Hurry up and watch! Details of Xu Jiayin’s return home are fully exposed

In the past two days, the news of Evergrande boss Xu Jiayin returning to his hometown has easily occupied the headlines of major media. Xu Jiayin is from Taikang, Henan. Over the years, he has invested more than one billion yuan to build schools, hospitals, and industrial bases, and Xu Jiayin has been "walking" with his hometown frequently. And this time, Xu Jiayin and his wife Ding Yumei accompanied his father back to his hometown. What did he do? The editor will decipher it for you as soon as possible, and the details you want to see are here.

What kind of hometown flavor did you eat back home?

Sweet potato, sweet potato soup, black wotou, boiled cabbage and radish… Returning to the old house in Jutaigang Village, Xu Jiayin, his wife, and the villagers sat around the old house and ate a sweet meal to reminisce about the hard life in the past. On the table was Xu Jiayin’s childhood home-cooked dishes.

In October 1958, Xu Jiayin was born into a poor peasant family in Jutaigang Village. The next year, due to illness, no money and no place to treat, Xu Jiayin became "half an orphan" and grew up under the care of his elderly grandmother. Looking at the mottled walls, potholed floors, worn bed boards and bamboo back baskets of the old house, Xu Jiayin opened the chatterbox: "We grew up eating sweet potatoes and sweet potato noodles. We laid, covered and wore patches and patches. Now everyone’s life is better, and the food, clothing and housing are getting better and better."

Who is the old father?

Xu Jiayin returned to his hometown this time to accompany his 96-year-old father, Xu Xiangao. The Xu family lived in the village of Gaotaigang, which was the revolutionary base of the Ji-Lu-Yu Military Region during the Anti-Japanese War. Xu Xiangao joined the revolution in 1938 when he was only 16 years old. He joined the army that year and joined the party that year. After the war ended, Xu Xiangao was demobilized in 1946 due to injury and returned to his hometown to work in agriculture.

Xu’s father is an old revolutionary party member, and Xu Jiayin, who is "rooted in Miao Hong", also loves the party and is patriotic. As early as August 2002, Xu Jiayin led Evergrande to establish the first private enterprise party committee in Guangzhou and served as the party secretary. Evergrande currently has 140,000 employees and more than 10,000 party members.

What did the boss do when he returned to his hometown this time?

In addition to visiting his hometown parents, Xu Jiayin made a special trip to visit four schools, a hospital and an agricultural base built with a donation of more than 1 billion yuan.

In 1998, Xu Jiayin just started his business, donated 1 million yuan to establish a primary school in his hometown, and donated 5.80 million to build roads and install tap water and drainage systems in the village. Beginning in 2016, Xu Jiayin donated another 1 billion yuan to build Jiayin Middle School, Jiayin High School, Gaoxian Hospital and Modern Ecological Circular Agriculture Base, etc., and also established a 100 million yuan education for poverty alleviation fund.

This time, Xu Jiayin decided to donate 650 million return to his hometown, among which 300 million the construction of Jiayin Middle School and High School, and plans to put it into use before the start of school on September 1, 2019; 250 million yuan to complete the expansion of Jiayin High School; Donated 100 million yuan to purchase medical equipment for Gaoxian Branch of Taikang County People’s Hospital.
During his return to his hometown, Xu Jiayin also made a special trip to his home to see the couple of high school physics teacher Cheng Shoude and high school mathematics teacher Zhou Yuan, thanking the teacher for his tireless education.

Is she the first wife of 35 years of marriage?

When Xu Jiayin returned to his hometown this time, he brought his hair-bearing wife Ding Yumei to visit the parents and villagers, distributed candy to the children of Jutaigang Village, and took photos with the parents and villagers in the yard. Ding Yumei, who was born in an ordinary worker’s family, said with emotion, "When I went home with Jiayin 35 years ago to get married, the poor in the village was so poor that I couldn’t say it. Now it has changed a lot."

It is understood that Ding Yumei and Xu Jiayin have been close to each other and have been silently supporting her husband’s career. This time, she and Xu Jiayin returned to their hometowns to visit their parents and take photos with everyone. It was her first public appearance.


During the Spring Festival journey, have these protective tasks been completed?

During the Spring Festival journey, have you completed these protective tasks?

Experts from the Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention remind: Wear a mask throughout the process, do a good job of personal health monitoring during the journey, and wash your hands, face, and clothes in time after returning home

Cartoon/Yu Ningshan

Changsha Evening News full media reporter, Yang Yunlong

The Spring Festival of 2021 is getting closer and closer to us. Although many people choose to celebrate the New Year on the spot, the personal flow is inevitable.

