Jay Chou was exposed: his relationship with Patty Hou came out of an "online chat".

  On the evening of February 15th, Jay Chou led the singing of the "Red 2009 Hengfeng Night" romantic Valentine’s Day large-scale star concert, which was staged at the new stadium in Xuzhou, Jiangsu. China News Agency, photo by Yongjun

Data map: Patty Hou. Published by China News Agency, photo by Zhang Kui

  Chairperson Zhou’s love affair is no less than his music. Even if his affair with Hou Pei Cen has long been old news, many details of this past story still make people want to pry. Chairperson Zhou is tight-lipped about it, but this time, he has been sold "absolute privacy" by his behind-the-scenes "Iron Triangle" – the royal lyricist Fang Wenshan, the royal makeup artist Du Guozhang, and the royal dance teacher Hou Pei Cen’s love affair began with "online love" – the cool-looking Chairperson Zhou also has a shy and sullen side when he is in love.

  Zhou Dong is an idiot

  I can’t even go to the convenience store to buy anything.

  "If you take away the phone and give Jay Chou some change and throw it on the streets of Taipei, it is estimated that it will be difficult for him to survive." Fang Wenshan said of Jay Chou in his life.

  Fang Wenshan admits that Jay Chou is a creative genius, but he is almost incompetent in daily life. According to him, Jay Chou’s parents divorced early in life and have been living with his mother, and his mother takes care of everything, so Jay Chou can’t even pay the most basic utilities and go to the convenience store to buy things. "After entering the company, there is an assistant to take care of him, because the assistant is always around, so Jay Chou has no cash or credit card. If the assistant is not there for dinner or doing anything, he will borrow it from me."

  Zhou Dong loves tricks

  Improper celebrities must be big scammers

  The outside world gave Jay Chou some imagination, which made him feel very cold. In fact, Jay Chou was talented in trickery, and everyone around him had suffered from his evil hands. When Du Guozhang, the royal makeup stylist who often traveled with Chairperson Zhou, talked about these pranks of Chairperson Zhou, he told reporters, "If Jay Chou is not a star today, he is definitely the leader of a fraud group."

  Once, Fang Wenshan received a call from Hong Kong. The other party said in a Hong Kong accent that he had won the radio music award and wanted to broadcast Fang Wenshan’s acceptance speech live. "At that time, I said, ‘Thank you all, I am very happy to get this award today.’ It turned out that Jay Chou was the one who did it." The ice cream teacher also admitted that Jay Chou is very good at changing his voice and can speak as various people. "Sometimes he calls me, ‘Hey, hello, I want to learn a 3D dance, do you have it there?’ He also asked’How much is it, do you accept it? ‘He always makes fun of everyone with these strange phone calls."

  Zhou Dong is also sullen

  Zhou Houlian started online chatting

  The Internet is indispensable among ordinary people, but the hipster Jay Chou doesn’t know about typing and surfing the Internet, "Typing is a one-finger magic skill, he typed very slowly, just a few simple words. For him, the computer only has the function of finding information."

  When it came to computers, the ice cream teacher also quietly revealed a little secret. Jay Chou finally knew how to use the chat tool after learning for a long time, but because he couldn’t register, he used to steal other people’s instant chat tool accounts, "Once, while I was away, he used my online chat tool to chat with my friend. The other party found out from the text that it was not me, and asked him who he was. He said, ‘I am Jay Chou,’ but the other party didn’t believe it and asked him to open the video. Usually my video is on, but Jay Chou will insist on closing it. He feels that the video makes him feel insecure. That day, Jay Chou actually agreed to open the video and let the other party confirm that the person chatting with him was – Hou Pei Cen." After getting acquainted on the Internet, Jay Chou and Patty Hou became closer and closer, gradually developing into lovers and becoming the only relationship Jay Chou admitted to.

  Chairperson Zhou called Fang Wenshan "wife" on different occasions. Although this nickname sounded awkward, it did prove Fang Wenshan’s value to the entire pop music scene. Xiaoyu

Editor in charge: Sun Jie

Cai Xukun became the first producer of cross-border, Yang Zi removed Qin Junjie from customs, causing heated discussions

       The new version of the #Star Power List #was officially launched. The list consists of four regional lists: the mainland list, the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan list, the Asia-Pacific list, and the European and American list, as well as the Rookie Star Ranking for future rising stars. It relies on Weibo data to count the number of reads, interactions, social influence, and fan love value (sending flowers) indices. Several indicators are converted and accumulated according to the corresponding weight ratio, and the final result generates the overall list ranking of each region. Click to enter the full list > > > >

  The third issue of the Star Power List in 2019 was released. The top three on the mainland list in this issue were Cai Xukun, Zhu Yilong, Bai Yu, Zhao Wei, Yang Zi, and Wang Junkai, followed by Chen Linong in the Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan lists. Lin Junjie and Wang Jiaer won the second and third places. Ouyang Nana, Yan Yalun, and Lin Yanjun also achieved good results. The first place in the Asia-Pacific list was won by Sunnee, a member of the Rocket Girl. You Changjing, Pianzhi Liangtai, Kimura Takuya, and Dimaxi successively entered the top of the list. Troye-Sivan, EmmaDumont, and TaylorSwift, the champions of the European and American lists, won the second and third places respectively. In addition, Bi Wenjun, the champion of the Rookie Star Ranking in this issue, was followed by Jin Han and Ding Chengxin, a member of the Typhoon Youth Group Let’s take a look at the entertainment events that took place last week!

