Avita, whose sales fell far short of expectations, launched management compensation changes

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  Rising price wars in 2024 and the tempo of rivals bringing out the old have made the "knockout" crisis felt by every car brand head. They are stimulating sales through more internal reform measures.

  According to media reports, Avita management initiated a salary change, and managers above the director level signed a new salary agreement. Their monthly income was directly linked to sales and increased the floating ratio. According to people familiar with the matter, the year-end sales target, the management pressurized 10,000 vehicles.

  Avita officials confirmed the news to Interface News. It is reported that the annual sales target of Avita in 2024 is 90,000 vehicles.

  The salary structure adjustment reflects Avita’s internal pursuit of large-scale sales. In 2023, Avita’s annual sales volume is 27,000 vehicles, far from reaching the sales target of 100,000 vehicles.

  Market pressures and capital conditions are demanding that Avita boost sales as quickly as possible. The price war that began in 2023 has continued this year, with experienced automakers seeking market share at the expense of profits.Wise self andCompetitors in the high-end pure electric market are seeking to expand by adding cost-effective products or expanding their network layout.

  At the level of capital markets, state-owned industriesAnd private capital outside the automotive industry chain companyAlthough the investment of vehicle companies is still active, it has also turned cautious. Affected by various factors such as geopolitics, domestic vehicle companies have also found it difficult to attract large-scale US-funded LP/GP-led pension or Private Offering Funds.

  This is not good news for Avita, which has not yet formed positive cash flow and relies on external financing for blood transfusion. From 2020 to the first half of 2023, Avita’s loss reached 4.136 billion yuan.

  Avitayu,Jointly participate in building with Huawei. Despite the technical advantages of the three companies, in the past three years since its establishment, it has failed to accurately grasp the rhythm of the market, and is still in the stage of brand perception establishment from 0 to 1, and has not yet gained a firm foothold.

  Senior automotive industryMei Songlin pointed out in an interview with Interface News that newly established car brands need to rely on time or a sufficiently obvious long board to establish a strong brand identity.Cars andThe ability to gain a certain market share lies in the fact that the three companies have established labels with sufficient intelligence, clear positioning, and extreme service to the outside world.

  "Although there are no shortcomings in Avita’s products, the positioning is vague, and consumer perception is not clear enough. The blessing of Huawei has not helped Avita establish its core competitiveness."

  Fitch Ratings Asia Pacific Corporate Ratings Director Yang Jing told Interface News that for traditional auto companies, especially state-owned auto brands,Customer-centric product design, marketing strategies, and rapid technology and product iterations are areas where they are relatively inexperienced.

  From the external environment, in the passenger car market of more than 300,000 yuan, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in 2023 is only 31.4%, which is lower than the overall market. Represented by BMW, Mercedes-Benz and AudiThe brand still has market appeal. Especially in the situation of the continuous slowdown of the pure electric vehicle market, the new brand represented by Avita needs to come up with new strategies to deal with the crisis.

  Avita MaxFounder is increasing its emphasis on Avita, which can be seen in the management change at the end of last year.

  According to personnel adjustmentTan Benhong, the former chairperson and CEO of Avita, became the deputy secretary of the party committee and is no longer responsible for Avita-related business. Chen Zhuo, the former vice president of Avita, was promoted to president and took over the operation and management of Avita. The chairperson was Zhu Huarong, secretary of the party committee and chairperson of Changan Automobile.

  The cooperation between Avita and Huawei will also become closer. At the launch of Avita 12, Avita’s first pure electric sedan, in November last year, Yu Chengdong, chairperson of Huawei’s smart car solutions BU, shared a rare stage with Zhu Huarong. Deliveries of this model reached 5,021 in January, second only to Model Y and 001 in the high-end pure electric vehicle market above 300,000 yuan.

  In addition, Huawei and Changan Automobile will establish a joint venture, in which the former will integrate the core technologies and resources of its smart car solutions business into the new company.It is pointed out that Avita may benefit from expanding the brand’s product matrix and model number, and deepening the depth of cooperation with Huawei. This year, Avita plans to launch two new products and supplement four extended-range power models.

  Yang Jing believes that the advantages of traditional automobile companies lie in supply chain management and cost control. At the same time, large traditional automobile companies have diverse financing channels and low financing costs, which provides confidence for them to continue to invest in the unprofitable new energy vehicle business. In August last year, Avita completed the B round of financing, and the proceeds raised to 3 billion yuan.

