor enterprises in mountainous areas to develop in the direction of "specialization, precision, specialty and novelty" and strengthen characteristic management, products and services.

  Expand social organizations. Vigorously support the development of various non-profit mountain outdoor sports associations, federations, clubs and other social organizations. Actively promote the pilot reform of the national mountain outdoor sports association and explore the establishment of a corporate governance structure. Encourage all kinds of social organizations to operate independently according to law, and lower the threshold for mountain outdoor sports clubs to engage in related business.

  (D) comprehensively enhance the industrial energy level

  Adjust the industrial structure. Further optimize the outdoor sports service industry, equipment manufacturing industry and related industrial structures in mountainous areas. Accelerate the development of mountain outdoor sports service industry, and support all localities to build a large number of outstanding mountain outdoor clubs, outstanding enterprises and brand competitions. Vigorously promote the development of mountain outdoor sports equipment manufacturing to high-end links such as research and development, design and sales, improve the independent research and development production capacity, and cultivate a number of well-known brands of high-end fitness and leisure equipment with independent intellectual property rights.

  Column 2 Improve the manufacturing level of outdoor sports equipment in mountainous areas

  Support the establishment of a world-leading mountain outdoor product research and development center, focus on key technologies, key technologies and common technologies, and form a core technology support system with independent intellectual property rights.

  Carry out demonstration and promotion of major technology applications, and popularize the advanced experience of innovative technologies, product marketing and retail business models in product research and development and design.

  Strengthen demonstration and guidance. Promote the service benchmarking of mountain outdoor sports, carefully select a number of regions and projects with distinctive characteristics and rich industrial elements, and create a number of excellent mountain outdoor sports with leading value. Build 3-5 national mountain outdoor sports demonstration zones, 50 mountain outdoor sports boutique routes and 50 mountain outdoor sports boutique projects to speed up the star construction of mountain outdoor sports camps.

  Improve the industrial layout. Around the national topography, landform and resource distribution characteristics, optimize the spatial layout, create a "three vertical and three horizontal" national mountain outdoor sports strategic layout, actively promote the benign interaction between regions with similar resources, complementary industries and docking supply and demand, and form a unique mountain outdoor sports industrial cluster and industrial belt. Overall planning, scientific optimization of project layout, vigorously develop mass projects such as mountaineering, hiking, camping and mountain biking, steadily develop professional projects such as high-altitude mountaineering and rock climbing, actively expand new forms and new connotations of mountain outdoor sports, and promote the healthy development of mountain outdoor sports.

  Column 3 Layout of Mountain Outdoor Sports Space

  "Three verticals and three horizontals" is based on the division of geographical levels from west to east, which includes the three steps of topography and the characteristics of mountains and rivers in China. Based on the division of temperature zones from north to south and the differences in topography and geomorphology, it contains various characteristics such as climate, vegetation, landscape, hydrology, geology and humanities. Based on the existing mountain outdoor sports gathering area, it includes hiking, cycling, go on road trip, rafting and other projects. The main layout architecture is as follows:

  1. The 500-kilometer trail line along the Taihang Mountains, and the outdoor sports line along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, the Huizhou-Hangzhou Ancient Road and the Xuxiake Ancient Road together form the longitudinal mountain outdoor sports belt in eastern China;

  2. Cycling and hiking routes from Xi ‘an to Chengdu;

  3. Cycling and hiking routes along the Qinghai-Tibet Highway (Xining via Golmud and Tanggula to Lhasa);

  4. Mountain outdoor sports routes along the Silk Road;

  5. Cycling and hiking routes along National Highway 318;

  6. Mountain outdoor sports routes along the Yangtze River and on both sides.

  Promote integrated development. Promote the upgrading of outdoor sports demand in mountainous areas to form a coupling effect, and actively build a highly intelligent, networked and interactive industrial integration system. Develop intelligent technology mountain outdoor sports products, promote the integration of mountain outdoor enterprises and mobile Internet, and make full use of big data, cloud computing, intelligent hardware and various theme apps to expand development space. Vigorously develop outdoor tourism in mountainous areas, support and guide qualified scenic spots to expand outdoor sports tourism projects in mountainous areas, and create high-quality outdoor tourism destinations. Make full use of and tap sports big data to promote the integrated development of outdoor and health services in mountainous areas.

  Column 4: Promote outdoor sports in the mountains of internet plus.

  Vigorously support online to offline for outdoor sports in mountainous areas, make full use of and tap the big data of healthy groups, build a networked information service platform, support the development of APP for outdoor sports in mountainous areas, such as venue reservation, guide reservation, sports socialization, sports goods sales, sports rehabilitation, etc., continuously optimize the operation and management mode, enrich the business service content, and comprehensively improve the comprehensive service function. Vigorously support the intelligent networking mode, conform to the development needs, combine the mobile internet and innovative sports concepts with traditional industries, build an interactive mountain outdoor sports platform based on the Internet of Things, and realize the integrated development of mountain outdoor sports industry.

  (5) Actively guide mass consumption.

  Enrich product supply. Vigorously promote mountain outdoor sports suitable for public participation in consumption, actively guide the healthy development of key mountain outdoor sports with consumption leading, and encourage the development of characteristic sports suitable for different groups of people and different regional characteristics, such as mountaineering, camping, hiking, mountain biking, rock climbing, mountain adventure, outdoor expansion and canyon rafting, so as to gradually meet the hierarchical and diversified consumption needs of the broad masses of the people.