  At 17:00 on January 18, Cai Xukun released the first installment of the star producer’s micro-plan S-level personal growth documentary "Cai Xukun’s Unfinished" on his personal Weibo. Once the show was released, it attracted enthusiastic attention from fans and netizens. "Cai Xukun’s Unfinished" is the first personal growth documentary of the star producer’s micro-plan S-level produced by Weibo & Sina Entertainment. Cai Xukun, who crossed the border as a producer for the first time, hopes to review his childhood, embrace the present, and challenge the future after the new year of 20 years. In the twelve episodes of the program, Cai Xukun will bring his own wish list to complete the unfinished, missing and hoped-to-complete wishes and challenges. Cai Xukun will bring everyone to experience a more diverse world and see more possibilities for themselves.

  On January 19, the family fun movie "Detective Pu Songling" starring Jackie Chan, which will be released on the first day of the new year in 2019, held a Chinese New Year group visit. Producer Liu Xiaoguang, director Yan Jia, and starring Ruan Jingtian, Zhong Chuxi, Lin Baihong, Lin Peng, Qiao Shan, Pan Changjiang, and Luu Brothers sang and danced to pay New Year’s greetings in advance. The theme song "Laugh Together" of "Detective Pu Songling" sung by Jackie Chan and Cai Xukun has been widely praised since its release. The dynamic and magical melodies and catchy lyrics have brought a good mood for the New Year in advance. Talking about the cooperation with Cai Xukun, Jackie Chan said with a smile: "Immediately 20 years younger, they are all singing and dancing. I prefer to sing the more lyrical ones, and when I sing these, I will be young."

  Recently, Zhao Wei’s fans will send support gifts to Zhao Wei, who is working hard to rehearse the play, to express their feelings. Not only are there appetizing fruit drinks, but also warm fat sea and black wolfberry, which are super warm! Zhao Wei also immediately left a message to express her gratitude, and euphemistically expressed that she would not send any more, and also laughed that she finally lost weight.

  The netizens are all Sherlock Holmes series! On January 18, some netizens posted that they found that Yang Zi had cleared Qin Junjie and deleted his related Weibo. By checking the friends who followed Yang Zi and Qin Junjie, netizens found that Yang Zi had indeed cleared Qin Junjie, and Qin Junjie was still paying attention to Yang Zi. Searching for "Qin Junjie" on Yang Zi Weibo showed 0 content, while Qin Junjie Weibo also had Yang Zi related content, including the birthday celebration Weibo posted for him. In addition, the two publicly fell in love on February 16, 2017. Yang Zi has deleted the Weibo, and Qin Junjie still retains it.

  It is reported that on the afternoon of August 12, 18, Yang Zi Studio and Qin Junjie Studio jointly issued a statement announcing that Yang Zi and Qin Junjie had broken up, saying that the two had ended their relationship and become friends again. The two had collaborated on "The Legend of the Dragon Ball" and "The Infernal Affairs", and officially announced their relationship on February 16, 2017.

  Chen Linong has been very popular since his debut. Recently, he shared his work routine on Weibo. In the video, Chen Linong is wearing a blue sweater and stands in the rain. It takes a while to run towards the camera. He also jokingly captioned "It’s cold and rainy, please take good care of yourself, don’t get wet like me. My love is deep and heavy!" Weibo received an enthusiastic response from fans.

  A few days ago, Ouyang Nana participated in Game LIVE. Interestingly, she seemed to rarely play games. Yesterday, during the live broadcast, she suddenly shouted "Someone hit me, brother" and asked her teammates for help. Unexpectedly, her teammates told her, "That was your own shot."

  netizens have left messages to discuss: "Will I be so nervous that I can’t even press a gun", "Nabi, there are really too few people like you who seriously call playing games as work.", "In the live broadcast, Ouyang Nana is really cute and real, but there are some dishes", "Why can Ouyang Nana’s gun be a powder drop?"; There are also netizens discussing game accounts, "I also met’Wuhan Peng Yuyan ‘is also a real person?", "Who would have thought that my chicken eater’s name is Hu Ge", "I am Shanwei Liang Jingru", "It seems that Ying Cai’er in Chaoyang District is Ying Cai’er herself".

  If you have a dream, you have to realize it! Sunnee sent a Weibo to sign up for "Singer" a few days ago, and wrote emotionally: "I was confused for 7 years and just wanted to get a stage to sing. Last year, I got a good opportunity to show my singing and performance. After that, many people asked me: What do you want to do in the future? I always said without hesitation: I want to be a singer! Although I am not perfect yet, my love for music is not deceiving. In my heart, a stage is really important." Her determination has also received strong support from fans and friends.

  In addition, according to foreign media reports, when Kim Kardashian was asked about her old grudge with Taylor Swift in the latest interview, Dafang said that it has been "turned over": It’s all over. Kardashian said in the interview that although the two sides have not privately discussed all kinds of rivalry wars, she believes that both of them have put aside the past and choose to look forward. ("Over it, We’ve all moved on.")

  In addition, the current Rookie Star Ranking champion Bi Wenjun, followed by Jin Han and Typhoon Junior Team member Ding Chengxin.