Can Xiaolong help Haval take off again?

Transfer from: Huaibei News Network

On May 15th, 2023, Haval’s "Xiaolong" was officially listed, which was praised by the industry. Its high popularity, although it has long been commonplace for Harvard, has been more than three years since the launch of the last explosive product-"Big Dog".

In the following three years, due to the "mask problem", the automobile market environment changed, which brought opportunities and challenges to many OEMs. For Harvard, which once dominated the home SUV market, it brought more challenges.

"Xiaolong" has seen the growth point of sales for the Harvard brand, just like "a long drought meets sweet rain"; rightGenerally speaking, it is regarded as a powerful medicine to reverse the current decline.

In the view of "Great Wall People", the significance of Xiaolong is particularly important.

How important is Xiaolong? Is it a strategic vehicle that continues to write the brilliant brand of Haval, or is it a passer-by in the process of brand development? In response to these questions, the author recently communicated with Qiao Xinyu, Executive Deputy General Manager of Harvard Brand Marketing.

Interviewee:Qiao Xinyu, Executive Deputy General Manager of Haval Brand Marketing of Great Wall Motor

Interviewer:Netcom Huo Hongwei

Interview time:2023.05.24

Interview location:Beijing Yizhuang

In the domestic passenger car market, SUV products have enjoyed a 45% share for many years, and the sales of compact and intermediate SUVs account for half of the overall SUV market. It can be said that whoever can dominate this market segment will have the absolute right to speak in the new car market.

Haval H6, which has been the top seller in the same market for 9 years in a row, has created the dominant position in this market segment, and Haval has become synonymous with and guarantee for hot-selling SUVs.

In the second half of 2020, another explosion of Haval was born, and "Big Dog" became another divine car after H6. The tough appearance and a certain degree of cross-country ability make the big dog fill the gaps and shortcomings in Haval’s "H series", thus forming a pattern of "H6 and the big dog" fighting the world with two guns. It is this strategy that has made the highlight moment of Harvard brand.

However, the success of Xiao He also played havoc.When the "H Series" and "Dog Series" were promoted at a high speed, the shortcomings of Haval’s product line were exposed, that is, excessive dependence on the fuel technology route. In the post-epidemic era, competing products were given an opportunity, ending Haval H6′ s record of dominating the list for 100 consecutive months.

In this regard, Qiao Xinyu said, "The Harvard brand has two key tasks this year, one is the transformation of new energy; The other is the universalization of core technologies. "

There are two products listed this time, Xiaolong and Xiaolong MAX, and the price covers the range of 130,000-170,000 yuan. Among them, Xiaolong MAX, which is the first product of Haval to adopt Hi4 electric four-wheel drive technology, is equipped with a coffee intelligent driving system and a coffee OS intelligent cockpit, presenting an all-round new feeling for drivers and passengers from the indoor environment, driving safety to driving experience.

This is of course due to the technical advantages provided by the new energy platform, and it is also a state that traditional fuel vehicles can’t reach.

"It is no exaggeration to say that it is now’ to lift the power of the group and help Xiaolong’." Qiao Xinyu introduced to the author.

This seems to have some feelings when Wei WEY brand was founded, but it is not the same. For Wei WEY, at that time, only the brand itself was rushing forward, but now the Xiaolong series is working hard from top to bottom.

Hi4 is only launched now, and there is a certain time interval with competing products. Is it because the Great Wall has no new energy technology reserve?

Of course not. It’s just that the strategy adopted before is to hold high and fight high, which is quite a bit "high and low", but it ignores that arming its own product base is the key point to win the current battle. Due to the delay in making up his mind on the new energy strategy, Harvard suffered a bitter fruit.

"And now is to putGood technology+good price+good quality control, decentralized to Harvard’s main sales and hot-selling products, really benefiting more consumers. "Qiao Xinyu said very frankly, and I believe this is also the consensus of Harvard and even Great Wall Company.

In addition, the Great Wall is famous for its involution, which can be confirmed by looking at the previous product lineup. Only in the Haval system, there are more than 10 compact SUV products. Such a fine division can not provide accurate solutions for users’ diversified car needs, but more is to test consumers’ professionalism in product cognition. This is of course not the original intention of formulating strategies, but it is indeed a good intention to do bad things.

