The public has raised three major questions about Hangzhou Fujiazi’s drag racing crash

One of Tan Zhuo’s favorite photos during his lifetime became his last photo.

Data map: Photo by Ren Ye, a reporter for the driver involved in the accident

  The public questions the "5.7" drag racing death case

  Our reporter, Wang Chengming, correspondent, Yan Yongzhou

  Question 1: Can the perpetrator still go home and surf the Internet?

  After the QQ space of the perpetrator Hu Bin was found and cracked by netizens, there were photos of Hu Bin himself traveling in Beijing in the space. The mood of the space owner was updated in the early morning of May 8 to: "Blank, causing a big disaster." This update aroused strong doubts from netizens: Under the premise of criminal responsibility, the perpetrator Hu Bin was actually lifted from the compulsory measures that night and went home to surf the Internet?

  One car owner, who did not want to be named, said that at the scene of the incident, the attitude of the traffic police handling the case changed subtly before and after the long phone contact with the perpetrator’s mother. And Hu Bin was able to go home that night. The fact that Hu Bin was not investigated for multiple violations before the incident also raises questions. It can be said that this "loose" law enforcement environment created the impunity of lawbreakers and led to the tragedy.

  Question 2: The speed of the vehicle involved in the accident was only 70 yards per hour?

  At the first press conference of the West Lake Traffic Control Department, it was initially determined that the speed of the vehicle involved was 70 yards per hour, based on the statements of the parties and the statements of relevant witnesses.

  This raised more questions. Witnesses at the scene at the time said that Tan Zhuo flew nearly 5 meters high when he was hit by the car, and it was obvious that the speed of 70 yards per hour could not be established.

  A vehicle expert, who did not want to be named, believes that according to the original braking equipment of the accident car factory, it takes about 35 meters to brake at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour to 0. After the vehicle hits the person, it takes more than 50 meters to stop. According to the driver’s instinctive reaction, assuming that he braked at full force at that time and the speed was at least 100 kilometers or more, according to the speed limit of 50 kilometers on this road, it is absolutely not wrong to say that the perpetrator was speeding at more than double the speed at that time.

  The traffic control department has released information one after another in the past two days, and has re-visited the scene to measure the speed of the vehicle, but the public still has doubts. Can the speed measurement of the accident be more transparent?

  Question 3: Is it a "traffic accident" or "endangering public safety"?

  After Hu Bin was criminally detained by the police on the charge of "causing a traffic accident," the public questioned that his drag racing in a busy area caused death, which constituted "disregard for the safety of unspecified public personnel" and met the criminal requirements of "endangering public safety."

  Because the penalties for the two crimes in the Criminal Law are far apart, the former can be sentenced to less than three years in prison, while the latter can be sentenced to death.

  Liu Chenglin, a lawyer at Liuhe Law Firm, expressed confidence that the court will make a trial according to law. He believes that the core of the case is the subjective intention of the perpetrator Hu Bin to drive at high speed. In any case, I believe that the huge social effect of this incident will become an important reference indicator for the judge to decide the case.

  (Hangzhou, May 12)

  Ask "Road Killer"

  A university graduate in his prime has left us regretfully. But who will be next? When will "road killers" stop taking lives?

  One of the follow-up questions:

  A "killer" who doesn’t pay for his life can only be let go?

  Everyone knows that "ten accidents are nine times faster".

  But why are so many people still speeding recklessly, even in the streets?

  "The most important thing is to have a heavy enough price for breaking the law so that those people don’t dare to do whatever they want." Many experts and readers have pointed out that from a management perspective, the penalties for those responsible for traffic accidents are too light. Generally, points are deducted and money is lost, and most of them do not need to pay for themselves, and the insurance company will settle the claim. Even if the person is killed, according to the "Criminal Law", it is generally sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention.

  Xiao Yan, an associate professor at Guanghua Law School at Zhejiang University, said: "I think some serious speeding violations should not be equated with ordinary traffic accidents. The nature of this mentality is’disregard for the safety of unspecified public personnel ‘, and should be considered for suspected endangerment of public safety." In August last year, the Chaoyang District People’s Court in Beijing sentenced three young men for the first time for "endangering public safety".