Hongmeng, a new chapter

  On January 18, Huawei will hold the "Hongmeng Ecological Thousand Sails Sailing Ceremony" in Shenzhen, and set up sub-venues in 8 major cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Chengdu, Xiamen, Wuhan and Changsha to officially open a new chapter of Hongmeng’s advancement.

  Since the release of the first generation of operating system in 2019, Hongmeng has been running all the way. In August 2023, Huawei announced that Hongmeng ecological equipment has reached 700 million units, Hongmeng base code has exceeded 100 million lines, and the number of developers has exceeded 2.20 million. According to third-party agency Counterpoint data, as of the end of the third quarter of 2023, HarmonyOS’s market share in China’s smartphone operating system has increased to 13%. In just four years, HarmonyOS has grown to second only to Android,iOS the third largest operating system in the world.

  In the opinion of Gong Ti, president of Huawei’s end point BG software department, a mature operating system needs to have a solid base, a prosperous ecology, and the ultimate experience, all of which are indispensable. "The three major battles of Hongmeng have completed the base, experienced two, and one battle is the ecology. If the ecology is successful, Hongmeng will become."

  Now, the horn of the ecological war is about to be sounded in full swing. Analysts believe that the upcoming HarmonyOS NEXT and its native applications will open a new era for the Hongmeng operating system in all scenarios. Hongmeng industry chain partners – operating system partners, application partners, hardware integration partners, etc., will usher in new traffic, new business opportunities, and new futures.

Hongmeng native ecology officially set sail

  "HarmonyOS NEXT", as the name suggests, it represents the next stage of Hongmeng operating system, and the biggest difference between HarmonyOS and the current HarmonyOS running on Huawei mobile phones is that the HarmonyOS NEXT system base is fully self-developed, removing the traditional Linux kernel and AOSP code, only support Hongmeng kernel and Hongmeng system applications, reducing redundant code by 40%.

  In the initial stage, in order not to affect users’ use, Huawei Hongmeng operating system adopts a dual architecture mode, which supports both Hongmeng architecture and Android architecture. Therefore, even if Huawei mobile phone users upgrade the Hongmeng system, the Android applications in it can still be installed and used normally.

  In September 2023, Huawei announced that the HarmonyOS NEXT preview was open to developers from partner companies, marking the first step towards "pure-blood Hongmeng".

  Since then, the news that the leading application vendors have launched the development of Hongmeng native applications has continued to come.

  Especially in the past two months, from Alipay, Xiaohongshu, Meituan, toSina, 360, and then to,, UnionPay,More than 100 leading companies have joined hands with Huawei in a high-profile official announcement to launch the development of Hongmeng native applications and embrace the Hongmeng native ecology.

  "Since the full launch of Hongmeng’s native application in September 2023, the development of Hongmeng’s ecosystem has been on a roll and has received continuous attention from the whole society. More and more partners have accelerated their embrace of Hongmeng, and more and more innovative talents have walked side by side with Hongmeng. The HarmonyOS NEXT ecological map has basically taken shape, and our future is becoming clearer," Huawei said.

  At the beginning of 2024, many Huawei executives have spoken one after another to "accelerate the development of mobile applications," and the "Hongmeng Ecological Thousand Sails Launching Ceremony" held on January 18 will fully sound the horn of Hongmeng’s advancement from HarmonyOS to HarmonyOS NEXT, which is no longer compatible with Android applications.

  "At that time, we will join hands with leading application partners in various vertical fields, top universities, talent training institutions, authoritative media, etc., to witness the development of Hongmeng ecologyTogether, we will open up new traffic, new business opportunities and a new future, "Huawei wrote in the event invitation letter.

Huawei’s 1,000-person team accelerates the transformation of mobile applications

  It is understood that as of the end of December 2023, more than 400 major app manufacturers have launched the development of Hongmeng native applications.

  At present, the "Hongmeng Pioneer" area of Huawei’s app store has been launched, and the area shows more than 100 apps that have taken the lead in embracing the Hongmeng ecosystem, covering travel, social networking, office,Shopping, life,18 fields, including news and information.

  It is understood that in order to speed up the mobile application Hongmeng, Huawei invested thousands of teams to help leading companies develop Hongmeng native applications. The first stage goal is to achieve the launch of the top 5000 mobile app "Hongmeng version", which can be used on mobile end points upgraded with HarmonyOS NEXT.

  According to Huawei’s plan, the HarmonyOS NEXT preview will be available to all developers in Quarter 1 in 2024. At that time, the development speed of Hongmeng’s native applications is expected to further accelerate.

  Huawei’s goal is to break through the upgrade users of the HarmonyOS NEXT developer preview version in 2024 100 million. It is reported that mobile phones equipped with HarmonyOS NEXT are already in the pipeline, and Huawei expects that by 2024, the number of Hongmeng ecological devices will reach 800 million to 1 billion.

  In the past four years, Huawei’s investment in Hongmeng ecological construction has exceeded 50 billion yuan, accounting for about 13% of its R & D investment in the same period. In the next three years, Huawei plans to invest 10 billion yuan in Hongmeng ecological partners to provide partners with resources from development to operation.

  Industry observer Techinsights recently released a report predicting that from 2024, Hongmeng OS will replace iOS and become the second largest smartphone operating system in the Chinese market.

