The Galaxy era of new energy is the best youth era for Chinese cars

The Spring Festival Gala, the Spring Festival movies, the statistics and comparisons of the number of tourists in various places, etc., almost habitually occupy the hot search list during the Spring Festival every year.

At the same time, the entire automotive industry has always entered a short period of silence.

The Spring Festival of 2024 has some exceptions.

On February 4, Mr. Wei of Tongren, Guizhou Province, was driving a Lynk & Co 08 EM-P with two family members on their way back home in ice and snow. In order to avoid the large truck, the vehicle skidded out of control and fell off a cliff about 60 meters deep. Fortunately, Mr. Wei and his family members in the same car suffered only minor bruises, and then the vehicle automatically sent an SOS alarm for help, and the three people were successfully rescued.

After the incident was fermented on the whole network, the news that Geely’s car safety value was full made an exception to the hot search list during the Spring Festival.

The King of Rolls?

February 18, the ninth day of the first lunar month.

Gan Jiayue, CEO of Geely Automobile Group, made a brief response to the Lynk & Co 08 EM-P traffic accident in Tongren, Guizhou, in a New Year’s message entitled "The’Galaxy Age ‘of New Energy and the’Youth Age’ of Chinese Automobile" released through Geely Automobile’s official Weibo.

Gan Jiayue said that what we do is to respect the lives of users, not to make superficial articles, but to lay a solid foundation and practice internal skills. Users are the first value of existence, and providing users with safety is not marketed, but done.

The word "dry" actually expresses Geely’s confidence and domineering spirit in building cars and building cars.

I still remember that in January 2023, Gan Jiayue announced in the form of "Cloud Release": "Intelligent Geely 2025 Strategy" was a new digital infrastructure, the first "cloud, data, and intelligence" integrated super cloud computing platform for global car companies, and Geely Star Smart Computing Center was officially launched.

The "car super brain" with a total computing power of 8.10 billion billion times per second in the cloud was officially launched, pushing Geely’s digitalization, data and intelligence to another high ground.

In February 2023, Geely Automobile released its new energy strategy and launched the mid-to-high-end new energy series "Geely Galaxy".

Since then, Geely Automobile has formed a full-scale layout in the new energy market. From Polaris and Krypton, to Lynk & Co, Galaxy, Geometry, Panda, and even Smart Elf, Volvo, Lotus… Geely Group can be said to be one of the most comprehensive and subdivided automobile groups in the world with a new energy layout.

In other words, Geely Automotive has completed the perfect transformation of vision globalization, market globalization, brand globalization, capital globalization, and quality globalization.

In May 2023, Geely Galaxy’s exclusive "SHIELD Battery Safety System" completed the first basic safety test at the China Automotive Center. And successfully passed the battery acupuncture test recognized as the most difficult and rigorous in the industry.

In September, Geely Galaxy L6, equipped with the Aegis battery safety system, completed the industry’s first three-car high-speed serial rear-end collision test at Shanghai Motor Vehicle Testing and Certification Technology Research Center Co., Ltd., and the "Aegis battery safety system" was proved to have superpowers beyond industry safety.

At 7:37 on February 3 this year, the Xichang Satellite Launch Center successfully launched the Geely Constellation 02 satellite into space.

Geely Constellation is also the "Future Travel Constellation" satellite. It is independently developed by Geely’s Spacetime Daoyu and the world’s first commercial communication, navigation and remote sensing integrated constellation.

In June 2022, Spacetime Daoyu successfully launched nine satellites into orbit in the first orbit of the constellation in the form of "9 stars in one arrow", forming the first orbital plane of the constellation. This time, 11 satellites will form the second orbital plane of the constellation.

According to the plan, Geely will complete the deployment of 72 satellites in the first phase of the constellation in 2025, which will provide satellite application services to global users and enable global positioning without blind spots.

In fact, since June 2020, Geely has entered the "4.0 comprehensive architecture car system car era" and become a Chinese auto company with a world-class modular architecture (CMA world-class modular architecture), the entire industry has also entered an eventful period. Roll structure, roll configuration, roll price, roll machine, roll flow. However, no matter what new concept the rim becomes popular, Geely can come up with a mature and reliable response.

At this point, we come back to the sudden traffic accident at the beginning of the text.