Under the current epidemic prevention and control situation, how to reduce the risk of travel? In the face of the possibility of relatively concentrated flow of people today and tomorrow, Liu Fuqiang, director of the Emergency Office of the Hunan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, reminded that passengers should wear masks throughout the process; minimize the number of meals on public transportation; do a good job of personal health monitoring on the journey; after returning home, wash your hands, face and clothes in time.

Before traveling, prepare masks, disinfection products and negative nucleic acid test certificates

Liu Fuqiang said that according to the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in Local Chinese New Year Service Guarantee Work" issued by the Central Office and the State Office, the people in high-risk epidemic areas should celebrate the New Year on the spot, minimize the personal flow, and prevent the spread of the epidemic due to the personal flow; People in medium-risk areas celebrate the New Year on the spot in principle, and those who need to travel under special circumstances need to be approved by the local epidemic prevention and control agency; low-risk areas advocate the masses to celebrate the New Year on the spot, and do not travel if necessary. Although many people choose to celebrate the New Year on the spot this year, there are still not a few homecoming wanderers who are eager to reunite with their families, and the personal flow is inevitable. If you travel, you should always take good personal protection, such as wearing a mask, washing your hands frequently, and using one-meter noodles.

Droplets produced when coughing, speaking, and sneezing are the transmission carriers of many viruses. Carriages, stations, service areas, and other places are crowded places, and wearing masks can effectively isolate droplets. It should be reminded that it is recommended to prepare a few more masks when you go out, so that you need to change the masks in case of emergencies or long journeys.

Contact transmission is the mode of transmission of the virus, and it is crucial to maintain hand hygiene. When taking public transportation, you must pay attention to hand hygiene. If there is no hand washing condition, you should prepare 75% alcohol hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes and other products before traveling, so as to better sterilize and disinfect. In addition, you should carry some garbage bags to carry contaminants during the trip. For example, you can also use used masks to hold vomit when you vomit on the way.

There is also one of the most special and important "baggage" on the way back home this year, which is the negative certificate of COVID-19 virus nucleic acid test. The negative certificate of COVID-19 virus nucleic acid test can be a paper report, or you can find your own nucleic acid test results on the national government service platform. " Winter and spring rural areas COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control work plan is clear: inter-provincial returnees, returnees from cities where medium and high-risk areas are located in the province (internal personnel in medium and high-risk areas are not mobile in principle), imported cold chain food practitioners in the province, port direct contact with imported goods practitioners, isolation staff, transportation personnel and other key groups, need to hold a valid COVID-19 virus nucleic acid test within 7 days to return home negative certificate. Holding a negative nucleic acid test certificate does not need to be isolated after returning home, but needs to carry out 14-day home health monitoring, during this period do not gather, do not flow, carry out a nucleic acid test every 7 days. All townships (streets) and administrative villages (neighborhood committees) implement a responsibility system, implement grid management for returning personnel, and do a good job in registering, health monitoring, and handling abnormal conditions.

Take a train or plane, etc., wear a mask throughout the process, and do a good job of personal health monitoring

Trains, planes, buses, etc. are the means of transportation that many people take when returning to their hometowns. These public transportation vehicles are densely populated and relatively closed in space. Problems such as passengers walking around casually and wearing irregular masks bring many hidden dangers to epidemic prevention and control. For example, passengers wearing masks are not standardized, and even take them off or put them in their jaws. Or passengers take off masks to eat and drink. Due to the small seating gap, taking off masks to eat and drink will also increase the risk of virus transmission. For example, in the queuing, ticket checking, etc., individual passengers cannot maintain a one-meter distance; some passengers move around in the train compartment, or even cross the compartment; if the journey time is long, some passengers will gather at the train gate to smoke on the platform before boarding or when the train stops, these factors may increase the risk of virus transmission.

Liu Fuqiang suggested that when taking relatively closed public transportation such as planes, trains, and buses, try to choose online real-name ticket purchases and implement contactless payment; abide by order, queue in an orderly manner, maintain a safe social distance of more than one meter, and avoid waiting in groups; actively cooperate with staff to measure body temperature and take the initiative to declare health status. If there is an abnormal body temperature, you must follow the staff’s arrangement and emergency response; take appropriate seats, sit in separate or scattered places as much as possible to reduce the number of walks; wear a mask throughout the process; disinfect your hands and avoid touching your mouth, nose, eyes, etc. with unclean hands; cover your mouth and nose with elbow clothes when sneezing or coughing; in order to reduce the risk of exposure to yourself and others, try to avoid close contact with others. If you need to chat at close range, be sure to wear a mask; reduce the risk of exposure in public The number of meals on the means of transportation, encourage alternate meals with others; properly keep air tickets, train tickets, bus tickets and other bills to cooperate with the investigation of possible close contacts or epidemic traceability investigation; pay attention to the health status of surrounding passengers, avoid close contact with people with suspicious symptoms such as fever and cough, and do a good job of personal health monitoring during the journey. Once the body temperature is abnormal or suspicious symptoms appear, cooperate with temporary isolation, health investigation, etc.