  According to the provisions of the Criminal Law, crimes against public safety are felonies punishable by fixed-term imprisonment of more than 10 years, life imprisonment or the death penalty. The deterrent effect of felonies on traffic offenders will undoubtedly be greatly enhanced.

  The second question:

  Illegal rage, can you revoke the "killer license" in time?

  The perpetrator of the "May 7" drag racing death in Hangzhou had speeding three times before, including the one in December last year, which reached 210 kilometers per hour, while the speed limit was 120 kilometers per hour, far more than 50%.

  The province’s penalties for serious speeding violations have always been strict, exceeding the specified speed by more than 50%, and the driver’s license will be revoked.

  Liu Zikun, a driver with more than 10 years of driving experience, said: "The reason why the driver’s license of this perpetrator has not been revoked may involve a procedural issue. Now catching speeding is basically an off-site law enforcement, and then the punishment notice is mailed to the offender. If the offender does not take the initiative to accept the punishment, it will be counted as a’general ledger ‘at the annual trial."

  Liu Zikun said that if the off-site law enforcement finds that the driver’s license is to be revoked, it should be "specially handled" and severely punished as soon as it is found. Only in this way can the threat to public safety and other lives be reduced in a timely manner, and it is also a more responsible approach for the violator himself.

  Question number three:

  The zebra crossing has become a "death line", where does the sense of security come from?

  "Pedestrians are frequently killed at zebra crossings, which is almost a’death line ‘. This is a great irony to social order and modern rule of law."

Fujiazi drag racing accident news tracking:

    The Revelation of the Case of Hangzhou Fujiazi’s Drag Racing Death (Part 1)

    The Revelation of the Case of Hangzhou Fujiazi’s Drag Racing Death (Part 2)

    Hangzhou Fujiazi drag car crash continues: Police urgently search for two key witnesses

    The "rich family son" drag racing tragedy continues: the Public Security Bureau answers questions from the outside world

    Flaunting wealth and hating wealth: the social divide that cannot be ignored

    Hangzhou police talk about the death of a rich boy in a drag racing accident: the case will be handled fairly

    Fujiazi once raced on the Shanghai-Hangzhou Expressway to 210 kilometers per hour

    Expert: Rich boy’s drag racing behavior has been suspected of "endangering public safety"

    Sunshine, motivated, caring, loving life, this is Tan Zhuo

    Tan Zhuo, go well, there are no cars coming and going in heaven

    Why do highways frequently stage "life and death speed"?

Feng Xiaogang and Jackie Chan were elected vice chairpeople of the China Film Association

  China Broadcasting Network Beijing December 30th news, according to the website of the China Film Association, on the afternoon of December 27th, the Eighth National Congress of the China Film Association voted to elect the new chairperson and vice chairperson. Director Li Qiankuan, who has directed many classic films such as "The Founding Ceremony", was elected as the eighth chairperson of the film association, while Feng Xiaogang and Jackie Chan were elected as vice chairpeople.

  10 Hong Kong filmmakers join the film association

  The Eighth National Congress of the China Film Association opened in Beijing on December 26. The conference brought together 349 delegates from all over the country, including 13 delegates from Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions, to represent the vast majority of film workers across the country to discuss the development plan of Chinese film and study and determine the tasks of the Film Association for the next five years.

  The 10 Hong Kong filmmakers who joined the China Film Association this time include Jackie Chan, Andy Lau, Chen Kexin, Chen Ka Shang, Er Dongsheng, Xu Xiaoming, Hong Kong Film Producers Association Chairperson Hong Zuxing, Emperor Film International Co., Ltd. Chief Executive Officer Li Yabo, Universal Asia Film Group Senior Executive Zhuang Cheng, and Yindu Agency Chairperson Song Dai.

