During the Spring Festival journey, have these protective tasks been completed?

During the Spring Festival journey, have you completed these protective tasks?

Experts from the Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention remind: Wear a mask throughout the process, do a good job of personal health monitoring during the journey, and wash your hands, face, and clothes in time after returning home

Cartoon/Yu Ningshan

Changsha Evening News full media reporter, Yang Yunlong

The Spring Festival of 2021 is getting closer and closer to us. Although many people choose to celebrate the New Year on the spot, the personal flow is inevitable.

Under the current epidemic prevention and control situation, how to reduce the risk of travel? In the face of the possibility of relatively concentrated flow of people today and tomorrow, Liu Fuqiang, director of the Emergency Office of the Hunan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, reminded that passengers should wear masks throughout the process; minimize the number of meals on public transportation; do a good job of personal health monitoring on the journey; after returning home, wash your hands, face and clothes in time.

Before traveling, prepare masks, disinfection products and negative nucleic acid test certificates

Liu Fuqiang said that according to the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in Local Chinese New Year Service Guarantee Work" issued by the Central Office and the State Office, the people in high-risk epidemic areas should celebrate the New Year on the spot, minimize the personal flow, and prevent the spread of the epidemic due to the personal flow; People in medium-risk areas celebrate the New Year on the spot in principle, and those who need to travel under special circumstances need to be approved by the local epidemic prevention and control agency; low-risk areas advocate the masses to celebrate the New Year on the spot, and do not travel if necessary. Although many people choose to celebrate the New Year on the spot this year, there are still not a few homecoming wanderers who are eager to reunite with their families, and the personal flow is inevitable. If you travel, you should always take good personal protection, such as wearing a mask, washing your hands frequently, and using one-meter noodles.

Droplets produced when coughing, speaking, and sneezing are the transmission carriers of many viruses. Carriages, stations, service areas, and other places are crowded places, and wearing masks can effectively isolate droplets. It should be reminded that it is recommended to prepare a few more masks when you go out, so that you need to change the masks in case of emergencies or long journeys.

Contact transmission is the mode of transmission of the virus, and it is crucial to maintain hand hygiene. When taking public transportation, you must pay attention to hand hygiene. If there is no hand washing condition, you should prepare 75% alcohol hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes and other products before traveling, so as to better sterilize and disinfect. In addition, you should carry some garbage bags to carry contaminants during the trip. For example, you can also use used masks to hold vomit when you vomit on the way.

There is also one of the most special and important "baggage" on the way back home this year, which is the negative certificate of COVID-19 virus nucleic acid test. The negative certificate of COVID-19 virus nucleic acid test can be a paper report, or you can find your own nucleic acid test results on the national government service platform. " Winter and spring rural areas COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control work plan is clear: inter-provincial returnees, returnees from cities where medium and high-risk areas are located in the province (internal personnel in medium and high-risk areas are not mobile in principle), imported cold chain food practitioners in the province, port direct contact with imported goods practitioners, isolation staff, transportation personnel and other key groups, need to hold a valid COVID-19 virus nucleic acid test within 7 days to return home negative certificate. Holding a negative nucleic acid test certificate does not need to be isolated after returning home, but needs to carry out 14-day home health monitoring, during this period do not gather, do not flow, carry out a nucleic acid test every 7 days. All townships (streets) and administrative villages (neighborhood committees) implement a responsibility system, implement grid management for returning personnel, and do a good job in registering, health monitoring, and handling abnormal conditions.

Take a train or plane, etc., wear a mask throughout the process, and do a good job of personal health monitoring

Trains, planes, buses, etc. are the means of transportation that many people take when returning to their hometowns. These public transportation vehicles are densely populated and relatively closed in space. Problems such as passengers walking around casually and wearing irregular masks bring many hidden dangers to epidemic prevention and control. For example, passengers wearing masks are not standardized, and even take them off or put them in their jaws. Or passengers take off masks to eat and drink. Due to the small seating gap, taking off masks to eat and drink will also increase the risk of virus transmission. For example, in the queuing, ticket checking, etc., individual passengers cannot maintain a one-meter distance; some passengers move around in the train compartment, or even cross the compartment; if the journey time is long, some passengers will gather at the train gate to smoke on the platform before boarding or when the train stops, these factors may increase the risk of virus transmission.