Take a private car or an online car, etc., ventilate more, and do not stay in the service area for a long time

Many citizens, especially those whose hometown is in the province, will take online car-hailing, taxi or drive a private car home for the Chinese New Year.

Liu Fuqiang said that when choosing online car-hailing, taxis and other means of transportation, passengers should sit in the back row, wear masks throughout the process, do a good job of health registration, and cooperate with body temperature measurement; try not to carpool with others; pay attention to hand cleaning on the way, do not take off the mask when coughing and sneezing, and avoid touching the mouth, nose, eyes, etc. with dirty hands; when conditions permit, open more windows for ventilation. Online car-hailing and taxi drivers should also pay attention to opening windows for ventilation if there are no passengers in the car; regularly disinfect high-frequency contact items, such as door handles, car armrests, seats, seat belts and their sockets.

If citizens drive their private cars back to their hometowns, they should check the condition of the car in advance and fill it up with oil; regularly clean the door handles, armrests in the car, car keys and steering wheels, commonly used buttons, seats, seat belts and their sockets; ventilate the car well; do not turn on the vehicle air conditioner for domestic circulation; do not drive tired, you can rest and adjust properly in the service area, but do not stay in the crowded service area for too long; prepare sufficient food, drinking water, etc. in advance to reduce the number of shopping and meals in the service area; if you need to go to the toilet, shopping, etc., get out of the car and enter the service area and other public places to wear masks, and wash your hands in time, or disinfect your hands with hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, etc.

Liu Fuqiang reminded that before arriving at the destination and entering the house, it is best to clean your hands with running water or hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, etc.; after entering the house, wash your hands and face in time, preferably take a bath, change clothes in time and wash or disinfect. Once symptoms such as fever and cough appear, don’t panic or hide, and report your health truthfully to the village committee (especially rural returnees) or the neighborhood committee where you are located; go to the fever clinic (fever clinic) of a regular hospital in time. Do not take antipyretics, cough medicine, etc. Wear a mask throughout the visit to reduce personal contact.

Fushun area Haval Xiaolong MAX hot promotion, the reserve price is 142,800! There are plenty of cars.

In the promotion channel of Fushun in car home, it is in progress, and this model has offered the highest discount of 17,000 in Fushun area. Now the minimum starting price for purchasing Haval Xiaolong MAX is 142,800. Want to know more preferential information, click "Check the car price" in the quotation form, and strive for a higher discount!

Haval Xiaolong MAX is a dynamic SUV with a modern design. The front face design of the car system adopts streamlined lines and bold shapes, showing a strong sense of strength. The air intake grille is decorated with a large area of chrome, which not only increases the luxury of the vehicle, but also highlights the sense of movement of the vehicle. In terms of overall style, the design style of Haval Xiaolong MAX is very smooth, and the body lines are simple and bright, giving people a fashionable and dynamic feeling. In addition, the car is also equipped with a series of intelligent technologies, such as panoramic sunroof, intelligent voice control, adaptive cruise, etc., to bring more comfortable and convenient driving experience to drivers and passengers. Generally speaking, Haval Xiaolong MAX is a high-performance SUV model integrating fashion, sports and technology, which is worth looking forward to.

Haval Xiaolong MAX is a large SUV model, with a body length, width and height of 4758 * 1895 * 1725mm, a wheelbase of 2800mm, a front tread of 1626mm and a rear tread of 1630mm. The side lines of the car body are smooth, showing a dynamic and steady style. The tyre size is 235/55 R19, and the rim style is fashionable and atmospheric. Both front wheels and rear wheels adopt the same specifications, which makes the vehicle more stable when driving.