  Feng Xiaogang Jackie Chan served as Vice Chairperson

  On December 27, the conference voted for the new chairperson and vice-chairperson candidates. Li Qiankuan, a director who has directed many classic films such as "The Founding Ceremony", was elected as the eighth chairperson of the Film Association. Li Qiankuan is a native of Penglai, Shandong Province, born in Dalian in 1941. He graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Beijing Film Academy in 1964 and served as an artist at Changchun Film Studio. He was transferred to director in 1976. Since 1981, he has co-directed a series of important films such as "General Saber", "Fugitive", "The Founding Ceremony", "After the Decisive Battle", "Chongqing Negotiation", "The July 7th Incident" and "Red Hijab". In particular, his famous work "The Founding Ceremony" has re-created a generation of historical figures on the screen, returning the images of Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai-shek to their historical faces. He has successively won the "Golden Rooster", "Hundred Flowers" and the Ministry of Radio, Television and Television Outstanding Film Awards, and set box office records in both mainland China and Hong Kong. Li Qiankuan’s films focus on major revolutionary themes, and his works have a prominent epic style and rich historical scenes. At the same time, he is also quite skilled in shaping characters. This time, he succeeded director Wu Yigong as the eighth chairperson of the Film Association.

  Among the list of vice chairpeople, Feng Xiaogang and Jackie Chan are the most eye-catching. Previously, Feng Xiaogang served as a director of the seventh board of directors of the film association, and Jackie Chan was the first Hong Kong and Macao filmmakers to join the film association and served as vice chairpeople. In addition, Kang Jianmin, director of the State Film Administration Tong Gang, actors Pan Hong, Li Xuejian, Xi Meijuan, etc. were all vice chairpeople of the film association in the last term and were re-elected this time. There are ten vice chairpeople this year, one more than the previous term. In addition to the above seven people, there are Zhang Huijun, director of the Beijing Film Academy, screenwriter Li Pingfen, and director Yin Li.

  At the meeting on December 27, a new term of directors was also voted for. Among them, Zhang Hanyu, Zhang Fengyi, Jia Zhangke, Li Bingbing and other filmmakers were elected as the new term of directors.

  The China Film Association was established on July 26, 1949. It is a people’s organization composed of filmmakers of all ethnic groups in China. It founded famous film festivals such as the Chinese Film Golden Rooster Award and the China Golden Rooster Hundred Flowers Film Festival. Yang Hansheng, **, Xia Yan, Xie Jin, Xie Tieli and others have served as chairpeople of the association. The association elects a new chairperson every five years.

Editor in charge: Liu Li

Green travel helps low-carbon life (consumption window, new observation on green consumption ④)

  Haikou City, Hainan Province, speeds up the construction of public charging piles to escort citizens’ green travel. The picture shows that construction workers are installing new energy vehicle charging piles next to the public parking space at the intersection of Changtong Road and Binhai Avenue in Haikou.

  People’s Vision

  Daoxian County, Yongzhou City, Hunan Province advocates low-carbon green travel, and has opened pure electric buses for Guitou Village, Lianghekou Village and other villages with rich tourism resources, which is convenient for villagers and tourists. The picture shows the pure electric bus running on the road at the entrance of Guitou Village, Meihua Town, Daoxian County.

  People’s Vision

  core reading

  The construction of the urban slow-moving system has been steadily carried out, the proportion of new energy vehicles in the fields of urban public transportation, taxis, and urban logistics distribution has continued to increase. Digital technologies such as the Internet and big data have deeply empowered the travel field, and green travel has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Promote the realization of the "double carbon" goal, and green transportation has great potential.

  Green travel fashion environmental protection

  All localities are accelerating the construction of urban slow-moving systems, making public transportation more convenient

  "My home is about 5 kilometers away from my unit, and I used to drive to and from get off work. Since Meihu Greenway was upgraded and renovated, as long as it didn’t rain, I would ride my bike to and from get off work. Not only is it low-carbon and energy-saving, but I can also enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way, breathe fresh air all the way, and my energy is much better than before." Zhang Liyun, a citizen of Qingyunpu District, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, said that cycling to and from get off work can serve multiple purposes.

  Walking on the Badashanren Meihu Greenway in Qingyunpu District, you can always see many citizens riding, and cycling has become the first choice for more and more citizens to travel.

  "Urban greenway construction is a livelihood project that benefits the people. It enhances the well-being of the people while decorating the city." Ye Xiutang, secretary of the Qingyunpu District Party Committee, said that in recent years, the government has invested more than 10 million yuan to upgrade and renovate Meihu Greenway. About 1 kilometer of greenways have been built, and about 3.3 kilometers of greenways have been renovated. There are also new bicycle lanes to help residents travel green.

