Vivo helps digital transformation, Blue River operating system promotes new development of open-source technology

The Open Atom Developer Conference 2023, an annual developer event led by the Open Atom Open Source Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the Foundation), was held in Wuxi, Jiangsu on December 16-17. Vivo, as a partner of this conference, was invited to participate in the opening ceremony. At the same time, as a core member of the Open Atom Developer Conference, vivo actively promotes the establishment of a fast application ecosystem branch to build an operating system software ecosystem with the industry and help the software ecosystem prosper.

Picture: 2023 Open Atomic Developers Conference scene

Yang Chun, general manager of vivo’s software system integration department and general manager of Blue River operating system, gave an opening speech on the theme of "General artificial intelligence leads the new era of operating system" at the meeting, and expressed core views on the development prospects of AI and the technical concept of Blue Heart Big Model and Blue River System. "With the vigorous development of AI, AI will inevitably combine with various forms of end point devices to form a new intelligent experience. The combination of artificial intelligence and end point devices will form a new intelligent experience, and the future operating system will also be more diversified. At the same time, it will usher in a comprehensive change in interaction patterns, application ecology, technical architecture, etc. Based on the above thinking, we insist on independent research and development of operating systems, and actively participate in the tide of ecological construction. "

Picture: Yang Chun, general manager of vivo software system integration department and general manager of Blue River operating system, delivered a keynote speech

AI and end point devices combine to bring a more intelligent and diverse operating system experience

On November 1, 2023, vivo released the self-developed Blue Heart Big Model Matrix, which contains three parameter orders of one billion, ten billion, and one hundred billion. A total of 5 self-developed big models have the characteristics of large and complete, strong algorithm, true security, self-evolution, and wide open source. It fully covers core scenarios and leads the industry in model capabilities. Vivo also took the lead in open sourcing the 7 billion parameter level Blue Heart Big Model 7B and the corresponding fine-tuning framework. Developers can fine-tune based on the Blue Heart Big Model 7B, develop models and applications suitable for their own business, and try to commercialize. Based on the above thinking, vivo released the Blue River Operating System, a self-developed smart operating system that has been built for many years. It has three characteristics: inherently smarter, inherently smoother, and inherently safer.

Picture: 2023 Open Atomic Developers Conference scene

Smart, smooth, and secure, Blue River defines the future of the operating system

As a self-developed smart operating system in the era of general artificial intelligence, Blue River Operating System expands the ability of multi-modal input and output methods based on the AI large model at the intelligent level, and supports multiple recognition paths such as voice, picture, and text. At the same time, Blue River Operating System supports a new paradigm of application development. It can realize AI service engines and multi-mode input subsystems, and has many new applications of smart operating systems. It can provide code generation and graphic generation capabilities as well as customization of system vision such as themes and wallpapers. It is an essential tool for emerging productivity and creativity.

Figure: The three characteristics of the Blue River operating system are inherently smarter, inherently smoother, and inherently more secure

In order to further improve the fluency of the system, vivo must ensure that the Blue River system can run on very low-configuration devices on the one hand, and on the other hand, starting from full-stack technology, it has made breakthroughs in the five key technical directions of operating system programming language, runtime, super coroutine mechanism, virtual graphics card framework, and memory management algorithm. It has realized a series of key technologies, and the operating efficiency has been significantly improved, making the system smoother and easier to use.

Industry data shows that about 70% of serious security bugs in operating systems are related to improper memory use, and it is difficult to completely solve the problem of fixing security bugs. In this regard, vivo chose Rust language as the development language of the system framework, becoming the first operating system written in this language in the industry. The advantage of Rust language is that it can detect security problems caused by improper memory use during the compilation stage, ensuring memory safety and concurrency safety from the source.

Picture: 2023 Open Atomic Developers Conference scene

In addition, Blue River Operating System uses BlueXlink connection technology based on the distributed design concept, which is widely compatible with industry standard protocols and serves smart home, smart travel, smart office and other scenarios, supporting Blue River Operating System’s IoT intelligent experience.

Digital transformation promotes the rise of open source, technological innovation drives the future of the industry

Cultivating open source ecology is a key task of the national software development strategy. The national 14th Five-Year Plan includes open source as a long-term goal for the first time. Under the general trend of digital transformation, basic software and hardware have become an important link related to national security. Today, China has become the world’s largest open source app store. vivo, as a core member unit, promoted the establishment of the China Software Association Fast Application Ecology Branch to jointly build fast application technology standards. In 2021, the source code implementation of fast application technology standards was officially donated to the Open Atomic Open Source Foundation and became an incubation project hapjs. In 2023, the number of devices in the industry supporting the fast application technology standard of hapjs has exceeded 1.50 billion. The self-developed Blue River operating system released by vivo this year is also compatible with this ecological standard, and will jointly build an operating system software ecosystem with the industry.

