Deng Chao’s retro style appeared on Weibo night, and the gentleman’s funny style was seamlessly switched

Deng Chao interacts with the audience

1905 movie network news Deng Chao’s retro look appeared on the 2017 Weibo night. The classic black dress was paired with a white shirt, and the overall shape was casual and handsome. On the red carpet, Deng Chao showed a warm side, not only taking care of his red carpet companion Angelababy, but also interacting happily with photographers in different positions. When taking POSE photos, Deng Chao also showed his true colors as a ghost horse. After making a few handsome and serious movements, his style changed into a funny style, sometimes raising his hand and making a "take off" gesture, sometimes crossing his legs to show a ghost horse expression. Even the photographers who were filming couldn’t help but laugh, and the superhuman joy energy infected the scene.

Deng Chao and baby walk the red carpet

At the ceremony, Deng Chao, who met many friends, still maintained an excited mood, not only chatting non-stop off the stage, but also playing a humorous role on the stage. When it was announced on the spot that Deng Chao and Yang Mi were awarded the 2017 Weibo Night King & Queen respectively, Deng Chao waited for a moment at the entrance to the stage, and held Yang Mi on stage together in a very gentleman’s posture. However, it took only three seconds for the warm man to switch to the "talk" mode, praise his companions and say jokes frequently, and the live interaction was quite interesting.

Deng Chao won the 2017 Weibo Night King & Queen;

This year, "model worker" Deng Chao has also achieved double blossoming in the field of film and variety shows. The new season "Run" ranks at the top of the annual variety show topic ratings list. The joy energy of the super captain continues to release, and the national affinity index soars again. Two starring works have come out. The former plays a bohemian young man A Lang in a small town, and the latter is the sharp and wise detective Fang Mu. The two completely different roles not only make people feel the acting charm of Deng Chao again, but the box office 1.30 billion of the two films also adds a heavy weight to his personal cumulative box office and commercial appeal. In addition, Deng Chao won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Male Actor with his "unique and delicate psychological portrayal and strong character shaping skills" in the corner of Zhongxin Xiaofeng, which can be said to be deserved. The latest work was also completed in 2017. The film is the first time he has ventured into the theme of ancient costumes after many years, and has cooperated with Zhang Yimou for the first time. The performance of one person playing two roles has made Deng Chao accept huge challenges in physical shaping while investing in acting. He has completed the two processes of violent thinness and muscle growth in a short period of time, which has excited both inside and outside the industry.

Pony Ma: Explorer of "Internet +" Action

  Pony Ma Profile

  Ma Ma, male, Han nationality, born in 1971, a member of the Communist Party of China, and a native of Shantou, Guangdong. One of the main founders of Tencent, he is currently the chairman and CEO of Tencent’s board of directors. He founded Tencent in 1998 and launched the instant messaging software QQ, for which he is also known as the "father of QQ". Benefiting from the reform and opening up environment, he founded and led Tencent from a small business with only 5 people to one of the most influential Internet companies in the world. Vigorously promote the popularization of Internet applications such as WeChat, QQ, and online payment, promote digital transformation and upgrading from the aspects of people’s livelihood and government affairs, living consumption, production services, life and health, and ecological and environmental protection, and play an important role in the integrated development of the real economy and the digital economy, traditional industries, and technological innovation. On December 18, 2018, Pony Ma, as the explorer of the’Internet + ‘action, was awarded the title of "Reform Pioneer" by the Party Central Committee and the State Council.

  "Tencent has come to this day, first of all, it should be attributed to this era." In 2018, after being awarded the title of "Reform Pioneer" by the Party Central Committee and the State Council at the celebration of the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up, Pony Ma sighed.

  Pony Ma has been working and living in Shenzhen for more than 30 years, and is a witness, participant and beneficiary of the great process of reform and opening up. Pony Ma has led Tencent to build a product system covering more than one billion users from the original operation of OICQ to the present, from a five-person start-up company to a giant enterprise with more than 40,000 employees. He has experienced the whole process of the development of China’s Internet from scratch and from weak to strong. He has always adhered to independent innovation to lead and promote the harmonious and sustainable development of China’s Internet industry. The development history of Tencent is a vivid embodiment of the rapid development of China’s Internet and a clear footnote to the miracle of China.

  Founding Tencent to shape a new way of life

  Pony Ma was born in Bashogang, Dongfang City, Hainan Island, and the second largest in his family. In 1984, the 13-year-old Pony Ma moved from Hainan to Shenzhen with his parents.

  Pony Ma has a passion for the Internet in his heart. After he took the college entrance examination, he applied for the computer major of the Department of Electronic Engineering of Shenzhen University. During his time in school, Pony Ma showed his talent in computers. His technical level is among the best in the whole department. During his internship, he developed a stock trading software, which was later bought by the internship company for 50,000 yuan.

  After graduating from college in 1995, Pony Ma spent nearly 50,000 yuan in his spare time, equipped 4 phone lines and 8 computers at home, and opened a BBS build website program –’s Shenzhen station. Wu ******, author of "Tencent Biography", commented that Pony Ma was called "China’s first product manager", and his product awareness and user thinking were developed during

  In 1998, Pony Ma summoned his college classmate Zhang Zhidong. After the two had a cup of coffee in a cafe, Pony Ma suddenly said to Zhang Zhidong: "Let’s start a business together." At the time, he never imagined that the Internet business he founded would one day become the Internet Tech Giants of China and the world. "Even my parents didn’t expect that I, a nerd, could start a company." Pony Ma once teased himself on several occasions.

  Pony Ma not only found a partner at the outset when he founded the business, but also well regulated the responsibilities and rights of the entrepreneurial team. Lin Jun, author of "Boiling for Fifteen Years – China Internet 1995-2009", believes that this decided from the very beginning that Pony Ma was not in the pool, and one day he would "carp leap over the dragon gate".

  The initial project of Tencent’s entrepreneurial team was not successful, and Pony Ma decided to "raise" a social software OICQ that did not know how to make money. In November 2000, OICQ was renamed QQ, which became a new starting point for Tencent’s development. In February 2002, QQ online users successfully broke through the 1 million mark, and the number of registered users increased to 20 million. With the increasing number of users, QQ gradually developed into a national-level instant messaging tool in the Internet era, changing the way of life of many people. People’s daily office or making friends gradually changed from making phone calls and sending text messages to logging in to QQ to chat. The success of QQ has allowed Tencent to enter almost any field of the Internet, obtain a stable user base of sufficient magnitude, and obtain more income. After entering online games and portals one after another, in 2004, QQ integrated music, webcast and video services one after another. After that, QQ users rose steadily, one step a year, and on April 11, 2014, the number of QQ simultaneous online users exceeded 200 million. Since then, QQ has entered a stage of stable development.

  In 2011, WeChat, the national instant messaging app of the mobile Internet era, was born, and Tencent once again revolutionized people’s lifestyles. People can chat with voice, video, pictures and text for free through the Internet; they can also use service plugins such as shared streaming content-based data and location-based social plug-ins "Shake a Shake", "Drifting Bottle", "Moments", "Public Platform" and "Voice Notepad". With the launch of WeChat, people can more easily maintain the world of real-world friends through a mobile phone, and it is more convenient to understand unfamiliar friends. As of December 31, 2021, the combined monthly active accounts of WeChat and WeChat reached 1.268 billion.

  Relying on the two core social platforms of QQ and WeChat, Pony Ma has overcome all obstacles and led Tencent to achieve development on the road of diversification. Tencent provides users with comprehensive internet services including social networking, communication, entertainment, education and learning, Internet applications such as WeChat Pay and Tencent Cloud, and digital cultural products such as online literature, music, games and animation. These products and services have profoundly changed the way Chinese people work, live, study and play.

  Pony Ma’s vision is that Tencent will fully meet the needs of people at different levels of online life, hoping that products and services will be integrated into life like water and electricity.

  Embrace "Internet +" and promote the integration of the real economy and the digital economy

  Nowadays, the Internet industry has penetrated into people’s daily lives and the business activities of enterprises. The Internet has gradually formed a comparative advantage, which has prompted the concept of "Internet +" to come into being.

  Since 2013, Pony Ma has been actively advocating the "Internet +" proposition, calling for and hoping that more and more traditional industries can use the power of the Internet to achieve transformation, upgrading and innovative development. As a representative of the National People’s Congress, he submitted the "Proposals on Driving the Economic and Social Innovation and Development of our country" in 2015, proposing that the national "Internet +" development strategy should be formulated. In the same year, promoting "Internet +" was included in the government work report and became a national action plan.

  "Internet +" has become a field that Ma Jintao often runs for. A senior domestic Internet commentator said: "Whether it is from the ‘***** or the implementation of the strategy, Ma Jintao has been promoting the implementation of’Internet + ‘and becoming the’evangelist’ of’Internet + ‘in China."

  The Tencent ride code is a classic example of "Internet + transportation", with which you can take public transportation with your mobile phone. In terms of promoting the Tencent ride code, Pony Ma has spared no effort to attend the signing ceremony of cooperation with many cities. He has also personally used the ride code to take the subway in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, take the riverway in Chongqing, and take the bus in Hefei…

  In line with the national policy of promoting the integration of the real economy and the digital economy, Tencent has carried out "Internet +" exploration and innovation around people’s livelihood services, living consumption, production services, ecological environmental protection and rural revitalization to help digital transformation and upgrading.

