The reform of refined oil prices and taxes: will the car market make waves as soon as it comes out?

December 5, 2008, Xinhuanet


  On the evening of the 5th, the much-watched "Exposure Draft" was finally released. Fuel tax, a focus topic that has never cooled down in China’s auto market for more than a decade, has finally been substantially solved. Fuel tax reform, which has been around for a long time, will be settled as soon as January 1 next year. Will it make the Chinese auto market turbulent this year?   

  Fuel tax reform, wait for more than a decade

  After 11 years of waiting, the fuel tax reform plan has finally emerged. Since the National People’s Congress passed the Highway Law of the People’s Republic of China in 1997, it was first proposed to replace the "maintenance fee" with "fuel surcharge". After 11 years, the "fuel tax" has been ups and downs but failed to be levied, and it has almost become a long-term "heart disease" of the Chinese auto market.

  However, with the collapse of international oil prices in recent months, there is also a "golden opportunity" for domestic fuel tax reform.

  On the evening of the 5th, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Transport and the State Administration of Taxation jointly issued an announcement to solicit public opinions on the "exposure draft" of the refined oil price tax reform plan. According to the plan, this reform will abolish road maintenance fees, waterway maintenance fees, road transportation management fees, road passenger and freight surcharges, waterway transportation management fees, and waterway passenger and freight surcharges, and gradually and orderly cancel the government’s loan repayment of secondary road tolls.

  The reform plan will increase the unit tax of gasoline consumption tax from 0.2 yuan per liter to 1 yuan, diesel from 0.1 yuan per liter to 0.8 yuan, and the unit tax of other refined oil products will be increased accordingly without raising the current price of refined oil. The "Reformation Plan for Refined Oil Prices and Taxes" will be implemented from January 1, 2009.

  According to industry analysts, there are many reasons why the fuel tax reform plan has not been implemented for 11 years, including the failure to coordinate the interests of various departments and the distribution of central and local issues. However, in recent years, it has been mainly constrained by the high international oil prices. As a result, the fuel tax reform that has been mentioned many times has ended with "only the sound of the stairs".

  "The plunge in international oil prices is the best opportunity for China to implement fuel tax reform. If this opportunity is lost, it may take a few more years." Rao Da, secretary general of the National Passenger Car Market Information Association, analyzed that using this "time window" to launch fuel tax reform will straighten out the pricing mechanism of refined oil products in our country and create a good environment for the future development of China’s auto market.

  Rao Da believes that the tax amount proposed by the current plan is lower than originally expected by the industry, and it explicitly eliminates road maintenance fees, reducing the burden on car owners.

  "This plan is indeed more reasonable, and the rate is lower than the original guess of 30% or 50%, or the plan of increasing 1 yuan, so the implementation will be relatively smooth," said Zhao Chenxi, an auto industry analyst at Haitong Securities. "Especially the fuel tax is finally levied in the form of increasing the fuel consumption tax, which avoids the problem that the introduction of a new tax will face complicated procedures. Now the introduction will be natural."   

  The overall situation of the car market is unhindered, and internal structural adjustment is accelerated

  Before the introduction of the fuel tax reform, China’s auto market had already encountered a "freezing point". At the beginning of this year, the booming Chinese auto industry put forward the ambitious goal of producing and selling 10 million units and exporting 1 million units. However, with the new surge in oil prices since March and the sudden tightening of the economic situation, the domestic auto market has taken a sharp turn for the worse. Even before September, the national passenger car consumer market experienced five consecutive monthly negative growth, which is unprecedented in the history of China’s auto industry.

   China’s auto market, which is preparing to "warm up for the winter", will be "hit" by the fuel tax reform most directly related to the auto industry at the beginning of next year. So this "sudden" variable will be a "snowflake" that adds a touch of chill to the auto market, or a "match" that warms up the auto market?

  "My opinion is that the car market is basically stable, and the fuel tax reform plan currently introduced has little impact on the car market," said Rao Da, secretary general of the All-China Ride Federation.

  He pointed out that the purpose of the fuel tax reform is mainly to straighten out the fuel pricing mechanism in our country and promote energy conservation and emission reduction, rather than to save the car market, so it is not a driving force for the car market.

  Zhong Shi, an auto analyst, said: "The introduction of fuel tax reform has little impact on the domestic auto market as a whole. The experience of fuel tax implementation abroad also shows that it is difficult to directly change consumers’ willingness to buy cars because of fuel tax reform. However, the introduction of fuel tax reform will have a profound impact on the domestic auto market segment and the adjustment of the structure. Energy-saving and low-consumption small cars and small-displacement vehicles will play an increasingly important role."

  "Fuel tax reform will not have a big impact on the car market, but the proportion of models with large emissions and high fuel consumption will decrease, while the proportion of energy-saving cars will increase." Jia Xinguang, an auto industry expert, believes that as our country’s auto market matures, this structural adjustment has actually begun to appear since last year.

  However, auto analyst Zhao Chenxi also pointed out that the current plan has little impact on the passenger car market, but the impact on commercial vehicles such as trucks and buses with much greater mileage is very obvious.   

  "Energy consumption moderation" will become the concept of the "post-fuel tax" era

  "The new plan is undoubtedly the most fair and just policy and regulation, and it effectively reflects the principle of more vehicles and more taxes." Xing Wenjun, an auto industry expert, said the fuel tax reform plan will give government agencies and enterprises, consumers and automakers a strong signal that the powerful lever of taxation will promote the production and sales of energy-saving and environmentally friendly small-displacement vehicles.

   Zhong Shi, an auto analyst, said that "energy consumption control" will be the most important signal to the Chinese auto market and the whole society after the introduction of fuel tax reform, because as a developing country and a net importer of oil, China’s two major pressures on energy and emissions will become increasingly heavy. Through taxation, energy conservation and emission reduction will be moved from concept to conscious implementation.

  Gong Xiaorong, who works at a bank in Shanghai and has owned a private car for more than four years, told reporters: "I think the fuel tax reform can reflect fairness and efficiency. The abolition of road maintenance fees already reflects a kind of fairness. It changes the size of the displacement, no matter how much you drive, no matter how much you drive, you will be charged the same road maintenance fee. Instead, you have independent choice, you can adjust and choose through your own actions, which reflects the principle of efficiency."

   She said that after the implementation of the fuel tax reform, based on the mileage she currently drives about 18,000 kilometers per year, if the road maintenance fee is removed, it will still be lower than the original fee. "With the string in my mind that you drive less and save more money, your car habits will change in the future."

   Automotive analyst Jia Xinguang said that although the current plan shows little change in fuel costs, excluding expenses such as road maintenance, as long as a simple calculation can be seen that different fuel consumption cars and mileage are different, and the cost gap is significantly widening. Over time, this structural change will guide consumers to change their habits in car selection, car purchase, and car use, thus changing the structure of the domestic car market and highlighting the theme of energy conservation and consumption reduction.

  Moreover, industry experts also believe that the fuel tax reform will also promote our country to create more conditions and opportunities in the research and development of automobile fuel-saving technologies and new energy vehicles. December 5

238 original brands! A glimpse of the strength of local business development in Changsha

In mid-February, Changsha officially issued the "Implementation Opinions on Building an International Consumption Center City", proposing to build Changsha into an international consumption center city with the reputation of "Fashion Capital", "Happiness Capital", "Vigorous Capital" and "Leisure Capital". At the same time, the opinion pointed out that 24 creation tasks will be implemented, such as accelerating the construction of international business districts, accelerating the construction of characteristic commercial blocks, enhancing the gathering of local characteristic brands, developing night economy, improving catering consumption and sports consumption.

The growth of local characteristic brands is an indispensable element to witness the commercial development of the city. In the exploration of local original brands in Changsha, according to the big data of Winner, there are 238 local chain brands stationed in major shopping centers in Changsha, with rich formats and diverse categories. Catering, retail, cultural and sports entertainment, life service and children’s parents and children create hot spots in their respective tracks, which reflects the charm of urban commercial development.