In fact, this situation has also occurred in other business lines of Great Wall Motor, not only in the Haval system.

For the planning of Harvard products later, Qiao Xinyu gave an accurate reply.Do subtraction”。

Haval will insist on walking on two legs, one of which is the fuel product line, mainly focusing on the "H series+big dog series" with H6 as the main part; The other is the "Dragon Series" new energy product line with Xiaolong as the main force. Fuel vehicles mainly focus on the range of 90,000-130,000 yuan, while the new energy product line will cover the range of 130,000-200,000 yuan. At the same time, in order to avoid fighting within the product, we should also make a clear distinction in product style and tonality, and promote it in the same price range and market segment with the combination of "urban SUV+ hard off-road", which really benefits consumers with different car needs.

In terms of product planning, there will be three fuel vehicles worth looking forward to this year, one is the new H5 and the other is the new H9. In addition, the H6, which has been redesigned in the middle period, will be launched in the third quarter of this year, and the new car has been greatly adjusted and upgraded in appearance, interior and power.

For Haval, H6 has the experience and advantages of being a champion, so this model will continue. As for the naming rules, Qiao Xinyu also gave a clear answer that H series products will not be renamed easily in the future. "The product sequence is inherited. Some of the new names once seemed to win traffic in the short term, but in fact they lost their brand value, which was not worth the candle. "

Qiao Xinyu said that Harvard has been combing and adjusting the product line of oil trucks so far this year. In the future, each market segment will be controlled in two models, and the two models should have very obvious category differences.

At the level of new energy products, a hard-core off-road product will be released in the follow-up of the "Dragon Series" model. The whole vehicle has a tough shape, which is obviously different from the Xiaolong series. However, Hi4, coffee intelligence and intelligent driving are the standard of Harvard’s new energy products in the future, which is worth looking forward to.

Will consumers in the future see both oil vehicles and new energy vehicles in a Haval 4S shop?

The answer is no.

Qiao Xinyu’s explanation is that Harvard should be built separately.Network, mainly "4S+2S", mainly sells "Dragon Series" models. "It is a proven truth that a store does not sell two products (fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles are not mixed). The location of the new energy store will be controlled at a linear distance of about 5 kilometers from the traditional oil car store. This is also to avoid internal consumption. "

"Will you consider the city exhibition hall?" I asked.

"At least not this year. We have calculated an account. Take Shangchao Store as an example. The initial investment of a store is at least 10 million yuan. Assuming that the gross profit of a dealer’s car is 10,000 yuan, then this store needs to sell 1,000 cars a year, and it is almost impossible to sell more than 80 cars every month. " Qiao Xinyu said, "The market situation is very severe this year. It is better to do product research and development with this money, and it will be more practical to give back to consumers."

It is estimated that by the end of this month, the number of distributors of Haval New Energy Network will exceed 200. At the same time, this year, the Haval brand will also expand its previous sales blank market.

Qiao Xinyu said that this year’s "new energy vehicles going to the countryside policy" is an opportunity for some car companies, especially products in the range of 100,000-200,000 yuan. Consumers in this part of the region are more "buy-and-buy" users, and the further down the market, the more users buy-and-buy. For Harvard new energy products represented by "Xiaolong", it provides opportunities for the brand to take off again.

Another point, Qiao Xinyu knows very well, is the professional ability of automobile terminal sales. They are brand spokespersons who face consumers directly, and their performance is a key factor in users’ final purchase decision. After all, the "arms race" between brands makes the product strength at a relatively high level, and the final competition is the professionalism of communication with consumers.

In the second half of this year, Haval will focus on the professional ability and operational ability of terminal distributors. Start the "decisive terminal" project, and conduct an all-round "big contest" on the improvement of sales process, the assessment of process indicators, and the practice of sales speech.

Qiao Xinyu said that in this era, the living environment of dealers has changed. In the past, it was "the best way to make money is to lie down, and it is too tired to bend over to make money, but not to stand up to make money"; Now the competition is intensifying, which is a great challenge for the first-line dealers. If you can’t do well in one brand before, you can choose to try your luck in other brands, maybe it’s ok. But now is the era of product hard-core competition, and consumers who enter the store know technology and products everywhere. Therefore, salespeople who are fighting in the front line are required to improve their competitiveness in order to keep up with the rhythm of the times.