The out-of-control Lynk & Co 08 EM-P, the frame is complete, the airbag is normally opened, as a new energy SUV, the power battery does not have the secondary disaster of thermal runaway, it can be accurately located in the inaccessible ravine, and the vehicle automatically sends the SOS alarm for help at the first time…

This series has no rehearsal, no script, and behind the sudden bits and pieces that are related to the safety of our lives, which one is not closely related to Geely’s technological priority and macro layout of car manufacturing?

Perhaps we can draw a conclusion from this. In this world of "rolling" and chaotic car building, Geely is the "king of rolling".

There is no other world wide!

As we all know, "volume" is actually a neutral word.

If you don’t roll, there is a high probability that you will be eliminated by the industry; if you roll too much, you will definitely harm yourself.

If we hang Geely as the "King of Roll Kings", then Geely’s past, present, and even future actions will actually be somewhat suspicious of killing the goose and getting the egg.

Is that so?

By reading the New Year’s message of 2024, we can get a standard answer to this.

So far, there are still some people who praise pure electric vehicles, and of course some people praise the revolutionary promotion of the automobile industry by Chinese electric vehicle companies. To this, Geely’s answer is that whether pure electricity is the only direction in the future, Geely believes that "electric drive" is irreversible.

Because electric drive is currently known to be the most important way to convert various renewable resources. Even "hydrogen" is called "hydrogen fuel cell vehicle".

At present, Geely is one of the few car-making entities that adhere to the green methanol project. In this regard, Geely believes that whether green methanol will become the next new energy trend, Geely believes that it is one of the most effective ways to achieve carbon neutrality.

Therefore, Geely does not participate in the debate on new energy routes, and adheres to multi-technology routes such as green methanol, pure electricity, hybrid, and hydrogen fuel.

At present, the future of autonomous driving is still uncertain. In this regard, Geely firmly believes that "intelligence" is irreversible. Because practical applications such as smart home, smart medical care, and smart city are already in sight. As the end point of smart mobility, the intelligent experience of users must be the high value needed in this era.

Therefore, based on the above, regardless of whether the price war can lead to a consumption boom, Geely has always adhered to high value and firmly believes that new energy vehicles driven by electronic architecture and software will be more cost-effective.

Based on this, it seems that we cannot simply and roughly characterize the issue of Geely’s "roll".

To be precise, Geely is not afraid of rolling, but has no intention of entangling in it.

Geely Automobile has sufficient means to cope with the market’s internal volume tactically. Behind it is actually a strategic pattern that is open and closed, fully defended, prepared for a rainy day, and far-sighted.

Looking at it, in essence, this is empowered by "Smart Geely 2025", the attributes of Geely’s "technology-based enterprise" have been strengthened, and Geely’s industrial chain is changing from the traditional "self-owned closed-loop type" to the more powerful "general open type". Obviously, Geely’s "technology factor" will also become a boost to the overall rapid development of Chinese automobiles.

The mid-to-high-end new energy series "Geely Galaxy" that has just ended its rookie season can be the best proof of Geely’s car-making that has undergone qualitative changes.

In January, Geely Galaxy ushered in a good start to 2024, with 19,223 sales in the whole series, close to the monthly sales of 20,000, setting a new high. Up to now, Geely Galaxy has successively launched Galaxy L7, Galaxy L6 and Galaxy E8 three cars, forming a "pure electric + electric hybrid", "car + SUV" product layout, and sales have exceeded 100,000.

When most freshman car companies are still struggling with the passing line of "monthly sales exceeding 10,000", first-year freshman Geely Galaxy has come out of a perfect upward curve.

With the launch of the Geely Galaxy E8 on January 5, Geely announced that it had entered the "Galaxy Age" of new energy.

In fact, the "Galaxy Era" does not specifically refer to the Geely Galaxy car series. It heralds the comprehensive renewal of Geely’s various brand lines, and the comprehensive application of Geely’s world-leading new energy intelligent technology in different products. It also represents Geely’s entire system’s determination to "new energy", to "intelligence", and to "high value".

Therefore, when we stand at the user’s perspective and look purely at the product, we can uncover new avenues for Geely’s car manufacturing.

Take the Geely Galaxy E8 as an example.

A 200,000-class pure electric car, the price is not cheap, and this is the average price of Geely Galaxy has reached 160,000 yuan on the basis of higher.

However, after some careful consideration, you will be relieved, Geely Galaxy E8, the price of the B-class car, the size of the C-class car, the performance of the supercar, and the safety of the million-class make the Galaxy E8 a new generation of pure electric flagship in China.