Changsha, online celebrity naturally lives up to its reputation, including 137 catering brands among more than 200 local brands, and the highlight of the catering industry continues, accounting for 58%; Retail sales performed well, accounting for 17%; Local brands of life service, cultural and sports entertainment and children’s parent-child format also occupy some markets. The core sections of various formats influence, drive and promote each other, and local brands intensively cultivate the commercial market, which has strong growth strength.

Data collection scope: based on the store data of Changsha project obtained by Winstar online and offline channels, the date of online collection and quarterly update (there may be incomplete data) for some projects is February 28, 2022.

The commercial market in Changsha, which has been polished for a long time and refined by the market, has not only the inheritance and spread of time-honored brands and non-legacy brands, but also the sudden rise of new forces of emerging brands, focusing on catering and retail formats. Since the establishment of local brands, the categories have been increasingly enriched.

The well-thought-out and carefully crafted local brands can see through their subdivided business categories to see the development of the industry.

? Catering format: Xiang Jun C, the rise of "online celebrity"

Under the repeated epidemic situation, the resilience of Changsha’s catering industry is relatively strong, and the catering consumption in major businesses has maintained a good fundamentals. According to statistics, among the 137 original catering brands in Changsha, Chinese catering accounts for 49%, leisure catering accounts for 21%, exotic catering accounts for 16%, hot pot/braised pot/griddle accounts for 10%, and barbecue/teppanyaki accounts for 5%.

Chinese catering: Chinese simple (fast) meals rank first, followed by Hunan cuisine.

From the perspective of subdivided categories, there are many types of local catering in Changsha, and consumers have many options. There are 36 brands of local Chinese simple (fast) meals in Changsha, ranking first in the catering industry; There are 26 brands of local Hunan cuisine, ranking second, and the rest of Guangdong cuisine, seafood, northwest cuisine and Yunnan-Guizhou cuisine are involved, and diverse food styles are presented.

Among 36 Chinese simple (fast) meals, there are special snacks, noodle shops and other sub-categories. Among them, Suo powder, as the soul of breakfast in Changsha, is a necessary punching operation recommended by Changsha people, food bloggers or travel guides. Brands such as Tianjin Liuzizi Powder House, Phoenix Girl Xiangxi Fish Powder, Daguan Rice Noodles and Wugu Fish Powder have attracted much attention.

Under the wave of consumption upgrading, among the innovative characteristic hot pots represented by emerging hot pots/stews/griddles, there are abundant categories such as King Pot Pork Belly Chicken Hot Pot, Jijing Pork Belly Chicken Three-second Fish, chicken coconut and Dabinjia, and the market players of chicken coconut, Pork Belly Chicken, Fish Hot Pot, Chuanchuan Hot Pot and other sub-categories have also increased.

Focusing on the localized development of Changsha, Hunan cuisine is one of the representatives of the city’s business cards, and many Hunan cuisine brands are also exploring more ways of development. In today’s prefabricated dish market, the chef who insists on "only using chefs to fry" peppers stands out, and has been deeply involved in Hunan cuisine for 24 years, and has opened 50 direct stores in Changsha, Shanghai and Shenzhen. The chain brands of Hunan cuisine, such as exquisite food, one lamp, delicious taste, Tanzong chopped pepper fish head and fried beef with kitchen smoke, have formed a double effect of good collection flow and good reputation.

Exotic dining: Japanese and Korean cuisine is far ahead.

Among the original exotic restaurants in Changsha, there are 15 Japanese and Korean restaurants, accounting for 68% of the exotic restaurants. Among them, Kimura Heping House, Royal Cattle Craftsman, Xiaoming Charcoal Roasted Fat Cattle Specialty Store, Lekeshi Korean Restaurant, etc. cover many sub-categories of Japanese barbecue, Korean barbecue, sushi, Lamian Noodles and Korean cuisine.

Behind the rise of steak is the general trend of quality upgrading and high-end catering upgrading. Western-style catering, as a high-value consumer product, is also in line with consumers’ demands for higher quality.

Exotic dishes, dietary differences, and the preservation and innovation of dish flavor are the key to the differentiated competition of this category. Among the local exotic categories in Changsha, there are Thai dishes such as DuDu Thai Restaurant, Man Xiong Pizza, Sam Kitchen, etc. Although the number of western-style simple (fast) meals is small, they have a good response in the market.

Leisure catering: the competition between baked desserts and drinks tends to be fierce.

Among the emerging leisure restaurants, baked desserts and drinks are actively expanding. Among the local leisure restaurants in Changsha, baked desserts account for 45%, drinks account for 27%, and leisure snacks account for 28%.

As a category favored by young and middle-aged people and consumed with high frequency, the iteration of leisure catering industry is also increasing day by day. Many enterprises cross the border, and the investment and financing of the industry are booming. In the tea market of 100 billion yuan, the market competition is fierce, and local brands are represented by Modern China Tea Shop (demand area: 50-70 square meters), Guoyaya (demand area: 20-50 square meters), MAMA CHA and Lemon Season, occupying the main position in Changsha.

As a local tea brand in Changsha, many emerging players have continuously increased their market share through product innovation and upgrading, brand building, cross-border integration, and national culture and innovation. At the same time, most local brands are no longer limited to the local market, and Modern China Tea Shop has also set up stores in other cities in Changsha and Lemon Festival. In the mid-end market, brands also have certain recognition and market competitiveness.

When it comes to baked desserts, the rise of emerging brands in the market has further attracted consumers’ attention. At present, Chinese baking in the dessert baking track is on the rise, and new brands are constantly emerging. Taking Changsha local market as an example, the new brand of Guofeng store and product design of Momo Dim Sum Bureau has emerged in this subdivision track; Under the heat wave, Chinese baking represented by Wu Susheng’s palace shortbread is also vigorously expanding its stores; Western-style baking such as Rosa cake and Duoxilai cake also has considerable market performance.

Retail format: the competition of fashion products is fierce, and the trend clothing is innovative and growing.

Retail formats convey consumers’ consumption attitudes. Among contemporary young consumers, personalized consumption and self-satisfaction consumption are constantly reshaping the market consumption patterns. Among the 41 original retail brands in Changsha, market lifestyle accounts for 54%, clothing accounts for 34%, and supermarkets/convenience stores account for 12%.

Among them, large supermarkets, boutique/fresh supermarkets are the main supermarkets, which are blessed with food collection and rich family. In addition, cross-border e-commerce/bonded stores, represented by Youa overseas purchases, combine online and offline experience stores through the O2O cross-border e-commerce platform to provide Haitao users with quality goods and services.

Clothing: Fashion clothing has its own school, and Changsha is also the city of fashion.

In the observation and research of fashion clothing category by, Changsha has become the "most dense city" of fashion clothing stores, relying on the strong sense of fashion atmosphere in the whole city to overwhelm first-tier cities such as Shanghai. According to the statistics of Winner Big Data, among the 14 local clothing brands in Changsha, business, fashion trends, fashion boutiques and other sub-categories are superimposed, among which women’s wear and women’s shoes with market trends are the most prominent.

Fashion consumption conveys consumers’ attitude and cognition to market judgment and brand choice, and "fashion trend" is one of the relatively important influencing factors. EAH CHANIE Yichen, indicia, Saint-Desi, Cannes and other clothing brands have met the needs of consumers by reviewing multiple positioning, and are deeply loved by consumers.

Fashion life: home clothes and beauty care lead strongly.

Under the sub-category of fashion life, home textiles are the main category, and many household textile brands such as (002761) home textiles, Fuli Zhenjin and Meng Jie home textiles are all originated from the local market in Changsha, and they also have certain market influence in other cities in China.

