Jay Chou was exposed: his relationship with Patty Hou came out of an "online chat".

  On the evening of February 15th, Jay Chou led the singing of the "Red 2009 Hengfeng Night" romantic Valentine’s Day large-scale star concert, which was staged at the new stadium in Xuzhou, Jiangsu. China News Agency, photo by Yongjun

Data map: Patty Hou. Published by China News Agency, photo by Zhang Kui

  Chairperson Zhou’s love affair is no less than his music. Even if his affair with Hou Pei Cen has long been old news, many details of this past story still make people want to pry. Chairperson Zhou is tight-lipped about it, but this time, he has been sold "absolute privacy" by his behind-the-scenes "Iron Triangle" – the royal lyricist Fang Wenshan, the royal makeup artist Du Guozhang, and the royal dance teacher Hou Pei Cen’s love affair began with "online love" – the cool-looking Chairperson Zhou also has a shy and sullen side when he is in love.

  Zhou Dong is an idiot

  I can’t even go to the convenience store to buy anything.

  "If you take away the phone and give Jay Chou some change and throw it on the streets of Taipei, it is estimated that it will be difficult for him to survive." Fang Wenshan said of Jay Chou in his life.

  Fang Wenshan admits that Jay Chou is a creative genius, but he is almost incompetent in daily life. According to him, Jay Chou’s parents divorced early in life and have been living with his mother, and his mother takes care of everything, so Jay Chou can’t even pay the most basic utilities and go to the convenience store to buy things. "After entering the company, there is an assistant to take care of him, because the assistant is always around, so Jay Chou has no cash or credit card. If the assistant is not there for dinner or doing anything, he will borrow it from me."

  Zhou Dong loves tricks

  Improper celebrities must be big scammers

  The outside world gave Jay Chou some imagination, which made him feel very cold. In fact, Jay Chou was talented in trickery, and everyone around him had suffered from his evil hands. When Du Guozhang, the royal makeup stylist who often traveled with Chairperson Zhou, talked about these pranks of Chairperson Zhou, he told reporters, "If Jay Chou is not a star today, he is definitely the leader of a fraud group."

  Once, Fang Wenshan received a call from Hong Kong. The other party said in a Hong Kong accent that he had won the radio music award and wanted to broadcast Fang Wenshan’s acceptance speech live. "At that time, I said, ‘Thank you all, I am very happy to get this award today.’ It turned out that Jay Chou was the one who did it." The ice cream teacher also admitted that Jay Chou is very good at changing his voice and can speak as various people. "Sometimes he calls me, ‘Hey, hello, I want to learn a 3D dance, do you have it there?’ He also asked’How much is it, do you accept it? ‘He always makes fun of everyone with these strange phone calls."

  Zhou Dong is also sullen

  Zhou Houlian started online chatting

  The Internet is indispensable among ordinary people, but the hipster Jay Chou doesn’t know about typing and surfing the Internet, "Typing is a one-finger magic skill, he typed very slowly, just a few simple words. For him, the computer only has the function of finding information."

  When it came to computers, the ice cream teacher also quietly revealed a little secret. Jay Chou finally knew how to use the chat tool after learning for a long time, but because he couldn’t register, he used to steal other people’s instant chat tool accounts, "Once, while I was away, he used my online chat tool to chat with my friend. The other party found out from the text that it was not me, and asked him who he was. He said, ‘I am Jay Chou,’ but the other party didn’t believe it and asked him to open the video. Usually my video is on, but Jay Chou will insist on closing it. He feels that the video makes him feel insecure. That day, Jay Chou actually agreed to open the video and let the other party confirm that the person chatting with him was – Hou Pei Cen." After getting acquainted on the Internet, Jay Chou and Patty Hou became closer and closer, gradually developing into lovers and becoming the only relationship Jay Chou admitted to.