Write at the end

On February 1, the data showed that in January, Geely Automobile sales were 213,500, an increase of about 110% year-on-year, and the sales volume reached a record high, ranking first in the industry. Among them, the sales of new energy vehicles 66,000, an increase of 591% year-on-year, accounting for 30% of the total sales.

One of the best auspiciousness in history has been revealed.

As Gan Jiayue put it, Chinese cars have entered the "youth era" in their prime, and Geely’s car manufacturing will fully integrate into this century trend with the vibrant "Galaxy Age".

Nongfu Spring is not as good as tap water?

  On the one hand, China Resources Yibao encountered a PH test strip, and on the other hand, Nongfu Spring was accused of being "not as good as tap water". The "two bottles of water" with growing grievances finally broke out in a full-scale "water battle" at the turn of this spring and summer. Recently, the war of words and words between the two sides is not enough, and the next battle will be in court.

  Nongfu Spring is negative and frequent, blame Yibao

  In the past month, Nongfu Spring has been exposed to mildew in bottled natural water, black unknown objects, brown floating objects, garbage siege in the water source, and different colors of the same batch of products. On April 10, another "industry insider" broke the news that Nongfu Spring’s standard is not as good as tap water.

  This series of quality disturbances has raised questions about Nongfu Spring. On April 11, Nongfu Spring finally couldn’t help but jump out and issue a statement, directly accusing the series of reports against Nongfu Spring of being deliberately planned, hidden behind the scenes is the state-controlled drinking water company, China Resources Yibao. In fact, when the water source of Nongfu Spring was exposed to garbage siege, Nongfu Spring pointed out that "this matter was done by a competitor", but did not directly name the competitor at that time.

  Observing the series ** publicity actions ** Yibao in recent times, it seems that there is "suspicion". After March 15 this year, China Resources Yibao once cooperated with a large portal website to launch the special topic ** "The Sadness ** Drinking Water in China", and published the same content advertisement in elevators and other channels. It listed all the water pollution incidents in China in the past 10 years, and then pointed out that "Do you still dare to drink the water transported by nature?" The target pointed to the well-known Nongfu ****** advertising slogan – "Nature’s Porter". The relevant website has now removed the topic. Since then, in the process ** Nongfu ****** being exposed to the pollution problem ** the water source ** the Danjiangkou, the figure ** China Resources Yibao has also emerged. On April 9, Yibao held a press conference in *******, the main content ** which was the responsibility ** drinking water enterprises to protect water sources and the need for water sources to meet drinking water standards.

  In its statement, Nongfu Spring also listed "criminal evidence" of Yibao, as competitors in Hunan, Guangdong, Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei and other places have hired people to distribute leaflets attacking Nongfu Spring to retail stores and consumers door-to-door.

  More interestingly, there was a speculation circulating in the industry that Nongfu Spring’s recent troubles were similar to the way it had attacked its competitors in the past. Coincidentally, one of Nongfu Spring’s executives had moved to China Resources Yibao…

  However, Li Kai, the marketing director of China Resources Yibao, told reporters that he denied all kinds of speculation from the outside world, saying that the company would not do anything that violates fair competition.

  Yibao retorted, and a scolding war broke out

  Nongfu Spring has set off the climax of this round of war of words since the 11th, and released 17 long Weibo in a row in just 6 days from the 11th to the 16th.

  Moreover, Nongfu Spring is not satisfied with the theory of "naming", but also poses a posture of death and destruction. The official Weibo of Nongfu Spring has publicly recruited no less than 5,000 people, "to go to Bunongfu Spring and China Resources Yibao, which uses tap water as its water source, to compare the quality of all water sources, factories and products."

  Citizen Mr. Liu told reporters that he had forwarded the above-mentioned Weibo and had received a private message invitation from the official Weibo of Nongfu Spring on the 16th.

  This move made China Resources Yibao furious. At 1 noon on April 12, the official Weibo of China Resources Yibao posted a message: "People are not sages, who can be wrong! If you can change it, you can’t be good. ‘This is the case in life, and even more so in business! Advise a certain enterprise to be responsible to consumers and have the courage to take responsibility. Instead of the disaster moving eastward and grabbing the disaster on others!" Weibo. Although this Weibo did not specify the target, it was unanimously regarded by the outside world as a call to Nongfu Spring.

  In fact, China Resources Yibao has been holding back its breath for a long time. On March 22 this year, "International Water Day", Nongfu Spring was witnessed to do a demonstration of the pH value of bottled water at several major subway entrances in Guangzhou, and the bottled water for consumers to compare was Yibao. In the consumer sourcing activity held by Nongfu Spring every year, Yibao was also present at the pH value test site of different brands to be demonstrated by the example sign.

