Five Hong Kong Film Muses Classic Film Lenses: Zhu Yin, Lin Qingxia, Zhang Min

1905 movie network news Hong Kong Film and Television has brought you many classic movies, many of which are memorable. They have created many classic characters and shots that have been widely circulated. The so-called classic is that as soon as a certain play is mentioned, she can think of her. She has become a representative of this role, such as Zhu Yin blinking, Lin Qingxia drinking, Wang Zuxian dressing, Zhang Min looking back, Qiu Shuzhen poker and so on.


The first one, Zhu Yin, blinked.

Zhu Yin once stunned Zixia Fairy in the movie. This role is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and is difficult to be surpassed. Among them, Zixia’s most classic action is to wink at the Great Sage, which is simply moving.


Second, Qingxia Lin drinks

Lin Qingxia once played the undefeated Dongfang in "Smiling Ao Jianghu", and the shot of her drinking in the water with her head up in a red dress became a classic. At this moment, she is not only a handsome and heroic young man, but also a beautiful and moving enchanting girl.


Third, Wang Zuxian dressing

Wang Zuxian’s most deeply rooted role is the role of Nie Xiaoqian in the movie "The Ghost of a Thousand Women". The moment she dresses in the play, she is shy and charming, which makes people want to stop. This scene has also become a classic.


Fourth, Zhang Min turns back

Zhang Min once played Zhao Min in the movie, and the most classic scene in this version is the scene where Zhang Min turns around immediately, which can be called a surprise.


Fifth place, Qiu Shuzhen’s mouth poker

Qiu Shuzhen once played Begonia in the movie, and the scene of her wearing a red trench coat with playing cards in her mouth became a classic. Not only did she have a variety of styles, but she also perfectly combined the pure and cute with the sexy and charming temperament, which was very stunning.

Jiangxi Nanchang strictly investigates drunk driving and urges "drunk driving" service

  "A drop of wine for a driver, two lines of tears for a loved one." The reporter recently found that as the city’s traffic violations against drunk driving have been stepped up, "drunk driving" services have quietly emerged in the city. Relevant departments pointed out that the "drunk driving" industry needs to be regulated urgently.

  Strictly investigate drunk driving to urge heat "drunk driving"

  It is understood that "drunk driving" refers to the driving company providing driving services to drivers or customers who are unable to drive after drinking. In recent months, the city has strengthened the rectification of traffic violations against drunk driving, and large hotels, guesthouses and surrounding intersections have also set up checkpoints. Mr. Zhou, who has tried the driving service once, said that he usually drove to socialize without drinking, but he did not dare to drive back by himself after drinking, and sometimes it was helpless to find someone to "drive".

  An industry insider who is engaged in "drunk driving" services told reporters that their company’s business volume has continued to rise in recent months, receiving more than 20 transactions in two months, an increase of 30% compared with the previous monthly business volume. The reporter found in the investigation that many hotels in our city have launched "drunk driving" services one after another, and some applicants have increased their chances of being hired if they can drive. The industry insider said that the group engaged in this industry will continue to expand and gradually radiate to the entire service industry.

  "Driving on behalf of" prices vary

  In the past two days, the reporter has received "drunk driving" service cards at the entrance of many hotels in our city, and these hotels all provide "drunk driving" service. "What should I do if I have frequent holiday parties and drink too much and can’t drive? It doesn’t matter, we can send you home safely!" At the entrance of a hotel on Rongmen Road, a warm reminder of "driving" cards was placed on the wipers of various cars.

  In order to further understand the service category, the reporter then consulted the hotel’s lobby manager Li as a customer. According to her, their hotel also launched this service at the end of the previous year. Among them, the "driving" service includes errands, pet pick-up, door-to-door delivery, station pick-up, "drunk driving" and other services, and the price depends on the degree of labor output.

