Enjoy Bijie in spring and come to a cherry blossom date!

Chunfeng youxin

Flowers bloom for a certain period

Cherry blossoms are blooming with red inside.

Or pink or white

Clusters and clusters are covered with branches.

Come to Bijie to enjoy flowers.

Live up to the great spring scenery

Early spring season

Taoying Village, Shedongguan Township, Nayong County

More than 30,000 mu of cherry flowers are in full bloom.

Attracting tourists to enjoy flowers in the spring.

in recent years

She Dongguan Township relies on agate red cherry.

Formed a flower viewing and fruit picking.

Cherry processing and cultural promotion as a whole.

Development pattern of integration of agriculture, literature and tourism

Promote the local people to increase their income continuously.

Effectively help rural revitalization

Early spring, warm and cold at first sight.

The cherry blossoms in Dafang Cat Farm quietly bloom.

Flowers in clusters, clusters in branches, branches in full bloom.

Welcome a good season to enjoy flowers in spring

Stroll in the sea of cherry blossoms

Little white covered with branches

Like clouds of snow, like clouds.

It’s like a dream, like a fool.

Take out your mobile phone, take photos and punch in.

You are the "most beautiful boy" in the circle of friends.

Come to the cat farm.

Have a romantic date with cherry blossom.

February cherry blossoms

April cherry fruit red

Enjoy the flowers

The season of fruit ripening

We still have an appointment!

Original title: "Enjoy Bijie Spring, come to a cherry blossom appointment! 》

Lantern Festival is at home, what are you thinking?

Special feature of 1905 film network Although this Lantern Festival is not noisy, it is extraordinary. We believe that the persistence at present will definitely bring the best reunion when spring blossoms.

At that time, what will everyone want to do most?

It is better to jump out of all kinds of troubles in reality for a short time with Xiao Dianjun, and with this beautiful vision, follow the movie to imagine.

At that time, I wanted to eat … 

Hot pot, hot pot, or hot pot! Remember the movie "Old Classmate Dongzi Hotpot"? Chen Kun, Qin Hao and Yu Entai jointly opened a hot pot restaurant in the film, which is impressive.

Sitting around and reuniting with old friends, rinsing beef and mutton and drinking beer in front of steaming hot pot, recalling the lush years and saying goodbye to each other’s parents will surely be a food choice for many people after returning to normal life.

The original "ecstasy meal" created by Master Xing in the movie has become a screen classic. Emperor fried rice, splendid multiflavor fish, dried Kun roasted goose and other Manchu-Chinese banquet dishes can’t match a bowl of barbecued pork rice, plus a poached egg, which seems plain, but it is the "life-saving meal" of the star in the film, which makes people feel warm.

"ecstasy meal"

Hong Kong-style cuisine also includes crispy fried beef river, crystal sweet and sour meat and other luxurious dishes in happy ever after, and a bowl of Wonton Noodles bought from a vendor in Maggie Cheung, which is authentic and delicious.

Wuhan duck neck and Regan Noodles, Xi ‘an mutton bread in soup, Nanjing duck blood vermicelli soup, Changsha chopped pepper fish head, Chengdu Dandan Noodles … The series "China on the tip of the tongue" comprehensively introduces the special snacks all over the country, and there is always one for you.

Food adds a sweet flavor to life, and Japanese food always looks so exquisite and healing, especially Japanese food in movies. Hirokazu KoreedaOur movie is an exquisite "food guide". Hot coke cakes in the kitchen;Curry rice and cold noodles cooked by Sister Li herself;Corn tempura fried by old mother and delicious stew 3. ….

The Coke Cake in The Thieves’ Family

These foods are accompanied by the taste of family, and they are tasted together after the epidemic and enjoy the beauty that is gently intertwined with life. The single mother in Dandelion gathers gourmets and friends to make delicious pork Lamian Noodles.

The bronze gongs and gongs cooked by the old lady in the restaurant have brought a mediocre store of bronze gongs and gongs and gongs back to life … Food is not only made and enjoyed, but you may also gain a friendship and friendship like them in the process.

 Western cuisine is also a good choice. You can drive a car to a bar and restaurant like Chinese, John Travolta and uma thurman, and order a royal cheeseburger, which is heavy and full.

How long has it been since you enjoyed a fancy French dinner? Baked lobster with cream, mutton with onion sauce, boiled eggs with water, beef stew with red wine, flounder fried in yellow oil, crispy tomato bread …… Look at Julie and Julia, in which 524 French dishes are unforgettable.