  "Yibao has always been annoyed by the practice of testing Nongfu Spring Water, and it is not impossible to fight back for this matter," a person close to Yibao told reporters. Regarding the recent statement of Nongfu Spring, the relevant person in charge of China Resources Yibao said that this is the usual method of Nongfu Spring. Once there is negative news, it depends on competitors, and before Wahaha and Master Kang. However, the person did not respond positively to Nongfu Spring’s suggestion that consumers were invited to visit the Yibao factory.

  After being ridiculed by the official Weibo of China Resources Yibao, the official Weibo of Nongfu Spring quickly responded: "As a state-owned holding enterprise and a listed company, if China Resources Yibao dares to do it, it must dare to admit it, and maintain the moral bottom line of the enterprise in the hearts of the people. Don’t have the courage to do it, but don’t have the courage to admit it." And used a long Weibo to post a batch of online screenshots, leaflets and other pictures to prove that the series of incidents encountered by the company were carried out by China Resources Yibao.

  Since then, the public war between the two major bottled water giants in China has intensified.

  Yibao sued Nongfu Spring for reputation infringement

  On April 13, China Resources Yibao released an open letter to all China Resources Yibao people, in which it stated that for the deliberate attacks of certain companies, the company will retaliate or use legal weapons to protect itself when appropriate, and also ask employees not to go into muddy waters.

  On the same day, the media reporters received a "100,000 whys of Nongfu Spring" from the marketing director of Yibao: It is said that Qiandao Lake is the tap water source of Chun’an County, Danjiangkou is the tap water source of Danjiangkou citizens, and Wanlv Lake is the power source of Guangdong Xinfengjiang Hydropower Station. What kind of water source is Nongfu Spring? The water sources of Nongfu Spring are deep lake water, deep reservoir water, self-swimming spring, mountain spring water, groundwater… No matter what kind of water, it implements the local standard of natural water in Zhejiang Province. May I ask why? Yibao implements the national unified standard no matter where it is produced. May I ask Nongfu Spring, how can you feel?!

  In this regard, Nongfu Spring said it was "ridiculous", and the quality of Nongfu Spring was much higher than national standards, industry standards and local standards.

  Facts have proved that China Resources Yibao did what it said. On the afternoon of the 16th, China Resources Yibao confirmed in a notice to reporters that the company had filed a lawsuit against Nongfu Spring with the People’s Court of Nanshan District, Shenzhen, which was officially accepted by the court on April 15, 2013.

  The report said that recently, through its official Weibo, Nongfu Spring has claimed that the relevant reports of its own product quality problems recently disclosed by the media are deliberately planned by China Resources Yibao, and that China Resources Yibao uses the public’s panic about food safety and environmental pollution as a marketing tool.

  "The above false statements have not only been widely reposted through social media, but have also been continuously reported by major mainstream media and portal websites across the country, causing serious damage to China Resources Yibao’s reputation, business reputation and commodity reputation." Yibao said that according to the provisions of the civil law, it believes that Nongfu Spring’s behavior has constituted an infringement of China Resources Yibao’s reputation rights and should bear the legal liability for infringement according to law.

  The notice said that it believes in the public and the law will give Yibao a "just result", adding that any company’s actions to infringe on the reputation of competitors will not be successful, and it is not allowed by law. The notice reiterated that the company has firmly opposed, is and will not use illegal means to participate in market competition.

  As of press time, Nongfu Spring’s spokesperson, Mr. Wu, had not responded to the company’s lawsuit against China Resources Yibao, or even did not answer the phone. The official Weibo of Nongfu Spring, which has issued frequent statements to the public in recent days, also said nothing about this.

  Nongfu Spring pinched his peers and pinched the media

  The reporter noticed that since China Resources Yibao issued an open letter to take up legal weapons, the focus ** public opinion on Nongfu ****** has begun to shift. Nongfu ******’s subsequent statements did not name names and China Resources Yibao, but focused on clarifying water quality standards. Instead, they were pinned on the ******* Times.

  The **ficial Weibo ** Nongfu ****** has published several water quality monitoring reports, and the ******* Times, which has repeatedly "named" and questioned its water safety, even released a harsh message on Weibo on the 15th: "You can’t run away, and don’t even think about running."