Liu Fuqiang suggested that when taking relatively closed public transportation such as planes, trains, and buses, try to choose online real-name ticket purchases and implement contactless payment; abide by order, queue in an orderly manner, maintain a safe social distance of more than one meter, and avoid waiting in groups; actively cooperate with staff to measure body temperature and take the initiative to declare health status. If there is an abnormal body temperature, you must follow the staff’s arrangement and emergency response; take appropriate seats, sit in separate or scattered places as much as possible to reduce the number of walks; wear a mask throughout the process; disinfect your hands and avoid touching your mouth, nose, eyes, etc. with unclean hands; cover your mouth and nose with elbow clothes when sneezing or coughing; in order to reduce the risk of exposure to yourself and others, try to avoid close contact with others. If you need to chat at close range, be sure to wear a mask; reduce the risk of exposure in public The number of meals on the means of transportation, encourage alternate meals with others; properly keep air tickets, train tickets, bus tickets and other bills to cooperate with the investigation of possible close contacts or epidemic traceability investigation; pay attention to the health status of surrounding passengers, avoid close contact with people with suspicious symptoms such as fever and cough, and do a good job of personal health monitoring during the journey. Once the body temperature is abnormal or suspicious symptoms appear, cooperate with temporary isolation, health investigation, etc.

Take a private car or an online car, etc., ventilate more, and do not stay in the service area for a long time

Many citizens, especially those whose hometown is in the province, will take online car-hailing, taxi or drive a private car home for the Chinese New Year.

Liu Fuqiang said that when choosing online car-hailing, taxis and other means of transportation, passengers should sit in the back row, wear masks throughout the process, do a good job of health registration, and cooperate with body temperature measurement; try not to carpool with others; pay attention to hand cleaning on the way, do not take off the mask when coughing and sneezing, and avoid touching the mouth, nose, eyes, etc. with dirty hands; when conditions permit, open more windows for ventilation. Online car-hailing and taxi drivers should also pay attention to opening windows for ventilation if there are no passengers in the car; regularly disinfect high-frequency contact items, such as door handles, car armrests, seats, seat belts and their sockets.

If citizens drive their private cars back to their hometowns, they should check the condition of the car in advance and fill it up with oil; regularly clean the door handles, armrests in the car, car keys and steering wheels, commonly used buttons, seats, seat belts and their sockets; ventilate the car well; do not turn on the vehicle air conditioner for domestic circulation; do not drive tired, you can rest and adjust properly in the service area, but do not stay in the crowded service area for too long; prepare sufficient food, drinking water, etc. in advance to reduce the number of shopping and meals in the service area; if you need to go to the toilet, shopping, etc., get out of the car and enter the service area and other public places to wear masks, and wash your hands in time, or disinfect your hands with hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, etc.

Liu Fuqiang reminded that before arriving at the destination and entering the house, it is best to clean your hands with running water or hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, etc.; after entering the house, wash your hands and face in time, preferably take a bath, change clothes in time and wash or disinfect. Once symptoms such as fever and cough appear, don’t panic or hide, and report your health truthfully to the village committee (especially rural returnees) or the neighborhood committee where you are located; go to the fever clinic (fever clinic) of a regular hospital in time. Do not take antipyretics, cough medicine, etc. Wear a mask throughout the visit to reduce personal contact.

[Ground Evaluation Line] Guisheng Online Comment: "Subject 3" goes out of the circle, and only by keeping the cultural roots can it move towards "long red"

Dynamic music is accompanied by waving hands, twisting waist and hips, and half-twisted feet … During this period, the magic dance named "Guangxi Kemusan" is "out of the circle". Now this "subject three", which originated in Guangxi, has been "renovated" and created by netizens all over the country, and it has even spread through short videos. The "fire" is overseas and there are many circles.