In the future, vivo will continue to deepen its efforts in the field of scientific and technological innovation, cooperate with ecological partners, and make every effort to promote industrial ecological construction, contributing to the prosperity and development of the industry.

Anti-monopoly breaks the ills of big data "killing"

  On December 17th, "Big Data Killing" was searched by Weibo again, this time the protagonist was Meituan. Taxi software takes different pricing for the same customers, and booking hotel members costs more than ordinary users … … In recent years, "big data killing" has been frequently searched. Experts pointed out that the Anti-monopoly Guide on Platform Economy (Draft for Comment) (hereinafter referred to as the Anti-monopoly Guide) refines the provisions of the Anti-monopoly Law regulating Internet violations and promotes the platform to better assume social responsibilities. In order to eradicate the chaos of "big data killing", it is essential to improve laws and regulations and strengthen law enforcement, and urge enterprises to be honest and self-disciplined.

  "Big data killing" frequency hot search

  On December 17th, an article titled "I was cut by a member of Meituan" was screened on social media. Based on his own experience of ordering takeout, the author found that in the same store on Meituan, with the same delivery address and at the same time, the delivery fee for members was higher than that for non-members. According to the article, it was thought that opening take-away members would save money, but the delivery fee of almost all take-away merchants nearby was higher than that of non-members from 1 yuan to 5 yuan.

  At that time, "Meituan was killed by explosion" and quickly boarded the hot search list of Weibo on that day. Netizens complained in Weibo, Zhihu, black cats, friends circle, etc. about the differential treatment of old members by Meituan: the delivery fee is higher, the price increases after eating in the same store for two or three times, the full amount of membership is reduced after opening, and even the renewal of membership fee has felt that Meituan’s "likes the new and hates the old". Moreover, this is not only the case with the US Mission, but also the above problems when you are hungry.

  Later, Meituan’s take-out issued a statement in response, saying that the difference in delivery fee has nothing to do with membership. Because of the positioning cache in the software, the user’s last historical positioning was wrongly used, which deviated from the user’s actual position, resulting in inaccurate estimation of delivery fee. When placing an order, it will be calculated according to the real delivery address and will not be affected.

  The reporter learned that consumers’ complaints about "big data killing" are not just on the takeaway platform. During the "double 11" this year, Ms. Han, a Beijing consumer, found that she booked a hotel through an App, and the price difference was about 1000 yuan.

  On September 15th, CCTV named the phenomenon of "big data killing" on the online travel platform, and mentioned that the online travel platform set differentiated prices for the same product or service under the same conditions for tourists with different consumption characteristics. On the same day, a poll conducted on the Weibo showed that 15,000 people thought they had encountered obvious price differences, accounting for nearly 80% of all voters.

  In March 2019, the survey results of "Big Data Killing" released by Beijing Consumers Association showed that 88.32% of the respondents thought that "Big Data Killing" was common or very common, and 56.92% of the respondents said that they had been killed by "Big Data". At the same time, respondents believe that online shopping platforms, online travel and online car rides have the most problems in consumer "big data killing", and online travel ranks first.

  On December 20, 2018, "Big Data Killing" was elected as the top ten buzzwords in social life in 2018.

  … …

  In addition, similar "killing" phenomena have appeared on many platforms such as air tickets and movies.

  "Big data killing" needs to be standardized

  Nowadays, big data algorithms are becoming more and more advanced, and information customization can meet people’s diversified and personalized needs. Liu Peng, an expert in the field of big data and artificial intelligence, said that the Internet platform can accurately portray netizens by collecting social data and behavioral data, thus reducing the cost of users’ access to information, improving the quality of service to users and adding convenience to life.

  According to Wang Wei, director of the Information Security Department of Beijing Jiaotong University, "killing big data" is not technically difficult. He pointed out that after mastering personal information, behavior habits and other data, the platform judges its preferences, user adhesion, price sensitivity, etc., and uses big data technology to achieve "thousands of people", so that different prices or search results seen by different users can be "killed".

  Shen Hao, a professor at the Big Data Research Center of Communication University of China, has the same view. He further pointed out that the Internet platform can easily judge whether it is a "stranger" or a "regular customer" through the amount of user data and the frequency of data updates. As a result, the platform makes a lot of money, the interests of merchants and consumers are damaged, and it is easy to lead to monopoly.