The interior design of Haval Xiaolong MAX is simple without losing the sense of luxury. The steering wheel is made of leather, which is comfortable and supports manual adjustment up and down and back and forth, which is convenient for drivers to adjust the best driving posture. The central control screen has a size of 12.3 inches and is equipped with a voice recognition control system, which can realize voice control of multimedia, navigation, telephone, air conditioning, skylight and other functions, providing drivers with a more convenient operating experience. The front and rear rows are equipped with USB and Type-C interfaces, which is convenient for passengers to charge and connect devices. The seat is made of imitation leather. The main driver’s seat supports front and rear adjustment, backrest adjustment and height adjustment (2-way), and the co-pilot’s seat supports front and rear adjustment and backrest adjustment. The front seats are also equipped with heating function to provide a more comfortable driving experience. The second row of seats supports backrest adjustment, and the rear seats can be laid down proportionally, providing more storage space. Generally speaking, the interior design of Haval Xiaolong MAX pays attention to practicality and comfort, providing drivers and passengers with a full range of comfortable experiences.

Haval Xiaolong MAX is equipped with a 1.5L 116 horsepower L4 engine with a maximum power of 85kW and a maximum torque of 140 N m.. This engine uses a 2-speed DHT gearbox to provide a smooth driving experience. Its power performance is strong, which can meet the needs of daily driving and also has low fuel consumption. Whether on urban roads or highways, Haval Xiaolong MAX can provide stable power output and bring comfortable driving experience to drivers.

In our test, the driving experience of Haval Xiaolong MAX is excellent. Power surge, spacious space, domineering appearance, broad vision, comfortable sitting, excellent chassis training. At the same time, the interior design is exquisite, full of science and technology, and the car machine responds quickly. The owner drove the car directly to the mountain to camp on the first day of picking it up, and it felt very good. His first impression is that he has a large space, a good view and a great driving experience. He specifically mentioned the excellent performance of the four-wheel drive system on the uphill road, which made driving more stable and reliable. In general, the performance of Haval Xiaolong MAX has been highly praised by the owner @ Geng Yongsheng, and it is a highly recommended SUV model.

Aauto Quicker is a women’s group, Tik Tok is a variety show, and what are the "tricks" for short videos that cross the border?

The arrival of Q3 means that the year 2020 is half over.

In July, when the screen was full of excitement, two short video platforms, Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker, also launched a new round of "attack" plan for the film and television industry: Aauto Quicker directly announced the seven-person group "KSGirls" and took a step of "becoming an idol"; Tik Tok continued to engage in variety shows, and went online to hold hands with singer Hu Haiquan’s program "HI! Springs listen to me "…

What are the new ideas and new ways of playing behind these frequent "cross-border" behaviors?

“show you the world

I appreciate it with you.

Watch flower of life bloom freely.

There is always a light that will illuminate the road ahead.

There is always some love worth watching with enthusiasm.

The world is very big. Go ahead with the wind.

Every dream has its own unique magnetic field. "

On July 5th, one day after the formation of "Creation Camp 2020" and "Hard Candy Girl 303", Aauto Quicker Film and Television officially announced its female group "KSGirls". Interestingly, Aauto Quicker’s women’s team did not have the usual group-forming links such as voting and public performance, but directly announced the "C debut" and released the first female team MV of Colorful Vision.

KSGirls is composed of seven girls, including Cai Bing, a dance blogger on the platform of Aauto Quicker, Chen Chunyu, a dance master, Huoxianmei, a popular anchor who changed from a game to entertainment, Chen Doby, a beautiful girl musician, He Yating, a popular cover blogger, etc. They are fast-paced online celebrity creators, among whom Chen Doby and Huoxianmei Aauto Quicker have more than 10 million fans.

This year, it is the "year of playing" in the women’s team draft: In March, iQiyi’s "Youth has You 2" made programs such as "reader" and "Wow" quickly out of the circle; In May, Tencent Video’s "Creation Camp 2020" launched the women’s group combination of "Hard Sugar Girl 303"; In June, Mango TV’s "30+" women’s group "Braving the Wind and Waves", with stocks and hardcore sisters Qi Fei …

On the one hand, idol talent shows frequently issue innovative declarations of "not defining women’s groups", and on the other hand, short video platforms touch idol tracks for the first time. On the crowded track of women’s team and draft, the quiet joining of short video platform is just like the subtle "throbbing" mood of TV people when the video platform just launched the online draft program. At present, it is not clear how KSGirls will take the idol road after forming a group, and what supporting women’s group performing activities with short video features will be held. However, these online celebrity girls who are from Aauto Quicker and have different specialties and bring their own fans may find new ways to develop women’s groups outside the reality show.

Regardless of whether KSGirls operates successfully or not, for Aauto Quicker, this is a good marketing action to reshape the brand image. According to Aauto Quicker Film and Television, within 24 hours of announcing the debut of the Aauto Quicker Women’s Team, tens of thousands of female users in Aauto Quicker released videos, announcing that they were "Aauto Quicker girls", with the declaration logo…… of # Aauto Quicker girls are in position C # … In the first MV of the women’s team "Colorful Vision", the poster copy of "Open a Aauto Quicker, everyone will debut" also made the Aauto Quicker Women’s Team more like a marketing direction aimed at "pulling new things".