Tracing back to the source,"Guangxi subject three"This dance is closely related to the living habits of Guangxi people, with a heavy cultural base. Speaking of Guangxi, the national carnival of "singing folk songs on March 3" and the snail powder of "smelling and eating incense" will first come to mind. As we all know, Guangxi people are also good at dancing. In this regard, it is rumored that "Guangxi people will experience three exams in their lives, one subject is singing folk songs, the other subject is rice noodles, and the third subject is dancing". In this way, this magical dance from Guangxi folk is called "subject three" "Fire" of "Guangxi Subject III"? Accidental with necessity. "Be the truest self" and "Happiness first" … These ideas conveyed by dance are infinitely close to the hearts of netizens. Although in the eyes of some netizens, "dynamic music+magical action" is a bit "earthy" or even a bit "non-mainstream", in the eyes of most people, this online cultural phenomenon is very interesting and has a cultural atmosphere.

I have to admit that "local flavor" culture has a great market among young people. Different from the traditional dance, the "subject three" mixed with burlesque performances can spread all over the world, driving more and more young people to participate in it, and many new "online celebrity" have emerged. Judging from the amplification of this phenomenon, there are many examples of "local flavor" culture setting off a "fashion style" in the Internet scene, which brought us joy and left a clear memory. For example, this year’s "digging, digging and digging" will explode all over the network. From children to "big friends", as long as the rhythm is turned on, most people will hum a few words; Looking ahead, the divine comedy "I’m from Yunnan and Yunnan Nujiang" also accidentally went off, and so on.

Some nonsense and earthy ideas have suddenly become popular on the internet, which is not unrelated to the multicultural needs of the online world. In the spiritual world of the Internet, a hundred flowers should have blossomed. The popularity of "Guangxi Subject III" is rooted in the cultural soil that Guangxi people can sing and dance well. With the spread of the Internet and the promotion of various eating places, it has achieved "coming out of the layer" and "breaking the circle", injecting new elements and vitality into the diversity and richness of online culture. Looking deep through this phenomenon, it itself reflects the cultural confidence of Guangxi people.

Only with culture and connotation can the roots be deeply rooted and become "long red". Whether "Guangxi Subject III" can achieve "long red" after leaving the circle depends on whether it has cultural connotation, whether it can arouse people’s spiritual resonance and stir up greater emotional resonance at a deeper level. Undeniably, many of the innovative ideas spread on the Internet, which are "popular" and "phenomenal", are difficult to "last forever", and some are even "short-lived", moving from a meteor to silence. However, "Guangxi subject three" is different from those niche ideas that suddenly "fire". The expression form of "subject three" is deeply integrated with the local dance in Guangxi, with distinctive regional characteristics and national symbols. However, what needs to be paid attention to is that in today’s information explosion era, the spread of network culture often lacks effective supervision and regulation, which requires preventing some commercialization and excessive speculation, keeping its roots and innovation, so as to help it grow healthily and continue to attract more netizens’ attention and pursuit.

The most important thing is that culture can reach the soul directly. The popularity of "Guangxi Subject III" network is also an opportunity for Guangxi to publicize and promote regional culture, national culture and historical culture. The local area should also dig deep into the cultural connotation and value significance behind it, incorporate more memorable and resonant innovative ideas, better protect and develop this distinctive network cultural phenomenon, and open up more "new ideas" and expectations. (Zhou Jun)

The curse, which was called unlucky, has won.

Laiyuan Mixiniu Entertainment

Wen | Xiaofu   

"bad luck!"

Just one day after boarding Netflix, the douban score of Curse dropped from 8.0 to 6.8.

Unexpectedly, this China Taiwan Province horror film, which has been expected by mainland fans for more than a year, will cause such a strong controversy after webcasting.

However, the emergence of this word-of-mouth differentiation stems from the gap between some viewers’ expectations of the film content, and on the other hand, many viewers are disgusted with the psychological suggestion "teasing" implanted by the director in the film.