  Tencent is a pioneer in low-carbon development, enabling low-carbon transformation through digital technology. Since the launch of the Tencent conference, more than 15 million tons of carbon emissions have been achieved after deducting the carbon emissions generated by operating data centers. This is equivalent to the emission reduction caused by each person voluntarily stopping driving for 14 days 229 million private car owners in the country. The average carbon emission reduction per online meeting is equivalent to the carbon sinks generated by about 20 trees every year.

  Tencent Cloud, AILAB, Youtu Lab, WeChat AI Team, Robotics Lab, Quantum Lab, etc. have been established one after another. Tencent has completely opened up its technology accumulation of more than 20 years and used it as Tencent’s future-oriented technology output system. Moreover, in key areas such as "Internet + Precision Poverty Alleviation", "Internet + Finance" and "Internet + Healthcare", Tencent has been contributing its own strength. In the future, Pony Ma hopes to use scientific and technological innovation to promote the further development of reform and opening up, better help the integration of the real economy and the digital economy, and continue to play his role in the process of reform.

  Actively transform and become a "digital assistant" for industrial upgrading

  In 2018, as Tencent celebrates its 20th birthday, Pony Ma made a decision: Tencent will carry out a large-scale organizational restructuring, transforming from the consumer Internet to the industrial Internet. He bluntly said: "Tencent has always said that it focuses on connectivity, hoping to connect people and people, people and things, and people and services. But we increasingly find that in addition to realizing the connection between people, if a large number of’things’ and’services’ cannot be fully digitally upgraded, then the connection between people and things and people and services will be difficult to iterate." Tencent wants to further become the "digital assistant" of the industry itself.

  During the transition period, Tencent continued to deepen the "connection between people and services", so that Internet technology can benefit more ordinary people.

  Tencent is an active participant in the reform and construction of Guangdong’s digital government, and Guangdong is also the starting point for Tencent to participate in the construction of the national digital government. Under the guidance of relevant units, Tencent provides technical support to help Guangdong successively create "Guangdong series" products such as "Guangdong Provincial Affairs", "Guangdong Business Connect" and "Guangdong Political Exchange", which help Guangdong’s economic and social development improve quality and efficiency in many aspects such as facilitating people’s livelihood, optimizing the business environment, enhancing government efficiency, and enhancing governance capabilities. The "Guangdong Provincial Affairs" Government WeChat Mini Program provides more than 2,400 high-frequency services such as social security, maternity, provident fund, entry and exit, driver’s license, and tax payment certificate for residents in Guangdong Province. After the COVID-19 epidemic occurred, the "Guangdong Business Pass" platform launched the "Enterprise Appeal Response Platform", which accepted enterprises’ labor, financing, tax, export and other appeals about the impact of the epidemic online, accurately distributed them to relevant departments across the province, and responded quickly within 24 hours to achieve "If the enterprise has a call, the government must respond". The new model of government handheld coordination represented by "Guangdong Political Affairs" has provided more choices for the government to operate more efficiently, and related products and solutions have been put into practice in many provinces and cities. In the process of scientific and technological anti-epidemic, Guangdong’s experience has also become an important reference. In February 2020, the country’s first health code "deep i you" was launched, and then quickly popularized across the country. At present, Tencent health code has been landed in 500 cities and counties, serving 1.10 billion users.

  Supported by advanced technologies such as big data, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things, Tencent is gradually deploying the digital upgrade of "things" and "services", and the expansion of regional industrial Internet across the country has been fully rolled out. On December 23, 2020, Tencent’s Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Industrial Internet Base was launched in Foshan. The base will jointly build a regional industrial Internet platform with Foshan City, establish a new benchmark for industrial Internet construction, promote the transformation and upgrading of Foshan’s manufacturing industry, and radiate the Greater Bay Area and surrounding enterprises with Foshan as the center, accelerate the release of regional economic vitality, and create a national-level industrial Internet demonstration platform.

  On March 6, 2021, at the National People’s Congress, the Guangdong delegation held a plenary session to review the 14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and the draft outline of the long-term goals for 2035. National People’s Congress deputy Ma Jintao made a speech on the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, scientific and technological innovation, and basic research

  Pony Ma said that the transformation of the industrial Internet has just begun, and there is still a long way to go in the future. In this process, Tencent needs to provide infrastructure such as cloud and big data to solve the "last mile" connection problem for all walks of life. "We will continue to work hard in the direction of’Internet + ‘, strive to become a digital assistant of various industries, and actively help economic and social development," Pony Ma said.

  Build a foundation platform and create a new pattern of public welfare

  In June 2007, the Tencent Foundation was officially established. As the first public welfare foundation initiated by an Internet company, the Tencent Foundation is committed to promoting the deep integration and development of the Internet and public welfare charities, and promoting the development of the public welfare industry through the technology and services of the Internet, especially mobile Internet.

  Pony Ma once said: "The development of business promotes social progress, and public welfare makes society more warm and friendly. With the help of Internet technology, everyone can do public welfare at their fingertips and solve social problems. We connect everything and people’s hearts, hoping to gather every goodwill into the best power, empower everyone in need, and light up our common future."

  The Tencent Foundation established an emergency assistance plan at the beginning of its establishment, and has been actively organizing and participating in the fight against natural disasters. It has taken the lead in creating a "three-dimensional rescue model" of online and offline interaction for major disasters in China. It has successively participated in the Kashgar earthquake, Wenchuan earthquake, Yushu earthquake, Ya’an earthquake, Haiti earthquake and other domestic and foreign earthquake relief and natural disasters such as floods and droughts.

  Tencent practices public welfare innovation in all internal product lines, encourages employees to participate in public welfare, and creates colorful "scene-based" public welfare attempts, such as: the "QQ City-wide Help" platform for finding missing children, which has been online for more than a year and has successfully recovered 16 missing children; WeChat Pay "electronic donation box" makes it possible to integrate public welfare into daily payment; "Cloud Public Welfare" opens free cloud resources and IT technology training services to public welfare organizations; computer housekeepers and mobile phone housekeepers cooperate to launch "Clean Up +", encouraging netizens to donate love through online garbage cleaning, and promoting offline public welfare donations….

  In April 2021, Tencent proposed the "Sustainable Social Value Innovation" strategy and announced an initial investment of 50 billion yuan to establish a "Sustainable Social Value Division" to promote the implementation of the strategy. This 50 billion yuan is specifically used for sustainable social value innovation, exploring areas such as basic science, educational innovation, rural revitalization, carbon neutrality, FEW (food, energy and water), public emergency response, elderly care technology and public welfare digitalization. In August 2021, Tencent announced another increase of 50 billion yuan in funding, launched the "Common Prosperity Special Project Plan", and deeply combined its own digital and technological capabilities to provide continuous assistance in areas such as rural revitalization, income increase for low-income people, improvement of the primary health care system, and balanced development of education.

  Pony Ma once expressed his original intention in a letter to employees: all efforts are to root the foundation of sustainable social value innovation in the social soil; Tencent will "continue to respond to the needs of the country and the times, and coexist and prosper with the constantly developing society".

  From an ordinary entrepreneur to the head of one of the most influential Internet companies in the world, Pony Ma has truly achieved "roots down, upgrades up, and inclusive development". In 2018, Pony Ma announced Tencent’s new mission: "First, we must breathe with the times and share the same destiny as the country; second, our products and services must improve all aspects of people’s lives; third, we must develop together with industrial partners. Only by achieving these three points can we truly become the’most respected Internet company ‘and have more confidence and confidence in the development of the next 20 years."

Hongmeng, a new chapter

  On January 18, Huawei will hold the "Hongmeng Ecological Thousand Sails Sailing Ceremony" in Shenzhen, and set up sub-venues in 8 major cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Chengdu, Xiamen, Wuhan and Changsha to officially open a new chapter of Hongmeng’s advancement.

  Since the release of the first generation of operating system in 2019, Hongmeng has been running all the way. In August 2023, Huawei announced that Hongmeng ecological equipment has reached 700 million units, Hongmeng base code has exceeded 100 million lines, and the number of developers has exceeded 2.20 million. According to third-party agency Counterpoint data, as of the end of the third quarter of 2023, HarmonyOS’s market share in China’s smartphone operating system has increased to 13%. In just four years, HarmonyOS has grown to second only to Android,iOS the third largest operating system in the world.

  In the opinion of Gong Ti, president of Huawei’s end point BG software department, a mature operating system needs to have a solid base, a prosperous ecology, and the ultimate experience, all of which are indispensable. "The three major battles of Hongmeng have completed the base, experienced two, and one battle is the ecology. If the ecology is successful, Hongmeng will become."

  Now, the horn of the ecological war is about to be sounded in full swing. Analysts believe that the upcoming HarmonyOS NEXT and its native applications will open a new era for the Hongmeng operating system in all scenarios. Hongmeng industry chain partners – operating system partners, application partners, hardware integration partners, etc., will usher in new traffic, new business opportunities, and new futures.