  Chairperson Zhou called Fang Wenshan "wife" on different occasions. Although this nickname sounded awkward, it did prove Fang Wenshan’s value to the entire pop music scene. Xiaoyu

Editor in charge: Sun Jie

BYD’s new Tang officially went on sale for 165,800 yuan.

Yichexun On August 16th, the new Tang was officially listed, with a price of 165,800 yuan. The appearance of the new car has changed a little, the main change is reflected in the interior design, equipped with the latest 15.6-inch adaptive rotating large screen and equipped with DiLink 3.0 system.

Externally, the new Tang basically continues the design of the current model. The family style of Dragon Face combines Chinese and Western design aesthetics. By adjusting some details, such as the black embellishment at the air inlet and the silver trim at the lower part, the overall layering is enhanced. On the side and tail, the blackened C-pillar and double waistline used in the new car make its visual effect more sporty, and the penetrating headlights increase the overall recognition.

The interior is the focus of this upgrade of Tang Dynasty. The new interior of Tang Dynasty has been upgraded completely, adopting the brand-new family interior design language designed by Paganetti, the global interior design director, and adopting the layout of horizontal penetration and embracing as a whole. This design style draws lessons from the architectural aesthetics of China Palace, and the new car uses black and brown color matching, with exquisite interior materials, paying more attention to the requirements for texture.

In terms of configuration, the new Tang upgraded a number of configurations, such as DiLink 3.0 intelligent network connection system, FSD variable damping system, DiPilot intelligent driver assistance system, NFC car key of mobile phone, 31-color interactive intelligent cockpit atmosphere light, and 15.6-inch 8-core adaptive rotating suspension large screen.

In terms of power, the new car is equipped with 2.0T, 141kW and 320Nm, matching the 6-speed manual.

The Ministry of Communications explains how to define online car-hailing

  Online car-hailing, for the purpose of profit, passengers propose travel plans, mileage, time charges, and ride rides, not for profit. Mainly, drivers propose travel plans and share part of the travel costs. Graphic production/Dunning

  On July 28, the "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry" and "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" two taxi industry reform documents were released. On the implementation of local policies, the definition of online car-hailing and ride-hailing, and the fair competition of taxi online car-hailing, the relevant person of the Ministry of Transport once again made an interpretation yesterday. The relevant person in charge made it clear that the Ministry of Transport will guide local governments to formulate practical plans and set up a transition period for reform.

  On July 28, two taxi industry reform documents – "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry" and "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" were released, which attracted widespread attention. Yesterday, in the Voice of China special program "Today I am on duty", Zeng Jia, deputy director of the Taxi Management Department of the Transport Services Department of the Ministry of Transport, explained the policy implementation, the definition of ride-sharing, and the development of taxi network ride-hailing competition.

  Hot 1

  How will local policies be implemented after the introduction of the New Deal?

  The Beijing Youth Daily reporter learned that the new regulations have a relatively clear positioning for the development of taxis and the standardized operation of online car-hailing, but the specific implementation details still need to be formulated and clarified by local governments. The interim measures are clear, and the new regulations will be implemented on November 1, 2016. Local governments can formulate specific implementation details according to these measures in light of local conditions.

  Zeng Jia, deputy director of the Taxi Management Department of the Transport Services Department of the Ministry of Transport, said that there is a reason for delegating the specific details of taxi management to the local area. Taxi management belongs to local affairs. The reform adheres to the principle of territorial management, and the city government bears the main responsibility for management. The level of economic and social development of each city is different. The traffic structure, population size, public transportation level, and the number of existing taxis are all different. They can only be determined by the local people’s governments according to their own actual conditions. There is no problem of delegating the power of price setting and quantity control to the local area, because this itself is the power of the local city, and it is necessary for all localities to adapt to local conditions and implement policies according to the city.

