Luoyang Municipal Party Committee Secretary Jiang Ling, Mayor Xu Yixian and Wanda Group Chairperson Wang Jianlin held working talks

  On the 10th, Party Committee Secretary Jiang Ling, Mayor Xu Yixian, and Wanda Group Chairperson Wang Jianlin held working talks. The two sides agreed to establish a comprehensive strategic cooperative relationship, give full play to their advantages, integrate resources, communicate closely, deepen and expand practical cooperation in the fields of cultural tourism, sports, film and television, and rural revitalization, and work together to promote mutually beneficial and win-win development.

  Jiang Ling and Xu Yixian first expressed their gratitude to Wanda Group on behalf of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government for its long-term active participation in supporting the development of Luoyang. They said that entering the new development stage, the tourism mode is accelerating the transformation from sightseeing tours to leisure vacation experience tours, the cultural tourism industry has become an important trend for future development, and the consumption of cultural tourism is more vigorous. Luoyang is a famous historical and cultural city with rich cultural heritage and rich cultural tourism resources. It has unique advantages in the development of immersive cultural tourism industry. Wanda Group has long been deeply involved in the integration of cultural tourism and has strong planning, construction and operation capabilities. At present, cultural tourism has a market, Wanda has the ability, and Luoyang has the demand. The two sides work together to deepen cooperation space and great potential. The Longmen Tourism Resort project is the first major project for the two sides to strengthen strategic cooperation. It is hoped that Wanda Group will conform to the new trend of "subversive creativity, immersive experience, and youthful consumption" cultural tourism development, find and grasp the "empathy point" of the public in the deep excavation of Luoyang cultural resources, do a good job in modern fashion expression of advantageous traditional culture, and strive to launch cultural tourism products that carry Chinese culture and Chinese spirit, so that tourism can become a process of enhancing cultural consciousness and strengthening cultural confidence; do a good job in cultural tourism planning with high standards, pay attention to integrating Luoyang cultural elements into scene creation, and actively introduce the concept of role-play tabletop game and the layout of the square system, so that tourists can "return to the prosperous Tang Dynasty" in the immersive experience. In the next step, Luoyang City will make every effort to promote comprehensive cooperation with Wanda Group, refine the project list, ensure service, improve the communication mechanism, and promote the practical cooperation between the two sides to a new level.

  Wang Jianlin said that Luoyang’s rich historical and cultural heritage has left a deep impression. With the strong recovery of the cultural tourism consumer market, the cooperation between the two parties has ushered in the best opportunity. Wanda Group will rely on Luoyang’s unique cultural resources, adhere to high-end positioning and differentiated development, and strive to build Longmen Tourism Resort into a cultural tourism destination with national influence. At the same time, Wanda Group is willing to deepen comprehensive strategic cooperation with Luoyang, give full play to its comprehensive advantages, and further expand practical cooperation in sports, film and television, rural revitalization, strategic consultation, urban development and other fields, so as to contribute more wisdom and strength to Luoyang’s economic and social development.

  Before the talks, the two sides jointly held a cultural and tourism symposium on "Walking Luoyang and Understanding History", inviting cultural scholars to share their thoughts and suggestions on the planning of immersive situational performance projects, and to find the entry point and breakthrough of "telling the story of Luoyang well" in the exchange and collision.

  Wanda Group Chief Vice President and Executive Vice President of Business Management Group Wang Zhibin, Wanda Group Vice President and General Manager of Information Technology Center Li Rongzhi and other corporate executive team members, city leaders Wang Fei, Wang Jun, Wei Xianfeng and others attended the talks.

In the second issue of "China Star Jump", the three goddesses 10-meter platform shocked the audience.

  Killer, the actress’s first jump in the 10m —— As the first contestant, Killer, a natural female voice, made her competitors fidgety when she started to jump. She directly stepped onto the 10m platform with her back to the pool, and the difficulty rose to another level. After almost flawless falling into the water, Killer became the first person in all diving programs.

"Hot Search" won the Golden Rooster domestic new film exhibition, which was most anticipated by the audience. Xin Yukun did not play suspense to dig deep into human nature.

A few days ago, the film "Hot Search" appeared at the Golden Rooster Film Festival and held a screening event. Director Xin Yukun, producer Wang Hongwei, starring Zhou Dongyu, Song Yang and Justin attended the post-screening interaction to share the behind-the-scenes story of film creation with the audience. In this film festival, Hot Search won the 36th China Golden Rooster Award, and the domestic new film exhibition was the most anticipated feature film by the audience.

The film "Hot Search" tells the story that Chen Miao (Zhou Dongyu), the editor-in-chief of the media, penetrated the traffic password, created an explosive article and rushed to the hot search, but indirectly boosted the female student of the bully to jump off the building. At this time, Chen Miao accidentally discovered the help information sent by a female student and involved a sexual assault case. Chen Miao’s partner He Yan (Song Yang) and investor Peng Yue (Justin) are involved in it. Public opinion has turned many times, what kind of interest chain is hidden behind the incident, and a public opinion war for the weak has started … The film will be officially released on December 1.