Hongmeng native ecology officially set sail

  "HarmonyOS NEXT", as the name suggests, it represents the next stage of Hongmeng operating system, and the biggest difference between HarmonyOS and the current HarmonyOS running on Huawei mobile phones is that the HarmonyOS NEXT system base is fully self-developed, removing the traditional Linux kernel and AOSP code, only support Hongmeng kernel and Hongmeng system applications, reducing redundant code by 40%.

  In the initial stage, in order not to affect users’ use, Huawei Hongmeng operating system adopts a dual architecture mode, which supports both Hongmeng architecture and Android architecture. Therefore, even if Huawei mobile phone users upgrade the Hongmeng system, the Android applications in it can still be installed and used normally.

  In September 2023, Huawei announced that the HarmonyOS NEXT preview was open to developers from partner companies, marking the first step towards "pure-blood Hongmeng".

  Since then, the news that the leading application vendors have launched the development of Hongmeng native applications has continued to come.

  Especially in the past two months, from Alipay, Xiaohongshu, Meituan, toSina, 360, and then to,, UnionPay,More than 100 leading companies have joined hands with Huawei in a high-profile official announcement to launch the development of Hongmeng native applications and embrace the Hongmeng native ecology.

  "Since the full launch of Hongmeng’s native application in September 2023, the development of Hongmeng’s ecosystem has been on a roll and has received continuous attention from the whole society. More and more partners have accelerated their embrace of Hongmeng, and more and more innovative talents have walked side by side with Hongmeng. The HarmonyOS NEXT ecological map has basically taken shape, and our future is becoming clearer," Huawei said.

  At the beginning of 2024, many Huawei executives have spoken one after another to "accelerate the development of mobile applications," and the "Hongmeng Ecological Thousand Sails Launching Ceremony" held on January 18 will fully sound the horn of Hongmeng’s advancement from HarmonyOS to HarmonyOS NEXT, which is no longer compatible with Android applications.

  "At that time, we will join hands with leading application partners in various vertical fields, top universities, talent training institutions, authoritative media, etc., to witness the development of Hongmeng ecologyTogether, we will open up new traffic, new business opportunities and a new future, "Huawei wrote in the event invitation letter.

Huawei’s 1,000-person team accelerates the transformation of mobile applications

  It is understood that as of the end of December 2023, more than 400 major app manufacturers have launched the development of Hongmeng native applications.

  At present, the "Hongmeng Pioneer" area of Huawei’s app store has been launched, and the area shows more than 100 apps that have taken the lead in embracing the Hongmeng ecosystem, covering travel, social networking, office,Shopping, life,18 fields, including news and information.

  It is understood that in order to speed up the mobile application Hongmeng, Huawei invested thousands of teams to help leading companies develop Hongmeng native applications. The first stage goal is to achieve the launch of the top 5000 mobile app "Hongmeng version", which can be used on mobile end points upgraded with HarmonyOS NEXT.

  According to Huawei’s plan, the HarmonyOS NEXT preview will be available to all developers in Quarter 1 in 2024. At that time, the development speed of Hongmeng’s native applications is expected to further accelerate.

  Huawei’s goal is to break through the upgrade users of the HarmonyOS NEXT developer preview version in 2024 100 million. It is reported that mobile phones equipped with HarmonyOS NEXT are already in the pipeline, and Huawei expects that by 2024, the number of Hongmeng ecological devices will reach 800 million to 1 billion.

  In the past four years, Huawei’s investment in Hongmeng ecological construction has exceeded 50 billion yuan, accounting for about 13% of its R & D investment in the same period. In the next three years, Huawei plans to invest 10 billion yuan in Hongmeng ecological partners to provide partners with resources from development to operation.

  Industry observer Techinsights recently released a report predicting that from 2024, Hongmeng OS will replace iOS and become the second largest smartphone operating system in the Chinese market.

Industrial chain welcome opportunities

  It is said that 2024 will become the first year of the original Hongmeng. The full launch of the original application of Hongmeng will create the original ecology of Hongmeng, and the entire industrial chain of Hongmeng is expected to benefit.

  At present, the entire application development market has shown a trend of the red ocean. On the one hand, the user growth dividend has declined, and both the number of users and the average daily usage time of users have approached the growth ceiling. The downward trend of application active level is obvious. At the same time, the entire mobile Internet application also presents an increasingly prominent "giant pattern". A large number of apps and many developers need an opportunity to redistribute traffic.

  "All new features such as the full-scenario’correlation ‘ability between the Hongmeng system and the ecosystem may bring traffic reshuffle and open a new track." Some app developers said.

  It is believed that in the early stage of the launch of the native HarmonyOS NEXT system, software outsourcers will mainly benefit. After the launch of the official version of HarmonyOS NEXT OS, Hongmeng application developers are expected to profit in various ways such as advertising and consumption scene drainage. The Hongmeng education and training market will also usher in prosperity. In the past, Java training demand is expected to shift to Hongmeng. Therefore, Hongmeng drives the change of the overall structure of IT development and application, and the market scale is larger and more sustainable.

  It is believed that HarmonyOS NEXT will accelerate the arrival of the native Hongmeng era, and the improvement of the application side will escort the long-term development of Hongmeng. It is optimistic about industrial chain partners, including operating system partners, application partners, and hardware integration partners.

  "Huawei has invested a lot of manpower and material resources to speed up the mobile application Hongmeng, but at present it can only cover the top enterprises. To achieve a larger-scale coverage, so that users will not feel that there are too few downloadable apps when upgrading HarmonyOS NEXT, which is inconvenient to use. It needs the assistance of software service providers and the continued efforts of a large number of Hongmeng talents." Liu Sheng, founder and general manager of Shenzhen Qianhai New Silk Road Technology Co., Ltd., said.

  Currently, class A shares,,,,And Hong Kong stock listed companiesInternational has been a deep partner of Huawei in the field of Hongmeng ecology. It is not only an independent software supplier of Hongmeng Zhilian, but also a core participant in the ecological construction of open-source Hongmeng (OpenHarmony). They are actively working with Huawei to promote the cultivation of Hongmeng talents and the construction of Hongmeng ecology.

In 2019, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry was announced, and three scientists, including the "father of lithium batteries", won the prize.

  CCTV News:On the morning of October 9, local time in Sweden, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced in Stockholm that it would award the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry to John B. Goodenough, M. Stanley Wittingham and Yoshino Akira in recognition of them."developing lithium-ion batteries"The contribution of. They will share the prize of 9 million Swedish kronor (about 6.5 million yuan).

  Lithium-ion batteries have completely changed our lives and are used in all applications, from mobile phones to laptops and electric cars. Through the work of the winners, this year’s Nobel Prize winner in chemistryIt laid the foundation for a wireless and fossil fuel-free society..

  In the early 1970s, M. Stanley Wittingham, who won this year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry, was developing.The first functional lithium batteryAt that time, the great power of lithium was used to release its external electrons.

  John B. Goodenough, winner of the 2019 chemistry prize.The potential of the lithium battery is doubled.It creates suitable conditions for more powerful and useful batteries.

  This year’s Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, Akira Yoshino, succeeded inPure lithium was removed from the battery.Instead, it is based on lithium ions that are safer than pure lithium. This makes the battery feasible in practice.

  John B. Goodenough isFather of lithium batteryHe made the lithium battery smaller, larger and more stable in use, thus realizing commercialization and at the same time starting the process of portable electronic equipment. At present, he is Professor department of mechanical engineering of the University of Texas at Austin, USA. At the age of 97, he is a famous solid physicist, the inventor of cathode materials of lithium cobaltate, lithium manganate and Ferrous lithium phosphate, and one of the founders of lithium-ion batteries. He designs new materials by studying the relationship between chemistry, structure and solid electron/ion properties, and solves material science problems. Sony produced the world’s first commercial lithium battery after adopting Goodenough theory in 1991. Since then, mobile phones, cameras, hand-held cameras and even electric vehicles have entered the era of portable new energy.

  M Stanley Whitingham is currently a professor of chemistry and director of the Institute of Materials and the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Binghamton University, State University of New York.

  Akira Yoshino, a Japanese chemist, is currently a researcher at Asahi Kasei and a professor at meijo university. He was commended by Zi Zi. Yoshino is the inventor of modern lithium-ion batteries, and has won the highest honor in engineering, the Global Energy Award and the Charles Stark Draper Award. (CCTV reporter Hao Xiaoli)

Various localities have carried out propaganda and education activities on party style and clean government with their own characteristics in light of actual conditions.

  According to the requirements of the discipline inspection team of CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Meteorological Bureau in China, the 11th Party Style and Clean Government Publicity and Education Month with the theme of "maintaining the purity of the Party and ensuring the scientific development of meteorological undertakings" was held in the national meteorological departments from the end of March to the end of April. Local meteorological departments deployed in advance, actively organized and carried out publicity and education activities with their own characteristics in light of local conditions.

Hubei Province held a training course on risk prevention and control of clean government.