During the Spring Festival holiday, people stayed at home for too long, and many people gained a lot of meat. Whether it’s the hell-like special training in "Slimming Men and Women" or the fat boy in "Ex-girlfriend" who insists on running, everyone’s fitness training plan can be arranged!

At that time, I wanted to travel. 

Travel plans can also be arranged in advance, and perhaps you can find the ideal destination in the movie. Gongwangfu in the park, Jiuzhaigou in the park, Wulong in Chongqing in the park and Anji Dazhuhai Scenic Resort in the park … can follow the footsteps of these classic domestic films to explore scenic spots all over the country.

"Hero" Jiuzhaigou

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" Anji Zhuhai looks overseas. The classic trilogy of "Love in" has unfolded a beautiful picture of European scenery for us. Maybe you can also have an unexpected encounter on the train and spend a romantic night with him/her in Vienna.

The film is set in New Zealand, but the scenery here is not like the Hobbit, but concentrated in a less popular town: Clyde.

Look for the love footprints of the protagonists Huang Xuan and Yang Caiyu here. You can also go to Cook Mountain, the highest peak in New Zealand, like them, wait for the Antarctic light and make a good wish.

 The Spring Festival movies are broadcast free of charge on the Internet, which also allows more people to bet on the winter scenery in Russia. The K3 train from Beijing to Moscow takes 6 days and 6 nights across Eurasia, and you can enjoy the forests of Siberia, the snow scenery of grassland in Ulaanbaatar and the lake water of Lake Baikal along the way. …

The destination Moscow has Red Square, Kremlin, St. Vassili Cathedral and other must-see attractions. Slow is the rhythm of this trip, witnessing all kinds of changes in the scenery along the way.


When the cherry blossoms bloom in March, don’t forget the cherry blossoms in full bloom in Wuhan University. I hope that by then, Wuhan has completely got rid of the virus, and we can walk under the cherry trees of Wuhan University, see the sunshine and smell the flowers and fragrance.

At that time, I wanted to see you 

"All encounters in the world are reunions after a long separation." 

This romantic remark in the movie can be reminiscent of the classic reunion pictures in many movies: Li Xiaojun and Li Qiao in the movie, and second time around, the first lover in the movie.


After a short separation, after the couple meet again, they will definitely hold hands to date and wander in the street again, relying on each other closely and accompanying each other closely. 

In the movie, Matsu Takako plays the Hokkaido girl who comes to Tokyo alone. She held an umbrella in the spring rain and bravely confessed to her favorite boy. When the epidemic is over, will you run to the person you like and say that you like you loudly like her?

And if you didn’t go home for the Spring Festival this year, you should also want to hurry back to your warm home at that time. Like the old father in the village, the family will certainly set up a table full of meals, waiting for your return.

Someone said, "On that day, I hope that thousands of couples, couples and their families will take to the streets together to kiss, hug and cheer, and no more suspicion and quarrel." 

Some people also said, "I will cherish every day now and live a safe and healthy life." 

Whatever you want to do, that day can come true.

Pay tribute to every worker who is still in his post during the Lantern Festival!

The fatality rate of rabies is 100%! These life-saving knowledge must be known early.