Write at the end:

When the author asked whether the current order of Xiaolong series met the manufacturer’s expectations, Qiao Xinyu replied: "At present, there are many opponents, and consumers are also waiting to see. The four-wheel drive performance, two-wheel drive energy consumption and natural safety of four-wheel drive brought by Hi4 will help consumers tend to Xiaolong series in repeated comparisons. "

Haval’s previous glory was based on no rivals, but now it has entered the field of new energy and become rivals everywhere. After equal rights in technology, what the market finally presents is "fighting for products, fighting for prices and fighting for services".

Thanks to the Hi4 technology of the Great Wall, Xiaolong series products will bring the performance of "four-wheel drive performance and two-wheel drive fuel consumption", which also breaks the pain point of vehicles that have been plaguing four-wheel drive models.

Can Xiaolong lead Harvard to take off again? It depends not only on the strength of one’s own internal strength, but also on the overall environment of the market. At least for now, we see that it is on the runway and ready to take off.

BYD Releases Yunnian Intelligent Body Control System

Hebei Daily News (Reporter Ren Guosheng) On the evening of April 10th, BYD Yunqi Intelligent Body Control System was officially released, which aims to systematically solve the body control problem in the vertical direction.

BYD has always adhered to the development philosophy of "technology is king and innovation is the foundation". The data shows that in 2022, BYD invested 20.2 billion yuan in R&D, a year-on-year increase of 90.31%. It is based on long-term unremitting efforts in technology research and development that BYD has launched subversive technologies such as blade battery, e-platform, DM and "Easy Sifang" to seize the technical highland in the era of electrification.

The rapid development of new energy vehicles poses new challenges for vertical direction control, and at the same time, electrification and intelligence also provide new opportunities for vertical direction control. In this context, BYD systematically considered the vertical control of new energy vehicles, and comprehensively integrated the software and hardware technologies such as perception, decision-making, control and interaction, and launched a new energy-specific intelligent body control system-Yunqi. This is another breakthrough in BYD’s safety technology after the blade battery, body integrated technology (CTB) and four-motor independent drive system ("Easy Sifang").

According to reports, the architecture of the cloud system covers the perception layer, the decision-making layer and the execution layer. It has the characteristics of intelligent perception, accurate decision-making and efficient execution, which can realize the integration of people, vehicles, roads, clouds and systems, ensure the timeliness and accuracy of vehicle signal acquisition, and make the posture of the car body more stable and the drivers in the car more calm. Generally speaking, it can effectively restrain the change of body posture, reduce the risk of vehicle rollover, reduce the sitting displacement of drivers and passengers, and at the same time protect the body and improve the driving experience under complex road conditions such as snow, mud and water.

At the event site, Lian Yubo, executive vice president of BYD Group and president of Automotive Engineering Research Institute, further introduced the characteristics of Yunqi body control system. Yunqi system is divided into Yunqi -A intelligent air body control system, Yunqi -C intelligent damping body control system, Yunqi -P intelligent hydraulic body control system and other system architectures. According to the characteristics of each version, BYD will gradually apply the cloud technology to Dynasty marine vehicles, Tengshi, Wangwang and professional personalized brands to further consolidate its leading position.

The order volume of M5 in the world exceeded 10,000, and the sales volume of new energy vehicles of Xiaokang shares "returning oil to electricity" accounted for 52%.

Changjiang business news ● Changjiang Business Daily reporter Jin Du

The model AITO Wenjie M5, jointly developed by Huawei and Cellis, a subsidiary of Xiaokang, has recently attracted attention from all walks of life.

Recently, a reporter from Changjiang Business Daily visited Huawei’s flagship store in Wuhan and found that the logo "Sailis" was very conspicuous on the rear of the M5 on the first floor. A salesperson told reporters that the newly produced M5 will remove the "Sailis" tail label and will not be labeled with the "Huawei" tail label.

With the blessing of M5, the sales volume of Xiaokang shares (601127.SH) keeps rising. The reporter of Changjiang Business Daily found that in May, the production and sales volume of new energy vehicles of Xiaokang shares surpassed traditional fuel vehicles for the first time, accounting for 52.28%.

According to the sales data released by M5, the delivery volume reached 5,006 vehicles in May, exceeding 5,000 vehicles for the first time. By the end of May, the cumulative delivery volume of the M5 has exceeded 11,000 vehicles, which has set a new record for the fastest delivery of a single model of a new brand.