Is there anything wrong with the "curse"?

Hot search on "unlucky"

Curse is definitely the most watched Chinese horror film in recent two years.

Whether it’s the horror trailer that was once complained by netizens last year, or the numerous hot debates during the box office and release of the highest Chinese film in Taiwan Province, China this year with NT$ 171 million, this film has created so many records that people can’t ignore its existence.

Especially in the increasingly rare Chinese horror movies, Curse is the uncrowned king of Chinese horror movies in 2022.

However, on the other hand, the huge controversy after the webcast of The Curse obviously exceeded many people’s expectations.

In fact, before the official webcast, "Curse" was almost a good comment on the Douban platform. The score is 8.0, and the highest is 8.2-this is rare in Chinese horror movies.

However, last weekend, this film ushered in an unexpected word-of-mouth diving. In addition to the sharp drop in Douban score, there are many similar comments of "Forwarding likes to get unlucky" in the comments area, and even the term # curse unlucky # was once listed in Weibo hot search.

The audience has the freedom to comment on a film, just like the "unlucky" controversy in "The Curse" has also attracted new debates among the audience. Some viewers insist that it is willful and even offensive to curse the audience with movies, and whether the audience is religious or not, they will feel uncomfortable. Of course, there are also many viewers who are not too touched by the content of the film. In their view, The Curse is no different from many similar works, just an ordinary horror film.

However, we found that diving with Douban score seems not unusual, because the score of "Curse" on China Taiwan Province Yahoo is only 3.3 (out of 5.0). According to the ten-point system of Douban, mainland netizens are more tolerant.

Rhinoceros Jun briefly browsed some bad reviews from the audience in Taiwan Province, China, and most of them focused on the aspects of drama routines, not terror, swaying mirrors and so on. In contrast, mainland netizens have a higher degree of recognition of the film’s plays, and more people give this film a low score because of "bad luck".

Yes, the director won.

In fact, only by looking at the content level, the setting of "The Curse" is not novel. Simply summarized, it is a horror family film shot by mockumentary. As a witness of the original event, 80% of the heroine Li Ruonan’s actions in the film are to escape from the curse and contend with it, but in the end, maternal love makes her a devotee who dares to face the horror.

The beauty of "The Curse" is that it retains full interactivity besides the plot. If you pay close attention, it is not difficult to find that the director has been constantly breaking the fourth wall in the whole film, maintaining interaction with the audience in front of the screen, thus achieving the purpose of burying psychological hints.

For example, at the beginning, the film starts a mental experiment with the audience with the first-person dialogue of the heroine. Li Ruonan introduced to the audience two pictures of "Ferris wheel" and "train", which can change the direction with ideas, to prove that human will can change the world.

The following story mainly tells Li Ruonan’s experience in the form of mockumentary. In front of the camera, Li Ruonan’s self-report, reality and the past three story lines alternately advanced, stripping away the truth of the Chenjiazhuang incident step by step.

First of all, the form of mockumentary itself can enhance the realism of the story, especially Li Ruonan’s first-person narration, which invisibly gives the audience a stronger sense of substitution.

Secondly, in this film, the director also borrowed the production mode of desktop movies many times. For example, through broadcast monitoring, online video, local video and other forms, it is also to let the audience get a stronger immersive feeling.

The most important point is that the director has always used Li Ruonan’s mouth to instill the content of the fictional "Big Black Buddha Mother" Sect in the film. Strange spell symbols, strange handprints, and the unintelligible eight-character mantra of "Fire Buddha repairs one, and the heart is humming", in the process of Li Ruonan calling on everyone to remember these information, the audience has unconsciously entered the director’s small trap.

Finally, after the truth of "The Curse" came out, the audience who knew that they had been cheated or even "cursed" by the director would have such a strong feeling of truth.

And all this, is the initiator of this "practical joke", given by director Kevin Ko.

Chinese horror films worthy of being written in film history

China audience can get such an immersive viewing experience, which is inseparable from the "tailor-made" of this film. In our opinion, the fear of the curse stems from three key points.

