Deng Chao’s retro style appeared on Weibo night, and the gentleman’s funny style was seamlessly switched

Deng Chao interacts with the audience

1905 movie network news Deng Chao’s retro look appeared on the 2017 Weibo night. The classic black dress was paired with a white shirt, and the overall shape was casual and handsome. On the red carpet, Deng Chao showed a warm side, not only taking care of his red carpet companion Angelababy, but also interacting happily with photographers in different positions. When taking POSE photos, Deng Chao also showed his true colors as a ghost horse. After making a few handsome and serious movements, his style changed into a funny style, sometimes raising his hand and making a "take off" gesture, sometimes crossing his legs to show a ghost horse expression. Even the photographers who were filming couldn’t help but laugh, and the superhuman joy energy infected the scene.

Deng Chao and baby walk the red carpet

At the ceremony, Deng Chao, who met many friends, still maintained an excited mood, not only chatting non-stop off the stage, but also playing a humorous role on the stage. When it was announced on the spot that Deng Chao and Yang Mi were awarded the 2017 Weibo Night King & Queen respectively, Deng Chao waited for a moment at the entrance to the stage, and held Yang Mi on stage together in a very gentleman’s posture. However, it took only three seconds for the warm man to switch to the "talk" mode, praise his companions and say jokes frequently, and the live interaction was quite interesting.

Deng Chao won the 2017 Weibo Night King & Queen;

This year, "model worker" Deng Chao has also achieved double blossoming in the field of film and variety shows. The new season "Run" ranks at the top of the annual variety show topic ratings list. The joy energy of the super captain continues to release, and the national affinity index soars again. Two starring works have come out. The former plays a bohemian young man A Lang in a small town, and the latter is the sharp and wise detective Fang Mu. The two completely different roles not only make people feel the acting charm of Deng Chao again, but the box office 1.30 billion of the two films also adds a heavy weight to his personal cumulative box office and commercial appeal. In addition, Deng Chao won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Male Actor with his "unique and delicate psychological portrayal and strong character shaping skills" in the corner of Zhongxin Xiaofeng, which can be said to be deserved. The latest work was also completed in 2017. The film is the first time he has ventured into the theme of ancient costumes after many years, and has cooperated with Zhang Yimou for the first time. The performance of one person playing two roles has made Deng Chao accept huge challenges in physical shaping while investing in acting. He has completed the two processes of violent thinness and muscle growth in a short period of time, which has excited both inside and outside the industry.

The 12 things of the "2017 People’s Livelihood List" issued by the two sessions will be done this year!

  CCTV News:2017 is a crucial year for comprehensively deepening the reform and deepening it, and it is also an important year for implementing the 13th Five-Year Plan. At this year’s National People’s Congress, a series of tasks and objectives related to people’s livelihood were put forward and submitted to the deputies for deliberation and discussion.

  How to implement this "people’s livelihood list"? What are the considerations and arrangements? At the two sessions, relevant departments gave the latest authoritative response.


  Task 1-Poverty Alleviation: Reduce the rural poor population by more than 10 million. 

  According to the government work report, it is necessary to carry out accurate poverty alleviation in depth, reduce the rural poor population by more than 10 million this year, and complete the ex situ poverty alleviation and relocation of 3.4 million people.

  Liu Yongfu, director of the the State Council Poverty Alleviation Office, said at the press conference of the two sessions,This year, the strictest assessment system will be implemented to ensure that the poor enjoy the poverty alleviation policy.He said that in the assessment of poverty alleviation, there are assessments by relevant state departments, cross-provincial assessments will be organized, and scientific research institutions will be entrusted to conduct third-party assessments. 


  Task 2-Medical Treatment: Cancel all drug additions and directly settle the hospitalization expenses in different places during the year.

  The government work report proposes to promote the construction of a healthy China. In terms of medical insurance, Li Bin, director of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, said at the press conference of the two sessions that in 2017,The financial subsidy for medical insurance for urban and rural residents is raised from 420 yuan to 450 yuan every year.It is necessary to improve the health and well-being of the people by expanding the scope of drug protection, taking various measures to reduce drug prices and accelerating the reform of payment methods.

  In terms of drug use, Wang Hesheng, deputy director of the National Health and Family Planning Commission and director of the the State Council Medical Reform Office, said that comprehensive reform of public hospitals should be carried out in 2017.The total cancellation of drug addition is expected to save people 60 billion to 70 billion yuan in drug costs.. In addition, the government work report also proposes to promote the national networking of basic medical insurance. By the end of 2017,Basically realize the direct settlement of hospitalization expenses in different places that meet the referral requirements.

  Task 3-Providing for the Aged: Continue to raise pensions and speed up the construction of nursing homes.

  From 2005 to 2016, the pension standard for retirees in China has increased by 12 consecutive years. Last year, the basic pension level of retirees in China increased by about 6.5%. According to the government work report, the basic pension standard for retirees will continue to be raised in 2017 to ensure that it is paid in full and on time. 

  When answering a reporter’s question in the "Ministerial Channel", Minister of Civil Affairs Huang Shuxian said that the construction of nursing homes would be accelerated.Liberate the pension market and improve the quality of nursing homes in an all-round way.The Ministry of Civil Affairs will launch a special campaign to comprehensively improve the quality of nursing homes. 