  Shen Hao introduced that generally speaking, there are two "kill-cooked" routines of the platform: one is to raise prices for users who are not sensitive to prices, and the other is to cultivate old users to develop consumption habits and reduce preferential treatment for old users, that is, to "treat new users better than old users". The "new users" here refer not only to newly registered users, but also to users who have stopped using them for a period of time and then returned.

  From the legislative practice of European and American countries, once the behaviors such as "killing big data" are identified as unfair behaviors such as price discrimination, they will be strictly prohibited.

  In 1914, the United States promulgated the Clayton Act, which clarified the impermissible practices such as price discrimination, exclusive transactions, and mergers and acquisitions that would seriously weaken competition. Amazon was exposed to differential pricing in 2000, and the prices displayed before and after users deleted cookie data were different. Amazon CEO Bezos apologized afterwards and said that all this was just an "experiment."

  In May 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation came into effect, and the rights of Internet organizations to freely collect, analyze and manage user information will be strictly limited and regulated. On December 15, 2020, the European Union promulgated the draft Digital Market Law. Hong Yanqing, a senior researcher at the Peking University Institute of Rule of Law and Development, said that the explanatory memorandum of the draft pointed out that a few large platforms are increasingly serving as portals or "gatekeepers" between enterprise users and end users. These "gatekeepers" have substantial control over the access to the digital market, which leads many enterprise users to have greater dependence on these "gatekeepers" and in some cases lead to unfair behavior towards enterprise users. Article 55 of the draft clearly requires the gatekeeper to use data: in order to ensure that enterprise users can obtain relevant data, the gatekeeper should allow them to obtain data free of charge without hindrance according to the requirements of enterprise users, and should also allow the third party contracted by enterprise users to access these data. The "gatekeeper" should also facilitate real-time access to these data through appropriate technical measures.

  At present, there are laws such as E-commerce Law and Consumer Protection Law that regulate the "big data killing" behavior in China, but in fact, consumers often face the problem of proof when they encounter "big data killing".

  In 2019, when the Beijing Consumers Association released the survey results of "Big Data Killing", it pointed out that operators usually defend themselves on the grounds of product model or configuration, enjoying package discounts, and different time points, and do not disclose specific algorithms, rules and data. On the contrary, consumer rights protection is often in a difficult position to prove. The reporter inquired about the referee’s document network and found that some consumers had sued a take-away platform to the court on the grounds of "big data killing", but because of the difficulty of proof, both the first instance and the second instance lost.

  Anti-monopoly has a bright sword for "killing big data"

  In this context, the Anti-monopoly Law (Revised Draft) that has been completed and the Anti-monopoly Guide that has just finished soliciting opinions bear the expectations of all sectors of society.

  Zhai Wei, executive director of the Competition Law Research Center of East China University of Political Science and Law, pointed out that the Anti-Monopoly Guide refines the relevant provisions of the Anti-Monopoly Law regulating the Internet platform. Article 17 of the guide clearly points out that operators in the market-dominant platform economy may implement differential transaction prices or other trading conditions, new and old trading counterparts, differential standards, rules and algorithms, and differential payment conditions and trading methods based on big data and algorithms, according to the payment ability, consumption preferences and usage habits of the trading counterparts.

  At the same time, the Anti-Monopoly Law (Revised Draft) clarifies four possible legitimate reasons for operators in the field of platform economy to implement differential treatment, namely, to implement different trading conditions according to the actual needs of the trading counterparts and in line with legitimate trading habits and industry practices, to carry out preferential activities for the first transaction of new users within a reasonable period of time, to carry out random transactions based on the rules of fairness, reasonableness and non-discrimination on the platform, and other reasons that can prove the legitimacy of the behavior.

  Associate Professor Zhong Gang, executive director of the Competition Law Research Center of East China University of Political Science and Law, further explained that the clear justification is not to give the merchants an opportunity, but to follow the market logic and maintain the normal profit space of the merchants. According to Zhong Gang, judging whether "big data killing" is established in legal procedures will also give both parties the same right of proof.

  Enterprises should attach importance to anti-monopoly compliance

  The strong scale effect and network effect of the Internet industry itself are inherently exclusive to competition. Xiong Hongru, an associate researcher in the Innovation and Development Research Department of the State Council Development Research Center, pointed out that "the big is not a problem, but the big bullying the small, algorithm collusion and even governance risks within the platform".

  "The Anti-Monopoly Law protects the interests of consumers." Zhang Dezhi, director of the Consumer Supervision Department of the China Consumers Association, said, "I hope that after the revision of the Anti-Monopoly Law and the promulgation of the Anti-Monopoly Guide, it will be reloaded to help create a business atmosphere of fair competition and let consumers become real beneficiaries."