When summer comes, you should be more careful when walking your dog. Why? The weather is hot, everyone wears thin clothes, revealing their arms and legs, and children like to trick cats and dogs. Coupled with the sultry weather, it is easy to make animals fidgety and impulsive. If you accidentally bite, it is terrible to catch rabies.
Q: How dangerous is rabies?
A: the fatality rate is almost 100%
Rabies is an acute infectious disease caused by rabies virus, which will attack the central nervous system of people and animals.
The patient’s nerves are damaged, and he loses the swallowing function. When he hears the sound of water and wind, he will feel a sense of impending death similar to drowning, showing symptoms such as mania, fear, fear of wind and water, drooling, and muscle twitching all over the body. In the late stage, the muscle spasm stops and he enters a state of paralysis and coma.
The most terrible thing is that the fatality rate of rabies is almost 100%, and it usually dies within one week after onset. It is precisely because of this that the prevention of rabies is particularly important.
Q: Can only dogs infect rabies?
A: it is possible for mammals.
Theoretically, all mammals, including cats, dogs, foxes, weasels and bats, may be infected with rabies.
However, 95% of people’s rabies is caused by being bitten by dogs, and less than 5% is caused by being bitten by cats. Other animals are very rare case reports.
Q: can rabies lurk for more than ten years?
A: The incubation period of rabies virus is 1~3 months.
The World Health Organization has proved that the incubation period of rabies virus is 1~3 months, and the longest is 6 years.
99% of rabies always occurs within one year after being bitten, and it is rare to get sick again after more than one year. Therefore, if you don’t have symptoms for one year after being bitten by an animal, you can basically stop worrying.
Q: Nothing without broken skin?
A: Wipe it with alcohol right away.
In principle, as long as you are bitten, you should be vaccinated. If you don’t bite your skin, the probability of being infected will be relatively small.
However, whether the skin is broken or not can’t be judged by the naked eye alone. If you are not sure, you’d better rub it with alcohol at once. If you feel tingling, it means that your skin is damaged. You’d better go to the hospital for vaccination.
Need to be reminded that if the skin itself has a wound and has been licked by cats and dogs, it may also be infected. It is best to go to the hospital for vaccination.
Q: After being bittenWhat should I do?
A: Rinse with soapy water for 15 minutes.
Rabies virus is afraid of "alkali". After being bitten, it can be disinfected and the risk of rabies can be reduced by washing it with soapy water for 15 minutes in time.
If you really can’t find soapy water, washing with clear water can also have a certain effect.
But reducing the risk does not mean that rabies can be completely prevented, that is to say, after washing with soapy water, the vaccine can’t run away.
If the wound is big and deep, you must go to the hospital immediately.
Q: Must everyone be vaccinated immediately after being bitten?
A: If the animal is healthy, it can be observed for 10 days first.
If your cat and dog have been vaccinated for two years in a row, and it is because the animal was accidentally injured when playing normally, the animal looks healthy, and it is not necessary to inject rabies vaccine immediately after being bitten by a dog.
You can try the "10-day observation method" given by the World Health Organization first.
Because dogs or cats are infected with rabies within 3 to 5 days after onset or before onset, there is a risk of infection if they are caught and bitten during this period.
"10-day observation method" means that if the dog or cat is still very healthy 10 days after biting a person, it proves that the saliva of the biting dog or cat does not contain rabies virus at the time of the incident, and the danger is very small.
If cats and dogs are abnormal during the observation period, people need to get vaccinated in time. As long as people are not sick before the vaccine stimulates the body to produce enough immune antibodies, the vaccine can play a protective role.
Attention! ! ! There is a very important requirement for "10-day observation".
You must be very familiar with the usual situation of biting animals, and you can ensure close observation. Once the animals are abnormal, they can be implemented in time.
As mentioned just now, our cats and dogs have been vaccinated against rabies for two consecutive years. This situation can be observed first.
Or, although not vaccinated, there is good reason to think that animals can’t be infected with rabies.
For example, there have been no rabies cases in the area for several years, and our cats and dogs never go out and have no contact with other animals. This can ensure that animals cannot be infected, and we can adopt the 10-day observation method without vaccination first.
If it is impossible to ensure the health of animals, but it is very unlikely to judge that there is something wrong with animals, people can be vaccinated first after exposure. After 10 days, the injured animals are still healthy, and the vaccines that have not been finished after 10 days can be dispensed with.
If it is bitten by a stray animal or cannot be observed for other reasons, people must get rabies vaccine immediately. According to the exposure, the doctor decides whether rabies immunoglobulin is needed.
Q: Is it okay if your dog bites?
A: Those who have been vaccinated for two consecutive years can rest assured.
If your cats and dogs have been vaccinated against rabies for two consecutive years, the probability that they will be infected with rabies is relatively small, and the injury is only "accidental injury", and they still look healthy afterwards. In this case, the observation method can be used for 10 days without vaccination.
If your cat and dog have not been vaccinated against rabies, don’t take it lightly, because it may be risky for your cat and dog to be bitten by stray or wild animals when you are not paying attention. It is best for people to get a vaccine first, and at the same time carry out the "10-day observation method".
Q: bite your face and die faster?
A: Yes, the incubation period is shorter.
If you are bitten by an animal with rabies in the head, face or other parts with dense nerve distribution, the incubation period will be shorter and the onset will be faster.
So don’t rub your face against cats and dogs when you are not sure whether they are healthy or not. If a mad dog really bites, try to protect your head and face.
Q: I’ve been vaccinated. Do I still need to be vaccinated if I get bitten again?
A: You don’t need to be vaccinated again within three months.
After vaccination with rabies vaccine, that is, after 4 or 5 shots (depending on whether the course of vaccination is 4 or 5 shots), you will be bitten again within 3 months without repeated vaccination.
However, the exposure that has occurred for more than 3 months or within 3 months is a serious bite (level 3 exposure). It is best to go to the hospital for two shots of booster vaccine.
Q: The vaccine is not finished. Is there any preventive effect?
A: It still has a certain preventive effect.
As long as you have been vaccinated against rabies, you can have a certain preventive effect. It just doesn’t last as long as the whole vaccination.
Q: Can pregnant women get rabies vaccine?
A: yes.
Rabies vaccine has almost no contraindications, and all people can take it unless they are allergic to the vaccine. Even during pregnancy, if you are bitten by a suspected sick cat or dog, you should get rabies vaccine.
Q: Can you prevent rabies vaccine in advance?
A: Only special people need it.
Work requires frequent contact with animals, such as veterinarians, or people who are going to the wild in the near future, so it is necessary to take rabies vaccine in advance to prevent it.
Q: Where can I get a rabies vaccine?
A: Call the health hotline 12320.
Not all hospitals can be vaccinated against rabies. Call the health hotline 12320 to find the nearest medical institution that can be vaccinated.
Tie the dog leash and walk the dog in a civilized way. If you have any questions about rabies, ask the doctor ~
Source: Good Doctor Online (ID: haodf _ wx)
Producer: Li Daixiang
Editor: Guan Kailiang, Lu Yu
Internship: Lei Wenwen, Jiao Fengjiao
Be vigilant!
Everyone is searching.
The only person who survives rabies, the probability of normal people getting rabies, the survival rate of rabies, the ten misunderstandings of rabies, the incidence of rabies, the six people alive, can’t the animals with rabies live for 10 days?