In addition, among the beauty care brands, Yu Nifang, Second Skin, SNSUKI global explosive beauty, BOOM! FRESH! And so on, in the form of beauty care, make-up, and collection stores. Fashion digital, kitchen and bathroom appliances, fashion accessories and German brands of eyes are all involved, mainly including ASD glasses, Tongcheng electric appliances, RelaxLife and other brands.

Children’s parent-child: Children’s amusement brand has obvious advantages.

The combination of "double reduction" mode and "three-child" policy also has a great test for the development of the brand. At present, with the new generation of families born after 1980s and 1990s, the consumption of children’s parent-child format has increased, and it has also become the focus of the corresponding brands. Among the local children’s parent-child brands in Changsha shopping center, children’s amusement accounts for 45%, children’s retail accounts for 25%, and children’s service and education both account for 15%.

Parent-child interaction experience is a traffic engine for businesses and brands to gather customers. Thematic parent-child interaction amusement parks are popular, and children’s amusement brands are active. There are relatively many brands of children’s sports halls and amusement parks such as Rainbow Hall Children’s Amusement Park, Mickey Le Roller Skating, Karl Feiche and Debel Trampoline Club. In terms of children’s retail, children’s toys and maternal and child products are the main products, covering brands such as Babe Bear and Gelingdao Children’s Toy City.

In addition, in terms of children’s services, the categories are mainly restaurants, photography and haircuts, Tiamo Tianmu parent-child restaurant, Fenglinger and Qiqi 72 children’s hairdressing.

Recreation and sports: the proportion of leisure and entertainment is high, and the overall situation is improving.

With the popularity of "online celebrity economy" and "night economy", Changsha, a charming city, has a good development trend of social entertainment. In statistics, leisure and entertainment accounted for 47%, sports accounted for 26%, culture and art accounted for 16%, and education and training accounted for 11%.

Among them, the cultural and artistic categories are mainly book bars and DIY handicrafts, including Desiqin 24-hour bookstore, Hongdao bookstore and delicious laboratory; There are mainly brands such as WEGYMER Jianmeng and Baicheng Qi Kang Fitness in the fitness clubs.

Among the leisure and entertainment brands, KTV, cinema, network card game, VR experience hall and many other categories are assembled. Represented by Letian MC Studios, Urban Tribe Animation and Game Experience Center, Hi Le KTV and other brands, the rich local leisure and entertainment brands have deepened the bonus brought by the city online celebrity label and attracted more and more young people to call for the city.

Among them, the Mango International Studios brand, which belongs to Hunan Film Distribution and Projection Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Hunan Radio and Television Station, confirms the title of "Media Art Capital" in Changsha, and provides impetus and opportunity for the cultural and creative development of local brands in Changsha.

Life service: life support is the leading factor.

From the perspective of life service format, the popularity of hair care, beauty spa, foot massage and other products has soared. According to statistics, among the local life services in Changsha, supporting retail accounts for 57%, beauty health accounts for 24%, medical health accounts for 5%, and other categories account for 14%.

In supporting retail, local brands mainly include urban flower country, common people’s (603883) pharmacy, delicious duck neck, foraging meow and other brands, including pharmacies, flower shops, fruit shops, snacks and other categories.

Among the original brands of beauty health care, Shangli International, Faze Modeling, Yierkang, etc. focus on hairdressing styling and foot massage. At the moment of "Yan value economy", consumers pursue the perfect beauty image, which also urges more similar local brands to be highly sought after.

Attachment: List of local brands in Changsha (in the shopping center)

(Editor: Cui Chen HX015)

[Ground Evaluation Line] Guisheng Online Comment: "Subject 3" goes out of the circle, and only by keeping the cultural roots can it move towards "long red"

Dynamic music is accompanied by waving hands, twisting waist and hips, and half-twisted feet … During this period, the magic dance named "Guangxi Kemusan" is "out of the circle". Now this "subject three", which originated in Guangxi, has been "renovated" and created by netizens all over the country, and it has even spread through short videos. The "fire" is overseas and there are many circles.

Tracing back to the source,"Guangxi subject three"This dance is closely related to the living habits of Guangxi people, with a heavy cultural base. Speaking of Guangxi, the national carnival of "singing folk songs on March 3" and the snail powder of "smelling and eating incense" will first come to mind. As we all know, Guangxi people are also good at dancing. In this regard, it is rumored that "Guangxi people will experience three exams in their lives, one subject is singing folk songs, the other subject is rice noodles, and the third subject is dancing". In this way, this magical dance from Guangxi folk is called "subject three" "Fire" of "Guangxi Subject III"? Accidental with necessity. "Be the truest self" and "Happiness first" … These ideas conveyed by dance are infinitely close to the hearts of netizens. Although in the eyes of some netizens, "dynamic music+magical action" is a bit "earthy" or even a bit "non-mainstream", in the eyes of most people, this online cultural phenomenon is very interesting and has a cultural atmosphere.

I have to admit that "local flavor" culture has a great market among young people. Different from the traditional dance, the "subject three" mixed with burlesque performances can spread all over the world, driving more and more young people to participate in it, and many new "online celebrity" have emerged. Judging from the amplification of this phenomenon, there are many examples of "local flavor" culture setting off a "fashion style" in the Internet scene, which brought us joy and left a clear memory. For example, this year’s "digging, digging and digging" will explode all over the network. From children to "big friends", as long as the rhythm is turned on, most people will hum a few words; Looking ahead, the divine comedy "I’m from Yunnan and Yunnan Nujiang" also accidentally went off, and so on.

Some nonsense and earthy ideas have suddenly become popular on the internet, which is not unrelated to the multicultural needs of the online world. In the spiritual world of the Internet, a hundred flowers should have blossomed. The popularity of "Guangxi Subject III" is rooted in the cultural soil that Guangxi people can sing and dance well. With the spread of the Internet and the promotion of various eating places, it has achieved "coming out of the layer" and "breaking the circle", injecting new elements and vitality into the diversity and richness of online culture. Looking deep through this phenomenon, it itself reflects the cultural confidence of Guangxi people.

Only with culture and connotation can the roots be deeply rooted and become "long red". Whether "Guangxi Subject III" can achieve "long red" after leaving the circle depends on whether it has cultural connotation, whether it can arouse people’s spiritual resonance and stir up greater emotional resonance at a deeper level. Undeniably, many of the innovative ideas spread on the Internet, which are "popular" and "phenomenal", are difficult to "last forever", and some are even "short-lived", moving from a meteor to silence. However, "Guangxi subject three" is different from those niche ideas that suddenly "fire". The expression form of "subject three" is deeply integrated with the local dance in Guangxi, with distinctive regional characteristics and national symbols. However, what needs to be paid attention to is that in today’s information explosion era, the spread of network culture often lacks effective supervision and regulation, which requires preventing some commercialization and excessive speculation, keeping its roots and innovation, so as to help it grow healthily and continue to attract more netizens’ attention and pursuit.

The most important thing is that culture can reach the soul directly. The popularity of "Guangxi Subject III" network is also an opportunity for Guangxi to publicize and promote regional culture, national culture and historical culture. The local area should also dig deep into the cultural connotation and value significance behind it, incorporate more memorable and resonant innovative ideas, better protect and develop this distinctive network cultural phenomenon, and open up more "new ideas" and expectations. (Zhou Jun)

Xiaomi Automobile officially appeared on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, but everyone remained tight-lipped before Xiaomi Automobile Factory.

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  Xiaomi automobile finally unveiled the veil.

  On November 15, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the declared model information of Xiaomi Automobile. According to the public information, the trademark of Xiaomi automobile product is Xiaomi brand, which is a pure electric car, and the manufacturer isGroup off-road vehicle co., ltd.

  The picture published on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology shows that the tail logo of Xiaomi car is "Beijing Xiaomi". In terms of overall dimensions, it is 4997mm long, 1963mm wide, 1455mm high and 3000mm wheelbase. In addition, Xiaomi automobile uses iron phosphate., the supplier isFoday under its banner; The engine comes from United Automotive Electronics Co., Ltd. and is driven by.The peak power is 220kW.