Industrial chain welcome opportunities

  It is said that 2024 will become the first year of the original Hongmeng. The full launch of the original application of Hongmeng will create the original ecology of Hongmeng, and the entire industrial chain of Hongmeng is expected to benefit.

  At present, the entire application development market has shown a trend of the red ocean. On the one hand, the user growth dividend has declined, and both the number of users and the average daily usage time of users have approached the growth ceiling. The downward trend of application active level is obvious. At the same time, the entire mobile Internet application also presents an increasingly prominent "giant pattern". A large number of apps and many developers need an opportunity to redistribute traffic.

  "All new features such as the full-scenario’correlation ‘ability between the Hongmeng system and the ecosystem may bring traffic reshuffle and open a new track." Some app developers said.

  It is believed that in the early stage of the launch of the native HarmonyOS NEXT system, software outsourcers will mainly benefit. After the launch of the official version of HarmonyOS NEXT OS, Hongmeng application developers are expected to profit in various ways such as advertising and consumption scene drainage. The Hongmeng education and training market will also usher in prosperity. In the past, Java training demand is expected to shift to Hongmeng. Therefore, Hongmeng drives the change of the overall structure of IT development and application, and the market scale is larger and more sustainable.

  It is believed that HarmonyOS NEXT will accelerate the arrival of the native Hongmeng era, and the improvement of the application side will escort the long-term development of Hongmeng. It is optimistic about industrial chain partners, including operating system partners, application partners, and hardware integration partners.

  "Huawei has invested a lot of manpower and material resources to speed up the mobile application Hongmeng, but at present it can only cover the top enterprises. To achieve a larger-scale coverage, so that users will not feel that there are too few downloadable apps when upgrading HarmonyOS NEXT, which is inconvenient to use. It needs the assistance of software service providers and the continued efforts of a large number of Hongmeng talents." Liu Sheng, founder and general manager of Shenzhen Qianhai New Silk Road Technology Co., Ltd., said.

  Currently, class A shares,,,,And Hong Kong stock listed companiesInternational has been a deep partner of Huawei in the field of Hongmeng ecology. It is not only an independent software supplier of Hongmeng Zhilian, but also a core participant in the ecological construction of open-source Hongmeng (OpenHarmony). They are actively working with Huawei to promote the cultivation of Hongmeng talents and the construction of Hongmeng ecology.

Purple rice 10000mAh wireless charging mobile power supply released: specially built for fruit powder

  Apple users are blessed! On August 13, Xiaomi ecological chain enterprise Zimi released the ZMI 10000mAh wireless charging mobile power supply, which is the first mobile power supply in China to pass MFI certification.

  This mobile power supply adopts an integrated metal shell, which is resistant to falling and anti-collision. Arc design, more comfortable to hold. The non-slip soft elastic paint used in the charging panel is non-slip and has a good touch.

  As a wireless mobile power supply, it does not need to be connected to the mobile phone, supports Qi wireless standard, 10W fast charging, it takes 3 hours and 50 minutes to fully charge the iPhone Xs, and 2 hours to fully charge the Xiaomi Mi 9.

  Supports simultaneous charging of three devices. In addition to wireless charging, two output interfaces, USB-A and USB-C, are also provided. One of the Type-C interfaces supports 18W input and output, and the total power can reach 15W when the two interfaces are used simultaneously.

  The other interface is Apple Lightning female port, specially designed for fruit powder, input power up to 12W, Apple users go out, whether it is to charge their iPhone, or to the mobile power supply self-charging, just bring a Lightning data cable is enough.

  It is worth mentioning that this set contains ZIM Lightning braided data cable, using Apple’s original terminal head and gold-plated process.

  ZMI 10000mAh wireless charging mobile power supply set is priced at 249 yuan, and the pre-sale price is 229 yuan. At 10 o’clock on August 13, Xiaomi Youpin, JD.com, and Tmall will be on sale simultaneously.

The Ministry of Communications explains how to define online car-hailing

  Online car-hailing, for the purpose of profit, passengers propose travel plans, mileage, time charges, and ride rides, not for profit. Mainly, drivers propose travel plans and share part of the travel costs. Graphic production/Dunning

  On July 28, the "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry" and "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" two taxi industry reform documents were released. On the implementation of local policies, the definition of online car-hailing and ride-hailing, and the fair competition of taxi online car-hailing, the relevant person of the Ministry of Transport once again made an interpretation yesterday. The relevant person in charge made it clear that the Ministry of Transport will guide local governments to formulate practical plans and set up a transition period for reform.

  On July 28, two taxi industry reform documents – "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry" and "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" were released, which attracted widespread attention. Yesterday, in the Voice of China special program "Today I am on duty", Zeng Jia, deputy director of the Taxi Management Department of the Transport Services Department of the Ministry of Transport, explained the policy implementation, the definition of ride-sharing, and the development of taxi network ride-hailing competition.

  Hot 1

  How will local policies be implemented after the introduction of the New Deal?

  The Beijing Youth Daily reporter learned that the new regulations have a relatively clear positioning for the development of taxis and the standardized operation of online car-hailing, but the specific implementation details still need to be formulated and clarified by local governments. The interim measures are clear, and the new regulations will be implemented on November 1, 2016. Local governments can formulate specific implementation details according to these measures in light of local conditions.