  Guide the concept of consumption. Use newspapers, magazines, radio, television, internet and other media to widely publicize the knowledge and methods of mountain outdoor sports, promote various mountain outdoor sports venues and consumption information, encourage the use of various social platforms, enhance consumption experience, actively guide and stimulate residents’ willingness to consume, promote residents to change their consumption concepts, and enhance public awareness of consciously participating in mountain outdoor sports.

  (6) Improve the safety rescue system.

  Create a safe first aid network. Intensify the education and rescue of outdoor sports safety in mountainous areas, plan and build an early warning and alarm system and an outdoor emergency rescue system in mountainous areas, build an information management and track tracking system for outdoor sports participants in mountainous areas, and establish a convenient and full-coverage outdoor rescue service system in mountainous areas.

  Strengthen safety information warning. Establish a risk level information database of mountain outdoor sports destinations, and actively update and publish information such as weather conditions and traffic control in the surrounding areas of mountain outdoor sports destinations. Improve the safety warning, emergency rescue, fire protection, safety protection and other identification information in risk-prone areas.

  Establish an emergency rescue mechanism. We will steadily promote the construction of outdoor rescue teams in mountainous areas, strengthen early warning, control, rescue, equipment and insurance response drills, and gradually establish and improve a comprehensive rescue mechanism. Accelerate the establishment and improvement of an all-round emergency rescue service system integrating rescue, medical care and transportation.

  Box 5 Building a Mountain Outdoor Safety Rescue System

  1. Identification system: build systems such as guide identification, warning identification, warning identification and service guide.

  2. Safety system: Establish safety protection devices, early warning devices, emergency rescue devices, emergency shelters, rescue teams and rescue equipment.

  3. Rescue system: build an integrated response system of rescue, medical treatment and transportation.

  4. Rescue service station: build service center, rest point, campsite and post station, and improve the systems of water supply, power supply, lighting, parking lot, toilet and garbage recovery and disposal.

  Fourth, safeguard measures

  (A) innovation system and mechanism

  We will further improve the macro-management function of the sports administrative department in the mountain outdoor sports industry, and accelerate the formation of a functional system of government agencies with clear rights and responsibilities, reasonable division of labor, efficient operation and legal protection. Break down industry and regional barriers and simplify examination and approval procedures. Implement the State Council’s "Overall Plan for Decoupling Industry Associations from Administrative Organs", continue to promote the pilot reform of individual mountain outdoor sports associations, and complete the decoupling of national mountain outdoor sports associations from sports administrative organs.

  (B) improve the policy system

  Effectively implement the current national planning and layout, taxes and fees, prices, land and other policies to support the development of sports industry. Make overall use of existing capital channels to give necessary support to the outdoor sports industry in mountainous areas. Promote the use of government and social capital cooperation model (PPP) to promote policy innovations such as mountain outdoor sports insurance services, rescue systems and industrial statistics.

  (C) lay a solid foundation for work

  Strengthen the construction of public service system in mountainous outdoor sports concentration areas, and promote the establishment and improvement of service guarantee systems such as policy, transportation, security, information and technical services and rescue systems in and around the concentration areas. Accelerate the construction of standard systems for outdoor sports and outdoor industries in mountainous areas, formulate service specifications for outdoor sports in mountainous areas, improve the safety, order and quality assurance system for outdoor sports in mountainous areas, and improve the standardization level of outdoor sports and outdoor industries in mountainous areas in facilities construction, service provision, skills training, personnel qualification, activity management, project operation, equipment and so on. Establish and improve the statistical system and index system of mountain outdoor sports industry, establish evaluation and monitoring mechanism, and form a normalization mechanism for data monitoring and regular release of mountain outdoor sports industry.

  (D) Strengthen the protection of talents

  Encourage multi-party investment and carry out various types of vocational education and training. Encourage qualified colleges and universities to set up mountain outdoor sports industry majors, and encourage colleges and universities, research institutes, vocational training institutions and sports enterprises to establish mountain outdoor sports industry teaching, research and training bases. Strengthen international exchanges and cooperation in the training of talents in mountain outdoor sports industry, and accelerate the construction of think tanks in mountain outdoor sports industry.

  (5) Strengthen organizational leadership.

  Establish a communication and coordination mechanism for the relevant competent departments of mountain outdoor industry, timely analyze and solve the development situation and problems of mountain outdoor sports industry, and study and formulate various policies and measures for the development of mountain outdoor sports industry. Incorporate mountain outdoor sports industry into national economic and social development plans at all levels, as well as the development plans of related industries and departments. Sports administrative departments at all levels should strengthen the work of mountain outdoor sports industry and promote the development of mountain outdoor sports industry.

  (6) Strengthen supervision and implementation.

  Relevant departments at all levels should further clarify the basic tasks, work objectives and safeguard measures for the development of outdoor sports industry in mountainous areas, accurately grasp the focus of work, clarify the division of responsibilities, and do a good job in organizing and implementing all work. It is necessary to improve the supervision and implementation mechanism of the implementation of the plan, take effective measures, strictly supervise the implementation of the plan, and ensure the smooth implementation of the plan. (End)

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