Why does the country not attach importance to Chinese medicine? I have someone in Guangxi who can cure this disease. But he’s 70 and 80 years old. Young people today don’t. Alas. In the past, many people in the village were cured of incurable diseases that could not be cured by hospitals. Chill.




Yang Yang Yang xiZ

Are you sure?




How about now?

Originally, I didn’t believe that a real friend was born here. The woman was bitten by a dog for a few days and even barked like a dog. Her family didn’t know where to find a prescription and gave her a few times. It was miraculously better.


Want to fly out of Mars

Nonsense, rabies virus is 100% lethal.




Yang Yang Yang xiZ

Are you sure




Ll peach dies.

An alarmist. It’s really ignorant and I don’t know what psychology it is. This is a fact. Although not all cats and dogs carry rabies virus, the fatality rate is 100% as long as they have been bitten and not vaccinated in time. I remember reading a report that there was only one patient infected with rabies in the world, and it didn’t work at all to treat others by treating him. You are bitten by an alarmist, and it is your own business that you are irresponsible for your own life. Don’t show off your ignorance here and mislead some people who are not very clear.




The account has been cancelled.

This is the data obtained by all authoritative organizations in the world, and it is also an internationally recognized fact. And which dog lovers can refute the theory only by their mouth and keyboard, so that they can come up with real data and overturn the internationally recognized standard, and they can’t do it at all




Gong Juan Qiao He

All the reports I have seen are 100% dead, or almost 100% dead, which may be this case, so I have to add almost.




All three replies


But the state does not attach importance to it. Everyone in my hometown will. But he is a very old man.


What about now?

Eating Chinese medicine can cure it.





Sure, one of the two brothers has passed away. One of them is almost 90 years old. He can get well after taking the medicine, but there are also some taboos. He can’t eat everything, and he can’t be saved after taking the medicine.




Yang Yang Yang xiZ

Are you sure?





Don’t be so scary, it’s nothing if it’s not a mad dog. Were you bitten by dogs less in the past? How many people have had injections? Have you heard about the dead?




Please enter the board.

We have a groom who was bitten by a dog before he entered the bridal chamber and died three days later.





Last year, there was another epidemic in Shaanxi. A woman was bitten by a mad dog while crossing the street, and then she went to the hospital for rabies vaccine. However, it took time for the vaccine to produce immunity in human body, and finally this person died of rabies virus.




All 11 replies

The warm winter sun is here.

Dog lovers don’t get rabies, do they?




Weifengjun 128

No, immunity




Dream of making money

I won’t!




All 4 replies

It’s a boast.

For the health and safety of the people, the state should issue strict documents and regulations on raising cats and dogs (especially large dogs)! ! !





Only when a mad dog bites it, but normal dogs basically don’t. We used to be bitten by dogs in the countryside. It’s been 20 years now and it’s all right.




Yunyizhu 4f





Si Lu Hua Yu 121

You know you’re scared when you get bitten by a dog.




All 4 replies

T fly against the wind c

When I played with my dog the day before yesterday, its paw scratched my leg and broke a little skin. It’s scabbed today, so it should be all right.




A windy and frosty spring in the desert

Don’t take it seriously, the incubation period of this disease can reach 20 years, so you’d better get an injection quickly.




Toxoplasma guanyi

Some time ago, the people in our town happened exactly like you, and they died not long after.




All 15 replies

Cohabitation equals second marriage.