  Jiang Qibin, correspondent of China Meteorological News, reported.  Recently, the meteorological department of Hubei Province held a training course on the prevention and control of clean government risks, which provided guidance and training for the meteorological departments of the whole province on the relevant knowledge of clean government risk prevention and control.
  On the day of the training, the participants focused on the significance and practice of carrying out the prevention and control of clean government risk, the "four ones" of clean government risk prevention and control, and how to draw the flow chart of risk prevention and control with visio software. In 2011, the pilot unit had an exchange in the class to introduce the experience and practice of the pilot; Participants were divided into groups to discuss in depth the practice of promoting the prevention and control of clean government risk in Hubei meteorological department and the thinking and suggestions on carrying out the "four ones" of clean government risk prevention and control.
  In his concluding speech, the member of the Party Committee of Hubei Provincial Bureau and the head of the discipline inspection team explained the premise, path, goal and key points of the prevention and control of clean government risks in a simple way, and put forward four work requirements: First, we should conscientiously carry out the work in accordance with the Work Plan for Prevention and Control of Clean Government Risks of Hubei Meteorological Department in 2012; Second, we must master the basic methods of risk prevention and control of clean government; Third, we should be problem-oriented and carry out key issues in a down-to-earth manner; The fourth is to compile the "Integrity Risk Management Manual" of this unit.

Jiangxi Provincial Bureau held a monthly mobilization meeting for publicity and education on party style and clean government construction.

  Fan Jiangang, correspondent of China Meteorological News, reports  Recently, Jiangxi Meteorological Bureau held a mobilization meeting for the publicity and education month of building a clean and honest government, and comprehensively promoted the activities of the mission month.

  In the mobilization report, Chang Guogang, Party Secretary and Director of the Provincial Bureau, asked the meteorological departments of the whole province: First, we should strengthen organizational leadership and do a good job in learning, propaganda and mobilization. All units should, in accordance with the requirements of the Provincial Bureau, strengthen the leadership of the "Missionary Month" activities, do a good job in study, publicity and mobilization, organize the study meeting of the Party Central Group, organize cadres and workers in party member to conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the Seventh Plenary Session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Fifth Clean Government Work Conference in the State Council, and further clarify the objectives, tasks and requirements of the activities.

  Second, we should focus on the theme of the event and combine meteorological services to reflect the characteristics of the work. All units should promote the improvement of public meteorological service level and the improvement of work efficiency with the actual results of the "mission month" activities. It is necessary to enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of publicity and education; Do a good job in the prevention and control of clean government risks, strive for Excellence, provide meteorological services in flood season, and build cadres’ work style.

  Third, we must take effective measures and seriously organize their implementation. All units should closely contact the reality of their own units, carefully formulate plans, arrange time reasonably, and seriously organize their implementation. Take effective measures to seriously organize and carry out publicity and education activities such as the "Six Ones" of China Bureau and the "Four Ones" of Provincial Bureau, and constantly innovate the way and carrier of activities to enhance the affinity and penetration of work, so as to make publicity and education activities scale, momentum, effectiveness and level.

  Fourth, we should expand the effect of the activities and do a good job in publicity and reporting. It is necessary to actively discover and publicize the advanced models and deeds that have emerged in the activities, give play to the leading role of advanced demonstrations, and actively contribute the activities and achievements in a timely manner through information and summary; It is necessary to actively report to the local discipline inspection commission and other leading departments, expand the publicity effect, and establish the image of the department; It is necessary to make full use of clean government websites and clean government electronic publications, strengthen information exchange and work communication, expand the influence and effect of publicity and education month activities, and ensure that the publicity and education month activities of the party’s work style and clean government will achieve greater results on the existing basis.

  The mobilization meeting was presided over by Liu Zulun, a member of the Party Group of the Provincial Bureau and the head of the discipline inspection team. The leaders of the Provincial Bureau, all the staff of the Provincial Bureau and the staff of the subordinate units of the Provincial Bureau attended the meeting. At the mobilization meeting, everyone was also organized to watch the warning education film "Leading cadres should consciously achieve" seven correct treatments ".

Shanxi Meteorological Bureau organized party member’s "One-word Commitment" campaign.  

  China Meteorological News reporter Sun Aihua correspondent Gao Hongtao reports.  "One-word commitment" is an optional action of Shanxi meteorological department’s publicity and education month on party style and clean government. On April 11th, Shanxi Meteorological Bureau made arrangements for organizing a "one-word commitment" activity among cadres in party member, the meteorological department of Shanxi Province.
  First, the meteorological departments at all levels in the province organized all on-the-job party member to carry out public commitment activities, promising to be summarized in a real sentence, so as to be practical, feasible, operable and quantifiable, and signed the "party member One-word Commitment". Second, party member, an organ of the provincial and municipal bureaus, should focus on stressing party spirit, emphasizing conduct and setting an example, focusing on improving the efficiency of the organs, serving the grassroots, changing the work style, earnestly performing their duties, and adhering to integrity and so on. Party member, a directly affiliated institution, should make a commitment in enhancing service awareness, improving service ability, changing work style and improving people’s satisfaction around the actual work of this unit. Third, all units should publicize the contents of party member’s "one-word commitment" through public bulletin boards, electronic publications, websites and commitment cards, and establish electronic files. The fourth is to establish a supervision mechanism for keeping promises and adopt various forms to urge party member to keep promises; Party member should focus on the content of the commitments, formulate specific measures, and carry out the commitments with practical actions to ensure that the commitments are put in place.

(Editor: Sun Wei)

Zhejiang provincial bureau carries out various forms of warning education in missionary month.

  China Meteorological News reporter Yu Luobo reports.  During this year’s Party Style and Clean Government Education Month, Zhejiang Bureau gave warning education to the cadres in party member by elaborately making exhibition boards, editing and making propaganda films, holding talks on cadres’ clean government, and holding special study meetings, which further improved the pertinence and effectiveness of warning education on party style and clean government and ensured the effectiveness of the Education Month.

  First, according to the typical cases of violation of discipline and law in meteorological departments in recent years, the organization staff compiled and produced illustrated exhibition boards for display throughout the province. Educate the broad masses of cadres and workers with people and things around them to consciously build an ideological and moral defense line against corruption and change, and always keep a clean and honest life.

  Second, select corruption cases that occurred in the fields of small treasury, state-owned enterprise management, cadre change, construction projects, etc. inside and outside the meteorological department, and entrust the Meteorological Film and Television Center to edit and produce a CD-ROM of warning education on the party’s work style and clean government to provide teaching materials for meteorological departments at all levels to carry out targeted warning education. The provincial bureau requires that the demonstration sites of clean government culture and open government affairs can be directly broadcast and publicized through the large-screen LCD TV specially configured in 2011, or through the building system and other carriers.

  The third is to hold a talk on cadres’ clean government. On April 10th, the Provincial Bureau organized and held a talk on the collective clean government of newly transferred department-level cadres. Eleven newly transferred department-level cadres solemnly signed the Commitment Letter of Integrity for Newly Transferred Department-level Cadres of Zhejiang Meteorological Bureau, and the leaders of the provincial bureau also presented them with anti-corruption warning records and other anti-corruption books.

  The fourth is to hold a special study meeting. On the basis of focusing on the study materials stipulated by China Bureau, each branch deeply analyzes and draws profound lessons by studying the typical cases of violation of discipline and law that occurred in the meteorological department in recent years, such as setting up private coffers, embezzling and misappropriating public funds, and neglecting their duties, which has played a great deterrent role and a good warning education effect.


(Editor: Wang Yongqing)

   Jiangsu Meteorological Bureau held professional ethics education and training for civil servants and oath-taking activities for civil servants.


Civil servant professional ethics education and training site


Civil servant oath activity site


  China Meteorological News correspondent Lin Jun He Yue Pi Xiaocao’s photo report On April 9th, Jiangsu Meteorological Bureau invited Professor Huang Mingli, head of the Philosophy Department of Hohai University, to give a special training on "The Significance and Path of Strengthening the Professional Ethics Construction of Civil Servants" for the overall work of cadres. All cadres and workers of provincial bureau organs and branch secretaries of directly affiliated units participated in the study. The study contents mainly include: how to evaluate the professional ethics of civil servants, the meaning, content and characteristics of civil servants’ professional ethics, the necessity of strengthening civil servants’ professional ethics education, the introduction of civil servants’ professional ethics at home and abroad, and how to consciously strengthen self-professional ethics cultivation.

  This training and study is an important part of the professional ethics theme education of civil servants of the Provincial Meteorological Bureau and the purity education practice of Communist party member. On April 7th, the Provincial Meteorological Bureau also organized civil servants to go to Zhou Enlai Memorial Hall in Huai ‘an to take the oath of civil servants.

  Through the practical activities of professional ethics education for civil servants, the spirit of "loving the motherland, being loyal to the people, seeking truth and being pragmatic, pioneering and innovative, taking the overall situation into account, uniting and cooperating, fulfilling their duties, being honest and performing their duties" has been effectively promoted, and the service consciousness and responsibility consciousness of civil servants have been actively enhanced, and a healthy, positive and optimistic psychological state and moral interest have been better developed.

  (Editor: Su Yujun)

  Shanghai Meteorological Bureau carried out post clean government demonstration education and typical case warning education.

    China Meteorological News correspondent Chen Weidong reports.  On the afternoon of April 11th, the Shanghai Meteorological Bureau organized more than 50 party branch secretaries, some department-level cadres and party style and clean government supervisors to visit the former residence of Zhang Wentian, a demonstration base of clean government education in Shanghai. The party members and discipline inspection team leaders of the Bureau were invited by friends to lead the tour.