  In Anning City, Yunnan Province, the Mantis River slow-walking system is an ecological greenway that is everywhere. "The slow-walking system integrates a health trail and a bicycle slow-walking path. The two roads are separated by a variety of trees and shrubs, and there are rest areas and observation decks along the line, which is very attractive to citizens," said Jiang Qi, chief of the Landscaping Management Section of the Anning City Administration.

  Liang Shuanglu, a professor at the School of Economics at Yunnan University, believes that the popularity of urban greenways in various places reflects the concept of green travel.

  "Green transportation is an important part of forming a simple and moderate, green and low-carbon, civilized and healthy lifestyle, which helps to create a high-quality life and promote high-quality development." Wang Yun, deputy director of the Institute of Foreign Economics of the China Academy of Macroeconomics, said that from the perspective of consumption, green transportation involves purchase, use and management; from the perspective of participants, it involves the government, enterprises and consumers. In recent years, our country’s green transportation has developed rapidly, and gradually built a low-carbon and environmentally friendly transportation development pattern.

  The proportion of urban public bus and tram and rail transit trips has further increased, and the degree of public transportation travel facilitation has been significantly improved. For example, Beijing has created conditions for green travel by building a convenient, interoperable and multi-network integrated public transportation system, and the proportion of green travel in central urban areas is expected to reach 74.6% in 2022.

  The proportion of new energy vehicles used in public services such as urban public transportation, rental, sanitation, logistics and distribution, postal express delivery, and civil aviation airports has gradually increased. In some small and medium-sized cities, the cultivation of "green urban and rural transportation circles" is accelerating. For example, there are 437 buses in Anning City, of which 343 are new energy vehicles, accounting for more than 78% of the total number of vehicles. It is expected that all new energy buses will be operated by 2023.

  Accelerate the promotion of new energy vehicles

  The supply and sales of new energy vehicles are booming, and the operation and maintenance service system and other supporting facilities are accelerated

  "I found a new charging station on Suxi Avenue on the mobile map APP. It is very convenient to use. You can pay by scanning the code on your mobile phone, and it only takes about half an hour to charge quickly." Recently, next to the new energy vehicle charging station in the parking lot of the Sports Park in Suxi Town, Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province, Hu Xiaojun, an owner who is charging his new energy vehicle, said: "Now, there are more and more new energy vehicle charging stations, and it is more convenient and safe for us to use new energy vehicles."

  In small and medium-sized cities, the degree of improvement of supporting facilities is a key factor affecting the willingness of more consumers to buy new energy vehicles. State Grid Yiwu Power Supply Company is actively building charging facilities to improve the social energy efficiency level in the service area. At present, the density of local public charging piles reaches 1.18 per square kilometer, which strongly promotes the green transformation of transportation.

  According to the data released by the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, in 2021, the annual sales of new energy vehicles in our country 3.521 million, an increase of 1.6 times year-on-year, ranking first in the world for seven consecutive years, with a market share of 13.4%. The "Implementation Plan for Promoting Green Consumption" issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments proposes to "vigorously promote new energy vehicles". Wang Yun believes that with the continuous improvement of supporting infrastructure such as charging and replacing electricity, the consumption of new energy vehicles is expected to maintain a rapid development trend and help the transportation sector achieve the "double carbon" goal.

  "The vehicles have little noise and basically no shaking, and the interior is fully equipped with new seats, air conditioners, fire equipment, etc., which is very comfortable," said Zhang Xiaohong, a villager in Chuntao Town, Yujiang District, Yingtan City, Jiangxi Province. In recent years, Yujiang has continuously improved the service facilities of new energy buses to facilitate the travel of the masses. "Now, we have put in a total of 30 new energy buses to provide more convenient, safe, comfortable and environmentally friendly bus services for people to travel," said the relevant person in charge of Yujiang Passenger Station.

  The "14th Five-Year" Development Plan for Comprehensive Transportation Services issued by the Ministry of Transport proposes that by 2025, the proportion of new energy vehicles in urban public transportation, taxis, and urban logistics distribution will reach 72%, 35%, and 20% respectively. Wang Yun suggested that efforts should be made to promote the application of new energy vehicles for electricity exchange mode pilots, in-depth activities of various new energy vehicles to the countryside, and encourage car companies to develop and promote new energy models that are suitable for the travel needs of rural residents, of high quality and low price, and advanced and applicable.