The news should report more about the dangers of rabies, so that those who have dogs know what they are doing.




Ciyinqian 3K

I was bitten by a dog when I was a child, and I didn’t get rabies vaccine. It’s been decades now, and it’s okay. It’s not that a mad dog bites me.




Ciyinqian 3K

I just said I didn’t say anyone else.




Yunyizhu 4f

It’s really ignorant and fearless. Just because you’re okay doesn’t mean that others are okay. Can you take responsibility for something?




All 4 replies

A path

Dog owners deserve it. It’s not that they don’t report their time.




A path

Do you understand this time? Who is ignorant?




A path

You are mistaken. I mean it has nothing to do with this article. The original intention is that the dog owner has the right to feel it himself, and the dog will repay your kindness sooner or later.




All three replies

Luneng xintaishan

Almost everyone has been bitten, don’t scare people.




Luneng xintaishan

There is no doubt that you may be hit by a car as long as you go out.




Luneng xintaishan





Phoenix dance for nine days 6Aa

"10-day observation method" is useless for observing for a few days if it is really unfortunately infected!




Sapphire to buy fruit in Otaki Mountain.

Twenty-four hours of rabies vaccine, ten days of observation, it’s too late, and I don’t know how I died




Little people, oh, 35

Take a good look at the article




Rural life in Mao Mao, Germany.

Last year, a man in our village was scratched by his own dog while feeding his dog. Died after the fourth dose of vaccine. Only in his twenties.





Jiao Hua man yuan

Rabies is being said every day. Is there really that much rabies?




Xiaoming children’s footwear

One in the village next door was bitten and vaccinated the next day, but died in a cage within a few days, which was ugly.




Jiao Hua man yuan

You’re a moron. Just comment. Watch your mouth.




All 4 replies

Let me talk to you.

My cousin’s son died of rabies, or his own dog?




Boundless sea 1007

You should pay attention to rabies, and don’t mess with dogs.




Zhi ai hei la

Alarmist, make a mountain out of a molehill, exploit the topic, and make a bubble.





Zhi ai hei la

Do you have to be so high-profile before eating dog meat is prohibited by law? ! If this is something to show off, why don’t star politicians who prefer hype just use it? !




Zhi ai hei la

So, working dogs in public places can take a curtain call. How about you?




All 14 replies

See more comments

Teach you how to run correctly!

In recent years, there are more and more urban running parties, and too many people want to release their work pressure and lose weight through running.

Of course, if you want to lose weight by running, you must control your diet at the same time. As the saying goes, you can effectively lose weight by keeping your mouth shut and taking your legs apart.

It can be said that running can not only help you gain a healthy and ideal weight, but also help you find channels to release stress and control emotions ~

Then let’s talk about the matters needing attention in running and the need to stretch and relax after running.

Let me share my running method with you!

The first is the four rules of running-

1. Make full warm-up preparations before running;

Before running, we should fully adjust the potential heat energy of the body to the preparation state, so that every joint of our body can adapt, stimulate hormones in the body, promote nerve cells in the learning area of the brain, and improve memory to a certain extent, so the preparation before jogging must be done!

Warm-up exercises can refer to:

1. Running with leg lifts in place, as a preparatory activity before running, this series of actions can make the whole body enter a state of motion. With the increase of the frequency and range of leg lifts, the whole leg and arm muscles can enter a state of motion.

2. Shoulder around the ring, the upper body is upright, and the arms are drooping, so that the shoulders are spread back and the shoulder joint is the center.

3. Neck around the ring, this action is similar to the previous shoulder around the ring, helping you find the correct position of your neck. Nowadays, people face computers and mobile phones for a long time. It will bring incorrect neck displacement when facing computers and mobile phones to running, which will make the health of cervical spine worse and worse. Friends who have cervical spondylosis must be gentle when doing this action. It is best to consult a doctor before.

(4) Hip encircling, which means opening your feet shoulder width, taking the central axis of your body as the axis, and encircling your hip joint. This action can help you ensure the flexibility of your hip joint.

⑤ Stand on one leg, with the calf folded to the root of thigh, and lean forward appropriately. This action mainly stretches the quadriceps femoris in front of the thigh, and can also prevent thigh cramps during running. This action can also be done after running, which also has certain preventive and relieving effects on lactic acid accumulation after exercise.

6. The knee joint is around the ring. Many running friends are suffering from abnormal noise of the knee joint, mainly due to insufficient warm-up and lubrication of the knee joint before running. The main points of this action are to put your legs together, squat half-way, hold your knees, and make a circle around the center line.