  The Ministry of Transport has also made arrangements for the implementation of the policy. First, it held a video and telephone conference on the reform of the taxi industry in conjunction with relevant departments to mobilize and deploy the reform work. Second, it will hold a training course in the near future to publicize and implement the main content and spirit of the two documents to local management departments, clarify the operation methods of the relevant issues in the document, and coordinate with local governments to promote the reform of the taxi industry. Third, it will guide local governments to formulate practical plans and grasp the policy scale. Fourth, it will guide local governments to make a good transition plan for the reform transition period.

  Hot 2

  What is the difference between ride-hailing and ride-hailing?

  Zeng Jia believes that ride-hailing is similar to taxis, providing time and displacement services, which occupy road resources. But ride-hailing makes full use of road and vehicle resources without additional consumption of road resources, which is a typical way for urban transportation to reflect the sharing economy.

  What needs to be made clear is that, first of all, Hitch is generally released by the ride-sharing service provider in advance, or by people who have the same travel route after the passenger’s release, rather than responding according to the passenger’s travel needs. Secondly, Hitch reflects the goodwill and mutual assistance between people, which is obviously different from online ride-hailing operations. Finally, Hitch is not for profit, and part of the travel cost is limited to fuel costs and transportation costs, rather than charging fees through mileage and timing.

  In addition, this reform document makes clear the opinions to encourage support, but all localities should formulate detailed policies based on local actual conditions.

  Hot 3

  How can taxis and ride-hailing companies compete fairly?

  Zeng Jia believes that before the policy was introduced, there were many reasons for the conflict between new and old business models, and the lack of a fair competition market environment was a very important reason.

  There are big differences between online car-hailing and traditional taxis in terms of access standards, price mechanism, vehicle safety, scrap management, insurance system, tax payment, etc. In particular, in order to seize the market, online platform companies seize the market through continuous huge subsidies, which in fact causes unfair competition between the two.

  Therefore, the interim management measures issued clarify the licensing conditions for online car-hailing, and set licensing requirements for platforms, vehicles and personnel. At the same time, it is required that it must not hinder fair competition in the market, must not have unfair price behaviors that disrupt the normal market order at a price lower than the cost, harm the interests of the state or the legitimate rights and interests of other operators, and must not have price violations. These are all to form a level playing field.

  Zeng Jia pointed out that in the long run, to resolve the conflict and opposition between the two sides, it is still necessary to deepen the reform of traditional industries as soon as possible, standardize the development of online car-hailing, and achieve healthy competition and coordinated development between the two business models. First, accelerate the reform of traditional taxis, and eliminate the shortcomings of the system and mechanism by taking measures such as dynamic regulation of operation scale, restrictions on the period of taxi operation rights and free use, reform of the benefit distribution mechanism, and adjustment of the freight rate mechanism. Second, for new business models, by setting business boundaries, segmenting markets, and providing high-quality services, we can achieve differentiated management and gradually deepen integration and development.

  Beijing will formulate detailed rules based on actual conditions

  On July 28, the new regulations on taxi reform at the national level "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry" and "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" were officially issued. Yesterday, the relevant person in charge of the Beijing Municipal Transportation Commission said that Beijing will resolutely implement the spirit of the two documents, carefully study and understand the content requirements of the documents, and formulate relevant implementation opinions and detailed rules in light of Beijing’s actual situation.

  Yesterday, the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Transportation Commission Transportation Administration introduced that the new regulations on taxi reform have an important guiding and normative role in the transformation and upgrading of Beijing’s taxi industry and the promotion of the healthy development of online taxis. Beijing will resolutely implement the spirit of the two documents, carefully study and understand the content requirements of the documents, and formulate relevant implementation opinions and detailed rules in light of Beijing’s actual conditions, promote integrated development, improve service levels, and meet the travel needs of the people.

  At present, there are no relevant documents on the development of online car-hailing for the time being. However, as early as 2013, the Municipal Transportation Commission issued the "Opinions on Beijing Passenger Car Co-hailing Travel", which made it clear that passenger car co-hailing should follow the basic principles of public welfare co-hailing priority, voluntary mutual assistance, safeguarding legitimate rights and interests, standardizing co-hailing behavior, and strictly prohibiting illegal operations, so as to promote its healthy development.