  Zeng Jia, deputy director of the Taxi Management Department of the Transport Services Department of the Ministry of Transport, said that there is a reason for delegating the specific details of taxi management to the local area. Taxi management belongs to local affairs. The reform adheres to the principle of territorial management, and the city government bears the main responsibility for management. The level of economic and social development of each city is different. The traffic structure, population size, public transportation level, and the number of existing taxis are all different. They can only be determined by the local people’s governments according to their own actual conditions. There is no problem of delegating the power of price setting and quantity control to the local area, because this itself is the power of the local city, and it is necessary for all localities to adapt to local conditions and implement policies according to the city.

  The Ministry of Transport has also made arrangements for the implementation of the policy. First, it held a video and telephone conference on the reform of the taxi industry in conjunction with relevant departments to mobilize and deploy the reform work. Second, it will hold a training course in the near future to publicize and implement the main content and spirit of the two documents to local management departments, clarify the operation methods of the relevant issues in the document, and coordinate with local governments to promote the reform of the taxi industry. Third, it will guide local governments to formulate practical plans and grasp the policy scale. Fourth, it will guide local governments to make a good transition plan for the reform transition period.

  Hot 2

  What is the difference between ride-hailing and ride-hailing?

  Zeng Jia believes that ride-hailing is similar to taxis, providing time and displacement services, which occupy road resources. But ride-hailing makes full use of road and vehicle resources without additional consumption of road resources, which is a typical way for urban transportation to reflect the sharing economy.

  What needs to be made clear is that, first of all, Hitch is generally released by the ride-sharing service provider in advance, or by people who have the same travel route after the passenger’s release, rather than responding according to the passenger’s travel needs. Secondly, Hitch reflects the goodwill and mutual assistance between people, which is obviously different from online ride-hailing operations. Finally, Hitch is not for profit, and part of the travel cost is limited to fuel costs and transportation costs, rather than charging fees through mileage and timing.

  In addition, this reform document makes clear the opinions to encourage support, but all localities should formulate detailed policies based on local actual conditions.

  Hot 3

  How can taxis and ride-hailing companies compete fairly?

  Zeng Jia believes that before the policy was introduced, there were many reasons for the conflict between new and old business models, and the lack of a fair competition market environment was a very important reason.

  There are big differences between online car-hailing and traditional taxis in terms of access standards, price mechanism, vehicle safety, scrap management, insurance system, tax payment, etc. In particular, in order to seize the market, online platform companies seize the market through continuous huge subsidies, which in fact causes unfair competition between the two.

  Therefore, the interim management measures issued clarify the licensing conditions for online car-hailing, and set licensing requirements for platforms, vehicles and personnel. At the same time, it is required that it must not hinder fair competition in the market, must not have unfair price behaviors that disrupt the normal market order at a price lower than the cost, harm the interests of the state or the legitimate rights and interests of other operators, and must not have price violations. These are all to form a level playing field.

  Zeng Jia pointed out that in the long run, to resolve the conflict and opposition between the two sides, it is still necessary to deepen the reform of traditional industries as soon as possible, standardize the development of online car-hailing, and achieve healthy competition and coordinated development between the two business models. First, accelerate the reform of traditional taxis, and eliminate the shortcomings of the system and mechanism by taking measures such as dynamic regulation of operation scale, restrictions on the period of taxi operation rights and free use, reform of the benefit distribution mechanism, and adjustment of the freight rate mechanism. Second, for new business models, by setting business boundaries, segmenting markets, and providing high-quality services, we can achieve differentiated management and gradually deepen integration and development.

  Beijing will formulate detailed rules based on actual conditions

  On July 28, the new regulations on taxi reform at the national level "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry" and "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" were officially issued. Yesterday, the relevant person in charge of the Beijing Municipal Transportation Commission said that Beijing will resolutely implement the spirit of the two documents, carefully study and understand the content requirements of the documents, and formulate relevant implementation opinions and detailed rules in light of Beijing’s actual situation.

  Yesterday, the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Transportation Commission Transportation Administration introduced that the new regulations on taxi reform have an important guiding and normative role in the transformation and upgrading of Beijing’s taxi industry and the promotion of the healthy development of online taxis. Beijing will resolutely implement the spirit of the two documents, carefully study and understand the content requirements of the documents, and formulate relevant implementation opinions and detailed rules in light of Beijing’s actual conditions, promote integrated development, improve service levels, and meet the travel needs of the people.

  At present, there are no relevant documents on the development of online car-hailing for the time being. However, as early as 2013, the Municipal Transportation Commission issued the "Opinions on Beijing Passenger Car Co-hailing Travel", which made it clear that passenger car co-hailing should follow the basic principles of public welfare co-hailing priority, voluntary mutual assistance, safeguarding legitimate rights and interests, standardizing co-hailing behavior, and strictly prohibiting illegal operations, so as to promote its healthy development.

  Six departments jointly interviewed four online car-hailing companies

  Yesterday morning, a reporter from Beijing Youth Daily learned from the Ministry of Transport that the Ministry of Transport, the Central Network Information Office, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, and the State Bureau of Letters and Calls have jointly interviewed four online ride-hailing platform companies, including Didi, Uber, Shenzhou, and Yidao, and asked them to clean up vehicles and drivers that do not meet the requirements in accordance with the new regulations.