⑦. Stretch the calf muscles, with one leg in front and the other leg behind. The toe of the former triggers the latter to bend slightly, bending down and touching the toe of the former with one hand. This action can prevent calf cramps during running.

⑧. The ankle joint and wrist are looped, standing on one leg, and the other leg is on the ground with the toes as the center. At the same time, hands are crossed to hold the loop with the wrists as the center.

2. The key to healthy weight loss depends on the time and speed of running;

If you want to lose weight by running, it is best to control the running time at 30-60 minutes each time. If the running time is too short, the effect of burning fat will not be achieved. If the running time is too long, it will cause muscle fatigue, which is not good for health, just 3-5 times a week. People with large base weight should avoid running every day. After exercise, we should give our knees a full rest to avoid excessive friction and water accumulation, which is even more worthwhile. Moreover, the speed of running should not be too fast (of course, it should not be too slow), and the speed of about 6-7km/ h is the most reasonable. This pace can fully combine fat with oxygen to burn ~

3. Correct running posture;

1. Hold your head high, lean forward slightly, and keep your upper body straight. Don’t hold your chest, and don’t hold your chest out. The stable posture of the upper body has a great influence on breathing and rhythm.

2. Don’t touch the ground with your heel or forefoot. When landing, try to make the soles of your feet contact the ground as much as possible, and the forefoot or sole will touch the ground. The main thing is not to deliberately press the ankle.

3. Don’t pedal, pedal desperately when jogging, do you want to use your feet as rocket launchers? Have you thought about the knee and ankle feeling?

4. Swing your arms naturally back and forth, relax and open your shoulders backwards, don’t shrug your shoulders, and bend your elbows by about 90. Relax your hands and don’t make a fist, because making a fist is a tense posture, which will make you unable to swing your arm easily and naturally. Pay attention to the front and rear swing arms. Never swing your arms horizontally, because then your body will shake and your center of gravity will be unstable.

4. Stretch after running;

After jogging, fully stretching and stretching can fully burn the excess fat in the body, exercise most parts of the body and shape muscle lines. Of course, this is also the secret of not thickening legs after running, and stretching after running can also ease the tachycardia.

1. Leg stretching after running: Just keep your arms straight against a certain wall, with your legs standing back and forth, your front legs slightly bent, and your back legs straight. Press your body forward. Keep the heel of the back foot off the ground and change legs for 30 seconds.

2. Ligament stretching after running: open your feet to shoulder width, bend over and keep your knees straight, try to let your hands touch the ground and stick your upper body to your legs as much as possible.

3. Stretching the inner thigh after running: in the side bow position, the upper body leans forward and leans to the ground, and both hands support the ground below; Stretch the leg to the side and press it down. Keep the thighs and calves in a straight line and change legs for 30 seconds.

④ Stretching the front side of thigh after running: The body is standing on one leg, and the calf is folded to the root of thigh. You can lean forward appropriately and change legs for 30 seconds.

⑤. Butterfly stretching after running: Sit on the ground smoothly, bend your knees together, put the soles of your feet in front of your stomach, do your most comfortable posture, put your feet close to your groin, and press your upper body down for 30 seconds.

Nowadays, city workers can only find time to exercise in the morning or after work. So shall we run in the morning or fun run?

Fun run and morning running have their own benefits and advantages. You can adjust the distribution according to your own time. The most important thing is to stick to it! As the saying goes, as long as the kung fu is deep and the iron pestle is ground into a needle!

First of all, let’s talk about the advantages of morning running:

1. Running in the morning can change a person’s daily life, form a good habit of living and rest, don’t stay up late at night, and go to bed early automatically.

2. Running in the morning can breathe the freshest air in nature. As the saying goes, the plan for a good day lies in the morning.

3. When others are still asleep, I always feel that I have earned time when I get up early and run.

Persisting in running in the morning will also make you form the habit of eating breakfast every day, which will make you healthier.

While having advantages, we should also pay attention to the precautions for morning running:

1. Don’t run on an empty stomach. Although it has a certain fat-reducing effect, it will also lead to hypoglycemia/thrombosis, which will cause great harm to the body.

2. It is not advisable to run too early in the morning. It is better to run after 6 o’clock, and it is best to run from 9 to 11 o’clock. 30-60 minutes each time.

3. Although morning running can activate the body, the exercise effect is not as good as the legend.

4. The pace and distance of our morning run should be appropriate, not too strong.

Advantages of fun run:

Fun run is more convenient for most runners because they have more time after work.