One is religion.

As early as a few years ago, director Kevin Ko said in the program that "we Chinese people will always have awe of religion."

In daily life, people believe in gods and buddhas and are afraid of ghosts, but if gods and buddhas no longer represent justice and ghosts start to act recklessly, it becomes an excellent material for Chinese thrillers. Domestic horror games, such as Fireworks, Paper Wedding Clothes, Paper Man and Hong Kong Mystery Record, which were released in China in recent years, actually borrowed religious elements from traditional culture.

In the film "Curse", the director who knows his way also focuses on the religious color. It costs a lot of money to order Buddha statues, make props and design scenes, so we can see that most of the horror colors in the film actually come from the sense of horror created by elements such as evil spirits and scriptures, rather than the direct attack of ghosts. This is also the biggest difference between Chinese horror movies and western horror movies.

The second is the event basis.

"The Curse" may be a rare work adapted from a real event in a horror film, and the original case of this film is a bizarre case that is still pending.

In 2005, a long-time superstitious family of six in Gushan District of Kaohsiung claimed to be possessed by gods, and successively went insane, self-mutilated, fought with each other, and even fed each other feces. The eldest daughter, who was identified as an evil spirit, was eventually imprisoned and abused by the whole family to death. Because the incident was so bizarre, after the police arrested them, the doctor decided that they were collective paranoia.

Cold cases like this are hotbeds of paranormal fear of urban legends, and the curse derived from it naturally has a natural sense of terror. It is reported that director Kevin Ko will continue to create new horror films inspired by paranormal, a real horror in the history of Taiwan Province Province.

The third is the mature horror film technique.

In addition to the above-mentioned desktop movies and the form of mockumentary, JumpsScare, which can bring the most direct sensory stimulation to the audience, is also skillfully used in the film. In addition, the insects, wounds, seals, spells and other elements that appear many times in the film, as well as the empty fingers and lotus milk that once spread widely on the Internet in Jane Eyre, are very typical fears of China audiences. The director can be said to have learned from others.

Of course, The Curse is not without flaws. For example, the distortion caused by frequent switching of different perspectives on the mirror and the discomfort of hand-held camera all weaken the narrative effect to some extent. On the whole, however, the film’s bold innovation in form and the audience’s strong feelings after watching it are doomed to be a horror film written in the history of Chinese film.

As for the climax of the film controversy, that is, the curse at the end, in fact, it is not uncommon in the field of horror films. In the past, classic horror films such as Curse and Ring at Midnight used similar techniques. The fact that "The Curse" can cause such a big controversy shows that it has completely hit the fear and taboo points of China audience.

Even when watching the movie in a non-big-screen scene, the fictional plot of this film still caused many viewers’ disgust and even discomfort. I think the director’s goal of shooting this film has been achieved. It is precisely because of this that we have more reason to think that Curse is a successful Chinese horror film.

As for raising the content of the film to a realistic level, or even reprimanding the director, I am afraid it will not be.

As many netizens said, "Do they watch horror movies for good luck?"


Teach you how to run correctly!

In recent years, there are more and more urban running parties, and too many people want to release their work pressure and lose weight through running.

Of course, if you want to lose weight by running, you must control your diet at the same time. As the saying goes, you can effectively lose weight by keeping your mouth shut and taking your legs apart.

It can be said that running can not only help you gain a healthy and ideal weight, but also help you find channels to release stress and control emotions ~

Then let’s talk about the matters needing attention in running and the need to stretch and relax after running.

Let me share my running method with you!

The first is the four rules of running-

1. Make full warm-up preparations before running;

Before running, we should fully adjust the potential heat energy of the body to the preparation state, so that every joint of our body can adapt, stimulate hormones in the body, promote nerve cells in the learning area of the brain, and improve memory to a certain extent, so the preparation before jogging must be done!

Warm-up exercises can refer to:

1. Running with leg lifts in place, as a preparatory activity before running, this series of actions can make the whole body enter a state of motion. With the increase of the frequency and range of leg lifts, the whole leg and arm muscles can enter a state of motion.