  According to the configuration information, some models are provided with options.This also means that in terms of assisted driving, there will be differences according to different configurations, which are divided into two schemes: with and without.

  As for the issue of "production qualification" concerned by the industry, according to the information published by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the name of the enterprise is "Group Off-road Vehicle Co., Ltd.", the registered address is No.1 Tongxin Road, Zhaofeng Industrial Base, Zhaoquanying Town, Shunyi District, Beijing, and the production address is No.21 Courtyard, Huanjing Road, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, which is the self-built factory of Xiaomi Automobile. An industry insider told Blue Whale Finance reporter that the use of Beiqi off-road vehicles for "production qualification" does not mean that Beiqi is OEM for BAIC Group. This statement is not accurate. According to the available information, the Xiaomi Automobile Factory announced this time is assembled by Xiaomi itself, but other processing and parts need to be analyzed after seeing the physical car.

  On the same day, Blue Whale Finance reporter visited Xiaomi Automobile Factory. At about 3 pm, two security guards were on duty at the main entrance of the park to prevent irrelevant personnel from entering. In addition, several people were looking inward sporadically at the door. According to the security guards at the door, these people were waiting for their own docking people to pick them up, and they were not allowed to enter casually. At about 4 pm, a man in a suit walked out of Xiaomi Automobile Factory. One of the men said that they were talking with Xiaomi about cooperation in engineering. However, when Blue Whale Finance reporter asked about the news related to Xiaomi Automobile, the man picked it up obviously and said that he didn’t know all the news about Xiaomi Automobile, so don’t ask him. Not only that, but even the construction workers who are not the staff of Xiaomi Automobile nearby are silent about Xiaomi Automobile.

  Since Lei Jun announced that Xiaomi had built a car, Xiaomi’s every move has been concerned by the outside world. Since October this year, the rumors about Xiaomi Automobile have been constant. The last time Xiaomi publicly responded to the news about Xiaomi Automobile was on October 25, when Xiaomi founder and CEO Lei Jun was in his personal life.The account said, "Xiaomi Automobile is progressing very smoothly at present, and it will be officially listed in the first half of next year, and will report to you when it is appropriate."

  Combing the time sequence, on March 30, 2021, Xiaomi founder Lei Jun said in a public speech that in the next decade, Xiaomi will invest 10 billion US dollars to build cars, and Lei Jun will be personally responsible for the car-making business. In September 2021, Xiaomi Automobile Co., Ltd. was incorporated. On November 27th of the same year, the Management Committee of Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone held a signing ceremony with Xiaomi Technology. With the signing of the Cooperation Agreement, Xiaomi Automobile was officially announced to settle in Beijing Economic Development Zone.

  According to reports, Xiaomi Automobile Project will build Xiaomi Automobile Headquarters Base, Sales Headquarters and R&D Headquarters, and will build a vehicle factory with an annual output of 300,000 vehicles in two phases, of which the first and second phases will have a production capacity of 150,000 vehicles respectively. It is expected that the first car will be off the assembly line in 2024 and mass production will be realized.

  "Realizing mass production in 2024" is a word that Xiaomi official and Lei Jun are talking about, which has also become the beginning of Xiaomi’s car making.

  By the end of 2022, Xiaomi Automobile had applied for more than 400 patents involving autonomous driving, intelligent cockpit, charging device and power system.

  Especially in terms of autonomous driving, Xiaomi has accumulated technology for many years and soon formed a very strong autonomous driving team.

  In Lei Jun’s annual speech in 2022, Lei Jun said: "All sectors of the automobile industry are very complicated, among which non-automatic driving is the most complicated. At the same time, automatic driving is also the key point for the decisive victory of smart electric vehicles. Xiaomi’s car-making automatic driving will adopt full-stack self-developed algorithm to fully develop automatic driving technology, and the goal of automatic driving is to enter the first camp of the industry in 2024."

  According to the data of Xiaomi’s financial report in the second quarter of 2023, in terms of R&D, Xiaomi’s R&D investment in the second quarter reached 4.6 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 21%, and the compound annual growth rate of R&D investment in the past six years reached 38.4%. It is estimated that Xiaomi’s R&D investment will exceed 100 billion yuan in 2023. It is worth mentioning that nearly 30% of the 4.6 billion yuan invested in R&D in the second quarter was used for the smart electric vehicle business.

  Although Xiaomi has been extremely cautious about information disclosure since the official announcement of the car-making plan, the voices from all sides inside and outside Xiaomi can also roughly describe the progress of Xiaomi’s car-making.

  In the conference call after the release of Xiaomi’s second-quarter earnings report, Lu Weibing, president of Xiaomi, mentioned in an interview that the actual investment of Xiaomi Automobile is even greater. Xiaomi is making the long-term layout of the automobile with the goal of entering the top five in the world in the future, doing full-stack self-research and building its own automobile factory, so the investment in cash flow is even higher than the disclosed figures.

  "Xiaomi Automobile has just finished the summer test, and the progress has exceeded expectations, maintaining the mass production target in the first half of 2024 unchanged." Lu Weibing further stated.

  In October 2023, at the launch conference of Xiaomi 澎湃 OS and Xiaomi 14 series new products, Lei Jun announced that the group strategy was officially upgraded to "the whole ecology of people and cars". The key core of this new strategy is Xiaomi 澎湃 OS, which is people-centered and organically integrates "the whole ecology of people, cars and homes". The system is not only suitable for mobile devices such as mobile phones, but also will be installed on Xiaomi cars. According to the PPT displayed at the press conference, Xiaomi will be equipped with a roof camera, through which people in the car can make video calls and other functions.

  The arrow is on the string and has to be sent. With the gradual unveiling of Xiaomi Automobile, it will take time to prove whether Lei Jun can lead Xiaomi to win this battle.

Geely Xingyue L real car appeared, with Volvo 2.0T power, 7.7s broke 100.

The auto show in April is about to start, and the car circle will be lively again, especially for independent brands, and several head brands have launched their own heavy models. In fact, after years of development, independent brands are no longer limited to cost performance. In the same class, they not only have richer configurations, but also have a good driving experience, especially the deep binding with them, which makes L have the comprehensive strength of not losing joint venture brands.

L adopts the latest CMA super matrix architecture, which not only has a tough appearance, but also adopts the 2.0T engine of Drive-E series, which can be said to be full of highlights. First of all, the appearance of the new car adopts the latest family-style design language, and the front face enters the waterfall air intake net and the surrounding zigzag elements, which further enhances the recognition of the new car. The interior of the flat headlight group on both sides is also blackened, which makes the sense of science and technology more obvious. The lower penetrating air inlet and the C-shaped side air inlets on both sides form an integrated design, which improves the visual width of the front face.

The shape of the side of the car body is very atmospheric. The steady posture, straight waistline and tough wheel eyebrows show a strong sense of strength. The flat roof line also indicates that there is enough space inside the new car. In terms of body size, the new car is 4770*1895*1689mm and the wheelbase is 2845mm, which is a standard medium-sized SUV.

The tail shape is relatively simple, and the through taillights on both sides are properly integrated with the silver chrome-plated decorative strip. The surrounding area below is also decorated with chrome-plated decoration, and the exhaust is designed in a hidden way, so the overall appearance is still very strong.

The new car in the interior adopts the popular double screen design. It can be said that the new car takes into account the sense of fashion and technology, and the combination of double colors presents a strong texture without losing luxury models. The materials used are naturally not bad, and the use of a large number of soft materials and stitching embellishment are more exquisite.

The new car is also rich in configuration, which can manage the cross-domain high-speed operation and function integration of functional domains such as power, intelligent driving, chassis and cloud collaboration. With the help of 5G technology, vehicles can find parking spaces, locate owners and find owners independently. At the same time, Xingyue L can also complete 100% unmanned driving, obstacle avoidance, intelligent parking space search, autonomous parking, parking and other functions within the 200-meter round-trip distance through independent learning, which is full of science and technology.