2. fun run can make people more relaxed, relieve the pressure caused by a busy day, and you don’t have to think about some messy things when running;

3. fun run’s weight loss effect is more significant, because the night is the most vigorous time of human metabolism, which helps to burn fat;

④ At night, the number of platelets in people’s blood is relatively small, so that thrombosis can be well avoided;

⑤. fun run can also help to improve the quality of sleep. When you come back from running, take a rest and take a bath, you will fall asleep faster and sleep better.

Matters needing attention in fun run:

(1) In recent years, there have been many incidents reported on the Internet in fun run, so you should choose the location of fun run carefully. Safety is the first priority. Don’t go to fun run, a remote and sparsely populated place.

② fun run should have a light dinner, and don’t go out for a run immediately after dinner. It’s best to rest for about an hour and a half after dinner and start in fun run.

(3) fun run should try to finish before 9: 00 pm, just sweat a little, and leave some time for yourself to have a full rest, so as to avoid being too excited to fall asleep and affecting the state of going to work the next day.

Finally, the diet during running to lose weight;

Many people find that their legs will be thick after running for a period of time, or they can’t find the scales after running for a period of time. In view of whether the legs will become thick after running, if you have sufficient pre-running exercise and post-running stretching and correct running posture, you won’t get thick legs. As for why you haven’t lost the scales after running, diet is very important. Many people will feel very hungry after running, especially want to eat, but their appetite has improved and their food intake has increased. At this time, it is a test of our diet. The most important thing is what to eat. Remember not to overeat, otherwise they will become fatter instead of losing weight. Under normal circumstances, I will eat coarse grains or high-protein food after running for 1 hour, so that I can replenish the energy consumed after running in time and protein will not have to worry about getting fat, but the speed of dropping the scale will be a little slower, because it takes about 300 calories to run for 40 minutes. It is also recommended to give priority to coarse grains and vegetables and fruits when eating at ordinary times.

In conclusion, what I want to say is that no matter whether you are running or doing anything, it will not be immediate, but you should persevere. Some people run to lose weight, others run to be healthy. As long as you are willing to persist, you can actually see everyone’s changes and mental outlook ~ Let’s cheer together! Ollie, here! ! !


Wild boar is no longer a national protected wild animal. How to find the balance between protection and hunting?

  Xinhua News Agency, Chengdu, July 7th Question: Wild boar is no longer a national protected wild animal. How to find the balance between protection and hunting?

  Xinhua News Agency "Xinhua Viewpoint" reporters Zhang Chaoqun, Gao Jianjun and Sun Qingqing

  A few days ago, National Forestry and Grassland Administration released the newly adjusted List of Terrestrial Wild Animals with Important Ecological, Scientific and Social Values, and the wild boar that caused serious damage in many places in the country was transferred out of the list, which means that it no longer belongs to the wild animals protected by the state. What is the realistic background of this change? Does it mean that you can kill at will after calling out the list? How to find the balance between protection and hunting? "Xinhua Viewpoint" reporter conducted an investigation and interview on this.

  Wild boar flooding in many places frequently hurts people and destroys things, and it has been called for a long time to delete them from the list.

  The newly adjusted "Three Owns" list includes 1924 species of wild animals. Compared with the catalogue first published in 2000, more than 700 species of wild animals have been added while basically retaining the original species. The species listed in the original list are not naturally distributed in China, or widely distributed, with a very high population, no extinction risk, and may even cause harm.

  "There is no threat to the survival of wild boar, and the population in many areas is too high, which is in line with the basic principle of adjustment." Jin Kun, a researcher at the Institute of Forest Ecological Environment and Nature Protection of China Academy of Forestry, said.

  In 2021, Tudeng Xiangba, the 45-year-old village party secretary and village committee director of Zengde Village, Shangmula Township, Litang County, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, was killed by a wild boar attack on his way to the mountain.

  In Yuanshanzi Village, Tongjiang County, Bazhong City, Sichuan Province, wild boars "patronize" every three to five nights. Among the 334 households in the village, more than 100 villagers planted crops and fruits, which were damaged by wild boars. According to the comprehensive villagers’ evaluation of Tongjiang County Wildlife Conservation Center, there are more than 20,000 wild boars in the county. From March 2022 to March 2023, Tongjiang County accepted more than 700 reports of wild animals such as wild boar.

  Since 2022, there have been more than 1,300 incidents of wild boar accidents recorded in Mianyang City, Sichuan Province, and eight people have been injured and more than 3,500 mu of crops have been damaged.

  To this end, many county governments have to buy commercial insurance to make up for the losses caused by wild boar to farmers. Tongjiang County has spent more than 400,000 yuan in recent years to buy government rescue insurance for wildlife damage. In Mianyang City, five counties with serious wild boar hazards spend 100,000-300,000 yuan each year to buy commercial insurance with insurance coverage ranging from 1.2 million to 2 million yuan.