  Six departments jointly interviewed four online car-hailing companies

  Yesterday morning, a reporter from Beijing Youth Daily learned from the Ministry of Transport that the Ministry of Transport, the Central Network Information Office, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, and the State Bureau of Letters and Calls have jointly interviewed four online ride-hailing platform companies, including Didi, Uber, Shenzhou, and Yidao, and asked them to clean up vehicles and drivers that do not meet the requirements in accordance with the new regulations.

  Vice Minister of Transport Liu Xiaoming said that the reform and development of the taxi industry is not only a matter of people’s livelihood, but also related to social stability. After the two documents on deepening the reform of the taxi industry are issued, relevant enterprises should carefully compare and study, strictly implement relevant regulations, and rectify existing problems. It is required to strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations, especially in accordance with the requirements of the newly issued two documents on deepening the reform of the taxi industry, earnestly fulfill the main responsibility of enterprises and assume social responsibility, speed up the cleaning up of vehicles and drivers that do not meet the requirements, standardize market operation behavior, operate with integrity in accordance with the law, and seek long-term development.

  After the transition period, relevant functional areas of business will jointly enforce the law, increase the crackdown on illegal operations and other illegal acts, and maintain a good market order in the taxi industry; platform companies that do not implement relevant requirements, violate laws and regulations, and incite disruption of social order will be dealt with in accordance with the law, and the relevant enterprises and their responsible persons will be seriously investigated.

  This group article/reporter of this newspaper, Liu

In 2019, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry was announced, and three scientists, including the "father of lithium batteries", won the prize.

  CCTV News:On the morning of October 9, local time in Sweden, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced in Stockholm that it would award the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry to John B. Goodenough, M. Stanley Wittingham and Yoshino Akira in recognition of them."developing lithium-ion batteries"The contribution of. They will share the prize of 9 million Swedish kronor (about 6.5 million yuan).

  Lithium-ion batteries have completely changed our lives and are used in all applications, from mobile phones to laptops and electric cars. Through the work of the winners, this year’s Nobel Prize winner in chemistryIt laid the foundation for a wireless and fossil fuel-free society..

  In the early 1970s, M. Stanley Wittingham, who won this year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry, was developing.The first functional lithium batteryAt that time, the great power of lithium was used to release its external electrons.

  John B. Goodenough, winner of the 2019 chemistry prize.The potential of the lithium battery is doubled.It creates suitable conditions for more powerful and useful batteries.

  This year’s Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, Akira Yoshino, succeeded inPure lithium was removed from the battery.Instead, it is based on lithium ions that are safer than pure lithium. This makes the battery feasible in practice.

  John B. Goodenough isFather of lithium batteryHe made the lithium battery smaller, larger and more stable in use, thus realizing commercialization and at the same time starting the process of portable electronic equipment. At present, he is Professor department of mechanical engineering of the University of Texas at Austin, USA. At the age of 97, he is a famous solid physicist, the inventor of cathode materials of lithium cobaltate, lithium manganate and Ferrous lithium phosphate, and one of the founders of lithium-ion batteries. He designs new materials by studying the relationship between chemistry, structure and solid electron/ion properties, and solves material science problems. Sony produced the world’s first commercial lithium battery after adopting Goodenough theory in 1991. Since then, mobile phones, cameras, hand-held cameras and even electric vehicles have entered the era of portable new energy.

  M Stanley Whitingham is currently a professor of chemistry and director of the Institute of Materials and the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Binghamton University, State University of New York.