2. Shoulder around the ring, the upper body is upright, and the arms are drooping, so that the shoulders are spread back and the shoulder joint is the center.

3. Neck around the ring, this action is similar to the previous shoulder around the ring, helping you find the correct position of your neck. Nowadays, people face computers and mobile phones for a long time. It will bring incorrect neck displacement when facing computers and mobile phones to running, which will make the health of cervical spine worse and worse. Friends who have cervical spondylosis must be gentle when doing this action. It is best to consult a doctor before.

(4) Hip encircling, which means opening your feet shoulder width, taking the central axis of your body as the axis, and encircling your hip joint. This action can help you ensure the flexibility of your hip joint.

⑤ Stand on one leg, with the calf folded to the root of thigh, and lean forward appropriately. This action mainly stretches the quadriceps femoris in front of the thigh, and can also prevent thigh cramps during running. This action can also be done after running, which also has certain preventive and relieving effects on lactic acid accumulation after exercise.

6. The knee joint is around the ring. Many running friends are suffering from abnormal noise of the knee joint, mainly due to insufficient warm-up and lubrication of the knee joint before running. The main points of this action are to put your legs together, squat half-way, hold your knees, and make a circle around the center line.

⑦. Stretch the calf muscles, with one leg in front and the other leg behind. The toe of the former triggers the latter to bend slightly, bending down and touching the toe of the former with one hand. This action can prevent calf cramps during running.

⑧. The ankle joint and wrist are looped, standing on one leg, and the other leg is on the ground with the toes as the center. At the same time, hands are crossed to hold the loop with the wrists as the center.

2. The key to healthy weight loss depends on the time and speed of running;

If you want to lose weight by running, it is best to control the running time at 30-60 minutes each time. If the running time is too short, the effect of burning fat will not be achieved. If the running time is too long, it will cause muscle fatigue, which is not good for health, just 3-5 times a week. People with large base weight should avoid running every day. After exercise, we should give our knees a full rest to avoid excessive friction and water accumulation, which is even more worthwhile. Moreover, the speed of running should not be too fast (of course, it should not be too slow), and the speed of about 6-7km/ h is the most reasonable. This pace can fully combine fat with oxygen to burn ~

3. Correct running posture;

1. Hold your head high, lean forward slightly, and keep your upper body straight. Don’t hold your chest, and don’t hold your chest out. The stable posture of the upper body has a great influence on breathing and rhythm.

2. Don’t touch the ground with your heel or forefoot. When landing, try to make the soles of your feet contact the ground as much as possible, and the forefoot or sole will touch the ground. The main thing is not to deliberately press the ankle.

3. Don’t pedal, pedal desperately when jogging, do you want to use your feet as rocket launchers? Have you thought about the knee and ankle feeling?

4. Swing your arms naturally back and forth, relax and open your shoulders backwards, don’t shrug your shoulders, and bend your elbows by about 90. Relax your hands and don’t make a fist, because making a fist is a tense posture, which will make you unable to swing your arm easily and naturally. Pay attention to the front and rear swing arms. Never swing your arms horizontally, because then your body will shake and your center of gravity will be unstable.

4. Stretch after running;

After jogging, fully stretching and stretching can fully burn the excess fat in the body, exercise most parts of the body and shape muscle lines. Of course, this is also the secret of not thickening legs after running, and stretching after running can also ease the tachycardia.

1. Leg stretching after running: Just keep your arms straight against a certain wall, with your legs standing back and forth, your front legs slightly bent, and your back legs straight. Press your body forward. Keep the heel of the back foot off the ground and change legs for 30 seconds.

2. Ligament stretching after running: open your feet to shoulder width, bend over and keep your knees straight, try to let your hands touch the ground and stick your upper body to your legs as much as possible.

3. Stretching the inner thigh after running: in the side bow position, the upper body leans forward and leans to the ground, and both hands support the ground below; Stretch the leg to the side and press it down. Keep the thighs and calves in a straight line and change legs for 30 seconds.