  Digital technology is deeply empowering

  Utilize intelligent technology, innovate incentive mechanisms, improve travel sharing rates, and stimulate residents’ willingness to travel green

  "My friends and I often take a ride together, which can effectively reduce carbon emissions." Qu Yuanxin, a student at Hebei University, believes that in the context of increasingly intelligent and shared travel methods, Internet travel service platforms can contribute more to environmental protection, energy saving and reducing traffic pressure.

  According to the "Zero Carbon Travel" Research Report released by Didi Travel, 98.12% of the respondents are willing to guide the people around them to practice green and low-carbon. Li Jinlong, co-founder and vice president of Didi Travel, said that smart travel businesses such as Hitch should increase model innovation and technology empowerment, and promote the formation of green travel methods that combine mutual assistance travel and commercial travel.

  In September last year, the Environmental Development Center of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the Central Joint Certification Center released the "Shared Cycling Pollution Reduction and Carbon Reduction Report", which shows that in the past five years, Meituan bicycle and motorcycle users have reduced carbon dioxide emissions by 1.187 million tons, which is equivalent to reducing the carbon dioxide emissions of 270,000 private cars for one year.

  In recent years, transportation services have become more convenient and intelligent, technological application innovation has been active, and the level of digitalization, networking and intelligence in the industry has been continuously improved. Some local governments and enterprises have joined forces to use intelligent technologies to innovate incentive mechanisms to stimulate residents’ willingness to travel green.

  In September 2020, the Beijing Municipal Transportation Commission, Beijing Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau and Autonavi Map jointly launched the "MaaS Travel, Green City" campaign. As of March 23 this year, the number of users participating in the campaign on the Autonavi Map APP exceeded 1 million. "We will further rely on digital technology innovation to enrich the connotation of carbon inclusion, continue to expand the scope of carbon inclusion incentives, and make people’s green travel experience better," said Liu Zhenfei, president of Autonavi Group.

  "When you leave, turn on the Autonavi map to ride the navigation, ride one kilometer to the subway station, and walk 500 meters to the destination after getting off the subway. You can get about 5kg of carbon emission reduction energy for the whole process. The accumulated carbon emission reduction energy can be used not only for participating in public welfare activities, but also for redeeming gifts such as public transportation coupons and shopping vouchers," said Zhang Ling, a Beijing resident.

  Wang Yun said that relying on digital technologies such as the Internet, big data, and artificial intelligence, intelligent and shared travel methods have entered people’s lives, which will help to significantly reduce traffic pollution emissions. In the future, we must further adhere to the concept of intensive development, innovate travel models, deepen technology empowerment, improve travel sharing rates, optimize urban transportation capacity, and help traffic travel save energy and reduce emissions.

Reporter’s unannounced visit: When will the taxi service chaos stop if it is not a hidden rule?

Taxi is forbidden to pick up and drop off passengers in front of Gongbei Port Square in Zhuhai.

Outside the exit of Guangzhou Railway Station, several cars stopped under the viaduct of Inner Ring Road, which were suspected to be "black cars" with no operating qualification.

Outside the exit of Guangzhou Railway Station, several cars stopped under the viaduct of Inner Ring Road, which were suspected to be "black cars" with no operating qualification.

Near the exit of Guangzhou Railway Station, a taxi driver is bargaining with passengers.

Passengers waiting in line for a taxi at Shenzhen North Railway Station.

On the evening of the 1st, a taxi was waiting in the waiting area of Zhongshan Station on the urban rail.

  Editor’s Note: Since June this year, our province has started the promotion of civilized service of taxi industry in the Pearl River Delta region, further standardizing business practices, improving service quality, establishing a civilized image, promoting the construction of a humanistic bay area that is livable, suitable for business and suitable for tourism, and creating a good social atmosphere for celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China. All localities and departments attached great importance to it, acted quickly, did a lot of work and achieved initial results. This action will be promoted throughout the province by the end of this year.

  According to the requirements of the provincial party Committee, there is still a gap between the progress of actions in various places and the goals. In order to find out the real situation, September 1 — On the 2nd, Nanfang Daily sent a number of unannounced visits to directly attack the chaos of taxi service in nine key public places in the Pearl River Delta, hoping to attract further attention from relevant departments, intensify rectification and effectively promote problem solving.

  Why don’t you watch?