  Vice Minister of Transport Liu Xiaoming said that the reform and development of the taxi industry is not only a matter of people’s livelihood, but also related to social stability. After the two documents on deepening the reform of the taxi industry are issued, relevant enterprises should carefully compare and study, strictly implement relevant regulations, and rectify existing problems. It is required to strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations, especially in accordance with the requirements of the newly issued two documents on deepening the reform of the taxi industry, earnestly fulfill the main responsibility of enterprises and assume social responsibility, speed up the cleaning up of vehicles and drivers that do not meet the requirements, standardize market operation behavior, operate with integrity in accordance with the law, and seek long-term development.

  After the transition period, relevant functional areas of business will jointly enforce the law, increase the crackdown on illegal operations and other illegal acts, and maintain a good market order in the taxi industry; platform companies that do not implement relevant requirements, violate laws and regulations, and incite disruption of social order will be dealt with in accordance with the law, and the relevant enterprises and their responsible persons will be seriously investigated.

  This group article/reporter of this newspaper, Liu

It opened Jackie Chan’s path to stardom and also revolutionized Hong Kong film

1905 movie network feature As an audience, no matter how much experience you have, there will definitely be a name that cannot be avoided in the memory of growing up: Jackie Chan. Therefore, when the fourth "Jackie Chan Action Film Week" opens soon, it must once again evoke everyone’s feelings and tributes to this kung fu superstar.


This movie week not only showcased 24 Jackie Chan’s classic action movies, but also chose "Drunk Fist" as the opening film. For viewers who are more familiar with "Police Story", "Project Eagle", "Red Fan District", "Rush Hour", "Zodiac" and even "New Police Story", it is a bit "long".


Why does Jackie Chan have a "soft spot" for "Drunken Fist" this time? This drama is not only the origin of his road to stardom, but also the portrayal of his 40 years of success. It can be called a benchmark that changed the development of Hong Kong kung fu films and made Hong Kong films go to a golden age. It even has influence across the film field… Whether it is an exaggeration, let Xiao Dianjun accompany you to reveal the legendary appearance of "Drunken Fist" for 40 years.


1. "Something out of nothing" Drunk Eight Immortals

Producer Wu Siyuan, director Yuan Heping, and star Jackie Chan’s "Iron Triangle" were credited with the launch of "Drunken Fist". They had previously teamed up to create a Kung Fu comedy "Serpentine Diao Hands". After the box office hit, the Taiwanese filmmakers invited them to the local celebration party. Unexpectedly, the various movements of the filmmakers during the banquet triggered Wu and Yuan’s inspiration for "Drunken Fist". Ba Ye (Yuan Zhi’s nickname) even thought that "Drunken Fist has a sense of comedy, and the image will look good when shot!"

But boxing always has an ins and outs. As a result, Ba Ye spent a month summing up eight formulas from various ancient stories, including "Lv Dongbin: Drunk to carry the pot with great strength", "Tieguai Li: It’s true to choose a knee and hit the drunk", "Han Zhongli: Drunk walking and hugging the top of the heart", "Zhang Guolao: Drunk throwing a cup and kicking a chain", "Lan Caihe: A single toast to stop the waist and break", "Uncle Cao: Immortal toasting and locking the throat", "Han Xiangzi: Catching the wrist and hitting the chest and drunk blowjob" and "He Xiangu: Bouncing the waist and offering drunken swinging steps", which were interpreted by Jackie Chan and became a classic in the history of kung fu films.


In other words, the "Drunken Eight Immortals" boxing route that audiences are familiar with today is actually eight inspirations "made out of nothing"!


Second, Jackie Chan’s "double eyelid" truth

If you watch "Serpentine Diao Hands", you will find that Jackie Chan was still single eyelid at that time, why did "Drunken Fist" become "double eyelid"? This is from the list of Jackie Chan’s injury history, "Shooting" Drunken Fist "The corner of the eye was kicked out"…


It is said that when Jackie Chan was filming, Huang Zhengli, known as the "King of Leg Skills", kicked the part above the eye and below the eyebrow, bleeding profusely on the spot, and the diagnosis was that the corner of the eye was cracked. But Jackie Chan, who has always been afraid of injections, refused to sew, and finally could only stick the wound with medical tape. After tearing it off, the wound turned into a "double eyelid", and finally could only "open" the other eye. Therefore, "Drunken Fist" is not only Jackie Chan’s famous work, but also can be said to be a "cosmetic work".


3. "Look at my red face and thick neck"

In addition to filming injuries, Jackie Chan also worked hard for the performance. Especially before each performance, he didn’t really drink, but let himself bow down and hold his breath, and by holding his breath, all the blood rushed to his head, so that it looked like his face was red after being drunk.

It can be seen that Jackie Chan sang in the song "Drunk Fist" many years later, "Look at my blush and thick neck, and know in my heart that I am a hero", which is a portrayal of his drunkenness when he "held back" himself.


IV. Yuan Xiaotian became very popular in his later years

"Drunken Boxing" should not only mention Jackie Chan’s Wong Fei-hung, but also Yuan Xiaotian’s "Su Qier". As the father of Yuan Heping and others, Yuan Xiaotian is not only one of the earliest martial arts instructors in Hong Kong, but also made a series of "Wong Fei-hung" movies in the 1960s. By the 1970s, he had retired, but in order to support Yuan Heping’s directing career, he was willing to go out again, not wanting to be popular all over Asia.