  Yu Zuo, Secretary-General of the Competition Policy Committee of China Institute of Industrial Economics, pointed out that monopoly enterprises abuse their dominant market position and set unreasonable high prices, which will definitely damage the interests of consumers in the end. It is expected that in the future, law enforcement departments will strengthen law enforcement in accordance with the revised Anti-Monopoly Law and the Anti-Monopoly Guide, and strictly investigate behaviors such as "big data killing" involving price discrimination and abuse of market dominance, so as to make the market compete fairly, improve product quality and benefit consumers.

  "The life of law lies in its implementation. Administration according to law is the key link of law implementation, and consciously abiding by the law is an important condition for law implementation. " Zhong Chun, an associate professor at Jinan University Law School, said that Internet companies are not short of professional knowledge or professionals, and they should strive to comply with regulatory requirements in anti-monopoly compliance in the future.

  With the increasing attention of the regulatory authorities and the maturity of the market, the domestic anti-monopoly laws and regulations and the level of law enforcement will be improved and improved rapidly. Lv Laiming, a professor at the Law School of Beijing Technology and Business University and vice president of the Beijing E-commerce Law Research Association, suggested that "fines are not the only way. When enforcing the law or supervising, administrative supervision departments can also take interviews and guidance to further urge them to rectify according to law."

  To solve the chaos of "big data killing", in addition to improving laws and regulations and strengthening law enforcement, it is more important for enterprises to abide by the law, be honest and self-disciplined.

  "Internet platform enterprises should strictly abide by anti-monopoly laws and regulations and maintain fair competition in the market." When answering a reporter’s question, the relevant person in charge of the Anti-monopoly Bureau of the General Administration of Market Supervision suggested that enterprises should sort out their own business practices in accordance with the provisions of the Anti-monopoly Law and not engage in monopolistic behaviors prohibited by the Anti-monopoly Law. At the same time, respect the law, abide by the law, and effectively strengthen anti-monopoly compliance management in accordance with the requirements of the Anti-monopoly Compliance Guide for Operators.

  Xue Jun, director of Peking University E-commerce Law Research Center, suggested that enterprises should establish a socialized appraisal mechanism according to the application scenarios of the algorithm and its impact on citizens’ basic rights and interests, so as to avoid the possible antitrust consequences of the algorithm.

  Only when laws and regulations are "long teeth", supervision plays an anti-monopoly combination boxing, and enterprises are promoted to self-discipline and social co-governance, can we get rid of the stubborn disease of "killing big data", change "killing" into "familiarity" and turn "first-time customers" into "repeat customers".

There is a prize for naming, and the Sino-Vietnamese (Guangxi) Border Town Football Competition is waiting for you to name it!

  It’s up to you to decide the official name of the new football match!

  In order to further help build a community of destiny between China and Vietnam, promote cultural exchanges and good-neighborliness between China and Vietnam, enrich the connotation of sports undertakings in border areas of Guangxi and Vietnam, and promote the national sports spirit and regional characteristic culture, we decided to hold a football feast across national boundaries-the China-Vietnam (Guangxi) Border Town Football Competition in 2024.

  The official names (including full names and abbreviations) of this football match are now widely collected from the whole society, and we look forward to your participation. The specific requirements are as follows:

  Award settings

  1. Award setting

  The preparatory group for the China-Vietnam (Guangxi) Border Town Football Match will select the best competition name work from several finalists, and after it is confirmed to be adopted, it will give the author a cash reward of 10,000 yuan and issue certificates. The finalists will also issue certificates, and they will all participate in the competition-related activities as special guests.

  2. Collection time

  March 10th to 15th, 2024

  3. Announcement time

  Before March 25th, 2024 (the publicity period is 3 days)

  Solicitation requirements

  1, the name of the event should be concise and lively, infectious and communicative, can be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, reflecting the passion and vitality of football;

  2. Highlight the profound historical origins and close ties between China and Vietnam, as well as the multicultural and ethnic characteristics of the border areas in Guangxi;

  3. It can reflect the role of sports events as a bridge of international exchanges and a bond of friendship, and promote in-depth cooperation and exchanges between China and Vietnam in sports, culture, tourism and other fields;

  4. Give play to innovative thinking, and at the same time, be creative, easy to spread and remember.

  5. The submitted works (full name and abbreviation) must be original and have not been used in other competitions or activities, and avoid infringing on the intellectual property rights of others;

  6. The contributor shall be the copyright owner of the submitted work and have the right to use the work alone or authorize others to use it;

  7. The event organizer has the right to use the collected works free of charge during the copyright term, whether for public welfare purposes or for advertising purposes;

  8. Submission by the contributor shall be deemed as exclusive authorization for the organizer to use the work according to the purposes listed in this solicitation activity, and neither the copyright owner nor any other third party may use the work in any form. Otherwise, the organizer of the event has the right to pursue the legal responsibilities of the relevant responsible persons, including but not limited to the recovery of various commercial interests obtained from the use of the work, and has the right to revoke the winners’ awards in public at any time (including after the award is completed).