  Akira Yoshino, a Japanese chemist, is currently a researcher at Asahi Kasei and a professor at meijo university. He was commended by Zi Zi. Yoshino is the inventor of modern lithium-ion batteries, and has won the highest honor in engineering, the Global Energy Award and the Charles Stark Draper Award. (CCTV reporter Hao Xiaoli)

Wuchuan: live broadcast with goods injects new kinetic energy into rural revitalization

In the Internet era, more and more enterprises and businesses use webcasting to drive online sales, which also "brings fire" to the market economy. Guizhou Libo Trading Co., Ltd., with the help of the east wind of the Internet, incubated online celebrity’s anchor, and made Wuchuan’s high-quality agricultural special products embark on the fast lane of e-commerce live broadcast, so that more people can enjoy the dividend of the e-commerce era and inject new kinetic energy into rural revitalization.

Zou Qiurong, a fruit farmer in Tongmu Village, Baicun Town, Wuchuan Autonomous County, who was still worried about the slow sales of citrus a few days ago, sold out of citrus with the help of the live delivery team of Guizhou Libo Trading Co., Ltd. She sincerely thanked them and said, "Thanks to their help, I sold 50,000 to 60,000 kilograms of citrus in two days and helped me increase my income by 50,000 to 60,000 yuan."

According to Zou Qiurong, her family grows 130 acres of citrus. There is a bumper harvest of fruits this year, but the sales channels are narrow and the citrus is unsalable. After understanding the situation of her family, the staff of the county economic and trade bureau took the initiative to dock and invited the network anchor to help her sell.

Helping Zou Qiurong’s family to sell oranges is just a microcosm of Guizhou Libo Trading Co., Ltd. e-commerce to help farmers. In addition to selling first-line agricultural products, the company also cooperated with Wuchuan Yijian Konjac Food Technology Co., Ltd. to lay a good combination of "entity+e-commerce" and release the vitality of economic growth.

"Now the lily noodles in our house are 29 yuan and 9 yuan, and we have 5 bags, each of which is 250 grams. If you want to eat, you can go to the little yellow car below and buy one and try it."

In the exhibition hall of Guizhou Libo Trading Co., Ltd., located in Daping Street Industrial Park, Wuchuan Autonomous County, the anchor is enthusiastically introducing product-related information to netizens, attracting many netizens’ attention and purchase.

"I think it is very meaningful to be able to sell our agricultural special products in Wuchuan to all parts of the country, so that more people can eat these original ecological foods, and also contribute to promoting Wuchuan’s economic development." Han Feng, anchor of Guizhou Libo Trading Co., Ltd. said.

The company not only attracts local anchors to "bring goods" for their hometown products, but also attracts foreign anchors to come to the exhibition hall to "select products", regardless of the live broadcast location to bring goods. After consumers place orders, the company will uniformly package and uniformly sell them, making full use of the power of talents from all over the world to sell Wuchuan agricultural special products.

It is understood that Guizhou Libo Trading Co., Ltd. was attracted by the county economic and trade bureau in February this year. At present, there are about 20 anchors from Wuchuan local and surrounding counties. The company mainly promotes more than 10 kinds of agricultural special products such as konjac, lily noodles and rock sugar garlic.

"E-commerce live broadcast helps the sales of Wuchuan agricultural special products, helps farmers increase their income, and also provides a platform for the majority of groups, especially young people, to find jobs nearby." Ren Congcong, general manager of Guizhou Libo Trading Co., Ltd. said that the company will further improve the mechanism and management, create "one village and one anchor", promote the orderly development of live e-commerce, and promote the live broadcast of e-commerce with greater efforts and better services. Rural revitalization.

Tsinghua Peking University made a hot search on the big move. What’s the matter?

  Cctv news(Reporter Kan Chunyu): Recently, the notices issued by official website of two universities have been jointly screened. Just look at the names of the universities and you will understand everything.

  Tsinghua of Peking University has successively issued notices, and the educational administration departments of the two universities have reached a consensus and decided to open some undergraduate courses to each other and recognize credits. Among them, Peking University offers 27 courses, mainly in humanities and social sciences, while Tsinghua offers 12 courses, mainly in science and engineering.