  Not only in the countryside, but also in Nanjing, Hangzhou and other places. The data show that wild boar is distributed in 28 of the 31 provinces in China, among which 857 counties (cities, districts) in 26 provinces are harmed by wild boar, which has adversely affected the production and life of local people.

  During the interview, the relevant departments of forestry and grassland in many places revealed that from the perspective of being conducive to social development and people’s lives, it has been called for a long time to delete wild boar from the "three haves" list. To this end, many places have made detailed wild boar population surveys and hazard assessments.

  Can I kill wild boar at will in the future?

  "I really can’t help it. The wild boar will eat 70 acres of my more than 100 acres." In a case heard by the People’s Court of Xichuan County, Henan Province in 2021, Wu Mou, who captured more than 8 wild boars with prohibited hunting equipment in the game reserve and during the game ban, stated this to the court.

  Now, does bringing wild boar out of the list mean that you can kill wild boar at will?

  Jin Kun and other experts said that after the wild boar was brought out of the list, it was easier to carry out hunting activities, but the principle of giving priority to protection should still be adhered to, and the provisions of laws and regulations such as no hunting area, no hunting period, no hunting tools and hunting methods, and national gun management should be strictly observed. When hunting wild boar, no harm should be caused to other wild animals protected by the state.

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Wildlife and Wetland Protection Department of Sichuan Forestry and Grassland Bureau, one of the advantages of transferring wild boar out of the list is that the procedures are simpler at the grassroots level when dealing with the harm caused by wild boar and adopting population control.

  "One pig, two bears, three tigers and leopards." During the interview, villagers in many places used this folk saying to describe the strong aggression of wild boar.

  "The villagers can’t clean up the wild boar without tools", "the biting force is too strong", "the teeth are like knives" and "they dare not do it". The villagers in Xinyi Village, Muzuo Township, Pingwu County, Sichuan Province commented on the "lethality" of wild boar. Du Lin, the village party secretary, said, "A few years ago, an old lady in the village met a wild boar on the mountain, and her ankle was bitten off by a wild boar. She was barely able to walk on crutches after living in the hospital for more than two months."

  Li Zhongyi, the criminal investigation team leader of the Forest Police Detachment of Mianyang City Public Security Bureau, said that most wild boars are social animals, and generally two or three sows hang out with a group of young pigs. In order to protect their young, adult sows are usually irritable and aggressive. Wild boar has territorial consciousness and may attack other creatures in the territory.

  The reporter learned that there are only three hunting teams in Mianyang, a city with a good ecological environment and frequent wild boars, all of which are non-governmental organizations. Among them, only one team was allowed to use guns by the public security organs for the record.

  How to find the balance between protection and hunting?

  Experts interviewed said that the frequent appearance of wild animals such as wild boar not only caused crop losses, but also reflected the trend that the ecological environment in many places in China continued to improve and the habitat of wild animals expanded. "The ecology is getting better and better these years." Yang Tingxiu, a 50-year-old villager in Luoyigou Village, Qingxi Town, Qingchuan County, Sichuan Province, said that wild boar, deer and monkeys went to the fields to eat crops, which was the trouble after the ecological improvement.

  Experts suggest that wild boar is harmful, but it is not a "pest". Studies have shown that the habit of wild boar turning over the soil and arching the ground can effectively promote the healthy succession of forests. At the same time, the seeds of many plants in nature are also spread through the eating and activities of wild boar.

  The insiders believe that it is necessary to adhere to the principle of protection priority, find the balance between hunting and protection, and make scientific policies to achieve harmonious coexistence between man and nature. Otherwise, it is inevitable to fall into "indiscriminate killing — The number has dropped sharply — Protection — Overflow — The pattern of indiscriminate killing.

  Some grassroots cadres and the masses have called for the local government to formulate special control methods in areas where wild boar causes frequent harm. For example, the public security organs can properly participate in wild boar hunting activities, or approve private professional hunting teams to be equipped with a certain number of special firearms. At the same time, strictly regulate and implement the harmless treatment process and comprehensive utilization regulations such as sterilization, deep burial or incineration of prey carcasses, and strictly prohibit wild animals from flowing to the table.

  Experts warned that if Lu Yu wild boar, should keep calm, quickly find the surrounding terrain and shelter conducive to hiding. If the wild boar takes the initiative to attack, it should dodge to both sides to avoid the frontal collision of the wild boar; When you are deadlocked, try to find a tall and easy-to-climb tree to climb two or three meters, and call the police for help on the premise of your own safety.