  In response, "******* Times **ficial Weibo" posted a response on the morning ** the 16th, "In front ** the standard, you can’t run away, and don’t even think about running away." Since the dispute over product standards appeared in the newspapers, Nongfu ****** first accused competitors ** smearing, and then cursed the media for ignorance, but refused to give a tenable reason on the standard issue. Instead, he avoided the reality and repeatedly emphasized that "product quality" is higher than the national standard.

  Subsequently, the **ficial Weibo ** Nongfu ****** issued a "four-fold" ******* Times "Weibo, and posted a" Fourth Statement ** Nongfu ****** "signed on April 16 in the form ** a long Weibo. The content said:" Nongfu ****** products are comprehensively better than GB5749-2006 national tap water standards, ** which 21 indicators are 12-1000 times better than the national standard. Nongfu ****** compared with a full set ** 106 test indicators and 31 internal control indicators, a total ** 137 test reports were fully released. We hope that after the ******* Times sees the test report, should it feel, is your journalistic moral conscience still there? " Nongfu ****** insists that the quality ** the product is higher than any existing drinking water standards in the country, and it is also better than the current tap water standards. The arsenic and cadmium levels in the product are below the detection limit, and the levels are too low to be detected. Mold and yeast are also not detected.

  The Beijing Times V17 published two blogs in a row: one is "to be more serious about water standards and pay attention to the right to health"; the other is "I don’t know why Nongfu Spring doesn’t cooperate with normal interviews?!" The Beijing Times pressed Nongfu Spring: Why did companies abandon higher national standards with universal significance and choose lower local standards?

  At the same time, it was disclosed that the reporter contacted Wu Chaochao, a staff member of the Media Department of Nongfu Spring, and sent an interview outline as required. After that, he repeatedly dialed his phone, but the other party did not answer and did not receive any response.

  Our reporter found that since April 16, Wu Chaochao, who is responsible for media communication, has not answered the reporters’ calls.

  Southern Daily reporters, Zhou Zhao and Zhao Binghui

  Reporter observation

  Don’t pretend to be an ostrich in case of trouble in Nongfu Spring

  Pretending to be an ostrich and burying your head in the sand can only deceive yourself. However, it is impossible for you not to look up, open your eyes, or face the objective world for the rest of your life. The problem has to be solved. When everyone pays attention to you, they all prick up their ears and wait to hear your explanation. You don’t want a good opportunity to clarify. When you wait for your spirit to practice your lines and plan to give a speech, I am afraid that there will be no interested audience.

  Nongfu Spring released five test data on total arsenic, cadmium, selenium, nitrate and bromate in bottled water produced by multiple factories on the 14th. However, from the response, Nongfu Spring only said in general that "third-party testing agencies provide testing data." As for who the "third party" is, Nongfu Spring has not made it public. According to media reports, Nongfu Spring has commissioned the Hangzhou Quality and Technical Supervision and Testing Institute to test its products, but the test data is significantly different from the data released by Nongfu Spring on the 14th. Such an important test, but not telling which agency tested it, will inevitably weaken the persuasiveness of its data. You sell drinking water, not train tickets, and you can’t say "believe it or not, I believe it" to consumers across the country and send people away.

  A responsible enterprise should strictly implement national, local, and relevant industry standards, even the most stringent one, and at the same time mark the product packaging as required. Since Nongfu Spring’s products are of high quality, leaving behind the national standard eight streets, why not mark the national standard on the product packaging generously? There is no need to choose a place with the lowest requirements and post the standard everywhere to attract people’s dislike.

  Enterprises can’t just talk about being responsible to consumers. In action, they must first take consumers seriously and answer every question of "God" seriously and sincerely.

  Zhou Zhao

(Source: Southern Daily)

Cailian Automobile Morning Post [August 7]

  Cui Dongshu: Among the top 500 enterprises in the world, China Automobile Company is generally better.

  On August 6, Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the Federation, issued a document saying that recently Fortune published the latest list of the world’s top 500 in 2023, the world.The overall performance of auto companies is good. The sales revenue of auto companies in the top 500 will increase from 2.4 trillion US dollars in 2015 to 3.1 trillion US dollars in 2022. The sales of major auto companies will increase steadily, and the overall performance of major auto companies is very good. China’s main automobile group performed particularly well.And Geely Group, all maintain an annual increase of $10 billion.

  Cui Dongshu: China enterprises in the automobile and parts industries performed well.Some independent car companies, such as independent groups, have outstanding performance, and the status of parts companies has weakened.