  As soon as the notice came out, the two universities were immediately put on the hot search list of Weibo by netizens.

  As of press time, Tsinghua Peking University has opened some undergraduate courses to each other, and the topic of Weibo has been read by 160 million people. Netizens have given a familiar name to the two universities — — "TP-Link" has also voted pick Qingbei as the best CP of the year.

  Some netizens also expressed their regret that they missed the Qingbei course.

  There are also many college students calling on their schools to join the ranks.

  Then, as the envy of everyone, what do the students in Qingbei think of this change?

  Let’s take a look at the courses offered by the two schools first.

  According to the Notice of the Academic Affairs Department of Peking University on the Opening of Some High-quality Courses for Undergraduates in our University, in the spring semester of 2020, Tsinghua University will open 12 high-quality courses (with 170 places in 15 classes). In particular, it is pointed out that the grades obtained from cross-school courses are not included in GPA, but the credits will be included in Class A general-purpose credits or optional credits of the whole school.

  The Notice of Tsinghua University Academic Affairs Office and Registration Center on Opening Some General Core Courses for Undergraduates in Peking University shows that in the spring semester of 2020, some places of 27 general core courses for undergraduates in Peking University will be opened to undergraduates in Tsinghua.

  Qiu Wu, a junior in Peking University, learned the news in a circle of friends. After a rough understanding of the courses open in Tsinghua University, the girl of Chinese Department didn’t want to take courses, "because they are all engineering courses".

  Qiu Wu spoke highly of the courses offered by Peking University: "The courses we gave are very good, and everyone is worried that they will not be selected in the future."

  According to Qiu Wu, "Music and Mathematics", "History of Western Art" and "Sociology Theory Abroad" are all popular courses in Peking University, and many students from Tsinghua have attended before.

  Graduate Chen Chen originally planned to attend the intensive reading of Four Books in the spring semester, but after seeing this news, she changed her mind. She said: "There are a lot of people in these classes. After adding people from Tsinghua, the cost of auditing will be higher for students in our school, and it will take longer to occupy seats."

  Li Hua, a senior student in Tsinghua University, is somewhat moved by the psychology course offered by Peking University, but he is hesitant at the thought of running a long distance to attend classes. Jiang Zhifan, an alumnus, wants to choose "Music and Mathematics" of Peking University. However, considering the popularity of this class, he is somewhat worried that he will not be able to grab the class.

  Liu Mugeng is a sophomore in eecs. He is interested in the courses offered in Tsinghua. He said that he would study the content setting, class time, class hours, etc. of these courses again, and finally decide whether to take action according to his study plan for the new semester.

  Regarding the courses offered in Tsinghua, Jiang Zhifan, a senior student of Automation Department of Tsinghua University, said that "Introduction to Industrial Systems", "Experience of Manufacturing Engineering", "Basis of Industrial Systems" and "Introduction to Industrial Production" are all core courses of the school’s cultural quality, and the quality can be guaranteed. Alumni Li Hua believes that these "standard engineering courses" are not the most popular courses in the school, and "more than half of them are hands-on practice".

  According to the information of official website, the practical unit of the course "Industrial System Basis" includes not only intelligent factory sand table and 3D printing, but also the design and manufacture of welding robots and carbonless cars. "Modern Machining Technology and Practice" also covers the experiments of ultrasonic machining, laser machining and water jet cutting. The reporter learned that these two courses were offered by Tsinghua University Basic Industrial Training Center, and "Fundamentals of Industrial Systems" was once rated as an excellent course in Beijing.

  After reading this, what do you think about the communication between the two schools?

  In fact, in China, it is not new that a computer can connect the classrooms of the highest institutions of higher learning with a network cable. All major universities will publish their ace courses on the online education platform, including many national quality courses. These online courses are not only free, but also have their own assessment mechanism like a real university. To get the certificate of completion, you must take the mid-term and final exams and classroom tests.

