The new channel ecology has arrived as promised, and Geely Galaxy practices high value in an all-round way

No one will deny the significance that the 4S store model has brought to the development of the entire industrial chain during the more than 20 years it has been rooted in China. However, with the frequent acceleration of the iteration of the auto market, the evolutionary logic related to China’s auto market has begun to reshape and change.

To be exact, under the impetus of the new forces of automobile manufacturing, the global automobile market has ushered in a wave of transformation and reform of the dealer model, which has attracted much attention to the direct sales model. Of course, traditional OEMs have not "sat still". In addition to "joining if you can’t beat it", they have also carried out different degrees of transformation of the authorized distribution model. It is precisely at this time that Geely has shown a high-level gameplay for the industry with the rapid change of channel development and marketing model.

On June 5th, the opening ceremony of 100 stores was held at the Geely Galaxy Xi’an Experience Center. With the simultaneous opening of 225 Geely Galaxy exclusive stores across the country, Geely Galaxy opened a new retail model, showing its determination to go all out for new energy transformation, and with the "new channel ecology, new service standards, and new user experience" created, it came to users at the fastest "Galaxy speed" to continue to meet the high-end travel vehicle needs of Chinese families.

Build a new channel ecosystem, customer satisfaction is only standard

Whether channel change will become the criterion for the entire industry to enter a new stage is still unknown in the short term. But there is no doubt that this exclusive retail system of Geely Galaxy is an innovative move to accelerate the development of the industry.

Backed by Geely’s strong channel system, Geely Galaxy has given full play to the advantages of the compound franchise authorization system, established a new channel ecosystem of compound franchise authorization, and adopted the innovative practice of "digital exhibition hall + standardized experience". In addition to the first batch of 225 exclusive stores, which are mainly located in cities with a capacity of Top150 in China’s new energy market, it is expected that within this year, the channel scale of 650-700 exclusive stores nationwide can be realized, and the coverage is obvious.

However, the key to the heated discussion of this retail system is the agency distribution model promoted by Geely Galaxy, which accurately meets the high-quality and diverse needs of consumers. In fact, including the establishment of Geely Galaxy brand centers in the CBD of first-tier cities such as Hangzhou, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou, as well as the establishment of user centers (4S stores), experience centers (city exhibition halls), and display spaces (supermarket stores) with partners in key markets, are all designed to open up a broader new energy market and create a more transparent car buying environment and a more efficient and convenient car buying experience for users. Among them, the Geely Galaxy Brand Center is not only a display platform for users to fully understand Geely Galaxy, but also a demonstration center for Geely Galaxy user experience and service standards, a talent training center, and a multi-activity center for users, playing a role as a model and a benchmark.

Of course, the skyrocketing "Galaxy speed" cannot be attributed to speed alone. In addition to channel innovation, Geely Galaxy has reshaped a new set of service standards around users: specific measures such as regular training and assessment, service quality evaluation, and in-store counseling. In order to form a high standard of service quality from the source of talent, Geely Galaxy adopts 100% full-staff advanced training, formulates expert development plans such as product experts, test drive experts, and delivery experts, so that users can consistently receive professional service and feel at home throughout the life cycle of the car.

Considering the pain points such as high communication cost and information asymmetry in the traditional 4S store model, Geely Galaxy has specially created a "digital exhibition hall". Based on the empower of Xingrui Smart Computing Center, the "digital exhibition hall" can not only unify the online payment platform and provide a convenient customized experience, but also connect the full link of user car purchase by digital means to achieve double improvement of service efficiency and user experience. For Geely Galaxy, customer satisfaction is only standard.

Fully practicing high value, Geely Galaxy L7 opens the era of "true fragrance"

With the increasing trend of electrification, car companies have always talked about "high value", but in fact, there are few people who shout slogans. Geely took the lead in responding and launched a new mid-to-high-end new energy series Geely Galaxy, with the mission of "only high-value new energy vehicles", focusing on the mainstream new energy market of 200,000-300,000 yuan.

At present, as the first model of the series, Geely has been officially launched, and it has successfully landed in Geely Galaxy’s exclusive stores nationwide at a better price than expected, with new battery safety standards and a wealth of intelligent technology configurations.

Geely Galaxy L7 price is 13.87-17 3,700 yuan, in such a price system, its proposed new generation of super electric hybrid, a new generation of safety standards, a new generation of technology cockpit and a new generation of comfortable experience and other four standards, covering the user’s car multiple dimensions, has a comprehensive advantage, and safety is undoubtedly the core competitiveness.