④ Stretching the front side of thigh after running: The body is standing on one leg, and the calf is folded to the root of thigh. You can lean forward appropriately and change legs for 30 seconds.

⑤. Butterfly stretching after running: Sit on the ground smoothly, bend your knees together, put the soles of your feet in front of your stomach, do your most comfortable posture, put your feet close to your groin, and press your upper body down for 30 seconds.

Nowadays, city workers can only find time to exercise in the morning or after work. So shall we run in the morning or fun run?

Fun run and morning running have their own benefits and advantages. You can adjust the distribution according to your own time. The most important thing is to stick to it! As the saying goes, as long as the kung fu is deep and the iron pestle is ground into a needle!

First of all, let’s talk about the advantages of morning running:

1. Running in the morning can change a person’s daily life, form a good habit of living and rest, don’t stay up late at night, and go to bed early automatically.

2. Running in the morning can breathe the freshest air in nature. As the saying goes, the plan for a good day lies in the morning.

3. When others are still asleep, I always feel that I have earned time when I get up early and run.

Persisting in running in the morning will also make you form the habit of eating breakfast every day, which will make you healthier.

While having advantages, we should also pay attention to the precautions for morning running:

1. Don’t run on an empty stomach. Although it has a certain fat-reducing effect, it will also lead to hypoglycemia/thrombosis, which will cause great harm to the body.

2. It is not advisable to run too early in the morning. It is better to run after 6 o’clock, and it is best to run from 9 to 11 o’clock. 30-60 minutes each time.

3. Although morning running can activate the body, the exercise effect is not as good as the legend.

4. The pace and distance of our morning run should be appropriate, not too strong.

Advantages of fun run:

Fun run is more convenient for most runners because they have more time after work.

2. fun run can make people more relaxed, relieve the pressure caused by a busy day, and you don’t have to think about some messy things when running;

3. fun run’s weight loss effect is more significant, because the night is the most vigorous time of human metabolism, which helps to burn fat;

④ At night, the number of platelets in people’s blood is relatively small, so that thrombosis can be well avoided;

⑤. fun run can also help to improve the quality of sleep. When you come back from running, take a rest and take a bath, you will fall asleep faster and sleep better.

Matters needing attention in fun run:

(1) In recent years, there have been many incidents reported on the Internet in fun run, so you should choose the location of fun run carefully. Safety is the first priority. Don’t go to fun run, a remote and sparsely populated place.

② fun run should have a light dinner, and don’t go out for a run immediately after dinner. It’s best to rest for about an hour and a half after dinner and start in fun run.

(3) fun run should try to finish before 9: 00 pm, just sweat a little, and leave some time for yourself to have a full rest, so as to avoid being too excited to fall asleep and affecting the state of going to work the next day.

Finally, the diet during running to lose weight;

Many people find that their legs will be thick after running for a period of time, or they can’t find the scales after running for a period of time. In view of whether the legs will become thick after running, if you have sufficient pre-running exercise and post-running stretching and correct running posture, you won’t get thick legs. As for why you haven’t lost the scales after running, diet is very important. Many people will feel very hungry after running, especially want to eat, but their appetite has improved and their food intake has increased. At this time, it is a test of our diet. The most important thing is what to eat. Remember not to overeat, otherwise they will become fatter instead of losing weight. Under normal circumstances, I will eat coarse grains or high-protein food after running for 1 hour, so that I can replenish the energy consumed after running in time and protein will not have to worry about getting fat, but the speed of dropping the scale will be a little slower, because it takes about 300 calories to run for 40 minutes. It is also recommended to give priority to coarse grains and vegetables and fruits when eating at ordinary times.

In conclusion, what I want to say is that no matter whether you are running or doing anything, it will not be immediate, but you should persevere. Some people run to lose weight, others run to be healthy. As long as you are willing to persist, you can actually see everyone’s changes and mental outlook ~ Let’s cheer together! Ollie, here! ! !