  On the card distributed by the hotel, the charging standard is marked: if you "drive" in the urban area, the charging standard is 30 yuan/hour, plus the driver’s return taxi fee, and it is said to provide a regular invoice. The reporter found at the entrance of several other hotels that the charging standard for the "driving" service launched by each hotel is uneven, and the price fluctuation of the same type of service is almost 20 yuan to 30 yuan. Among them, one hotel charges: 200 yuan starting, after 11 pm, the price will be increased by 50 yuan/hour. If you serve in the suburbs, you will have to increase the price. Some hotels say that the "driving" in the city is 50 yuan at a time, and 80 yuan at a time outside the city.

  It is best to clarify the division of responsibilities before driving

  Li Zhuqing, a lawyer from Jiangxi Hongcheng Law Firm, believes that according to the judicial interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court, as long as the operation is prohibited by law, the behavior should generally be considered valid. Helping people drive is a business project of the company for profit, so in addition to the safety of the vehicle itself, the damage to the vehicle should bear full fault liability. He suggested that the division of responsibilities should be clearly defined before driving to avoid unclear division of responsibilities such as traffic accidents.

  The "driving" service market needs to be regulated urgently

  The staff of the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce told reporters that although the "driving" service is beyond the scope of the company’s registration, the "driving" service is a value-added service of transportation services and does not violate relevant regulations. However, the current "driving" service is very irregular in our city, and this special service needs to be uniformly regulated by the market. (Trainee reporter Deng Wang reporter Yang Kai)

  Related links:

  • [Video] Traffic safety inspections are carried out in various places to strictly investigate the violations of drunk driving 2009-02-21

  • Beijing: There are many hidden dangers of drunk driving, traffic control department traffic safety inspection 2009-02-21

Editor in charge: Fan Jing

China Xinggu ran out of the "space speed"

On December 29th, the reporter learned from the 8th China (International) Commercial Aerospace Summit that Wuhan National Aerospace Industry Base (China Xinggu) will add another satellite R&D industrial park, which is the fourth main industrial park put into use by the base.

At present, an aerospace industrial cluster focusing on rocket and satellite manufacturing, aerospace electronics, information, application of new materials and aerospace big data innovation center is accelerating to form in Wuhan National Aerospace Industrial Base, and China Xinggu runs out of the "space speed" on its journey to "China Aerospace roof of the world".

"Fast Boat" rocket launch site (photo by Yang Guangwang with Tang poetry)

Space applications reach the "communication blind area"

On June 9, 2022, the National Forest Ecosystem Positioning Observation and Research Station in Shennongjia National Forest Park, relying on the satellite Internet of Things communication technology and products of Xingyun Company, successfully upgraded the satellite Internet of Things communication, which not only reduced the labor input cost and labor, but also improved the digitalization, informationization and networking ability of Hubei forestry authorities in forest ecological environment supervision.

It is understood that the Internet of Things of Xingyun Satellite is a strong support to solve the "communication blind zone". Using the 01 and 02 satellites of Xingyun II, which are running stably in orbit, Xingyun Company has successively implemented the pilot demonstration application of satellite Internet of Things since August 2020. Through the satellite Internet of Things, "communication blind areas" such as desert, island, sea, air and no man’s land have successfully solved the communication pain points. At present, Xingyun Company has successfully built a number of pilot demonstration applications in container supervision, geological disaster monitoring, polar environmental scientific research, marine meteorological observation, field meteorological monitoring, agricultural moisture monitoring and other fields, which have been well evaluated by users.

Aerospace New City (photo by Yang Guangwang and Wu Yi)

Wuhan Weifang Spatial Information Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Weifang Company), which has settled in Wuhan National Aerospace Industry Base, relies on the satellite remote sensing technology and resource advantages of the Aerospace Base and the State Key Laboratory of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing Information Engineering of Wuhan University to build a digital twin city base, empower the refined management of cities and villages and promote the construction of digital economy.

In May, 2022, in the project of "Zoumaling Street Grass-roots Social Governance Platform", Weifang Company provided real-life 3D digital pedestal+multi-source sensor+intelligent analysis and demonstration application for streets based on high-precision real-life 3D data and satellite remote sensing data, realizing data interconnection, information sharing and intelligent reporting, effectively reducing the burden of street grass-roots staff and improving the intelligent governance level of grassroots management.