Inheriting the inherent safety genes of Geely’s architecture and car building, Geely Galaxy L7 is based on the world-class e-CMA architecture and the Aegis battery safety system, and has built a new standard covering battery safety, vehicle safety, intelligent safety and health safety. It is definitely the highest level of safety that consumers can buy today. Taking the battery safety that is generally valued by new energy users as an example, on May 13, in the four safety tests conducted by the China Automotive Technology Research Center on Geely’s "Aegis Battery Safety System", the Aegis battery safety system carried out by Geely Galaxy L7 has far exceeded the national standard test standards, once again pulling the battery safety to a higher dimension.

At this point, new energy vehicles should not be "insulated" from intelligence. With the support of the Snapdragon 8155 chip, the super cloud computing power of the Xingrui Smart Computing Center 8.10 billion billion times per second, and the Geely Galaxy N OS cockpit operating system, Geely Galaxy L7 has become a super intelligent end point that integrates "high value, dual computing power, easy operation, full senses, and global FOTA", allowing users to enjoy the "real fragrance" feeling brought by the latest technology applications.

Facing the great changes unseen in a century, there has never been any comfortable and pure land, and channels, products, and system forces represent everything. Backed by Geely, Geely Galaxy has taken the lead in realizing the systematic layout from products to channels and staged "Galaxy Speed". It can be said that the opening of Geely Galaxy 100 stores means that Geely Galaxy will reshape the industry standard of the automotive market with new high-value products and services, which is a "dimensional reduction blow" to its peers.

Do not hesitate to violate the law in order to increase the powder? Be wary of "Tik Tok-style life" becoming a public hazard.


  On October 31, the official WeChat of the traffic police in Hanshou County, Changde City, Hunan Province issued a warning report, saying that some drivers with cars were illegally parked in the queue at Yuanshui Bridge in Hanshou County, occupying the road to shoot Tik Tok. After receiving the report, the police have organized an investigation and will deal with it seriously after verification. At the same time, they call for compliance with road traffic safety laws and regulations.

  Judging from the live pictures taken by netizens, more than one car occupies the road and is suspected of violating the parking. On the one hand, it hinders the normal passage of other vehicles and easily causes traffic congestion; On the other hand, because the road narrows, it is easy to cause rear-end collision, rubbing and so on, which can be said to be harmful to others. However, these phenomena of illegally occupying roads to shoot vibrato videos are just a microcosm of the prevailing "Tik Tok-style life". There are many forms and channels for similar things in reality, so we should be vigilant enough.

  For example, in order to shoot a short video of vibrato, someone forcibly accosted women on the road, which led to conflicts between the two sides and even criminal cases. Some people imitate the so-called "exchanging vegetables for meat" in the short video of vibrato, and exchange their vegetarian dishes for other people’s barbecues in restaurants or nightingale stalls. As a result, the other side is disgusted and the two sides fight. When more and more similar farce is staged around us, it reminds us that it is time for some young people to lead a "Tik Tok-style life".

  The "Tik Tok-style life" of netizens can also be divided into two situations. One is that some people take shooting short vibrato videos as a means to seek benefits and earn extra money, or even as their own career or entrepreneurial project. In order to attract attention, increase the number of fans and raise their attention, some people become increasingly anxious and crazy, even to the point where they do whatever it takes. There is also a kind of taking vibrato video as a pastime or entertainment, satisfying one’s vanity and getting satisfaction in others’ praise and evaluation. They may not be as eager for quick success as the first kind of people, but driven by vanity and stimulated by others’ praise and evaluation, they are easy to become sensitive and melodramatic, gradually lose self-control and do some weird or extreme things.

  It stands to reason that a person’s words and deeds in public places can generally be tolerated as long as they do not violate national laws and regulations and social order and good customs. However, it has been suspected of violating national laws and regulations, as well as social public order and good customs, for example, motor vehicles illegally occupying roads to shoot videos, forcibly chatting up and harassing others in order to shoot videos, or damaging the environment and cultural relics in order to shoot videos. In this regard, some netizens bluntly pointed out that those who trample on national laws and social morality for their own interests have actually become "social hazards."

  You can live a "Tik Tok-style life", but you must be responsible for your actions, consciously self-discipline, and keep your actions within the track of national laws and social morality, and not be too willful. The network platform that publishes such short videos should also increase the intensity of audit and supervision. Once illegal and unethical behaviors are found in short videos, they must be resolutely curbed, cleaned up and given necessary punishment.

  The relevant government departments should also strengthen the supervision and punishment of this phenomenon. For example, the act of illegally occupying roads to shoot short videos should be dealt with seriously in accordance with the existing laws and regulations, which will not only make the parties pay the due price, but also be a necessary warning education for others.