In terms of power, the new car will be equipped with Drive-E series 2.0TD in-cylinder direct injection turbocharged engine, with the maximum power of 218 HP and 238 HP, and the maximum torque of 325 Nm and 350 Nm, respectively. The transmission is matched with 7-speed wet DCT gearbox and 8AT gearbox from Aisin, with an acceleration of 7.7 seconds per 100 kilometers and a fuel consumption of 7.8L per 100 kilometers. It can be said that this power system is not only powerful, but also very fuel-efficient.

The curse, which was called unlucky, has won.

Laiyuan Mixiniu Entertainment

Wen | Xiaofu   

"bad luck!"

Just one day after boarding Netflix, the douban score of Curse dropped from 8.0 to 6.8.

Unexpectedly, this China Taiwan Province horror film, which has been expected by mainland fans for more than a year, will cause such a strong controversy after webcasting.

However, the emergence of this word-of-mouth differentiation stems from the gap between some viewers’ expectations of the film content, and on the other hand, many viewers are disgusted with the psychological suggestion "teasing" implanted by the director in the film.

Is there anything wrong with the "curse"?

Hot search on "unlucky"

Curse is definitely the most watched Chinese horror film in recent two years.

Whether it’s the horror trailer that was once complained by netizens last year, or the numerous hot debates during the box office and release of the highest Chinese film in Taiwan Province, China this year with NT$ 171 million, this film has created so many records that people can’t ignore its existence.

Especially in the increasingly rare Chinese horror movies, Curse is the uncrowned king of Chinese horror movies in 2022.

However, on the other hand, the huge controversy after the webcast of The Curse obviously exceeded many people’s expectations.

In fact, before the official webcast, "Curse" was almost a good comment on the Douban platform. The score is 8.0, and the highest is 8.2-this is rare in Chinese horror movies.

However, last weekend, this film ushered in an unexpected word-of-mouth diving. In addition to the sharp drop in Douban score, there are many similar comments of "Forwarding likes to get unlucky" in the comments area, and even the term # curse unlucky # was once listed in Weibo hot search.

The audience has the freedom to comment on a film, just like the "unlucky" controversy in "The Curse" has also attracted new debates among the audience. Some viewers insist that it is willful and even offensive to curse the audience with movies, and whether the audience is religious or not, they will feel uncomfortable. Of course, there are also many viewers who are not too touched by the content of the film. In their view, The Curse is no different from many similar works, just an ordinary horror film.

However, we found that diving with Douban score seems not unusual, because the score of "Curse" on China Taiwan Province Yahoo is only 3.3 (out of 5.0). According to the ten-point system of Douban, mainland netizens are more tolerant.

Rhinoceros Jun briefly browsed some bad reviews from the audience in Taiwan Province, China, and most of them focused on the aspects of drama routines, not terror, swaying mirrors and so on. In contrast, mainland netizens have a higher degree of recognition of the film’s plays, and more people give this film a low score because of "bad luck".

Yes, the director won.

In fact, only by looking at the content level, the setting of "The Curse" is not novel. Simply summarized, it is a horror family film shot by mockumentary. As a witness of the original event, 80% of the heroine Li Ruonan’s actions in the film are to escape from the curse and contend with it, but in the end, maternal love makes her a devotee who dares to face the horror.

The beauty of "The Curse" is that it retains full interactivity besides the plot. If you pay close attention, it is not difficult to find that the director has been constantly breaking the fourth wall in the whole film, maintaining interaction with the audience in front of the screen, thus achieving the purpose of burying psychological hints.

For example, at the beginning, the film starts a mental experiment with the audience with the first-person dialogue of the heroine. Li Ruonan introduced to the audience two pictures of "Ferris wheel" and "train", which can change the direction with ideas, to prove that human will can change the world.

The following story mainly tells Li Ruonan’s experience in the form of mockumentary. In front of the camera, Li Ruonan’s self-report, reality and the past three story lines alternately advanced, stripping away the truth of the Chenjiazhuang incident step by step.

First of all, the form of mockumentary itself can enhance the realism of the story, especially Li Ruonan’s first-person narration, which invisibly gives the audience a stronger sense of substitution.

Secondly, in this film, the director also borrowed the production mode of desktop movies many times. For example, through broadcast monitoring, online video, local video and other forms, it is also to let the audience get a stronger immersive feeling.

The most important point is that the director has always used Li Ruonan’s mouth to instill the content of the fictional "Big Black Buddha Mother" Sect in the film. Strange spell symbols, strange handprints, and the unintelligible eight-character mantra of "Fire Buddha repairs one, and the heart is humming", in the process of Li Ruonan calling on everyone to remember these information, the audience has unconsciously entered the director’s small trap.

Finally, after the truth of "The Curse" came out, the audience who knew that they had been cheated or even "cursed" by the director would have such a strong feeling of truth.

And all this, is the initiator of this "practical joke", given by director Kevin Ko.

Chinese horror films worthy of being written in film history

China audience can get such an immersive viewing experience, which is inseparable from the "tailor-made" of this film. In our opinion, the fear of the curse stems from three key points.

One is religion.

As early as a few years ago, director Kevin Ko said in the program that "we Chinese people will always have awe of religion."

In daily life, people believe in gods and buddhas and are afraid of ghosts, but if gods and buddhas no longer represent justice and ghosts start to act recklessly, it becomes an excellent material for Chinese thrillers. Domestic horror games, such as Fireworks, Paper Wedding Clothes, Paper Man and Hong Kong Mystery Record, which were released in China in recent years, actually borrowed religious elements from traditional culture.

In the film "Curse", the director who knows his way also focuses on the religious color. It costs a lot of money to order Buddha statues, make props and design scenes, so we can see that most of the horror colors in the film actually come from the sense of horror created by elements such as evil spirits and scriptures, rather than the direct attack of ghosts. This is also the biggest difference between Chinese horror movies and western horror movies.

The second is the event basis.

"The Curse" may be a rare work adapted from a real event in a horror film, and the original case of this film is a bizarre case that is still pending.

In 2005, a long-time superstitious family of six in Gushan District of Kaohsiung claimed to be possessed by gods, and successively went insane, self-mutilated, fought with each other, and even fed each other feces. The eldest daughter, who was identified as an evil spirit, was eventually imprisoned and abused by the whole family to death. Because the incident was so bizarre, after the police arrested them, the doctor decided that they were collective paranoia.

Cold cases like this are hotbeds of paranormal fear of urban legends, and the curse derived from it naturally has a natural sense of terror. It is reported that director Kevin Ko will continue to create new horror films inspired by paranormal, a real horror in the history of Taiwan Province Province.

The third is the mature horror film technique.

In addition to the above-mentioned desktop movies and the form of mockumentary, JumpsScare, which can bring the most direct sensory stimulation to the audience, is also skillfully used in the film. In addition, the insects, wounds, seals, spells and other elements that appear many times in the film, as well as the empty fingers and lotus milk that once spread widely on the Internet in Jane Eyre, are very typical fears of China audiences. The director can be said to have learned from others.

Of course, The Curse is not without flaws. For example, the distortion caused by frequent switching of different perspectives on the mirror and the discomfort of hand-held camera all weaken the narrative effect to some extent. On the whole, however, the film’s bold innovation in form and the audience’s strong feelings after watching it are doomed to be a horror film written in the history of Chinese film.

As for the climax of the film controversy, that is, the curse at the end, in fact, it is not uncommon in the field of horror films. In the past, classic horror films such as Curse and Ring at Midnight used similar techniques. The fact that "The Curse" can cause such a big controversy shows that it has completely hit the fear and taboo points of China audience.