Wuhan National Aerospace Industry Base has also attracted a number of "national heavyweights", and its high-end equipment gallops in the "sea of stars". Wuchuan Group and Bridge Smart Industrial Park of CCCC No.2 Aviation Administration are among them.

High-end equipment gallops "the sea of stars"

On June 20th, 2022, Dongxing 100, the first domestic 2,000-ton distributed dual-purpose new energy carrier designed by China Shipbuilding Group, was successfully delivered and put into operation in Changxing County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province.

Dongxing 100 is a pure electric cargo ship with the largest battery capacity and the strongest endurance in China. The ship adopts the international leading core technology of DC integrated power system. Compared with the traditional fuel cargo ship, it has the advantages of high efficiency, zero emission, low noise and low operating cost. The smooth delivery and operation of the ship is of positive significance for building ecological green water transport.

Launch record of "Kuaizhou" No.1 rocket series (photo courtesy of Yangguang Net Rocket Company)

In 2019, Wuchuan Group officially moved into Wuhan National Aerospace Industry Base, becoming the main force in the production of high-end equipment at the base. It is worth mentioning that this "national shipbuilding team" has repeatedly made contributions in the aerospace field.

Wuchuan Group has undertaken xichang satellite launch center launch tower, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center manned spaceship ground launch facility, Wenchang Satellite Launch Center rocket assembly plant, Mars low gravity test platform, etc. Among them, xichang satellite launch center Tower won the reputation of "Master of Tower of Babel Casting" for Wushu.

The Ma Youyi-China Bridge in the Maldives, which was built by CCCC No.2 Aviation Administration, is the first cross-sea bridge built on coral reefs in the world, and it is also a key project to implement the "Belt and Road Initiative". During the construction of this project, the technical system of bridge construction in deep-sea coral reef stratum was used, and this innovative achievement won the China Patent Award for Excellence in 2022.

Xingyun Satellite Developed by Xingyun Company (Photo courtesy of Yangguang. com)

Little known is that the technical system of bridge construction in deep-sea coral reef stratum of CCCC No.2 Aviation Administration was formed, and its preliminary experiment was carried out in Wuhan National Aerospace Industry Base.

The person in charge of the Bridge Wisdom Industrial Park of CCCC No.2 Aviation Administration said that CCCC No.2 Aviation Administration, a "dream team" for building bridges in China, has ten international leading bridge-building technologies, all of which were born through repeated experiments in Wuhan National Aerospace Industry Base.

With the Wuhan National Aerospace Industry Base as the core area, the new aerospace city strives for a first-class business environment with its intelligent and modern construction, giving birth to the "siphon phenomenon" and attracting more and more elements such as technology, talents and capital to accelerate the collection.

At present, Xinzhou District is planning the construction of "four parks and one center" in Aerospace New Town, that is, taking the industrial parks in four sub-sectors of aerospace electronics, aerospace information, aerospace new materials and shipbuilding and the Xinggu Science and Technology Innovation Center as carriers to build professional industrial parks. The four industrial parks strive to achieve an annual output value of 50 billion yuan.

After a huge loss of 6 billion in three years, Ding Dong bought vegetables and went public "bleeding". Is the final battle of community group buying coming?

Wen | Kan Jian Finance

After half a year’s silence, community group buying enterprises began to impact the capital market.

According to media reports, on the night of June 9, Ding Dong, one of the domestic community group buying giants, submitted the application documents for IPO listing to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, with a maximum fundraising amount of 100 million US dollars, which means that the "first share of community group buying" is about to be born.

As a community group buying enterprise established only four years ago, the listing of Ding Dong’s grocery shopping undoubtedly started the first shot of the impact of community group buying on the capital market, but judging from the data in the prospectus, the huge losses behind it made people worry about its future.

In four years, from the "dark horse" counterattack to listing.

Speaking of Ding Dong buying vegetables, you have to mention one person-Liang Changlin, the founder of the company.

Unlike most Internet entrepreneurs, Liang Changlin was a soldier before starting a business. After being admitted to the National University of Defense Technology at the age of 18, Liang Changlin has been serving as a soldier in the army. It was not until he was discharged from the army in 2002 that Liang Changlin began his entrepreneurial career.