A salesperson of Huawei’s flagship store in Wuhan said that at present, the number of orders for M5 in the world exceeds 10,000 per month, and it continues to increase.

A person familiar with the matter told Changjiang Business Daily that the M7 will be listed at the end of June or early July.

Ask M5 or remove the "Sailis" tail mark.

On May 1st, Huawei’s first flagship store in Central China settled in Wuhan Vientiane City.

Recently, a reporter from Changjiang Business Daily visited Huawei’s flagship store in Wuhan and found that there were four cars in the car exhibition area on the first floor, and the "Sailis" logo at the rear of the car was very conspicuous.

A salesperson told Changjiang Business Daily that the newly-produced M5 will be Weimar Automobile and will not be labeled as "Huawei", but will be presented as an independent brand.

In this regard, Changjiang Business Daily reporter sent an interview letter to Xiaokang, but no reply was received as of press time.

Wenjie M5 was jointly built by Cyrus and Huawei. According to official website, the current price of the standard version of rear-drive is 259,800 yuan, the performance version of four-wheel drive is 294,800 yuan, the version of four-wheel drive is 288,800 yuan and the flagship version of four-wheel drive is 331,800 yuan.

As a vehicle jointly developed by Huawei and Cyrus, AITO Wenjie M5 is also the first vehicle equipped with Huawei’s HarmonyOS cockpit. The core power comes from Huawei’s Drive ONE pure electric drive range extension platform, and Huawei is deeply involved in R&D and manufacturing.

Recently, the customer of the M5 has caused a heated discussion in the market because the user removed the "Sailis" tail label and affixed the "Huawei" logo. Many car owners bluntly said: "After changing the label, it has simply injected soul."

In this regard, Zhang Zhengping, chairman of Xiaokang Co., said frankly at the shareholders’ meeting that if the product is good or not, the market has the final say. If the product is not good, no matter who posted it, no one will buy it.

Zhang Zhengping also said that the high degree of attention paid by M5 in the world is an inspiration and affirmation for the cooperation between Xiaokang and Huawei. The spur of users is the biggest driving force for us to move forward, and bringing good experience to users is the cornerstone for us to forge good products.

Interestingly, in the 2021 annual report, Xiaokang shares made no mention of Huawei.

However, Xiaokang Co., Ltd. emphasized in its annual report that the M5 of Wenjie is equipped with a 3.0 range extender independently developed by the company, which can achieve a vehicle mileage of more than 1,000 kilometers, and can continue driving even without charging conditions.

It should be noted that Zhang Zhengping also revealed at the shareholders’ meeting that Xiaokang shares are increasing the layout of new energy industries by increasing investment in technology research and development of new energy vehicles and construction of sales channels.

On the evening of May 23rd, Xiaokang announced that the issuance review committee of China Securities Regulatory Commission had reviewed the company’s application for non-public offering of shares in 2022. According to the results of the meeting, the company’s application for non-public offering of shares was approved.

According to the revised plan for the non-public offering of A shares in 2022 released by Xiaokang in March, the total amount of funds raised by the company is expected to be no more than 7.13 billion yuan (inclusive).

Among them, the total investment of electric vehicle development and product platform technology upgrading projects reached 4.748 billion yuan, and it is planned to use the raised funds of 4.31 billion yuan; The total investment of the intelligent upgrading of the factory and the construction of electric drive production line is 633 million yuan, and it is planned to use the raised funds of 610 million yuan; The total investment of the user center construction project is 223 million yuan, and it is planned to use the raised funds of 210 million yuan; To supplement the working capital, it is planned to use the raised funds of 2 billion yuan.

Xiaokang shares’ sales of new energy vehicles increased by 2.1 times in May.

With the blessing of M5, the sales of new energy vehicles in Xiaokang shares have been rising, realizing "oil returning to electricity".

On June 2nd, Xiaokang Co., Ltd. released a production and sales bulletin, showing that the output of new energy vehicles reached 36,200 in the first five months, up by 258.97% year-on-year. The sales volume reached 33,200 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 212.33%. The output of other models (fuel vehicles) of the company reached 66,400, down 39.91% year-on-year; Sales reached 66,800 vehicles, down 33.78% year-on-year.

In May, the output of new energy vehicles in Xiaokang reached 11,100, a year-on-year increase of 273.97%. Sales reached 10,500 vehicles, up 244.04% year-on-year. The output of other models of the company reached 10,400 units, down 63.98% year-on-year; Sales reached 9542 vehicles, down 61.71% year-on-year.