The principal of a criminal gang selling wildlife products in Ankang, Shaanxi Province was sentenced to 12 years in prison.

  Beijing News According to the WeChat WeChat official account news of Ankang Railway Transport Court, on February 20, 2020, Ankang Railway Transport Court sentenced a criminal case involving a large number of wildlife products prosecuted by Ankang Railway Transport Procuratorate in Hanbin District Detention Center.

  (The picture shows the trial photos of the case before the epidemic)

  Defendants Qu Moumou, Zhang Moumou, Wen Mou, Li Moumou, Che Moumou, Yao Moumou and other six criminals were convicted of illegally purchasing, transporting and selling precious and endangered wildlife products. The principal offender Qu Moumou was sentenced to 12 years in prison by the court and fined RMB 178,600. The other five criminals were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of three years and less than three months by the court, and fined ranging from 2,000 yuan to 19,000 yuan; A total of 353 wild animal products, such as sika deer, Burmese python, 13 kinds of second-class protected animals and 98 kinds of other animals, which were transferred with the case, were confiscated according to law and handed over to the competent forestry authorities for legal treatment.

  (The picture shows the photos of criminals identifying the scene)

  Since August 2017, the defendant Qu Moumou has illegally acquired a large number of dead wild animals through the Internet alone or in partnership with others, and processed them into specimens. In March 2019, Hanbin Branch of Ankang Public Security Bureau seized 353 dead wild animals in its rented place, and some of them have been processed into specimens.

  The evidence is conclusive and shocking.

  According to the inspection by Shaanxi Institute of Zoology, there are 41 rare and endangered wild animals, among which sika deer and Burmese python are the first-class national protected wild animals. The national second-class protected wild animals include golden pheasant, mandarin duck, sparrow hawk, peregrine falcon, black-winged kite, collared owl, crested eagle, red-bellied eagle, Japanese sparrow hawk, red-horned owl, eagle owl, spotted snipe and fur seal. Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) has a large-headed flat turtle; Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) includes macaw, Alexander parrot, sparrow and green iguana. In addition, there are 312 other wild animals, such as the Chinese chrysanthemum bat.

  The first paragraph of Article 341 of the Criminal Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) stipulates: "Whoever illegally hunts and kills rare and endangered wild animals under special state protection, or illegally buys, transports or sells rare and endangered wild animals under special state protection and their products, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention and shall also be fined; If the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years but not more than ten years and shall also be fined; If the circumstances are particularly serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years and fined or confiscated. " The Ankang Railway Transport Court, after hearing the case according to law, found that the above-mentioned acts committed by the defendants Qu Moumou, Zhang Moumou, Wen Mou, Li Moumou, Che Moumou and Yao Moumou were conclusive and sufficient, which violated the law. Therefore, it was found that the public prosecution agency accused the defendant Qu Moumou and other six criminals of illegally purchasing, transporting and selling precious and endangered wildlife products. Qu Moumou plays a major role in participating in joint crimes and is the principal offender; Considering the criminal circumstances, harmful consequences and penitence of the six criminals, the court made the verdict mentioned at the beginning of the article according to law.

Enjoy Bijie in spring and come to a cherry blossom date!

Chunfeng youxin

Flowers bloom for a certain period

Cherry blossoms are blooming with red inside.

Or pink or white

Clusters and clusters are covered with branches.

Come to Bijie to enjoy flowers.

Live up to the great spring scenery

Early spring season

Taoying Village, Shedongguan Township, Nayong County

More than 30,000 mu of cherry flowers are in full bloom.

Attracting tourists to enjoy flowers in the spring.

in recent years

She Dongguan Township relies on agate red cherry.

Formed a flower viewing and fruit picking.

Cherry processing and cultural promotion as a whole.

Development pattern of integration of agriculture, literature and tourism

Promote the local people to increase their income continuously.

Effectively help rural revitalization

Early spring, warm and cold at first sight.

The cherry blossoms in Dafang Cat Farm quietly bloom.

Flowers in clusters, clusters in branches, branches in full bloom.

Welcome a good season to enjoy flowers in spring

Stroll in the sea of cherry blossoms

Little white covered with branches

Like clouds of snow, like clouds.

It’s like a dream, like a fool.

Take out your mobile phone, take photos and punch in.

You are the "most beautiful boy" in the circle of friends.

Come to the cat farm.

Have a romantic date with cherry blossom.

February cherry blossoms

April cherry fruit red

Enjoy the flowers

The season of fruit ripening

We still have an appointment!

Original title: "Enjoy Bijie Spring, come to a cherry blossom appointment! 》