  Submission method

  Method 1: One-click tour of Guangxi online submission


  Method 2: Please send your work [full name+abbreviation+meaning] and creative description to the designated email address:, and mark "Collection of the Name of the Sino-Vietnamese (Guangxi) Border Town Football Match" in the subject of the email.

  Open your brain storm and give a resounding official tournament name to [China-Vietnam (Guangxi) Border Town Football Match]!

  Information about the planned teams.

  The Sino-Vietnamese (Guangxi) Border Town Football Competition is planned to adopt the mixed formation method, and Chinese and Vietnamese players will form a team by region, with the following names:

  China Dongxing-Vietnam Mangjie United Front, China Fangcheng-Vietnam Haihe United Front, China Pingxiang-Vietnam lang son United Front, China Ningming-Vietnam Luping United Front, China Longzhou-Vietnam Fuhe United Front, China Daxin-Vietnam Xialang United Front, China Jingxi-Vietnam Chongqing United Front, China Napo-Vietnam Baole United Front.

  For further information, please call the collection office.

  Tel: Mr. Zhu 18278848848; Ms. Tang 15277081597

  Source: Guangxi Tourism Development Group

The principal of a criminal gang selling wildlife products in Ankang, Shaanxi Province was sentenced to 12 years in prison.

  Beijing News According to the WeChat WeChat official account news of Ankang Railway Transport Court, on February 20, 2020, Ankang Railway Transport Court sentenced a criminal case involving a large number of wildlife products prosecuted by Ankang Railway Transport Procuratorate in Hanbin District Detention Center.

  (The picture shows the trial photos of the case before the epidemic)

  Defendants Qu Moumou, Zhang Moumou, Wen Mou, Li Moumou, Che Moumou, Yao Moumou and other six criminals were convicted of illegally purchasing, transporting and selling precious and endangered wildlife products. The principal offender Qu Moumou was sentenced to 12 years in prison by the court and fined RMB 178,600. The other five criminals were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of three years and less than three months by the court, and fined ranging from 2,000 yuan to 19,000 yuan; A total of 353 wild animal products, such as sika deer, Burmese python, 13 kinds of second-class protected animals and 98 kinds of other animals, which were transferred with the case, were confiscated according to law and handed over to the competent forestry authorities for legal treatment.

  (The picture shows the photos of criminals identifying the scene)

  Since August 2017, the defendant Qu Moumou has illegally acquired a large number of dead wild animals through the Internet alone or in partnership with others, and processed them into specimens. In March 2019, Hanbin Branch of Ankang Public Security Bureau seized 353 dead wild animals in its rented place, and some of them have been processed into specimens.

  The evidence is conclusive and shocking.

  According to the inspection by Shaanxi Institute of Zoology, there are 41 rare and endangered wild animals, among which sika deer and Burmese python are the first-class national protected wild animals. The national second-class protected wild animals include golden pheasant, mandarin duck, sparrow hawk, peregrine falcon, black-winged kite, collared owl, crested eagle, red-bellied eagle, Japanese sparrow hawk, red-horned owl, eagle owl, spotted snipe and fur seal. Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) has a large-headed flat turtle; Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) includes macaw, Alexander parrot, sparrow and green iguana. In addition, there are 312 other wild animals, such as the Chinese chrysanthemum bat.

  The first paragraph of Article 341 of the Criminal Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) stipulates: "Whoever illegally hunts and kills rare and endangered wild animals under special state protection, or illegally buys, transports or sells rare and endangered wild animals under special state protection and their products, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention and shall also be fined; If the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years but not more than ten years and shall also be fined; If the circumstances are particularly serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years and fined or confiscated. " The Ankang Railway Transport Court, after hearing the case according to law, found that the above-mentioned acts committed by the defendants Qu Moumou, Zhang Moumou, Wen Mou, Li Moumou, Che Moumou and Yao Moumou were conclusive and sufficient, which violated the law. Therefore, it was found that the public prosecution agency accused the defendant Qu Moumou and other six criminals of illegally purchasing, transporting and selling precious and endangered wildlife products. Qu Moumou plays a major role in participating in joint crimes and is the principal offender; Considering the criminal circumstances, harmful consequences and penitence of the six criminals, the court made the verdict mentioned at the beginning of the article according to law.