In fact, Ba Ye conceived martial arts moves that combined elements of acrobatics and comedy in the theater, and his father was behind it: "My father basically passed on what he knew to our children… At that time, his academic career was very hard, and he practiced every morning… In the afternoon, he went to the suburbs to practice basic skills, swords, swords and halberds, and learned boxing and somersaults." So from the play that Yuan Xiaotian taught Jackie Chan in "Drunk Fist", Ba Ye did put a lot of childhood memories in it.


V. Unexpected success

In 1978, the "Iron Triangle" of Wu, Yuan and Cheng was already satisfied with the big sale of "Serpentine Diao Hands", but they did not expect the success of "Drunken Fist" to exceed their imagination: in Hong Kong, the film was released from October 5 to November 3 of that year, and the box office reached 6.76 million Hong Kong dollars, which digitally broke the box office record (5.31 million) held by Bruce Lee’s "Raptors Crossing the River", and finally ranked second in the annual box office.

In Taiwan, Wu Siyuan even described the results of "Drunken Fist" as "too profitable" and "outrageous at all", even to the point where the film distributor gave him a bunch of money every time he saw Wu Siyuan! In fact, before "Drunken Fist", many Taiwanese film distributors refused to buy Jackie Chan movies, on the grounds that "Jackie Chan is a box office poison, you want me to die!" But after the film was released, Jackie Chan soon became a millionaire, and even Golden Harvest wanted to poach him to pass the file, even offering a salary of 4.80 million Hong Kong dollars, which can be called "straight to the fool"!


South East Asia

"Drunken Fist" was already selling crazy in Hong Kong and Taiwan, and I don’t want to go even further when it was released in South East Asia and Japan and South Korea in 1979. In Japan alone, the film’s box office was as high as 1.90 billion yen, ranking eighth among the top ten grossing films of the year; in Seoul in the same year, the film was screened for half a year, and the number of viewers was as high as 1.42 million, which is equal to 4.27 million people in South Korea watching "Drunken Fist" at that time, thus breaking the local historical record and maintaining it for 11 years. It was not until 1990 that it was broken by "Ghost Love". No wonder the Korean newspapers said at that time: Why can other people’s movies be made so well?


"Drunk Fist" also broke Singapore’s historical sales record, with a box office of up to 1.46 million Singapore dollars; as for Malaysia, Wu Siyuan’s words describe it as "a sea of people at the entrance of the Kuala Lumpur theater, the boss ran to the box office and grabbed a lot of money, and wrapped it up for me with something…"

In the end, "Drunken Fist" reached more than 22 million US dollars at the global box office that year, confirming what is meant by "sensation"!


Seven, "bonuses" and "prizes" are not missing

If the box office is a "bonus", then the selection of the major film institutions is the prize that "Drunken Fist" deserves – who said that the kung fu films in the early Republic of China could not be elegant?

In 2000, "Double Film Weekly" selected "100 Best Hong Kong Films of the 20th Century", "Drunken Fist" ranked 20th, second only to "Jingwumen" in the kung fu film; in 2005, the 100th anniversary of the birth of Chinese film, the Hong Kong Film Awards Association selected "100 Best Chinese Films in a Century", and "Drunken Fist" ranked 33rd; in 2011, the Golden Horse Film Festival voted for "100 Classic Chinese Films in Film History", and "Drunken Fist" was once again on the list; in the same year, the Hong Kong Film Archive selected "100 Hong Kong Films You Must See" list, and saw "Drunken Fist". It can be seen that from Hong Kong to the entire Chinese film, "Drunken Fist" is a classic masterpiece with far-reaching influence.


Eight, the rise of kung fu comedy

The popularity of "Drunk Fist" made the Kung Fu comedy reach its peak in the early years of the People’s Republic of China in 1979-80. All Hong Kong was thinking about how to add various comedy ideas to martial arts, so the authentic Hong Quan Liu Jialiang shot "Mad Monkey" and "Bad Head He", the fledgling Tsang Zhiwei shot "Kicking the Hall" and "Thief Stolen". In addition to shooting "Lin Shirong", Hong Jinbao Yuan Heping, the former’s "Mad Kid" won Yuan Biao, and the latter’s "North and South Drunk Fist" won his younger brother Yuan Xinyi. Even Cheng Xiaodong rarely shot "Ma Liu" as the protagonist, and even Xu Hark’s "No Door to Hell" also has many shadows of kung fu comedy. In short, the famous action movie artists we are familiar with today all contributed to the kung fu comedy back then.


However, in those two years, no one could shake Jackie Chan’s superstar status: in 79, Jackie Chan’s first self-directed and self-starred "Laughing Fist" became the annual box office champion with 5.45 million Hong Kong dollars; in 80, "Junior Brother" became the first film in Hong Kong’s film history to break through 10 million box office, and became the opening work of Hong Kong’s "Spring Festival"!


 Nowadays, if you mention or revisit kung fu comedy, you should remember the transformative significance of "Drunken Fist".