    Zhang Wentian was an outstanding proletarian revolutionist and theorist, a loyal Marxist and an important leader in the early the Communist Party of China (CPC). Zhang Wentian’s excellent qualities of obeying the truth and being brave in self-criticism, his strong party spirit of taking care of the overall situation and disregarding personal gains and losses, his excellent style of doing things democratically and being good at uniting cadres, his emphasis on investigation and study, and his scientific attitude of seeking truth from facts have deeply infected everyone. His revolutionary spirit of distinguishing love from hatred and daring to struggle has always been loyal to the party and the people, and he has always maintained the purity of the party. Everyone said that this visit is in line with the theme of this year’s party style and clean government publicity and education month, with strong pertinence and good effect.

    Prior to this, on April 10th, the Shanghai Meteorological Bureau organized more than 80 leading cadres at or above the department level and some party member people to watch the warning education film "Sin Yuan".

    These two activities were organized by Shanghai Meteorological Bureau according to the overall arrangement of this year’s publicity and education month on party style and clean government, and carried out post clean government demonstration education and typical case warning education. Through both positive and negative publicity and education, party member and leading cadres were touched in their hearts, paid attention to in their thoughts and reflected in their actions.

  (Editor: Wang Yongqing)

Heilongjiang Meteorological Bureau held a monthly mobilization meeting on party style and clean government publicity and education.

  China Meteorological News reporter Ren Guilin reports. On March 29th, the Meteorological Bureau of Heilongjiang Province held a teleconference to mobilize the propaganda and education of the Party’s work style and clean government in the meteorological department of the whole province. Yang Weidong, Party Secretary and Director of the Provincial Bureau, made a mobilization speech, and Chang Shengjun, a member of the Party Group and the discipline inspection team, made arrangements for carrying out the missionary month activities. The provincial bureau set up the main venue, and the municipal (prefecture) and county bureaus set up sub-venues, and organized and watched the video conference.

  Yang Weidong demanded that meteorological departments at all levels in the province should engage in the overall situation of building a clean and honest government and anti-corruption work in the province’s meteorological cause, engage in the sustained and healthy development of the province’s meteorological cause, deeply understand the necessity and importance of carrying out this education month, earnestly enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency of strengthening publicity and education activities, strengthen leadership, carefully organize and combine with reality to strengthen publicity, ensure the effectiveness of the education month in the province’s meteorological cause, and provide a strong political guarantee for the scientific development of the province’s meteorological cause.

  In order to ensure the actual effect of this year’s month activities of Party style and clean government education, Yang Weidong demanded that, first, special study should be carefully organized. Party organizations at all levels should conscientiously organize cadres and workers to study the spirit of relevant meetings and documents through various forms, guide leading cadres and party member to deeply understand and grasp the general requirements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on building a clean and honest party style and anti-corruption work, and implement the deployment of the party group of the Provincial Meteorological Bureau in 2012. Second, we should carry out special activities focusing on deepening the prevention and control of clean government risks. It is necessary to combine the practical problems that need to be solved in the work of this unit, and organize targeted training or counseling on the prevention and control of clean government risks in accordance with the Implementation Plan for the Prevention and Control of Clean Government Risks in Heilongjiang Meteorological Department in 2012 issued by the Party Group of the Provincial Bureau to guide cadres and workers to correctly grasp the concepts and methods of risk prevention and control. Third, we should standardize warning education. It is necessary to select some typical cases, organize party member cadres to deeply analyze the painful lessons caused by cases of violation of discipline and law and the risks of clean government revealed, and further strengthen the study of commonly used party disciplines, regulations and legal provisions such as the Code of Clean Government according to the actual work. Fourth, we must seriously hold an organizational life meeting. Each party branch should organize party member cadres to hold a special organization life meeting, and around the theme, make an in-depth analysis from the aspects of maintaining party member, cadres’ ideological purity, team purity, style purity and honesty, find out the reasons and put forward rectification measures. Fifth, we should further promote the construction of a clean government culture. All units should highlight their characteristics, actively innovate and constantly enrich the carrier of clean government culture.Actively carry out various forms of clean government cultural activities, and vigorously create a good public opinion atmosphere of honesty, honor and shame. It is necessary to put forward ideas and measures to further strengthen the propaganda and education of party style and clean government and the construction of clean government culture, and enhance its pertinence and effectiveness. It is necessary to strengthen the dynamic management of "demonstration sites of clean government culture". Sixth, we must carefully organize special events. Seriously organize party member cadres of their own units to actively participate in theme knowledge contests and theme essay writing activities organized by China Meteorological Bureau to ensure the quality and number of participants. Seventh, we should strengthen supervision and inspection. Discipline inspection departments should fully perform the duties entrusted by party constitution, give play to the duties of education, supervision, inspection, handling and security, strengthen the supervision and inspection of the implementation of the party’s disciplines, and strengthen the supervision and inspection of the implementation of the major decision-making arrangements of the party group of the Provincial Meteorological Bureau.

  Sheng Jun asked all units to strengthen leadership and elaborate organization to ensure that the eleventh month of publicity and education on the party’s work style and clean government was effective. Sheng Jun also put forward requirements for the prevention and control of clean government risks.

  From the end of March to the end of April, the meteorological department of the whole province will carry out the publicity and education month of the party’s work style and clean government with the theme of "maintaining the purity of the party and ensuring the scientific development of meteorological undertakings". During the period, focusing on in-depth study of "Several Guidelines for Leading Cadres’ Integrity in Politics in members of the Communist Party of China (CPC)", we will carry out "Six Ones" activities such as a theme knowledge contest, a theme essay, a typical case warning education, a branch special organization life meeting, an honest and clean government risk prevention and control counseling and a special supervision and inspection.

  (Editor: Lai Min)

   The Meteorological Bureau of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region launched the "July 1" month of publicity and education on party style and clean government.


  China Meteorological News reporter Ceng Tao correspondent Wu Chen reports. On March 29th, the Meteorological Bureau of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region issued the "Notice on Launching the Publicity and Education Month of Party Style and Clean Government of Guangxi Meteorological Department in 2012", and comprehensively arranged the 11th Publicity and Education Month of Party Style and Clean Government of meteorological departments in the whole region, which lasted for one month from the end of March to the end of April.

    The theme of this activity is "maintaining the purity of the party and ensuring the scientific development of meteorological undertakings." According to the annual work arrangements of the Party Group of China Meteorological Bureau and the Party Group of the Meteorological Bureau of the Autonomous Region, all units should focus on the theme, with an in-depth study of "Several Guidelines for Leading Cadres’ Integrity in Politics in members of the Communist Party of China (CPC)". On the basis of organizing the "Seven Ones" activities, such as a thematic knowledge contest, a series of system construction and implementation self-examination, a thematic essay, a typical case warning education, a branch special organization life meeting, an anti-corruption risk prevention and control counseling and a special supervision and inspection, we will seriously organize the study, publicity and education and various forms of anti-corruption cultural activities. Educate and guide the leading bodies, leading cadres of all units and party member to further enhance their awareness of responsibility, honesty and self-discipline and risk prevention and control in building a clean and honest government, build a solid ideological foundation for observing discipline and law, earnestly maintain the purity of the Party, and create a good environment for promoting the scientific development of meteorological undertakings in Guangxi.

    (Editor: Li Wenqin)

  Jiangsu Meteorological Bureau launched the theme education activity of purity of Communist party member.


  China Meteorological News correspondent Zhu Min reports. Recently, Jiangsu Meteorological Bureau held a theme education conference on the purity of Communist party member, which was attended by members of the party group of the provincial bureau, all the staff of the organs, Communist party member, party branch secretaries and principal leaders of discipline inspection and supervision institutions from 13 municipal bureaus, in order to solidly promote the publicity and education month activities of the meteorological department.

  At the meeting, Wei Wei, member of the Party Group of the Provincial Bureau and leader of the discipline inspection team, mobilized activities and made a special report on the education of the Party’s work style and clean government around the advanced nature and purity of Communist party member. He gave special lectures and guidance from four aspects: the great significance of the education of civil servants’ professional ethics and the purity of Communist party member, the people’s full expectations of party member cadres’ professional ethics and integrity, strengthening the self-construction of cadres, always maintaining the advanced nature and purity, and welcoming the victory of the Party’s 18th National Congress with good professional ethics and purity. Party member cadres are required to establish and cultivate their personal world outlook, power outlook, values and career outlook; Correctly treat posts and powers, and be open-minded, upright, honest and upright; Enhance self-control, fear the system, and resolutely implement the system.

  The meeting called for earnestly grasping the publicity and education month activities of building a clean and honest party style with the theme of "maintaining the purity of the Party and ensuring the scientific development of meteorological undertakings", grasping the implementation of major decision-making arrangements of the central, provincial and China meteorological bureaus and party groups of provincial bureaus, further promoting the construction of a system for punishing and preventing corruption, promoting the prevention and control of clean and honest risks, strengthening the supervision of power operation, strengthening the construction of work style and morals, strictly implementing the responsibility system for building a clean and honest party, and strengthening and improving party building, and grasping professional ethics and maintaining the purity of the party.

  (Editor: Su Yujun)

  Jilin Meteorological Bureau carried out the publicity and education month of party style and clean government construction with ten activities as the starting point.