  Task 4-environmental management: the concentration of PM2.5 should be significantly reduced.

  According to the government work report, the emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides will drop by 3% this year, and the concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in key areas will drop significantly.

  During the two sessions, Chen Jining, Minister of Environmental Protection, said that this year, 15 provinces will be inspected to achieve full coverage of central environmental protection inspectors, and special inspections and "looking back" will be carried out irregularly in some places with outstanding problems.


  Task 5-The proportion of contributions related to "five insurances and one gold" shall be appropriately reduced.

  The 2017 government work report pointed out that the proportion of contributions related to "five insurances and one gold" will continue to be appropriately reduced. On March 7th, Xiao Jie, Minister of Finance, said that he would further clean up and standardize business service charges, and appropriately reduce the proportion of "five insurances and one fund".

  Task 6-Ensure that at least one person in a zero-employment family has a stable employment. 

  According to the government work report, there are 7.95 million college graduates this year, reaching a record high. We should implement employment promotion, entrepreneurship guidance, grassroots growth and other plans to promote multi-channel employment and entrepreneurship. Increase employment assistance, support the employment of people with difficulties and disabled people in cities and towns, and ensure the stable employment of at least one person in zero-employment families.

  Yin Weimin, Minister of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, said during the two sessions that he would start from five aspects, namely, implementing an active employment policy, doing a good job in the employment of key groups, focusing on entrepreneurship, doing a good job in vocational skills training and strengthening public employment services to ensure that one person in zero-employment families can achieve stable employment.


  Task 7-It is planned to cancel the domestic long-distance and roaming charges for mobile phones from October 1st.

  According to the government work report, it is necessary to take greater steps to speed up and reduce network fees this year, and all domestic long-distance and roaming charges for mobile phones will be cancelled during the year, which will greatly reduce the Internet private line access charges for small and medium-sized enterprises and reduce the international long-distance telephone charges.

  Miao Wei, Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said at the press conference of the two sessions that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will actively promote enterprises to speed up their work and strive to complete this goal before October 1.

  Task 8-China will unify the policy of "two exemptions and one subsidy" for urban and rural compulsory education

  The government work report proposes to unify the policy of "two exemptions and one subsidy" for urban and rural compulsory education students. This means that starting this year,Urban and rural compulsory education students will enjoy the same policy of "free tuition and fees, free textbooks, and subsidized living expenses for boarding students with financial difficulties".The funds for compulsory education behind each student can be "money goes with everyone", and the children of 13 million migrant workers can go to school with more peace of mind. 

  Xiao Jie, Minister of Finance, said at the press conference of the NPC and CPPCC that with the support of the central finance, China has established a national information management system for primary and secondary school students’ school status, which has created the necessary conditions for the portability of education funds. At the same time, the State Council unified the funding guarantee mechanism for compulsory education in urban and rural areas, and strengthened the principle that students enjoy basic public education services equally according to their school status rather than their household registration status. 


  Task 9-More than 13 million people settled in cities.

  The government work report proposes to solidly promote new urbanization. Deepen the reform of the household registration system, achieve more than 13 million people settled in cities this year, and accelerate the full coverage of the residence permit system.

  Ju Xiaolin, deputy to the National People’s Congress, said that how to better integrate into urban life and improve the education level of children is the focus of many migrant workers. I hope the government will make continuous efforts to make them truly take root in the city.

  Task 10-How to solve the problem that "two children want to live but dare not live"?

  Li Bin, director of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, told reporters at the two sessions that, first, 89,000 maternity beds should be added during the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period; Second, we should strengthen the construction of treatment centers for severe pregnant women and newborns; Third, we should strengthen the training of pediatricians, midwives and other talents in short supply; Fourth, we should build a whole-process service chain, so that the whole-process service of prenatal eugenics health examination, pregnancy examination, hospital delivery, child health care, vaccination and other links will be more careful and intimate.


  Task 11— — Punish telecommunication network fraud according to law

  The government work report proposes to punish crimes committed by evil forces and multiple crimes such as theft, robbery and telecommunication network fraud according to law. Strictly regulate fair and civilized law enforcement and vigorously rectify outstanding problems in social security.

  Miao Wei, Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said when he was a guest of the CCTV news "The Voice of the Minister" that this year we should further intensify our efforts.It is necessary to increase the construction of technical means in all provinces and cities across the country and at international entrances and exits.Prevent fraudulent information from other regions or even overseas. Jie Zheng, a deputy to the National People’s Congress, suggested that we should start with the law and increase the crime of swindling special funds through telecommunication network, and clearly define the constitutive elements of the crime of swindling telecommunication network as "spreading false information through telephone, computer and other networks for the purpose of illegal possession and swindling public and private property".

  Task 12-Free or preferential opening of public and private sports facilities

  Recently, the State Council issued the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan to Promote Equalization of Basic Public Services", which clearly stated that it will further promote the free opening of public libraries, museums, art galleries, cultural centers and comprehensive cultural stations, and promote the free or low-cost opening of public stadiums and gymnasiums to the society.