Xin Yukun, the director of Heart Labyrinth and Silent Burst, didn’t choose to make a fuss about suspense structure this time, but focused on the network theme closely related to the present, and explored the complex humanity behind the "network public opinion war". Xin Yukun said that in such a story, the suspense skills full of design will weaken the sense of reality. "I am willing to sacrifice suspense and impress the audience with authenticity.".

At the scene, producer Wang Hongwei said that movies have the responsibility to show social phenomena. Xin Yukun also said, "What happened in the network in recent years is the power of awakening, and it is necessary to be recorded and transmitted.". "The film can’t tell all the complicated causes behind the network, but I hope it can help you sort out the whole story and improve your ability to identify the truth."

This time, Zhou Dongyu plays Chen Miao, the editor-in-chief of the media. At the scene, Zhou Dongyu also shared his love for the role. "Chen Miao believes that one thing will die to the end, and this tenacity in her body particularly attracts me.".

Song Yang plays He Yan as a "middle-aged social animal" trapped by interests. Song Yang said frankly that the middle-aged crisis dominated the choice of what to say, and the reality and pressure made him constantly compromise, and he was powerless to the truth. Yuan Hong played a "perverted and bad" villain. Peng Yue held power and did whatever he wanted. Justin couldn’t help but say "I want to beat him!"

Beijing urban management changes new uniforms, and each player has a number on his chest.

  Since yesterday (October 1st), the city’s urban management team members in Beijing have started to carry out law enforcement inspections with new uniforms. Recently, the Municipal Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau has uniformly renewed the uniforms and signs of law enforcement personnel in the city’s urban management system. On the first day of the Eleventh Golden Week, the city’s environmental order was good. During the festival, all urban management and law enforcement departments will take a break and take up their posts, focusing on strengthening the prevention and control of bustling commercial districts and characteristic blocks, major transportation hubs, large-scale gatherings, activities and other crowded areas.

  After asking the way, the tourist said, Have you changed your uniforms?

  "Have you changed your uniforms?" Yesterday morning, outside the East Palace of the Summer Palace, Mr. Li, who was traveling from Hebei to Beijing, was surprised after asking the urban management team for directions. He said: "I mainly asked the city management for directions in the Bird’s Nest two days ago, and the answer was very detailed. I still have an impression of the previous uniforms."

  Beijing Youth Daily reporters saw in Qianmen and the Summer Palace and other popular National Day attractions that all urban management team members have put on new uniforms and started to perform their duties. The clothing color is navy blue, with a golden logo, and each team member’s number is on the chest.

  According to reports, the new uniforms mainly consider adapting to the fact that urban management law enforcement workplaces are mostly outdoors and on the streets, which is convenient for duty activities. This is also the requirement of the Municipal Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau to implement the "Administrative Measures for the Supply of Clothing and Signs for Urban Management Law Enforcement" by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, strengthen the construction of urban management law enforcement teams, and further promote standardized and civilized law enforcement.

  Solve the problem of people who are not empty in the three-meal car

  After the flag-raising ceremony yesterday morning, crowds poured into Qianmen area, and the law enforcement team members of Dongcheng Urban Management began to guide the crowd. According to reports, in view of the relatively dense number of tourists watching the flag-raising during the holiday season, Dongcheng City Management has sent six law enforcement teams to strengthen the deployment in Qianmen Arrow Tower, Qianmen East Street and Chang’ an Avenue from 5: 00 every day, and sell tourist goods to the following tourists. Personnel engaged in unlicensed catering will be disposed of promptly and quickly.


  节日期间 北京城管全员停休



  According to the person in charge of the Municipal Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau, the management of construction sites will continue to be strengthened during the festival, and the construction enclosures in key areas will be checked according to the specifications, and the construction dust will be strictly controlled, and the management of construction waste transportation will continue to be strengthened to prevent road spillage; Increase the control of illegal activities such as open-air barbecue, burning garbage and white pollution. Visit and investigate the gas supply, users, kitchen waste generation and collection and transportation units around the key security areas one by one, and rectify the problems.

  Urban management volunteers help serve tourists.

  In addition, the urban management law enforcement department, in conjunction with the Beijing Urban Management Volunteers Association, set up urban management law enforcement publicity service stations in tourist attractions and window areas during the National Day to provide tourists with services such as inquiries, directions and simple medical care while monitoring the environmental order.

  Yesterday, in Qianmen Street, Nanluoguxiang Pedestrian Street, Summer Palace and other areas, volunteers organized by urban management departments participated in the publicity of laws and regulations, stopped uncivilized behavior, and provided some services urgently needed by tourists, such as directions.

  The person in charge of the Municipal Urban Management and Law Enforcement Bureau said that mobilizing members of the association, volunteer groups and the general public to actively participate in the maintenance of the holiday environmental order, especially guiding social units in key areas to actively participate in environmental governance and rectification, can jointly create a beautiful and clean urban environment.

  Text/Reporter Li Tao

  Photography/Reporter Wang Zhenlong Cui Jun