From this point of view, Liang Changlin is somewhat similar to Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Huawei, who also started his business after retiring from the army.

Ding Dong’s grocery shopping was established when Liang Changlin started his business for the third time. Before that, Liang Changlin worked as a software and a community app. In 2005, the "mother-baby community-Yaya. com" was founded by Liang Changlin, and the first two ventures not only saved the first bucket of money for him, but also accumulated rich experience.

After reselling to Good Future Group in 2016, in April 2017, the community group buying business was officially launched.

At this time, the competition in the community group buying industry has been extremely fierce. Box Horse Fresh, which is backed by Alibaba, has been established for a long time and has a lot of capital support, and fresh supermarkets like Yonghui Supermarket are fighting. It is not easy for Ding Dong to buy food without much background to occupy a seat.

However, Liang Changlin saw the shortcoming of community group buying at that time-the delivery time was too long.

At that time, most of the community group purchases were "the next day". If you want to buy food, you must place an order the day before. No matter the freshness of the dishes or the convenience of buying food, it is not high. In view of this shortcoming, Liang Changlin adopted a brand-new mode-pre-warehouse mode, that is, directly mining through the place of origin, establishing pre-warehouses in various places to radiate the surrounding 3 km area, and users can deliver goods to their homes soon after placing orders with their mobile phones. This mode is also called "tap water mode".

It is with this model that Ding Dong soon opened the market and became a dark horse in the community group buying industry.

At the beginning of 2017, there were only 12 pre-warehouses for buying food, and the service targets were limited to Shanghai residents; However, in 2021, four years later, there were nearly 1,000 pre-warehouses for Ding Dong’s grocery shopping, and the number of users nationwide exceeded 30 million. In the end, Ding Dong, who fought back all the way, submitted an application in the near future and is expected to become the "first group purchase in the community" in China.

Double revenue, huge losses, Ding Dong buy food AB side.

Being able to stand out from numerous community group purchases, the pre-warehouse mode of Ding Dong grocery shopping can be said to be indispensable.

According to the information in the prospectus, since its establishment, the revenue of Ding Dong’s grocery shopping has been expanding continuously. In 2020, its revenue reached 11.336 billion yuan, an increase of 192% compared with that in 2019. In the first quarter of 2021, the revenue of Ding Dong’s grocery shopping reached 3.802 billion yuan, the GMV (transaction amount) reached 4.304 billion yuan, the total order was 69.7 million, and the average number of trading users reached 6.9 million.

Judging from the revenue data, the mode of buying food in front of the warehouse has undoubtedly been recognized by consumers.

However, although this model allows it to quickly open the market and occupy a place in the highly competitive community group buying industry, the disadvantages behind it also make Ding Dong heavily in debt.

As the "magic weapon" for Ding-Dong to win the grocery shopping, although the pre-warehouse model has brought consumers a good consumption experience, its disadvantages such as high investment and uncertain income every day are also very obvious.

Unlike "Next Day Delivery", because it is not clear how many orders will be generated every day, more dishes need to be prepared in the front warehouse where Ding Dong buys vegetables, which will undoubtedly cause a lot of losses; In addition, due to the need for timely delivery, Ding Dong needs to configure a large number of pre-warehouses, which in turn makes the loss continue to increase.

It is precisely because of these drawbacks that Box Horse stopped the pre-warehouse mode in March last year. "There are problems in traffic, gross profit competitiveness and daily loss." Hou Yi, CEO of Box Horse, even pointed out that "the front position is a false proposition".

According to the data in the prospectus, in the first quarter of 2021, the net loss of Ding Dong’s grocery shopping was about 1.385 billion yuan; Prior to this, in 2020 and 2019, Ding Dong lost 3.177 billion yuan and 1.873 billion yuan respectively. In other words, in less than three years, Ding Dong lost 6.434 billion in buying vegetables.

Competition is intensifying, and listing is only the beginning of the journey.

Last year’s epidemic made community group buying a hot potato in the capital market, and the giants rushed into the community group buying industry. However, with the tightening of supervision, after entering 2021, community group buying began to slowly cool down.