  It seems to be a hidden rule not to hit the watch.

  The driver said he could earn twice as much.

  At about 19: 30 on September 2, the reporter came to Foshan Bus Station and saw seven cars jammed at the passenger exit, five of which had obvious taxi signs and the other two were ordinary cars without signs. Drivers get together and wait for the passengers to leave the station.

  Before the reporter stepped forward, a driver asked enthusiastically.

  "Where to?"

  "Very close, Lingnan Tiandi."

  "30 yuan."

  "Don’t you hit the watch?"

  "No watch, no one here watches."

  During the conversation between the reporter and the driver, several drivers next to him immediately gathered around. Seeing that the reporter said that 30 yuan was too expensive, a middle-aged man shouted loudly: "20 yuan, you earn more 10 yuan than playing the watch." The reporter accepted this.

  The middle-aged man told reporters that it is an unspoken rule that taxis at the entrance of Foshan bus station don’t hit the meter. "I tell you that 30 yuan is cheap, and sometimes it will open 50 yuan and 60 yuan." About 10 minutes’ drive, although the middle-aged man chatted with the reporter, he was very vigilant and kept an eye on the reporter’s mobile phone from time to time.

  At 9 o’clock on the 2nd, the reporter came to Jiangmen Bus Terminal. Five taxis are parked in the taxi pick-up and drop-off area. When the reporter approached, several taxi drivers gathered around and asked about the destination. "Don’t hit the watch, go to Wanda Business Circle, 30 yuan." One of the drivers said. Reporter mobile navigation found that the distance was only 3.6 kilometers, and the price quoted by the driver was twice as high as the meter price. In this bus station, it seems to be a hidden rule not to hit the watch. Li Shifu, a taxi driver, said, "Who will give you a watch? We have been waiting here for an hour or two. "

  On the morning of the 2nd, the reporter came to Zhaoqing Yueyun Bus Terminal. There were five or six taxis parked in the loading area of the station taxis. Drivers get off the bus and gather on the side of the road to attract customers. "Master, can you walk to Zhaoqing Railway Station?" Because the destination is close, when the reporter opened his mouth, the taxi driver who was originally enthusiastic was a lot cold. "No watch, 40 yuan." One of the drivers said. Other drivers said that the journey was too short to take orders.

  After the reporter insisted on "pricing by meter", a driver finally agreed to let the reporter get on the bus. He revealed "inside story": "It’s only about 7 kilometers to Zhaoqing Railway Station. If you don’t play the meter, you can earn twice as much as 20 yuan. I don’t think it’s easy for you to carry big bags and small bags before doing your business. "

  Why did you refuse to carry it?

  Rejected for 5 times in 20 minutes

  It’s a reason to charge an electric car

  On the morning of September 2, the reporter took a taxi from a certain place in Baoan District, Shenzhen to Nanshan Science and Technology Park. The road conditions were congested, and it took about one hour to travel 15 kilometers. At the end of the destination, because there were many cars on the road, the driver let the reporter off at the red light. For safety reasons, the reporter asked the driver to drive through the traffic lights and then pull over. When printing the invoice, the driver complained, "It’s really unlucky to receive a ticket from you to come to the high-tech park."

  Since all taxis in Shenzhen have been completely electrified, "charging" has become the reason for refusing to carry taxis. The reporter repeatedly encountered the phenomenon of taxi refusal on the grounds of "charging" in Shenzhen Houhai and Science Park.

  On the afternoon of the 2nd, the reporter took a taxi from a place in Nanshan District, Shenzhen to Longgang District. The taxi driver said that the shift and charging usually started at 3 pm, and the charging time was about one hour. At around 5 pm, "it is difficult to take a taxi" due to shift and charging may occur in many areas.

  In the first half of this year, two taxi drivers in Shenzhen Airport refused to take the taxi on the grounds that passengers were going to Zhangmutou in Dongguan and Hengqin in Zhuhai. The drivers said that there was not enough electricity or they could not charge after they arrived at their destination. Since February this year, the transportation department has set up a number of warning signs at the entrance of the waiting area of Shenzhen Airport, requiring taxis to keep sufficient electricity when waiting at the station, and not to refuse to carry them for reasons such as insufficient electricity.