  Great Wall pickup truck: 15,841 vehicles were sold worldwide in July.

  Great Wall pickup truck recently released its sales data for July. Great Wall pickup truck sold 15,841 vehicles worldwide in July, and accumulated 118,437 vehicles worldwide from January to July, up 7% year-on-year. From January to July, the domestic terminal market accounted for nearly 50%.

  Cailian Automobile: In the pickup truck market, the leading edge of the Great Wall is becoming more and more obvious.

  Rong Tai, Zhejiang Province: The total sales amount of customer-designated projects in the life cycle is about RMB 1.223 billion.

  August 6, Rong Tai, Zhejiang, the company recently received an overseasFixed-point notice of automobile customers, choosing the company as the supplier of insulation parts for automobile thermal runaway protection. According to the customer’s plan, there is a total of one designated project, with a life cycle of 6 years and a total sales amount of about 1.223 billion yuan. The designated project is expected to start production in the first quarter of 2024.

  Cailian Automobile: The wave of automobile electrification has given upstream suppliers unprecedented development opportunities.

  Tengshi N8 is launched with Yunnian -C intelligent damping body control system.

  August 5, SmartThe full-scene SUV Tengshi N8 was officially launched, and two versions were launched, namely, the flagship six-seat version of the four-wheel drive super hybrid was 326,800 yuan, and the flagship seven-seat version of the four-wheel drive super hybrid was 319,800 yuan. As the second model of N series after Tengshi brand rejuvenation, Tengshi N8 locates medium and large SUV, equipped with DM-p super hybrid system and EHS electric hybrid system +1.5T Xiaoyun 40.12% high thermal efficiency engine.The comprehensive power is 360kW, and the acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h is only 4.3s s.. Based on the chassis adjustment of Tengshi X Mercedes-Benz, N8 is equipped with Yunqi -C intelligent damping body control system and CCT comfort control technology after upgrading, and can support OTA upgrade.

  Cailian Automobile: With the potential of a stable brand of generate, Tengshi focused on the pain points of SUV users, and created a product label for N8, which is "a city can be wild, and the whole region has a way".

  Suzuki, Maruti, India: The goal is to double the annual output to nearly 4 million vehicles by 2031.

  On August 6th, according to the latest annual report of Maruti Suzuki, the largest Indian automobile manufacturer, the company aims to launch new models and increase exports, and double its annual output to nearly 4 million vehicles by 2031, among which it plans to triple its overseas sales to 800,000 vehicles. By fiscal year 2030-2031, Maruti Suzuki is expected to launch six electric vehicles, which will account for 15% to 20% of its total sales by then.

  Cailian Automobile: Suzuki is still thriving in the Indian market.

  Kia recalled more than 120,000 cars in the United States due to the risk of engine fire.

  On August 5, according to the recall information updated by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration on August 5, Kia America will recall some 2017-2022 Niro and 2018-2022 Niro plug-in hybrid cars, totaling 121,411 vehicles, due to the risk of engine compartment fire.

  Cailian Automobile: Kia’s road to electrification transformation is not smooth sailing.

  (Cailian reporter Zhang Yipeng finishing/commenting)

Xiaomi Automobile officially appeared on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, but everyone remained tight-lipped before Xiaomi Automobile Factory.

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  Xiaomi automobile finally unveiled the veil.

  On November 15, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the declared model information of Xiaomi Automobile. According to the public information, the trademark of Xiaomi automobile product is Xiaomi brand, which is a pure electric car, and the manufacturer isGroup off-road vehicle co., ltd.

  The picture published on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology shows that the tail logo of Xiaomi car is "Beijing Xiaomi". In terms of overall dimensions, it is 4997mm long, 1963mm wide, 1455mm high and 3000mm wheelbase. In addition, Xiaomi automobile uses iron phosphate., the supplier isFoday under its banner; The engine comes from United Automotive Electronics Co., Ltd. and is driven by.The peak power is 220kW.

  According to the configuration information, some models are provided with options.This also means that in terms of assisted driving, there will be differences according to different configurations, which are divided into two schemes: with and without.