  The door of knowledge has always been open to everyone, and "not getting a good class" is just an excuse for many people.

  (At the request of the interviewee, Qiu Wu, chenchen, Li Hua and Jiang Zhifan are all pseudonyms.)

Rush to the hot search! The soldier brother who jumped into the river to save people on the Bund has found it!

  "Someone fell into the river!"

  "May Day" holiday

  A woman fell into the water on the Bund in Shanghai.

  Brother Bing jumped onto the hot search.

  Netizens like it.

  "This is the sense of security given by China soldiers."  

  A woman fell into the river on the Bund in Shanghai.

  Armed police on duty decisively jumped into the river to save people.

  On the evening of May 2, a woman was on the Bund in Shanghai.

  Fall into Huangpu river

  Armed police on patrol rushed to the scene.

  Climb over the fence and jump into the river.

  Rescue the woman who fell into the river ashore 

  This scene 

  See netizens have a boiling passion.

  Tens of thousands of netizens praised this.

  There are also many netizens curious.

  Who is this brave soldier brother?  

  The rescue soldier is the platoon leader after 95.

  These two details in the river are worrying.

  Armed police to save people

  Qiao Haitao, platoon leader of the first mobile detachment of the Armed Police Shanghai Corps.

  At 10 o’clock that night, he was patrolling the Bund viewing platform.

  Suddenly received a report that someone fell into the water.

  Qiao Haitao quickly led the team to the scene.

  At the same time, please ask your comrades to find the lifebuoy. 

  It’s urgent! 

  A woman on the river is ups and downs in the wave.

  See the woman’s back up.

  Worried that she would drown and suffocate

  Qiao Haitao only took off his military cap.

  Too late to take off the heavy military uniform.

  Don’t hesitate to climb over the railing and jump into the river.

  Swim to the woman 

  The uniform is very heavy after soaking in water.

  Fortunately, Qiao Haitao has excellent quality.

  I swam to the woman in 10 seconds.

  At this point, the comrades on the shore dropped the lifebuoy.

  Qiao Haitao asked the drowning woman to hold the lifebuoy firmly. 

  Unexpectedly, due to the urgent waves on the river.

  The woman was very weak again, and the lifebuoy was actually released.

  Qiao Haitao had to hold the woman again.

  Reach for the lifebuoy and put it under the woman’s arm.

  Struggling to push her ashore

  Comrades Zhou Yonggang and Jiang Jianye on the shore.

  Put down the rescue rope

  Qiao Haitao lifted the woman with his last strength.

  The woman was successfully saved.

  From Qiao Haitao jumping into the water to pushing the woman to the shore 

  The whole process only takes 2 minutes.

  Qiao Haitao was exhausted at this time.

  And choked a lot of water because the waves were too big.

  Unable to climb up the rescue rope.

  Fortunately, the rescue boat arrived at this time.

  Rescue it from the water. 

  It is understood that platoon leader Qiao Haitao is from Pudong, Shanghai. 

  Born in 1998.

  Enlisted by the veteran’s father.

  Recall this thrilling scene

  He simply said

  "This is all I should do!" 

  Netizen: This is the army!

  Qiao Haitao’s heroic figure 

  Won the praise of countless netizens.

  "This is the people’s army.

  For the people without hesitation. " 

  Some netizens also reminded me.

  be away

  Be sure to pay attention to your own safety 

  Give your life to jump into the river and save lives bravely.

  Like Qiao Haitao!

  Salute to the soldiers in China!

  ▌ This article Source: Central Radio and Television General Station Voice of China (ID: zgzs001) Comprehensive Shanghai Armed Police

  Producer Ma Wenjia

  Editor-in-Chief Zhang Zhida

  Editor Xu Chenyang

Degang Guo countered Cao Yunjin: I will take care of you if others are at the end of their rope in the future.