  At about 12 o’clock on the 1st, the reporter came to the main entrance of Zhongshan Bus Terminal and planned to take a taxi to Xingzhong Square, 3.5 kilometers away. Outside the bus terminal, the reporter didn’t see a special taxi waiting area. After learning that the reporter’s destination was Xingzhong Square, a taxi driver immediately turned and left, and another taxi driver told the reporter: "It is more convenient to take a taxi across the street!"

  According to the driver’s prompt, the reporter came to the other side of the road to wait for the bus. After 15 minutes, he still didn’t get a taxi. The three taxis passing by either refused to take the bus or didn’t hit the meter. During the 20 minutes of waiting here, the reporter was refused by five taxis.

  At 10 o’clock on the 2nd, at the entrance of Zhongshan Pok Oi Hospital, the reporter planned to take a taxi to Zhongshan Bus Terminal 6 kilometers away. In the no-stop area in front of the hospital, three taxis were parked scattered, and a driver quoted 40 yuan to the reporter. He said: "This price is the same as charging by meter, whether it is a meter or not." He also said that invoices can be issued without a meter, and the invoice amount is determined by the reporter, and the handling fee can be supplemented. The reporter opened the online car software and found that the estimated cost is within 30 yuan for the same distance.

  After the reporter got on the bus, the driver took out a handheld invoice printer, connected it to the taxi meter through the data cable, and then printed the invoice according to the amount reported by the reporter. During the driving process, the driver explained why he didn’t want to hit the meter. He said that he was driving a new energy taxi, and the monthly "money" was half cheaper than that of a general taxi, but every time he received a single order, the taxi company had to draw nearly 10% commission. In order to earn more, he didn’t want to hit the meter.

  Why do you love to fight?

  Station staff help attract customers.

  "Black car" is seriously overloaded

  "As long as you go to Baiyun Airport in 120 yuan, the distance is more than 30 kilometers. This price is not expensive. Can you go?" "Go to Guangzhou South Railway Station? There is still a seat, just get on the bus and go. " The reporter visited some stations and subway stations in Guangzhou and found that the illegal operation of private cars and cars without operating qualifications is widespread, and some vehicles are seriously overloaded in pursuit of profits, which has great security risks.

  At 5 o’clock on September 2, outside Guangzhou East Railway Station, the voice of "black car" drivers soliciting customers is endless. "Go to South Station?" "Did you go to Baiyun District?" Whenever a passenger comes out of the exit, a driver comes forward to greet him warmly.

  Although a large number of cruise taxis lined up in order to wait for passengers at the scene, it did not seem to affect the customers of "black cars". A taxi driver said that in order to attract passengers, "black cars" mostly take low prices and carpooling as "selling points". "The early subway bus hasn’t left yet. Passengers who are in a hurry choose ‘ to save money. Black car ’ Carpool travel. "

  At 6 o’clock on the 2 nd, outside the exit of Guangzhou Railway Station, about one or two hundred meters away from the front of the cruise taxi lane, several cars were parked under the viaduct of the Inner Ring Road, suspected to be "black cars" without operational qualifications. A driver crossed the road and wandered in front of the vehicle entrance and exit passage in the railway station square to attract customers. Several drivers also took advantage of the opening of the gate to get in and stay at the passenger exit to solicit business.

  A stopped passenger asked the driver, "What kind of car do you drive?" The driver replied, "I am driving ‘ Didi ’ Yes. " “‘ Didi ’ Isn’t it through an online appointment? " The passenger asked him, waved his hand and left quickly. Some passengers have just been persuaded by the driver, and when they are still hesitating, the driver immediately drags the passenger’s suitcase to the car.

  "Black cars" are also active outside many subway stations in Guangzhou. "Is there a direction of University Town and Panyu Nansha?" On the night of the 2nd, there were shouts outside the exit of Chebei South Station of the subway. More than 10 cruise taxis and "black cars" stopped at the roadside, and drivers were struggling for passengers.

  At about 23: 40 on the same day, the reporter saw at the entrance and exit of Guangzhou Hanxi Changlong subway station on both sides of Hanxi Avenue that there were more than 20 "black cars" and cruise taxis, and the success rate of carpooling was high. One of the "black cars" pulled four passengers to Qifu New Village in Panyu District in less than 10 minutes.