Even when watching the movie in a non-big-screen scene, the fictional plot of this film still caused many viewers’ disgust and even discomfort. I think the director’s goal of shooting this film has been achieved. It is precisely because of this that we have more reason to think that Curse is a successful Chinese horror film.

As for raising the content of the film to a realistic level, or even reprimanding the director, I am afraid it will not be.

As many netizens said, "Do they watch horror movies for good luck?"


The State Sports General Administration issued the Development Plan of Outdoor Sports Industry in Mountainous Areas.

  Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, National Development and Reform Commission, General Administration of Sport

  Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Land and Resources, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development

  Ministry of Transport National Tourism Administration

  Notice on Issuing the Development Plan of Outdoor Sports Industry in Mountainous Areas

  All provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government, sports bureaus, development and reform commissions, departments of industry and information technology (commissions), departments of finance (bureaus), departments of land and resources, departments of housing, urban and rural areas and construction, transportation departments and tourism bureaus (commissions):

          The "Mountain Outdoor Sports Industry Development Plan" is hereby printed and distributed to you. Please conscientiously implement it according to the actual situation and accelerate the development of mountain outdoor sports industry.

  General administration of sports

  National Development and Reform Commission

  Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

  the Ministry of Finance

  Ministry of Land and Resources (MLR)

  Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development

  Ministry of Transport

  National Tourism Administration

  October 21, 2016

 Development planning of outdoor sports industry in mountainous areas

  Mountain outdoor sports industry is an important part of fitness and leisure industry. It is a series of economic activities that provide related products and services to the public with the natural mountain environment as the carrier, participation experience as the main form and the purpose of promoting physical and mental health, mainly including mountaineering, hiking, camping, cycling, natural rock climbing, orientation and navigation. At present, China has entered the decisive stage of building a well-off society in an all-round way, and people’s sports consumption mode has changed from physical consumption to participatory consumption. Vigorously developing the outdoor sports industry in mountainous areas is an important way to meet people’s diversified sports consumption needs, an important content of implementing the National Fitness Plan (2016-2020), building a healthy China and stimulating the vitality of industrial development, and is of great significance to releasing consumption potential and creating new kinetic energy for economic growth. In order to popularize and popularize mountain outdoor sports and accelerate the development of mountain outdoor sports industry, this plan is formulated. The implementation time of this plan is the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period.

  I. Development Foundation and Facing Situation

  With the continuous improvement of the national economic level, the sports consumption demand of the masses is also rising, and the mountain outdoor sports industry has achieved rapid growth: the number of outdoor sports enthusiasts in China has reached 130 million, and the outdoor products market has reached 18 billion yuan. The overall strength, industrial coverage, social participation and market recognition of China’s mountain outdoor sports industry have been greatly improved. At the same time, the weak links that restrict the outdoor sports industry in mountainous areas are still outstanding: the industrial scale is small, the industrial base is weak, the industrial system is not perfect, the lack of low-end consumption power coexists with high-end consumption outflow, the increasingly close industrial cooperation coexists with the lack of multi-department cooperation, and the management system is imperfect and the operation mechanism is not smooth.

  At present, the mountain outdoor sports industry is bound to usher in new strategic development opportunities. With the gradual implementation of the "Healthy China" strategy, the deepening of supply-side structural reform, and the wide application of concepts and tools such as "internet plus", smart tourism and big data, the demand for personalization, stratification and experience of the public tends to be strong, and the supply of mountain outdoor sports products in China will expand from low level and singleness to multi-level and diversified, and the participating groups will change from younger to different ages and diversified.

  Second, the overall requirements

  (A) the guiding ideology

  Fully implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Third, Fourth and Fifth Plenary Sessions of the 18th National Congress, firmly establish and implement the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing in accordance with the overall layout of "Five in One" and the strategic layout of "Four in All", with improving people’s well-being and health level as the starting point and the end result, with the supply-side structural reform of mountain outdoor sports industry as the main line, and with innovative development ideas and tapping industrial potential as the starting point.

  (2) Basic principles

  Reform leads, innovation develops. Strengthen the role of reform in promoting the development of outdoor sports industry in mountainous areas, intensify reform, and maximize market potential through policy innovation, management innovation, technological innovation and service innovation. Break down industry barriers, remove institutional obstacles, and form a policy system conducive to the healthy and rapid development of outdoor sports industry in mountainous areas. Strengthen the guidance of planning, policies and standards, and innovate the service mode and the development model of outdoor sports industry in mountainous areas.

  Improve the market and stimulate vitality. Follow the law of industrial development, improve the market mechanism and strengthen market supervision. Actively cultivate diversified market players, attract social capital to participate, fully mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of the whole society, and provide rich and diverse products and services that meet the needs of the masses.

  Adjust measures to local conditions and highlight advantages. Based on the current development situation, we should integrate space resources, give full play to the advantages of China’s vast territory and abundant natural resources in mountainous areas, develop the outdoor sports industry in mountainous areas with regional characteristics, and establish an inter-regional coordinated development mechanism to effectively promote the sustainable development of the outdoor sports industry in mountainous areas.

  Strengthen safety and optimize the environment. Increase investment in safety and security, deepen the awareness of safety responsibility, and strengthen the responsibility system for safety subjects, supervision and post responsibility. Strengthen the awareness of ecological protection, follow strict environmental protection standards, strengthen the protection of drinking water sources and nature reserves, prevent and control environmental pollution, and promote the overall quality of the people.

  (3) Development goals

  A mountain outdoor sports industry system with reasonable layout, perfect functions and complete categories has been basically formed. The market mechanism has been continuously improved, and the consumer demand has become more and more vigorous, which has significantly improved the driving role for other industries. By 2020, the total scale of mountain outdoor sports industry will reach 400 billion yuan, which will become an important force to promote sustainable economic and social development.

  Market players are growing. By 2020, a number of leading enterprises with great influence and strong driving force will emerge, launch a number of outdoor sports products with excellent quality, cultivate a number of qualified mountain outdoor sports clubs and a large number of qualified mountain outdoor sports instructors, and form a number of distinctive industrial clusters and well-known brands.

  The industrial base has improved significantly. The supply of outdoor sports venues and facilities in mountainous areas has increased significantly. Form a different level and diversified mountain outdoor sports event system. The population participating in outdoor sports in mountainous areas is growing, and the proportion of residents’ outdoor sports consumption in per capita disposable income has increased significantly.

  The industrial environment is constantly optimized. The vitality of institutional mechanisms has been significantly enhanced, administrative monopoly and local protection have been effectively eliminated, the standard system has been further improved, the resource information interactive service platform has been gradually formed, the regulatory mechanism is standardized and efficient, and the market system is healthy and orderly.

  III. Main tasks

  (A) to speed up the construction of venues and facilities

  Improve the infrastructure network. Strengthen the scientific planning and layout of outdoor sports venues and facilities in mountainous areas, and establish a three-dimensional and diversified system of outdoor sports venues and facilities in mountainous areas. Appropriately increase the proportion of land for outdoor sports facilities and supporting facilities in mountainous areas. Combine smart cities and green travel, plan and build urban slow-moving system and coordinate urban and rural greenway network, and build national trail system and bicycle road network. We will build a number of outdoor sports venues and related service facilities such as outdoor camps, hiking trails, hiking trails and cycling trails, and promote the construction of star-rated standards.

  Column 1 Building outdoor sports venues and facilities in mountainous areas

  In the form of "point, line and surface", scientific layout will be made to form a three-dimensional and diversified system of outdoor sports venues and facilities in mountainous areas.

  "Points": large-scale national outdoor leisure sports centers (bases) around big cities, medium-sized outdoor sports campsites, and functional areas where small mountain outdoor facilities are concentrated.

  "Line": national trails with various functions, outdoor cycling system, greenway network with sports and fitness functions, slow-moving system, etc.

  "Face": A linear path of sports, leisure and fitness connects all points of the venue facilities in series, supporting the corresponding public service facilities and forming an integrated platform.