It can be said that it has always been the direction of Aauto Quicker’s efforts to wash away the stereotype of "rustic flavor" and "sprint" to first-tier cities. Previously, after the publicity video "Back Waves" of bilibili Youth Day was overturned due to "lack of insight", Aauto Quicker released the video "Seeing" jointly with Ollie for uncle on the ninth anniversary, but it was an excellent case of "emotional touch".

"Some people say that only by looking at the world with prejudice can we have a way of looking at the world; You don’t need to presuppose any way to look at the world … "Seeing MV takes" being your own hero "and" the power of seeing "as its themes, which makes Aauto Quicker’s" old irons "bravely expose themselves. The content depicts many aspects of life, and the copy is simple and moving, which is in line with Aauto Quicker’s positioning and highlights the product attributes of the short video" Seeing Life ".

Recently, Aauto Quicker’s dynamics in the film and television track are far more than these: In May, the cinema film "Empty Nest" was launched in Aauto Quicker film and television, and the number of hits exceeded 16 million that night; At the same time, Aauto Quicker announced his participation in the production of the road film "He is My Brother" and the video call for papers for the joint film "Fighting over the tears of the Buddha’s Sage" in Aauto Quicker. Behind these actions, people are inevitably reminded that in September 2019, Aauto Quicker changed its business scope and added "film distribution and film production", and in December, it added "performance broker".

Long video is the only way for short video platform Aauto Quicker.

"The blue sky in the Milky Way.

There is a small white boat.

There is a osmanthus tree on the boat.

The white rabbit is playing. "

On July 4th, the singer Hu Haiquan held the guitar and sang the song "Little White Boat" which was recently ignited from the suspense drama "Hidden Corner", and cooperated with the band members to sing the classic song "The Most Beautiful" of Yu Quan …

This is Tik Tok’s recently launched custom music comprehensive "HI! Listen to me, the program created an online LiveShow on the short video platform. Formally, the program takes the personalized LiveShow of professional musicians as an incision, and invites different musicians as guests: in the first program, not only Guo Congming, a young singer with 42 million fans in Tik Tok and a Tik Tok talent, was invited, but also Liu Sihan, the singer of the song "Let the Rain Continue to Underground".

Compared with the music variety in the form of long video, this kind of music ensemble with the characteristics of high interactivity and timeliness of short video has obvious difference-relatively speaking, the music programs of network ensemble and electric ensemble are richer and more exquisite in sound effect, stage and program setting, but it also brings a sense of distance to the audience; The variety of short video platform is relatively "simple" in form and content, but it has the advantages of "small screen, live broadcast, barrage, gift" and so on.

Since the beginning of this year, Tik Tok’s attempt at variety shows can be described as tireless. During Q1 and Q2, Tik Tok, who is aiming at "house economy", quickly "dried up" in the variety section, and launched a series of entertainment programs, such as music DOULive, comedy DOU package and so on. Previously, Tik Tok also launched a series of star micro-variety shows, such as Return to Zero and Mr. Moxi, which cooperated with LAY and Leo. In addition, it also launched the "Star PD Plan" to jointly create online IP with stars. It can be said that for the layout of the entertainment track, Tik Tok’s characteristics are "famous guests+high publicity+huge flow", and combined with the characteristics of the platform to promote Tik Tok’s talent, under the "heavy money" to try the integrated development model of PGC and UGC.

Of course, Aauto Quicker is engaged in women’s idol, and Tik Tok is not idle. On June 5th, Tik Tok announced the launch of "Trainees, please start broadcasting" jointly with the four major head brokerage companies. Tik Tok Star Anchor Co-training Program ",it is reported that Tik Tok will invest 4 billion yuan to support the contestants in the event, aiming at supporting more high-quality talent anchors in music and dance.

As the growth of short video users slows down and the dividends peak, the business segments such as live broadcast between platforms, short video and advertising continue to "compete with each other", and the boundaries between long and short videos are increasingly blurred, which will inevitably make the giants’ eyes shift to other tracks. In the era of great entertainment, no matter which track the product is placed on, in the final analysis, it is the user’s time that is robbed.

The ecological changes in the entertainment market this year seem to be more intense.


Rotating editor: Yi Wu

Author: Siberia

Editor: Bitter wine

(Some pictures are from the Internet)