  As for the issue of "production qualification" concerned by the industry, according to the information published by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the name of the enterprise is "Group Off-road Vehicle Co., Ltd.", the registered address is No.1 Tongxin Road, Zhaofeng Industrial Base, Zhaoquanying Town, Shunyi District, Beijing, and the production address is No.21 Courtyard, Huanjing Road, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, which is the self-built factory of Xiaomi Automobile. An industry insider told Blue Whale Finance reporter that the use of Beiqi off-road vehicles for "production qualification" does not mean that Beiqi is OEM for BAIC Group. This statement is not accurate. According to the available information, the Xiaomi Automobile Factory announced this time is assembled by Xiaomi itself, but other processing and parts need to be analyzed after seeing the physical car.

  On the same day, Blue Whale Finance reporter visited Xiaomi Automobile Factory. At about 3 pm, two security guards were on duty at the main entrance of the park to prevent irrelevant personnel from entering. In addition, several people were looking inward sporadically at the door. According to the security guards at the door, these people were waiting for their own docking people to pick them up, and they were not allowed to enter casually. At about 4 pm, a man in a suit walked out of Xiaomi Automobile Factory. One of the men said that they were talking with Xiaomi about cooperation in engineering. However, when Blue Whale Finance reporter asked about the news related to Xiaomi Automobile, the man picked it up obviously and said that he didn’t know all the news about Xiaomi Automobile, so don’t ask him. Not only that, but even the construction workers who are not the staff of Xiaomi Automobile nearby are silent about Xiaomi Automobile.

  Since Lei Jun announced that Xiaomi had built a car, Xiaomi’s every move has been concerned by the outside world. Since October this year, the rumors about Xiaomi Automobile have been constant. The last time Xiaomi publicly responded to the news about Xiaomi Automobile was on October 25, when Xiaomi founder and CEO Lei Jun was in his personal life.The account said, "Xiaomi Automobile is progressing very smoothly at present, and it will be officially listed in the first half of next year, and will report to you when it is appropriate."

  Combing the time sequence, on March 30, 2021, Xiaomi founder Lei Jun said in a public speech that in the next decade, Xiaomi will invest 10 billion US dollars to build cars, and Lei Jun will be personally responsible for the car-making business. In September 2021, Xiaomi Automobile Co., Ltd. was incorporated. On November 27th of the same year, the Management Committee of Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone held a signing ceremony with Xiaomi Technology. With the signing of the Cooperation Agreement, Xiaomi Automobile was officially announced to settle in Beijing Economic Development Zone.

  According to reports, Xiaomi Automobile Project will build Xiaomi Automobile Headquarters Base, Sales Headquarters and R&D Headquarters, and will build a vehicle factory with an annual output of 300,000 vehicles in two phases, of which the first and second phases will have a production capacity of 150,000 vehicles respectively. It is expected that the first car will be off the assembly line in 2024 and mass production will be realized.

  "Realizing mass production in 2024" is a word that Xiaomi official and Lei Jun are talking about, which has also become the beginning of Xiaomi’s car making.

  By the end of 2022, Xiaomi Automobile had applied for more than 400 patents involving autonomous driving, intelligent cockpit, charging device and power system.

  Especially in terms of autonomous driving, Xiaomi has accumulated technology for many years and soon formed a very strong autonomous driving team.

  In Lei Jun’s annual speech in 2022, Lei Jun said: "All sectors of the automobile industry are very complicated, among which non-automatic driving is the most complicated. At the same time, automatic driving is also the key point for the decisive victory of smart electric vehicles. Xiaomi’s car-making automatic driving will adopt full-stack self-developed algorithm to fully develop automatic driving technology, and the goal of automatic driving is to enter the first camp of the industry in 2024."

  According to the data of Xiaomi’s financial report in the second quarter of 2023, in terms of R&D, Xiaomi’s R&D investment in the second quarter reached 4.6 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 21%, and the compound annual growth rate of R&D investment in the past six years reached 38.4%. It is estimated that Xiaomi’s R&D investment will exceed 100 billion yuan in 2023. It is worth mentioning that nearly 30% of the 4.6 billion yuan invested in R&D in the second quarter was used for the smart electric vehicle business.

  Although Xiaomi has been extremely cautious about information disclosure since the official announcement of the car-making plan, the voices from all sides inside and outside Xiaomi can also roughly describe the progress of Xiaomi’s car-making.

  In the conference call after the release of Xiaomi’s second-quarter earnings report, Lu Weibing, president of Xiaomi, mentioned in an interview that the actual investment of Xiaomi Automobile is even greater. Xiaomi is making the long-term layout of the automobile with the goal of entering the top five in the world in the future, doing full-stack self-research and building its own automobile factory, so the investment in cash flow is even higher than the disclosed figures.