  Revitalize the existing site resources. Make full use of parks and urban outdoor vacant places, focus on building a number of outdoor sports facilities that are convenient for the people and benefit the people, dig deep into idle resources in outdoor mountains, and support the use of unused land, abandoned land and remote mountains to build outdoor sports projects in mountainous areas.

  Expand the development space of the site. Guide qualified suburban areas to build mountain outdoor sports infrastructure such as hiking trails, mountain outdoor camps, hiking and cycling service stations, and improve supporting services. Plan and improve the construction of outdoor sports complex in mountainous areas. Encourage tourist attractions, state-owned forest farms and other reasonable planning and construction of outdoor sports facilities in mountainous areas. Support rural collective economic organizations to participate in mountain outdoor sports projects by themselves or by means of land use rights, joint ventures, etc.

  (B) enrich the supply of sports events

  Improve the competition system. Continue to improve and innovate, and build a level system of top-level events, professional events and amateur events. Organic combination of mountain outdoor sports boutique events and mass events, and actively promote the effective connection between national events and local events.

  Cultivate characteristic activities. Strive to creatively plan a number of high-level and high-quality mountain outdoor sports theme games, create outdoor sports games and festivals with regional characteristics and local culture as the theme, cultivate outdoor experience and adventure activities with environmental protection, outdoor knowledge and skills and personality shaping as the theme, and establish forums and exhibitions with mountain outdoor sports, outdoor culture and outdoor industrial exchanges as the theme.

  Create a brand event. Expand the scale of events, increase the types of events, cultivate a number of international brand events, create a number of nationally influential and well-known brand events, and form a good situation for the development of mountain outdoor sports events with "one product" and "one place, one product".

  (3) Cultivate diversified market players

  Support enterprise development. Guide powerful mountain outdoor enterprises to further enhance their core competitiveness through management output, chain operation and scale development. Encourage large-scale mountain outdoor enterprises to achieve cross-regional, cross-industry and cross-ownership mergers, restructuring and listing. Encourage overseas mergers and acquisitions of dominant brand enterprises to expand the international market. Support the rapid development of operating outdoor sports clubs. Encourage all kinds of small and medium-sized outdoor enterprises in mountainous areas to develop in the direction of "specialization, precision, specialty and novelty" and strengthen characteristic management, products and services.

  Expand social organizations. Vigorously support the development of various non-profit mountain outdoor sports associations, federations, clubs and other social organizations. Actively promote the pilot reform of the national mountain outdoor sports association and explore the establishment of a corporate governance structure. Encourage all kinds of social organizations to operate independently according to law, and lower the threshold for mountain outdoor sports clubs to engage in related business.

  (D) comprehensively enhance the industrial energy level

  Adjust the industrial structure. Further optimize the outdoor sports service industry, equipment manufacturing industry and related industrial structures in mountainous areas. Accelerate the development of mountain outdoor sports service industry, and support all localities to build a large number of outstanding mountain outdoor clubs, outstanding enterprises and brand competitions. Vigorously promote the development of mountain outdoor sports equipment manufacturing to high-end links such as research and development, design and sales, improve the independent research and development production capacity, and cultivate a number of well-known brands of high-end fitness and leisure equipment with independent intellectual property rights.

  Column 2 Improve the manufacturing level of outdoor sports equipment in mountainous areas

  Support the establishment of a world-leading mountain outdoor product research and development center, focus on key technologies, key technologies and common technologies, and form a core technology support system with independent intellectual property rights.

  Carry out demonstration and promotion of major technology applications, and popularize the advanced experience of innovative technologies, product marketing and retail business models in product research and development and design.

  Strengthen demonstration and guidance. Promote the service benchmarking of mountain outdoor sports, carefully select a number of regions and projects with distinctive characteristics and rich industrial elements, and create a number of excellent mountain outdoor sports with leading value. Build 3-5 national mountain outdoor sports demonstration zones, 50 mountain outdoor sports boutique routes and 50 mountain outdoor sports boutique projects to speed up the star construction of mountain outdoor sports camps.

  Improve the industrial layout. Around the national topography, landform and resource distribution characteristics, optimize the spatial layout, create a "three vertical and three horizontal" national mountain outdoor sports strategic layout, actively promote the benign interaction between regions with similar resources, complementary industries and docking supply and demand, and form a unique mountain outdoor sports industrial cluster and industrial belt. Overall planning, scientific optimization of project layout, vigorously develop mass projects such as mountaineering, hiking, camping and mountain biking, steadily develop professional projects such as high-altitude mountaineering and rock climbing, actively expand new forms and new connotations of mountain outdoor sports, and promote the healthy development of mountain outdoor sports.

  Column 3 Layout of Mountain Outdoor Sports Space

  "Three verticals and three horizontals" is based on the division of geographical levels from west to east, which includes the three steps of topography and the characteristics of mountains and rivers in China. Based on the division of temperature zones from north to south and the differences in topography and geomorphology, it contains various characteristics such as climate, vegetation, landscape, hydrology, geology and humanities. Based on the existing mountain outdoor sports gathering area, it includes hiking, cycling, go on road trip, rafting and other projects. The main layout architecture is as follows:

  1. The 500-kilometer trail line along the Taihang Mountains, and the outdoor sports line along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, the Huizhou-Hangzhou Ancient Road and the Xuxiake Ancient Road together form the longitudinal mountain outdoor sports belt in eastern China;

  2. Cycling and hiking routes from Xi ‘an to Chengdu;

  3. Cycling and hiking routes along the Qinghai-Tibet Highway (Xining via Golmud and Tanggula to Lhasa);

  4. Mountain outdoor sports routes along the Silk Road;

  5. Cycling and hiking routes along National Highway 318;

  6. Mountain outdoor sports routes along the Yangtze River and on both sides.

  Promote integrated development. Promote the upgrading of outdoor sports demand in mountainous areas to form a coupling effect, and actively build a highly intelligent, networked and interactive industrial integration system. Develop intelligent technology mountain outdoor sports products, promote the integration of mountain outdoor enterprises and mobile Internet, and make full use of big data, cloud computing, intelligent hardware and various theme apps to expand development space. Vigorously develop outdoor tourism in mountainous areas, support and guide qualified scenic spots to expand outdoor sports tourism projects in mountainous areas, and create high-quality outdoor tourism destinations. Make full use of and tap sports big data to promote the integrated development of outdoor and health services in mountainous areas.

  Column 4: Promote outdoor sports in the mountains of internet plus.

  Vigorously support online to offline for outdoor sports in mountainous areas, make full use of and tap the big data of healthy groups, build a networked information service platform, support the development of APP for outdoor sports in mountainous areas, such as venue reservation, guide reservation, sports socialization, sports goods sales, sports rehabilitation, etc., continuously optimize the operation and management mode, enrich the business service content, and comprehensively improve the comprehensive service function. Vigorously support the intelligent networking mode, conform to the development needs, combine the mobile internet and innovative sports concepts with traditional industries, build an interactive mountain outdoor sports platform based on the Internet of Things, and realize the integrated development of mountain outdoor sports industry.

  (5) Actively guide mass consumption.

  Enrich product supply. Vigorously promote mountain outdoor sports suitable for public participation in consumption, actively guide the healthy development of key mountain outdoor sports with consumption leading, and encourage the development of characteristic sports suitable for different groups of people and different regional characteristics, such as mountaineering, camping, hiking, mountain biking, rock climbing, mountain adventure, outdoor expansion and canyon rafting, so as to gradually meet the hierarchical and diversified consumption needs of the broad masses of the people.

  Guide the concept of consumption. Use newspapers, magazines, radio, television, internet and other media to widely publicize the knowledge and methods of mountain outdoor sports, promote various mountain outdoor sports venues and consumption information, encourage the use of various social platforms, enhance consumption experience, actively guide and stimulate residents’ willingness to consume, promote residents to change their consumption concepts, and enhance public awareness of consciously participating in mountain outdoor sports.