   China Meteorological News correspondent Li Chengye reports. On March 30th, Jilin Meteorological Bureau held in yushu city to study and implement the spirit of the Fifth Clean Government Conference in the State Council, and to carry out the 11th month of publicity and education on building a clean and honest government. Zhao Guoqiang, Party Secretary and Director of the Provincial Bureau, requested that all work on building a clean and honest government in 2012 should be done well, and "work hard" should be done from five aspects. First, efforts should be made to implement the decision-making arrangements of the Party Group of the Provincial Bureau, and supervision and inspection of the implementation should be done well. Second, we must work hard to strengthen the work style construction and do a good job in the work style construction of leading organs and leading cadres; Third, we should work hard to promote the construction of punishment and prevention system, and do a good job in building a punishment and prevention system with the characteristics of meteorological departments in Jilin Province; Fourth, we must work hard to strictly implement the responsibility system for building a clean and honest government and do a good job in implementing all tasks; Fifth, efforts should be made to enhance the awareness of honesty among cadres in party member, and publicity and education on honesty in politics should be done well.

   Jilin Meteorological Bureau will carry out ten activities in the eleventh publicity and education month of building a clean and honest party style. First, we should raise awareness by organizing theoretical center group study meetings, special lectures and counseling, and branch special study meetings; The second is to carry out a special counseling report on "strengthening the prevention and control of clean government risks and providing guarantee for realizing the second leap"; The third is to carry out a special report on duty crimes; Fourth, we should select the typical cases in the Warning Record of Anti-corruption in Meteorological Department (III) to give a keynote speech; The fifth is to organize leading cadres and personnel in important positions above the deputy division level to carry out the warning education activities of "Clean Government Day" at the warning education base of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. The sixth is to carry out the exhibition of clean and honest cultural works. Seventh, launch a theme knowledge contest and theme essay activity. Eight is to promote the construction of a clean government culture. Nine is to carry out special supervision and inspection on the implementation of major decision-making arrangements of the Party Group of China Meteorological Bureau and the Party Group of Provincial Bureau. Ten is to continue to create a learning team.

  (Editor: Liu Jie)

  Tianjin Meteorological Bureau issued opinions to deepen post clean government education.

   China Meteorological News correspondent Wang Xiaoning reports.  A few days ago, Tianjin Meteorological Bureau formulated and issued the Opinions of Tianjin Meteorological Department on Further Deepening Post Integrity Education in accordance with the deployment requirements of the Central Committee and Tianjin Municipal Committee. The "Opinions" put forward the general idea of "focusing on promoting, gradually standardizing and spreading in an all-round way", clarified the basic principles of "grasping the characteristics of posts, highlighting key posts, focusing on practical work, and changing the educational model", and put forward four requirements for in-depth post integrity education: first, strengthening leadership and unifying thoughts; Second, it is necessary to organically combine post clean government education with clean government risk prevention and control work and make solid progress; Third, actively publicize, create an atmosphere, and improve the initiative and enthusiasm of cadres and workers to participate in education; Fourth, pay attention to summing up to ensure the effectiveness of post clean government education.

  (Editor: Wang Jingqi)


  Party member cadres in Ningxia entered the prison to study and promote the education of party style and clean government.

  China Meteorological News reporter Liu Jianqiu correspondent Li Yongshun reports. Recently, as part of the "Six Ones" campaign of the Party’s Work Style and Clean Government Publicity Month, some cadres from party member, directly affiliated units and internal institutions of the Meteorological Bureau of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, visited and studied in the district women’s prison and received a warning education on the Party’s work style and clean government.

  Party member cadres and workers visited the warning education exhibition and the prison inmates’ workshop, listened to the prisoners’ speeches, watched the sitcoms "The Price of Greed" and "I’m Going Home" written and performed by prisoners, and donated money to prisoners in difficulty.

  Over the years, Ningxia Meteorological Bureau has attached great importance to the warning education of building a clean and honest government. Every year, it has carried out various forms of warning education activities, such as entering the revolutionary martyrs cemetery and visiting prisons, so that party member can establish a correct outlook on life and values through practical experience.

  (Editor: Lai Min) 

  Hainan Meteorological Bureau held a leading group meeting on building a clean and honest party style.

  China Meteorological News correspondent Zhou Yang reports. On March 31st, Hainan Meteorological Bureau held a meeting of the leading group for building a clean and honest government. Li Tianfu, head of the discipline inspection team of the party group of the Provincial Meteorological Bureau, presided over the meeting, and all members of the leading group for party style and clean government construction attended the meeting.

  Wang Chunyi, Party Secretary and Director of Hainan Meteorological Bureau, made an important speech at the meeting. He pointed out that the meteorological departments in the province should attach great importance to building a clean and honest party style and anti-corruption work, and solidly promote the construction of the punishment and prevention system of the meteorological departments in the province. Discipline inspection, supervision and audit institutions adhere to the center, serve the overall situation, earnestly perform their duties, do a good job in organization and coordination, and play an escort role for the development of meteorological undertakings.

  The meeting requested the meteorological departments of the whole province to implement the spirit of the important speech delivered by General Secretary Hu Jintao at the Seventh Plenary Session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, strengthen leadership in accordance with the deployment of the Party Group of China Meteorological Bureau and the local discipline inspection commission, improve overall awareness, supervision awareness and risk awareness, and earnestly do a good job in building a clean and honest party style and combating corruption and promoting honesty in the meteorological departments of the whole province.

  (Editor: Lai Min)  


  Shandong Provincial Bureau held a special training on the knowledge of prevention and control of clean government risks in the field of scientific and technological services.

  China Meteorological News correspondent Du Zhanjun newspaperOn March 30th, Shandong Meteorological Bureau held a special training on the knowledge of prevention and control of clean government risks in the field of scientific and technological services according to the arrangement of Shandong Meteorological Department’s publicity and education month. The training focuses on the general template of the anti-corruption risk prevention and control system, the "six" steps and "six" characteristics of the anti-corruption risk prevention and control.

  Through the study, we have further improved our understanding of the importance and necessity of carrying out risk prevention and control of clean government, and established the concept of correctly grasping risk prevention and control, laying a good foundation for comprehensively grasping the means of risk prevention and control and comprehensively carrying out risk prevention and control management of clean government in the field of scientific and technological services. The leaders of the Provincial Meteorological Bureau, the leaders in charge of the Science and Technology Service Bureau of the Municipal Meteorological Bureau and the heads of departments in charge, the leading bodies of the Service Center of the Provincial Meteorological Bureau, the Lightning Center and the heads of relevant internal institutions participated in the training.

  (Editor: Su Jessie)


  Hebei Meteorological Bureau fully deployed the publicity and education month of party style and clean government.

  China Meteorological News correspondent Zhang Xiaoliang reports. On April 1st, Hebei Meteorological Bureau held a mobilization meeting for the Party’s work style and clean government publicity and education month. Yao Xuexiang, Party Secretary and Director of the Provincial Bureau, made a mobilization speech, and Zang Jiansheng, Party member and discipline inspection team leader of the Provincial Bureau, presided over the meeting.

  Yao Xuexiang emphasized that to do a good job in combating corruption and promoting honesty, we should attach great importance to the basic role of education, strengthen education reminders, and prevent delays. We should take the 11th month of publicity and education on party style and clean government as an opportunity to seriously study the spirit of the important speeches made by General Secretary Hu Jintao at the Seventh Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and Premier Wen Jiabao at the Fifth Clean Government Work Conference in the State Council, and fully understand the importance of maintaining the purity of the Party. Implement the spirit of the important speech made by Zheng Guoguang, director of China Meteorological Bureau, at the learning meeting of the Party Central Group of China Meteorological Bureau in the spring of 2012, and improve the ability and level of leading the scientific development of meteorological undertakings.

  Yao Xuexiang put forward four requirements on education month activities. First, leaders should take the lead and promote the extensive participation of cadres and workers. The top leaders of all units should not only do a good job in leading activities, but also actively participate in various activities as ordinary party member. The second is to make overall arrangements to coordinate the education month activities with other work. We should not only concentrate some energy and time on carrying out the education month activities, but also pay close attention to the current business service work, and strengthen the awareness of clean government risk and responsibility of party member cadres through the education month activities. The third is to strengthen education and further promote the prevention and control of clean government risks. Organize cadres and workers to continue to study the relevant knowledge of risk prevention and control of clean government, and further improve their understanding of the scientific management of party style and clean government construction. Fourth, we should do our respective duties and create a good atmosphere for anti-corruption education. Give full play to the role of the "big propaganda and education" work pattern of combating corruption and promoting honesty, and all offices should undertake corresponding publicity and education tasks, form a strong momentum of education month activities, and expand the influence and appeal of education month activities.

  Zang Jiansheng made specific arrangements for the activities, and asked all units to focus on the exhibition of calligraphy and painting, theme knowledge contest and essay writing, warning education of typical cases, special organization of life meetings of branches, guidance on prevention and control of integrity risks, special supervision and inspection, etc. around the theme, to encourage all units to highlight their characteristics, enrich the carrier of integrity culture, and vigorously create a good public opinion atmosphere of honesty and shame.

  Leading cadres at or above the deputy division level of the provincial bureau in Shijiazhuang, bureau-level cadres, directly affiliated units and internal organs attended the meeting.