The reporter of Changjiang Business Daily found that in May, the production and sales volume of new energy vehicles of Xiaokang shares surpassed traditional fuel vehicles for the first time, accounting for 52.28%.

"Returning oil to electricity" is also an intentional move of Xiaokang Co., Ltd. In the 2021 annual report, the company claimed to be a technology-based manufacturing enterprise with new energy vehicles as its core business, with a perfect R&D, supply, manufacturing and sales system.

It should be noted that in the sales of new energy vehicles in the first five months of Xiaokang Automobile, the output of Sailis reached 9,933, an increase of 1,520.39% year-on-year; Sales reached 8483 vehicles, up 1211.13% year-on-year.

Among them, in May, the output of Sailis reached 3,125 vehicles, up 1,115.95% year-on-year; Sales reached 3,439 vehicles, up 1,248.63% year-on-year.

On April 19th, 2021, Sailis SF5, a subsidiary of Xiaokang, was officially listed at the 19th Shanghai International Auto Show.

On December 23, 2021, the medium-sized luxury SUV, the high-end smart electric vehicle, made its debut at the press conference, and it was delivered nationwide on March 5, 2022.

In less than three months from listing to delivery, the brand-new M5 achieved the delivery of over 3,000 vehicles in the first month, and entered the top five sales of high-end new energy SUVs with a price of over 200,000 yuan in the first month.

On June 1st, the sales data released by M5 showed that the delivery volume reached 5,006 vehicles in May, exceeding 5,000 vehicles for the first time. By the end of May, the cumulative delivery volume of the M5 has exceeded 11,000 vehicles, which has set a new record for the fastest delivery of a single model of a new brand.

A salesperson of Huawei’s flagship store in Wuhan said that at present, the number of orders for M5 in the world exceeds 10,000 per month, and it continues to increase.

In addition, it is reported that the M7 of Celeste luxury smart large-scale electric SUV will be released soon.

A person familiar with the matter told Changjiang Business Daily that the M7 will be listed at the end of June or early July.

Editor: ZB

Xiaomi Automobile officially appeared on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, but everyone remained tight-lipped before Xiaomi Automobile Factory.

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  Xiaomi automobile finally unveiled the veil.

  On November 15, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the declared model information of Xiaomi Automobile. According to the public information, the trademark of Xiaomi automobile product is Xiaomi brand, which is a pure electric car, and the manufacturer isGroup off-road vehicle co., ltd.

  The picture published on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology shows that the tail logo of Xiaomi car is "Beijing Xiaomi". In terms of overall dimensions, it is 4997mm long, 1963mm wide, 1455mm high and 3000mm wheelbase. In addition, Xiaomi automobile uses iron phosphate., the supplier isFoday under its banner; The engine comes from United Automotive Electronics Co., Ltd. and is driven by.The peak power is 220kW.

  According to the configuration information, some models are provided with options.This also means that in terms of assisted driving, there will be differences according to different configurations, which are divided into two schemes: with and without.

  As for the issue of "production qualification" concerned by the industry, according to the information published by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the name of the enterprise is "Group Off-road Vehicle Co., Ltd.", the registered address is No.1 Tongxin Road, Zhaofeng Industrial Base, Zhaoquanying Town, Shunyi District, Beijing, and the production address is No.21 Courtyard, Huanjing Road, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, which is the self-built factory of Xiaomi Automobile. An industry insider told Blue Whale Finance reporter that the use of Beiqi off-road vehicles for "production qualification" does not mean that Beiqi is OEM for BAIC Group. This statement is not accurate. According to the available information, the Xiaomi Automobile Factory announced this time is assembled by Xiaomi itself, but other processing and parts need to be analyzed after seeing the physical car.

  On the same day, Blue Whale Finance reporter visited Xiaomi Automobile Factory. At about 3 pm, two security guards were on duty at the main entrance of the park to prevent irrelevant personnel from entering. In addition, several people were looking inward sporadically at the door. According to the security guards at the door, these people were waiting for their own docking people to pick them up, and they were not allowed to enter casually. At about 4 pm, a man in a suit walked out of Xiaomi Automobile Factory. One of the men said that they were talking with Xiaomi about cooperation in engineering. However, when Blue Whale Finance reporter asked about the news related to Xiaomi Automobile, the man picked it up obviously and said that he didn’t know all the news about Xiaomi Automobile, so don’t ask him. Not only that, but even the construction workers who are not the staff of Xiaomi Automobile nearby are silent about Xiaomi Automobile.