  (6) Improve the safety rescue system.

  Create a safe first aid network. Intensify the education and rescue of outdoor sports safety in mountainous areas, plan and build an early warning and alarm system and an outdoor emergency rescue system in mountainous areas, build an information management and track tracking system for outdoor sports participants in mountainous areas, and establish a convenient and full-coverage outdoor rescue service system in mountainous areas.

  Strengthen safety information warning. Establish a risk level information database of mountain outdoor sports destinations, and actively update and publish information such as weather conditions and traffic control in the surrounding areas of mountain outdoor sports destinations. Improve the safety warning, emergency rescue, fire protection, safety protection and other identification information in risk-prone areas.

  Establish an emergency rescue mechanism. We will steadily promote the construction of outdoor rescue teams in mountainous areas, strengthen early warning, control, rescue, equipment and insurance response drills, and gradually establish and improve a comprehensive rescue mechanism. Accelerate the establishment and improvement of an all-round emergency rescue service system integrating rescue, medical care and transportation.

  Box 5 Building a Mountain Outdoor Safety Rescue System

  1. Identification system: build systems such as guide identification, warning identification, warning identification and service guide.

  2. Safety system: Establish safety protection devices, early warning devices, emergency rescue devices, emergency shelters, rescue teams and rescue equipment.

  3. Rescue system: build an integrated response system of rescue, medical treatment and transportation.

  4. Rescue service station: build service center, rest point, campsite and post station, and improve the systems of water supply, power supply, lighting, parking lot, toilet and garbage recovery and disposal.

  Fourth, safeguard measures

  (A) innovation system and mechanism

  We will further improve the macro-management function of the sports administrative department in the mountain outdoor sports industry, and accelerate the formation of a functional system of government agencies with clear rights and responsibilities, reasonable division of labor, efficient operation and legal protection. Break down industry and regional barriers and simplify examination and approval procedures. Implement the State Council’s "Overall Plan for Decoupling Industry Associations from Administrative Organs", continue to promote the pilot reform of individual mountain outdoor sports associations, and complete the decoupling of national mountain outdoor sports associations from sports administrative organs.

  (B) improve the policy system

  Effectively implement the current national planning and layout, taxes and fees, prices, land and other policies to support the development of sports industry. Make overall use of existing capital channels to give necessary support to the outdoor sports industry in mountainous areas. Promote the use of government and social capital cooperation model (PPP) to promote policy innovations such as mountain outdoor sports insurance services, rescue systems and industrial statistics.

  (C) lay a solid foundation for work

  Strengthen the construction of public service system in mountainous outdoor sports concentration areas, and promote the establishment and improvement of service guarantee systems such as policy, transportation, security, information and technical services and rescue systems in and around the concentration areas. Accelerate the construction of standard systems for outdoor sports and outdoor industries in mountainous areas, formulate service specifications for outdoor sports in mountainous areas, improve the safety, order and quality assurance system for outdoor sports in mountainous areas, and improve the standardization level of outdoor sports and outdoor industries in mountainous areas in facilities construction, service provision, skills training, personnel qualification, activity management, project operation, equipment and so on. Establish and improve the statistical system and index system of mountain outdoor sports industry, establish evaluation and monitoring mechanism, and form a normalization mechanism for data monitoring and regular release of mountain outdoor sports industry.

  (D) Strengthen the protection of talents

  Encourage multi-party investment and carry out various types of vocational education and training. Encourage qualified colleges and universities to set up mountain outdoor sports industry majors, and encourage colleges and universities, research institutes, vocational training institutions and sports enterprises to establish mountain outdoor sports industry teaching, research and training bases. Strengthen international exchanges and cooperation in the training of talents in mountain outdoor sports industry, and accelerate the construction of think tanks in mountain outdoor sports industry.

  (5) Strengthen organizational leadership.

  Establish a communication and coordination mechanism for the relevant competent departments of mountain outdoor industry, timely analyze and solve the development situation and problems of mountain outdoor sports industry, and study and formulate various policies and measures for the development of mountain outdoor sports industry. Incorporate mountain outdoor sports industry into national economic and social development plans at all levels, as well as the development plans of related industries and departments. Sports administrative departments at all levels should strengthen the work of mountain outdoor sports industry and promote the development of mountain outdoor sports industry.

  (6) Strengthen supervision and implementation.

  Relevant departments at all levels should further clarify the basic tasks, work objectives and safeguard measures for the development of outdoor sports industry in mountainous areas, accurately grasp the focus of work, clarify the division of responsibilities, and do a good job in organizing and implementing all work. It is necessary to improve the supervision and implementation mechanism of the implementation of the plan, take effective measures, strictly supervise the implementation of the plan, and ensure the smooth implementation of the plan. (End)

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The principal of a criminal gang selling wildlife products in Ankang, Shaanxi Province was sentenced to 12 years in prison.

  Beijing News According to the WeChat WeChat official account news of Ankang Railway Transport Court, on February 20, 2020, Ankang Railway Transport Court sentenced a criminal case involving a large number of wildlife products prosecuted by Ankang Railway Transport Procuratorate in Hanbin District Detention Center.

  (The picture shows the trial photos of the case before the epidemic)

  Defendants Qu Moumou, Zhang Moumou, Wen Mou, Li Moumou, Che Moumou, Yao Moumou and other six criminals were convicted of illegally purchasing, transporting and selling precious and endangered wildlife products. The principal offender Qu Moumou was sentenced to 12 years in prison by the court and fined RMB 178,600. The other five criminals were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of three years and less than three months by the court, and fined ranging from 2,000 yuan to 19,000 yuan; A total of 353 wild animal products, such as sika deer, Burmese python, 13 kinds of second-class protected animals and 98 kinds of other animals, which were transferred with the case, were confiscated according to law and handed over to the competent forestry authorities for legal treatment.

  (The picture shows the photos of criminals identifying the scene)

  Since August 2017, the defendant Qu Moumou has illegally acquired a large number of dead wild animals through the Internet alone or in partnership with others, and processed them into specimens. In March 2019, Hanbin Branch of Ankang Public Security Bureau seized 353 dead wild animals in its rented place, and some of them have been processed into specimens.

  The evidence is conclusive and shocking.

  According to the inspection by Shaanxi Institute of Zoology, there are 41 rare and endangered wild animals, among which sika deer and Burmese python are the first-class national protected wild animals. The national second-class protected wild animals include golden pheasant, mandarin duck, sparrow hawk, peregrine falcon, black-winged kite, collared owl, crested eagle, red-bellied eagle, Japanese sparrow hawk, red-horned owl, eagle owl, spotted snipe and fur seal. Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) has a large-headed flat turtle; Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) includes macaw, Alexander parrot, sparrow and green iguana. In addition, there are 312 other wild animals, such as the Chinese chrysanthemum bat.

  The first paragraph of Article 341 of the Criminal Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) stipulates: "Whoever illegally hunts and kills rare and endangered wild animals under special state protection, or illegally buys, transports or sells rare and endangered wild animals under special state protection and their products, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention and shall also be fined; If the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years but not more than ten years and shall also be fined; If the circumstances are particularly serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years and fined or confiscated. " The Ankang Railway Transport Court, after hearing the case according to law, found that the above-mentioned acts committed by the defendants Qu Moumou, Zhang Moumou, Wen Mou, Li Moumou, Che Moumou and Yao Moumou were conclusive and sufficient, which violated the law. Therefore, it was found that the public prosecution agency accused the defendant Qu Moumou and other six criminals of illegally purchasing, transporting and selling precious and endangered wildlife products. Qu Moumou plays a major role in participating in joint crimes and is the principal offender; Considering the criminal circumstances, harmful consequences and penitence of the six criminals, the court made the verdict mentioned at the beginning of the article according to law.