  Hualong. com at 8: 10 on September 25th (Chief reporter Huang Jun) After 20 days in Cao Yunjin, Degang Guo finally wrote a post in Weibo to respond to the grievances between the master and the apprentice. Many people think that Degang Guo is fighting back, only to find that he left a meaningful sentence at the end of the article — — "In the future, if there is a horse riding high and running short, and there is no one to solve the problem, I don’t care, I care about you."

  Why didn’t Degang Guo respond before? Degang Guo said, in terms of Cao Yunjin’s cultural level, it is not easy to write down these 6,000 words slowly, even if you read them. Trying to figure out the scene at that time was about one person’s dictation, everyone’s help, someone’s input, and collective polishing. "I have to respond to every composition. If I come to this novel, I will be exhausted."

  Degang Guo believes that this incident is also regarded as cyber violence, and now cyber violence has reached its peak. "A group of people to scold and scold, there is no bottom line. Good or bad, true or false is not important to them. The key has another point to vent, which is really happy. People need to vent in an environment without consequences, which shows how unsatisfactory life is. These outstanding talents, listening to the wind is rain, really think that they are caught, biting their mouths and shaking their heads. "

  This time, Degang Guo refuted and responded to Cao Yunjin’s earlier long articles one by one. For example, he thinks that teaching cross talk is different for each apprentice. Because everyone’s understanding and expression are different. "I taught He Wei" Spitting Lotus "not to let Xiaojin attend, and I didn’t let others listen when I taught Xiaojin. This is a teaching method, not an experience of oppression. "

  Degang Guo also praised Xiaojin for his cleverness and cross talk, and sincerely hoped that he would become popular. Create opportunities to praise him, take him to do programs, and give him a special cross talk, which is slowly becoming popular.

  "People’s ambitions are constantly expanding with the change of position, and no one is no exception. One of Xiaojin’s favorite words after drinking is: I support half of Deyun Society! I don’t know where to start with this sentence until today. For a time, the younger brothers didn’t even dare to talk to him in the background. When they met opposite, they had to stop and bow respectfully to greet him. The expression of greeting was not good, and they had to be carried to him again. Whoever doesn’t praise him and treat him as a god will be scolded and threatened. During the second enrollment of Crane Word Department, the teachers held a meeting on the second floor, but they didn’t agree. Xiaojinju punched Mr. Xie Tianshun. Mr. Xie is a cross talk treasure, and he is the same generation as Mr. Hou Baolin. Three generations older than Xiaojin, he should call bodhi old zu. But he regarded his seniority as dirt and dared to fight against his ancestors. Later, Xiaojin met an investor who was said to be rich. In my impression, this investor can be close to the people. He can eat two boxes of lunch in the background and watch the fragrance. This gentleman was later sued for slandering a movie star, which shows that his work is very busy. Anyway, after Xiaojin knew this bento tycoon, he became even more unscrupulous and felt that he had a backer. At this time, his face became more and more ugly … …” Degang Guo pointed out that since 2009, Xiaojin has basically stopped performing in a small theater. He went outside to take pictures and do private work, and he earned money by himself.

  Later, Degang Guo also described in detail the whole story of their war.

  "All this until January 18, 2010, my birthday, finally had an outbreak. In Guo Jiacai, Sanlitun, all the people of Deyun Society gathered together. Xiaojin shouted at everyone with wine and madness. And shouted: I quit! Zhang Deyan, the daughter of Mr. Zhang Wenshun, begged Xiaojin to come back and said, Please look at my father’s face! Xiaojin shouted: I don’t fucking look at anyone! Turning and walking to the door, I knelt in front of the statue of Guan Gong in the front hall and said loudly, Master Guan is my witness. If I go back to Deyun Society, I will be a * *. After swearing, she turned and left. Zhang Deyan chased her to the road and stopped her. Xiaojin pushed her to the ground and drove away. Of course, there is another reason behind why it was so noisy that day. That’s why Yunzike wanted to expel two people … …”