  Since Lei Jun announced that Xiaomi had built a car, Xiaomi’s every move has been concerned by the outside world. Since October this year, the rumors about Xiaomi Automobile have been constant. The last time Xiaomi publicly responded to the news about Xiaomi Automobile was on October 25, when Xiaomi founder and CEO Lei Jun was in his personal life.The account said, "Xiaomi Automobile is progressing very smoothly at present, and it will be officially listed in the first half of next year, and will report to you when it is appropriate."

  Combing the time sequence, on March 30, 2021, Xiaomi founder Lei Jun said in a public speech that in the next decade, Xiaomi will invest 10 billion US dollars to build cars, and Lei Jun will be personally responsible for the car-making business. In September 2021, Xiaomi Automobile Co., Ltd. was incorporated. On November 27th of the same year, the Management Committee of Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone held a signing ceremony with Xiaomi Technology. With the signing of the Cooperation Agreement, Xiaomi Automobile was officially announced to settle in Beijing Economic Development Zone.

  According to reports, Xiaomi Automobile Project will build Xiaomi Automobile Headquarters Base, Sales Headquarters and R&D Headquarters, and will build a vehicle factory with an annual output of 300,000 vehicles in two phases, of which the first and second phases will have a production capacity of 150,000 vehicles respectively. It is expected that the first car will be off the assembly line in 2024 and mass production will be realized.

  "Realizing mass production in 2024" is a word that Xiaomi official and Lei Jun are talking about, which has also become the beginning of Xiaomi’s car making.

  By the end of 2022, Xiaomi Automobile had applied for more than 400 patents involving autonomous driving, intelligent cockpit, charging device and power system.

  Especially in terms of autonomous driving, Xiaomi has accumulated technology for many years and soon formed a very strong autonomous driving team.

  In Lei Jun’s annual speech in 2022, Lei Jun said: "All sectors of the automobile industry are very complicated, among which non-automatic driving is the most complicated. At the same time, automatic driving is also the key point for the decisive victory of smart electric vehicles. Xiaomi’s car-making automatic driving will adopt full-stack self-developed algorithm to fully develop automatic driving technology, and the goal of automatic driving is to enter the first camp of the industry in 2024."

  According to the data of Xiaomi’s financial report in the second quarter of 2023, in terms of R&D, Xiaomi’s R&D investment in the second quarter reached 4.6 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 21%, and the compound annual growth rate of R&D investment in the past six years reached 38.4%. It is estimated that Xiaomi’s R&D investment will exceed 100 billion yuan in 2023. It is worth mentioning that nearly 30% of the 4.6 billion yuan invested in R&D in the second quarter was used for the smart electric vehicle business.

  Although Xiaomi has been extremely cautious about information disclosure since the official announcement of the car-making plan, the voices from all sides inside and outside Xiaomi can also roughly describe the progress of Xiaomi’s car-making.

  In the conference call after the release of Xiaomi’s second-quarter earnings report, Lu Weibing, president of Xiaomi, mentioned in an interview that the actual investment of Xiaomi Automobile is even greater. Xiaomi is making the long-term layout of the automobile with the goal of entering the top five in the world in the future, doing full-stack self-research and building its own automobile factory, so the investment in cash flow is even higher than the disclosed figures.

  "Xiaomi Automobile has just finished the summer test, and the progress has exceeded expectations, maintaining the mass production target in the first half of 2024 unchanged." Lu Weibing further stated.

  In October 2023, at the launch conference of Xiaomi 澎湃 OS and Xiaomi 14 series new products, Lei Jun announced that the group strategy was officially upgraded to "the whole ecology of people and cars". The key core of this new strategy is Xiaomi 澎湃 OS, which is people-centered and organically integrates "the whole ecology of people, cars and homes". The system is not only suitable for mobile devices such as mobile phones, but also will be installed on Xiaomi cars. According to the PPT displayed at the press conference, Xiaomi will be equipped with a roof camera, through which people in the car can make video calls and other functions.

  The arrow is on the string and has to be sent. With the gradual unveiling of Xiaomi Automobile, it will take time to prove whether Lei Jun can lead Xiaomi to win this battle.