  Some taxi drivers are even seriously overloaded in order to increase their income. In the early morning of the 2 nd, at Guangzhou East Railway Station, more than 10 passengers were packed into a Guangdong A brand black seven-seat van, including a female passenger with a baby in her arms. In order to carry more passengers, the driver even prepared a plastic stool with the car. It is understood that all these passengers go to Guangzhou South Railway Station to transfer to the high-speed train, and the carpooling price is 20 yuan per person, which is about 1/4 of the normal taxi fare, while the income of van drivers from illegal operation can reach about 200 yuan, far exceeding the legal operation of vehicles.

  On the morning of the 2nd, the reporter came to Dongguan Bus Terminal. In the taxi waiting area, more than 10 cars are waiting for outbound passengers. "Where to go? Dongcheng, right? Just carpooling. " The station staff beckoned the taxi driver waiting beside them to come over while soliciting passengers.

  The driver greeted the reporter and another passenger on the bus. "Why isn’t your car parked with other cars, but on the side road?" In the face of passengers’ inquiries, the driver said frankly: "Short-distance passengers in urban areas, other drivers are unwilling to pull, so I will pull two people by the way."

  When the reporter asked about the fare, the driver said: "The taxis waiting in the station don’t hit the meter. I will charge you both to 20 yuan. It is more cost-effective to hit the meter in 23 yuan where you go." After arriving at the destination, he took an invoice from 40 yuan to the reporter as a boarding pass.

  In Dongguan, passenger stations and town streets are high-risk places for taxi chaos. The reporter looked up relevant complaints on the local website in Dongguan and found that taxis often don’t hit the meter in Dongguan Bus Terminal, Humen high-speed railway station and other places.

  Why is it difficult to take a taxi?

  It is difficult to take a taxi at the entry and exit port.

  Traffic hubs are crowded together.

  At 18: 30 on September 1, the reporter arrived at Zhuhai Station by the Guangzhou-Zhuhai intercity railway train. As soon as he left the station, he went straight to the temporary taxi pick-up area. Unexpectedly, the scene in front of us discouraged reporters. At first glance, the long queue has turned several corners.

  The on-site staff told the reporter that such a queue is very common, and the same is true of the boarding point at the nearby Gongbei Port. "Now there are about one or two hundred people waiting in line for a taxi, and it is estimated that it will take an hour or two." The staff member said. In desperation, the reporter had to carry his luggage and walk to Qiaoguang Road, 700 meters away, to take the network car. Due to the serious traffic jam in Gongbei section, it was about 19: 30 when the reporter got on the Internet.

  The average daily passenger flow at Gongbei Port and Zhuhai Station of urban rail is hundreds of thousands. At present, there are only two taxi pick-up points available, and "difficulty in taking a taxi" has become a major pain point.

  Previously, there were three taxi pick-up points near Gongbei Port, namely, the taxi special area of Gongbei Port Bus Terminal, the temporary taxi pick-up area of Zhuhai Station of Urban Rail Transit and the taxi pick-up point of Qiguan Station. Affected by the renovation of the underground passage, the taxi pick-up point at Qiguan Station was cancelled on July 27th this year, leaving only two pick-up points on the ground.

  Many problems arise with more passengers, fewer cars and long queues. Some citizens report that when taking a taxi near Gongbei Port, they often encounter problems such as taxi drivers not picking up short-distance tickets, "black car" drivers soliciting passengers halfway and bargaining.

  "When I mentioned going to Qianshan, several taxi drivers didn’t want to go because it was close. When I went to the hotel opposite the port and continued to take a taxi, a silver private car drove over and took the initiative to open the door to signal us to get on the bus. " A citizen said that at that time, he was carrying a big bag and two children, but he had no choice but to take a "black car" to go home.

  On the 2nd, during an unannounced visit to several transportation hubs in Huizhou, the reporter saw that a large number of "motorcycle" soliciting customers and social workers distributed small advertisements. At 10 o’clock in the morning on the 2nd, many passengers at Huizhou Bus Terminal left the station. In front of the square, a row of "motorcycles" were already waiting here, and drivers waved to attract customers. As the taxi stand is on the first floor, some passengers didn’t pay attention to the signs and couldn’t find the boarding position. In this area, many social workers stopped passengers to distribute advertising leaflets. (Text/Photo: Nanfang Daily Unannounced Interview Group)