However, with Ding Dong buying vegetables and submitting the listing application, the 2.0 war of community group buying may start at any time.

From the current point of view, although the revenue has exceeded 100 times, Ding Dong does not have much advantage in the community group buying industry. Because there is no Internet giant as a backer, Ding Dong does not have its own traffic, and it still needs to rely on external advertisements and high internal subsidies to attract users.

In addition, although it is expected to become the "first share of community group buying", Ding Dong’s grocery shopping has not opened much gap with other community group buying enterprises.

According to media reports, group buying enterprises in the head community have developed rapidly in the past two years. For example, at the beginning of this year, the Ten Clubs of fresh old players in the community covered 220 cities, and the daily order volume exceeded 15 million. The daily orders for buying more vegetables and choosing orange hearts all exceeded 10 million pieces, and the peak daily orders for the US Mission reached 27 million pieces.

From this point of view, Ding Dong’s listing in the United States is just the beginning of the journey. In order to survive and become a leader in the highly competitive community group buying industry, Ding Dong still has a long way to go.

The principal of a criminal gang selling wildlife products in Ankang, Shaanxi Province was sentenced to 12 years in prison.

  Beijing News According to the WeChat WeChat official account news of Ankang Railway Transport Court, on February 20, 2020, Ankang Railway Transport Court sentenced a criminal case involving a large number of wildlife products prosecuted by Ankang Railway Transport Procuratorate in Hanbin District Detention Center.

  (The picture shows the trial photos of the case before the epidemic)

  Defendants Qu Moumou, Zhang Moumou, Wen Mou, Li Moumou, Che Moumou, Yao Moumou and other six criminals were convicted of illegally purchasing, transporting and selling precious and endangered wildlife products. The principal offender Qu Moumou was sentenced to 12 years in prison by the court and fined RMB 178,600. The other five criminals were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of three years and less than three months by the court, and fined ranging from 2,000 yuan to 19,000 yuan; A total of 353 wild animal products, such as sika deer, Burmese python, 13 kinds of second-class protected animals and 98 kinds of other animals, which were transferred with the case, were confiscated according to law and handed over to the competent forestry authorities for legal treatment.

  (The picture shows the photos of criminals identifying the scene)

  Since August 2017, the defendant Qu Moumou has illegally acquired a large number of dead wild animals through the Internet alone or in partnership with others, and processed them into specimens. In March 2019, Hanbin Branch of Ankang Public Security Bureau seized 353 dead wild animals in its rented place, and some of them have been processed into specimens.

  The evidence is conclusive and shocking.

  According to the inspection by Shaanxi Institute of Zoology, there are 41 rare and endangered wild animals, among which sika deer and Burmese python are the first-class national protected wild animals. The national second-class protected wild animals include golden pheasant, mandarin duck, sparrow hawk, peregrine falcon, black-winged kite, collared owl, crested eagle, red-bellied eagle, Japanese sparrow hawk, red-horned owl, eagle owl, spotted snipe and fur seal. Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) has a large-headed flat turtle; Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) includes macaw, Alexander parrot, sparrow and green iguana. In addition, there are 312 other wild animals, such as the Chinese chrysanthemum bat.

  The first paragraph of Article 341 of the Criminal Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) stipulates: "Whoever illegally hunts and kills rare and endangered wild animals under special state protection, or illegally buys, transports or sells rare and endangered wild animals under special state protection and their products, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention and shall also be fined; If the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years but not more than ten years and shall also be fined; If the circumstances are particularly serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years and fined or confiscated. " The Ankang Railway Transport Court, after hearing the case according to law, found that the above-mentioned acts committed by the defendants Qu Moumou, Zhang Moumou, Wen Mou, Li Moumou, Che Moumou and Yao Moumou were conclusive and sufficient, which violated the law. Therefore, it was found that the public prosecution agency accused the defendant Qu Moumou and other six criminals of illegally purchasing, transporting and selling precious and endangered wildlife products. Qu Moumou plays a major role in participating in joint crimes and is the principal offender; Considering the criminal circumstances, harmful consequences and penitence of the six criminals, the court made the verdict mentioned at the beginning of the article according to law.