  (Editor: Su Yujun)  

  Hebei: Carrying out Knowledge Contest of Party Style and Clean Government to Promote Publicity and Education of Party Style and Clean Government


    China Meteorological News correspondent Zhang Xiaoliang reports.   On April 6th, the Meteorological Bureau of Hebei Province organized all cadres in the organs to carry out the knowledge contest of "Maintaining the purity of the Party and ensuring the scientific development of meteorological undertakings", which is one of the series of activities of "Publicity and Education Month of Party Style and Clean Government". During the activity, the leading cadres of the Provincial Bureau gave full play to their exemplary role. Yao Xuexiang, Party Secretary and Director of the Provincial Bureau, and Zang Jiansheng, member of the Party Group and leader of the discipline inspection team, took the lead in participating in the knowledge contest, and promoted the in-depth development of the publicity and education month of the party’s work style and clean government with practical actions.

  In order to do a good job in this competition, the Discipline Inspection Team of the Provincial Bureau carefully arranged the deployment, actively mobilized all offices to take the eleventh "Publicity and Education Month on Party Style and Clean Government" as an opportunity to organize cadres and workers to seriously study the spirit of the Seventh Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and other relevant knowledge about party style and clean government construction, and carefully organized this knowledge competition with the theme of "maintaining the purity of the Party and ensuring the scientific development of meteorological undertakings". By organizing the answering activities of knowledge contest, party member cadres have a deeper understanding of the relevant knowledge of building a clean and honest party style, which has promoted the in-depth development of the publicity and education month of the clean and honest party style.



  Competition site


  Competition site

    (Editor: Su Yujun)


  Twelve activities of Tianjin Meteorological Bureau to welcome the Party’s work style and clean government education month

  China Meteorological News correspondent Chen Xi reports. Recently, Tianjin Meteorological Bureau issued "Notice on Launching the Publicity and Education Month of Party Style and Clean Government in Tianjin Meteorological Department in 2012" (hereinafter referred to as "Notice"), arranged and deployed the publicity and education month activities of Party style and clean government in meteorological departments of the whole city in 2012, and proposed that the publicity and education month activities will be carried out in an orderly manner around this year’s theme, divided into four sections: learning and education, risk prevention and control, clean government culture and style construction.

  According to the requirements of the Notice, the publicity and education month of the party’s work style and clean government of Tianjin Meteorological Bureau will start at the end of March, and it will be divided into four sections containing twelve specific activities: First, the party secretary will give a lecture on party classes; The second is to issue documents to carry out self-study; The third is to organize a knowledge contest; The fourth is to carry out special counseling lectures; Fifth, watch special educational films; Sixth, carry out post clean government education; The seventh is to carry out demonstration review work; Eighth, organize special essay activities; Nine is to hold a special photo exhibition; The tenth is to strengthen the work style construction of organs; The eleventh is to hold a special democratic life meeting; The twelfth is to supervise and inspect the openness of government affairs.

  The "Notice" requires that all units should strengthen leadership and organize carefully to ensure practical results. It is necessary to carry out publicity and education activities in accordance with the unified deployment and requirements of the Municipal Bureau, but also pay attention to the actual situation of the unit and actively carry out publicity and education activities in combination with the deployment arrangements of the local discipline inspection commission. Make sure that the prescribed actions are not out of shape, and the optional actions are distinctive, and ensure that the education month activities play a positive role in practical work with practical actions.

    (Editor: Lai Min)

  Qinghai Meteorological Bureau seriously deployed the publicity and education month activities of party style and clean government.

  China Meteorological News reporter Dai Suigang correspondent Yan Xiuhui reports.  According to the requirements of the discipline inspection team of CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Meteorological Bureau in China, the 11th Party Style and Clean Government Publicity and Education Month with the theme of "maintaining the purity of the Party and ensuring the scientific development of meteorological undertakings" was held in the national meteorological departments from the end of March to the end of April. In order to implement this activity and achieve practical results, recently, Qinghai Meteorological Bureau made a comprehensive deployment of the 2012 month of propaganda and education on party style and clean government of meteorological departments in the whole province from the aspects of activity purpose, activity content and activity requirements, and clearly put forward the arrangement of key activities of the Provincial Meteorological Bureau.

  First, a mobilization meeting was held for the publicity and education month of the party’s work style and clean government in the meteorological departments of the province in 2012, and the publicity and education month activities were fully deployed. The second is to hold a study meeting for the Central Group of the Party Group of the Provincial Bureau, earnestly study and understand the general requirements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on building a clean and honest party style and anti-corruption work, and implement the deployment requirements of the Party Group of China Meteorological Bureau on building a clean and honest party style and anti-corruption work in meteorological departments. The third is to hold a report meeting on clean government counseling, and the leaders of the provincial bureau will make a counseling report. The fourth is to organize a knowledge contest with the theme of "maintaining the purity of the party and ensuring the scientific development of meteorological undertakings". The fifth is to organize an essay-writing activity with the theme of "maintaining the purity of the party and ensuring the scientific development of meteorological undertakings". Sixth, around the theme of "maintaining the purity of the Party and ensuring the scientific development of meteorological undertakings", a special organization life meeting for cadres in party member was held. Seventh, organize leading cadres of units directly under the provincial bureau and internal institutions to visit the anti-corruption education base and carry out anti-corruption warning education. The eighth is to organize the declaration of the demonstration site of clean government culture of provincial organs.

  (Editor: Su Jessie)  

  The Central Group of the Party Group of Shanghai Municipal Bureau held a meeting to emphasize the modernization pilot and the work of party style and clean government.

  China Meteorological Network News On March 31st, the Party Central Group of Shanghai Meteorological Bureau held the first theoretical study meeting in 2012. The meeting was presided over by Tang Xu, Party Secretary and Director of Shanghai Meteorological Bureau. The meeting carefully studied the spirit of the Seventh Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Fifth Clean Government Work Conference in the State Council and the National Spring Agricultural Production Work Conference, and carefully studied and discussed the draft of Shanghai’s Work Plan for Taking the Lead in Realizing Meteorological Modernization (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"). Participants closely focused on the implementation of the spirit of the higher-level meeting, accelerated the pilot work of meteorological modernization, and conducted serious exchanges and discussions in combination with the actual work of departments and units. The meeting also made arrangements for the publicity and education month of the party’s work style and clean government, and put forward clear requirements for the implementation of the activities.

  Tang Xu put forward four requirements in combination with his recent work: First, we should conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the Seventh Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central Committee of CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Fifth Clean Government Work Conference in the State Council, strengthen the building of a clean and honest government, and do a good job in the implementation of various activities in the month of publicity and education on clean and honest government, so as to provide a strong political guarantee for taking the lead in realizing meteorological modernization; Second, we should actively explore and strengthen the supervision of administrative efficiency to ensure the effective implementation of major strategic arrangements and key tasks of the bureau party group; Third, we should unify our thinking, raise our awareness, concentrate our efforts and solidly promote the pilot work of taking the lead in realizing meteorological modernization; Fourth, we must conscientiously implement the spirit of the national and Shanghai spring agricultural production work conferences, earnestly do a good job in meteorological service for agriculture and all the current work, and greet the convening of the 18 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 10 th Party Congress in Shanghai with excellent results.

  Members of the bureau’s party group, deputy inspectors, and principals of various departments, institutions and district and county meteorological bureaus attended the meeting.

  (Source: Shanghai Meteorological Bureau Party Office Editor: Su Yujun)


  Hubei provincial bureau implements the spirit of the fifth clean government conference

  Jiang Qibin, correspondent of China Meteorological News, reported.  A few days ago, the party group of Hubei Meteorological Bureau held a special meeting, carefully studied the fifth video and telephone conference on clean government work between the State Council and the provincial government, focused on the important speeches delivered by Premier Wen Jiabao and Governor Wang Guosheng, and put forward opinions on implementing the spirit of the conference.

  First, we will further improve the publicity and education of clean government, convey the requirements and deployment of the State Council and the provincial government to every cadre and worker, and organize and carry out the "Six Ones" activities of the 11th Party Style and Clean Government Publicity and Education Month of the Meteorological Department. The second is to further promote the construction of political style, vigorously carry forward the fine style, strengthen the "two kinds of consciousness" and "three kinds of ability", practice the "five satisfaction" of meteorological services, and continuously improve the social image, service ability and service level of meteorological departments. The third is to further implement the responsibility system for building a clean and honest government, and earnestly implement the tasks of the evaluation index system of the responsibility system for building a clean and honest government in the meteorological departments of the province in 2012 ("7+1"). The fourth is to further promote the prevention and control of clean government risks, further promote the prevention and control of clean government risks in key areas and key positions, and carefully organize and carry out the "Financial Standard Management Year" activities of the meteorological departments in the province. The fifth is to further promote the construction of punishment and prevention system, fully complete all tasks of punishment and prevention system construction, strengthen the openness of government affairs and bureau (affairs) affairs of meteorological departments in the province, and actively promote the construction of electronic information system platform for bureau (affairs) affairs disclosure.

  Yunnan Meteorological Bureau held a training course on risk prevention and control of clean government.