  "Xiaomi Automobile has just finished the summer test, and the progress has exceeded expectations, maintaining the mass production target in the first half of 2024 unchanged." Lu Weibing further stated.

  In October 2023, at the launch conference of Xiaomi 澎湃 OS and Xiaomi 14 series new products, Lei Jun announced that the group strategy was officially upgraded to "the whole ecology of people and cars". The key core of this new strategy is Xiaomi 澎湃 OS, which is people-centered and organically integrates "the whole ecology of people, cars and homes". The system is not only suitable for mobile devices such as mobile phones, but also will be installed on Xiaomi cars. According to the PPT displayed at the press conference, Xiaomi will be equipped with a roof camera, through which people in the car can make video calls and other functions.

  The arrow is on the string and has to be sent. With the gradual unveiling of Xiaomi Automobile, it will take time to prove whether Lei Jun can lead Xiaomi to win this battle.

Unexpectedly, Xiaomi car actually caught fire with Xiaomi mobile phone …

As we all know.

Machine friends should also know that we have also built a numbered SU7 Max.

Uh-huh … Let’s get down to business.

On the first day of the Qingming holiday, Brother Ji can already predict how many rice noodles there are to go to Xiaomi’s house to see the car.

But ho, when I saw Lu Weibing posting photos of Xiaomi’s home store.

There are really many people.

It is worth noting that Lu Weibing also mentioned a point that the machine brother didn’t consider very much-the popularity of Xiaomi car and the fire of Xiaomi mobile phone.

Visit the market,Many users who watch/buy SU7 also bought Xiaomi mobile phones.(Xiaomi/Redmi products were not used in the early stage).?

On second thought.

After all, those linkage functions of the rice car are estimated to be more refreshing with a Xiaomi mobile phone.

It is no wonder that mobile phone manufacturers have to enter the market to engage in cars, and there are so many car manufacturers who go to the sea to engage in machines.

According to the sales of 40,000 or 50,000 rice carts at once, if everyone is equipped with a 14 Ultra or 14 Pro, it is also a considerable income.

The picture comes from the Internet.

The high-end has become!

Many women in Ningbo have "released" mineral water, which is controversial. The release and environmental protection organizations think so.

  Recently, some people have been saying something on the Yongfeng Bridge in Ningbo, "releasing" mineral water, and there are tributes next to it. Once the video and photos about this matter spread on the Internet, it immediately triggered a heated discussion.

  Some people say that this is a traditional cultural custom and should be respected; Others believe that this behavior is a waste of water resources and cannot be advocated.

  "Whether it is mineral water or pure water, if the water produced by industry can no longer be understood as a water source, it is a commodity. If there is no problem with the released water, it should not cause any big (pollution) to the water source itself. On the contrary, if there is any problem with the water, it will have a certain impact on the water source." The head of an environmental protection organization in Ningbo told The Paper that he disapproved of such behavior.

  A staff member of Guangdong Release Association pointed out to The Paper that the above behavior is not a "release" rumored by the Internet, because there is no living thing in mineral water, so pouring mineral water is not a release.

  "Release" has a clear definition, that is, to redeem the arrested fish, birds and other animals, and then put them in ponds and Shan Ye.

  Many women in Yongfeng Bridge in Ningbo "released" mineral water. Network video screenshot

  In recent years, news of citizens "releasing" mineral water has appeared in many places, which has caused heated discussion.

  According to public reports, in September 2022, a group of people pulled several cars of bottled water by a small river in Guangdong, unscrewed the lid and poured it into the river. Some enthusiastic citizens went to check and found that the bottled water was the latest date, so they gave advice, but it attracted the anger of the water pourers, thinking that the suggestions of passers-by would affect their sincerity and merits.

  On July 23 this year, the online video showed that many people poured a large number of newly opened bottled water into the reservoir next to Laoshan Reservoir in Qingdao, Shandong Province. “‘ Release ’ The topic of mineral water was on the hot search list, which attracted the attention of netizens. The staff of Qingdao Water Affairs Bureau said that after inquiry, it was learned that the reason for dumping mineral water was "blessing", and the reservoir supervisor promptly dissuaded it after discovering it.

  In response to the dumping of mineral water by many women in Yongfengqiao, Ningbo, a staff member of the local water conservancy bureau also said in an interview with the media that it is impossible to characterize the "release" of mineral water. Now there is no express provision in the law, so it is difficult to manage, and it can only be advised not to waste water resources.