  Zheng Ximin, correspondent of China Meteorological News, reported.  In order to effectively grasp the 11th Party Style and Clean Government Publicity and Education Month, and thoroughly implement the deployment of the implementation plan of clean government risk prevention and control by the Party Group of Yunnan Meteorological Bureau in 2012, Yunnan Meteorological Bureau held the 2012 clean government risk prevention and control operation training course for meteorological departments in weichu from March 29th to 30th. Relevant personnel from the Supervision and Examination Office of the Provincial Bureau explained the basic knowledge of clean government risk prevention and control and the operation requirements of "one map, one table and one single regulation". Zheng Jianguo, head of discipline inspection of the Provincial Bureau, asked meteorological departments at all levels in the province to effectively strengthen the clean government risk prevention and control work. Effectively strengthen leadership and make solid progress to ensure the effectiveness of the prevention and control of clean government risks; Several main problems in the prevention and control of clean government risks are solved from the aspects of ideological understanding, risk management, template localization, and overcoming the "fear of difficulties". At the same time, eight arrangements are made to conscientiously do a good job in the key work of building a clean and honest government this year.

  This training is one of the important contents of the 11th Party Style and Clean Government Publicity and Education Month organized by the Provincial Bureau, and it is a powerful means to enhance the management methods and capabilities of clean government risk prevention and control of meteorological departments in the province. More than 60 discipline inspection team leaders and deputy team leaders from meteorological departments of 16 states (cities) in the province, discipline inspection inspectors from units directly under the provincial bureau and leaders in charge of internal institutions participated in the training.

  (Editor: Su Jessie)

  Hubei Provincial Bureau compiles "Learning Reader for Publicity and Education of Party Style and Clean Government Construction"

  Jiang Qibin, correspondent of China Meteorological News, reported. In order to carry out the 11th month of propaganda and education on the Party’s work style and clean government in meteorological departments, Hubei Meteorological Bureau recently compiled and published the Electronic Reader of Propaganda and Education on the Party’s Work Style and Clean Government Construction in Hubei Meteorological Department and organized cadres and workers in the whole province to study.

  The study reader compiled this time includes five parts: plenary documents, leaders’ speeches, anti-corruption laws and regulations, alarm bells ringing, and study materials. It not only covers the contents of the Seventh Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Ninth Plenary Session of the Ninth Hubei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the 2012 National Meteorological Department’s Work Conference on Party Style and Clean Government, but also includes anti-corruption laws and regulations, warning education cases and anti-corruption study materials that should be focused on during the mission month. The reader is rich and informative, which has played a role in conveying the spirit of the meeting and strengthening the propaganda and education of the party’s work style and clean government.

  (Editor: Li Wenqin)  

  Shanghai Meteorological Bureau held a monthly mobilization meeting on propaganda and education of party style and clean government.

  China Meteorological News correspondent Chen Weidong reports.  On March 31, Shanghai Meteorological Bureau held a study meeting for the Party Central Group and a monthly mobilization meeting for the propaganda and education of the Party’s work style and clean government. Members of the Party Group, bureau leaders, and principals of various departments, units and district and county meteorological bureaus attended the meeting. The delegates carefully studied the spirit of the Seventh Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Fifth Clean Government Work Conference in the State Council, as well as the spirit of the speech made by Director Zheng Guoguang at the mobilization meeting of the meteorological department’s publicity and education month on party style and clean government. Tang Xu, Party Secretary and Director of the Bureau, made a mobilization speech, and members of the Party Committee and the head of the discipline inspection team made specific arrangements for the publicity and education month activities at the request of friends.

  Tang Xu put forward clear general requirements for the publicity and education month of party style and clean government, and pointed out that the publicity and education month of party style and clean government should be combined in five ways: first, it should be combined with the spirit of studying and implementing the Seventh Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central Committee of CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Fifth Clean Government Work Conference of the State Council; Second, it should be combined with the thorough implementation of the "Provisions on Implementing the Responsibility System for Building a Clean and Honest Party Style"; Third, it should be combined with in-depth activities to create the first and compete for Excellence; Fourth, it should be combined with the pilot work of realizing meteorological modernization first; Fifth, it should be combined with promoting the construction of administrative efficiency.

  Before the mobilization meeting, the bureau party group held a special meeting to study the implementation plan of the month of publicity and education on party style and clean government. The implementation plan specifies eight activities to be carried out in the publicity and education month. In addition to the "Six Ones" activities in accordance with the unified deployment of the China Meteorological Bureau, special activities will be carried out according to the actual situation of the Shanghai Meteorological Department, such as holding an audit briefing and activities such as anti-corruption animation, calligraphy and painting photography appraisal.

  (Editor: Su Jessie)  

  Shanxi launched the 11th Party Style and Clean Government Publicity and Education Month.

  China Meteorological News reporter Sun Aihua reports. On the morning of March 30th, Shanxi Meteorological Bureau held the mobilization meeting of the 2012 Party Style and Clean Government Publicity and Education Month of meteorological departments in Shanxi Province through video system, and deployed the 11th Party Style and Clean Government Publicity and Education Month with the theme of "maintaining the purity of the Party and ensuring the scientific development of meteorological undertakings". Du Shunyi, Party Secretary and Director of the Provincial Bureau, made a mobilization speech, and Shen Min, Party member and discipline inspection team leader of the Provincial Bureau, presided over the meeting and read out the "2012 Party Style and Clean Government Publicity and Education Month Activity Plan of Shanxi Meteorological Department".

  Du Shunyi pointed out that the meteorological departments in the province should fully understand the importance and urgency of maintaining the purity of the Party, further enhance their sense of responsibility and mission in party building work, closely focus on the theme of "maintaining the purity of the Party and ensuring the scientific development of meteorological undertakings", conscientiously implement the spirit of the Seventh Plenary Session of the Seventeenth CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Fifth Clean Government Work Conference in the State Council, and thoroughly study and implement the "Clean Government Guidelines". Through organizing study, publicity, education and various forms of clean government cultural activities, we will educate and guide leading bodies at all levels, leading cadres and party member to further enhance their sense of responsibility, honesty and self-discipline and risk prevention and control in building a clean government, consolidate the ideological foundation of obeying laws and regulations, earnestly maintain the purity of the Party, and create a clean and healthy environment for promoting the scientific development of meteorological undertakings in the province. It is necessary to effectively improve the "two qualities" of cadres and workers’ political thought and professional ethics through thematic education activities; Strengthen the "two consciousnesses" of cadres and workers’ law-abiding, honesty and self-discipline; Advocate and establish the "three spirits" of being serious and responsible, daring to take responsibility, working hard, being brave in hardship, pioneering and innovative, and being willing to contribute; Fully mobilize the "three passions" of the broad masses of cadres and workers, that is, adhere to the cause first, mobilize the passion of positive progress, give full play to intelligence, mobilize the passion of work innovation, strive for progress, and mobilize the passion of making great achievements.

  Du Shunyi asked the meteorological department of the whole province to earnestly implement the deployment of China Meteorological Bureau, constantly explore new ideas, methods and measures for anti-corruption publicity and education in line with the actual situation of the meteorological department of the province, change working ideas and innovate working methods, and earnestly grasp the publicity and education month activities to achieve results. First, we must insist on putting demonstration education, warning education and post clean government education in an important position. Second, we should constantly enrich the contents and forms of publicity and education activities. We must start with the internal and external factors that affect the ideological purity of party member cadres, strengthen guidance, and make party member cadres constantly self-purify, self-improve, self-innovate and self-improve, and build a solid ideological and moral defense line; We must vigorously publicize the exemplary deeds of party member and cadres who are clean and honest, self-denial and dedication to public service, and dare to fight corruption, and carry forward the righteousness; We must constantly enrich the contents and forms of educational activities, so that publicity and education activities can respect the masses more ideologically, be closer to them emotionally and rely on them more in work. Third, we should highlight the characteristics, actively innovate, constantly enrich the carrier of clean government culture, and solidly promote the creation of clean government culture. Fourth, it should be combined with the study and education activities to maintain the purity of the party. The meteorological department of the whole province should organically combine the publicity and education month activities with the study and education activities to maintain the purity of the party, and combine them with the activities of loyalty education to the party, striving for Excellence and the "year of grassroots organization construction" to make overall coordination and promote together, and finally achieve the established work objectives.

  Shanxi Meteorological Department will carry out six plus six activities in the month of propaganda and education on the Party’s work style and clean government: First, organize and complete six prescribed actions, namely, according to the unified deployment and requirements of the discipline inspection team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection in China Meteorological Bureau, carry out a theme knowledge education, hold a theme essay contest, carry out a typical case education, hold a branch special organization life meeting, hold a guidance on the prevention and control of clean government risks, and carry out a special supervision and inspection. Second, in combination with Shanxi’s educational activities to maintain the purity of the Party, all units can choose or innovate to complete six "optional actions" from the following activities, namely, the main person in charge will give a clean government party class, carry out a red traditional education, listen to an advanced story report, organize a questionnaire survey to strengthen the party’s work style and clean government and promote the construction of punishment and prevention system, conduct a survey on the purity of party member in combination with the actual work of units and posts, make a word commitment among party member cadres, watch a clean government education film collectively, and listen to it.

  The Discipline Inspection Team of the Party Group of Shanxi Meteorological Bureau will select 9 to 12 "Outstanding Organization Awards for the Publicity and Education Month of Party Style and Clean Government in 2012" according to the activities organized by various units.

  (Editor: Li Wenqin)