Hong Kong’s "Comedy Age"

Looking back, Hong Kong films were able to achieve prosperity in the 1980s, thanks in essence to the rise of comedy themes: before "Drunk Fist", although Hong Kong had the first comedy hits by the Hui brothers, it was still "unique", and kung fu films fell into a low ebb after Bruce Lee’s death, because no one could imitate and copy him.

As a result, Jackie Chan and Yuan Heping defied tradition, and the line of "Kung Fu + Comedy" was not only different, but also more down-to-earth. The success of "Drunken Fist" made the whole of Hong Kong find that as long as you can "fight and laugh", you can make a lot of money at a low cost! Afterwards, Hong Kong people will add comedy elements to any theme they shoot, and they will try their best, thus creating a golden age of Hong Kong films – in other words, "Drunken Fist" has contributed to the market tradition of "laughing every time" in Hong Kong films!


Ten, the sequel to Drunk Fist Yan Brilliant

Fifteen years after "Drunk Fist", Jackie Chan once again played Huang Feihong and created the genuine sequel "Drunk Fist 2". Compared with the first episode, the film is more meaningful because it is a commemorative work of the establishment of the Hong Kong Action Stuntman Guild. All the creators in front of the stage and behind the scenes confiscated the pay. The initial cost of the film was only 28 million Hong Kong dollars, of which 3 million was used to buy the guild’s meeting place. It was already a "cheap" one for Jackie Chan’s works at that time.


Just like the first episode, "Drunken Fist 2" once again broke the sales record of Hong Kong kung fu films, with a box office of 40.71 million Hong Kong dollars, ranking among the runners-up in the annual box office in 1994, and only looking at the numbers, the film’s box office record was maintained for a full 17 years, and it was broken by "Ip Man 2" (43 million), which shows the audience’s feelings for "Drunken Fist".


Perhaps many people do not know that "Drunken Fist 2" is still the first Hong Kong film to be introduced in the form of national distribution after the reform of the mainland film market. In other words, Jackie Chan can be said to be the "pioneer" of the mainland entering the box office era. And just looking at these scenes, you can see how famous Jackie Chan was in the mainland at that time:


"No injury, no drunken fist"

Back then, "Drunken Fist" made Jackie Chan "double eyelids", which was already a serious injury experience. I don’t want to think that 15 years later, he staged a more dangerous scene in "Drunken Fist 2": the whole person was kicked into the fire, and the heat and pain could be felt just by looking at the screen; and the last fight, not only did it take three months to shoot, but Jackie Chan really drank a little industrial alcohol, which was better than "holding his breath" in the first episode!



Therefore, the "bonuses" and "prizes" did not harm this drama. "Drunken Fist 2" not only became the world’s Chinese film box office champion in 1994 (according to data exceeding 365 million RMB), but was also selected by Time magazine as one of the "100 Best Movies in the History of Film", and was ranked fifth by Black Belt magazine as "The Most Wonderful Film and Television Fight in History". At the same time, it won the Golden Statue and Golden Horse Double "Best Action Design"…

It can be said that the two "Drunken Fist" starring Jackie Chan can be called one of the most outstanding kung fu series in the history of Chinese movies.


Twelve, drunken boxing and cultural crossing

Over the past 40 years, the influence of "Drunken Fist" has not only been in the film, but also one of the representatives of the "cross-regional culture" of Chinese films.


As the Japanese "national manga" of "Dragon Ball", the author of "Dragon Ball", Akira Toriyama, has bluntly stated that he is a fan of Jackie Chan, and his favorite movie is "Drunken Fist". "Without this movie, I couldn’t have created" Dragon Ball "at all."


"Naruto’s Li Luoke is also a" natural drunken fist master ":


In Hong Kong, the famous cartoonist Huang Yulang also created a comic of the same name in 1981 inspired by "Drunken Fist", which was popular and was called one of the "Four Famous Works of Huang Yulang":


Even weak sounds can be used to imitate "Drunken Fist", even to the point of "God Sync":


Even the Japanese variety show "Talk Show After the Rain" did a Jackie Chan special, and specially imitated the classic scenes of "Drunken Fist":


Even FC games, released in 1990 as "Jackie Chan’s Dragon", were inspired by "Drunken Fist".



Later, whether it was the arcade game "Double Dragon Fight", or the PC game "King of Kung Fu" and "Iron Fist" Lei Wulong, etc., they also used Jackie Chan’s style or action in "Drunken Fist":


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Of course, there is no shortage of Zhen Yuanzhai in "The King of Fighters", no doubt from Yuan Xiaotian in "Drunken Fist":

The history of Chinese film has been 40 years and countless classics, but "Drunken Fist" must be one of the influencers who can spread to the world; for Jackie Chan, he can become the longest-running superstar in the Chinese film industry, and "Drunken Fist" is a watershed in his acting career!

Jiang Ling, Secretary of Luoyang Municipal Party Committee, led a delegation to Xi’an City and Yan’an City, Shaanxi Province for inspection and study

  From June 8 to 10, Jiang Ling, a member of the Standing Committee of the Henan Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Luoyang Municipal Party Committee, led a team to Xi’an and Yan’an City, Shaanxi Province to inspect and study the protection and utilization of cultural heritage, the development of the new cultural tourism industry, and the improvement of urban quality, and paid tribute to the Yan’an Revolutionary Memorial Site. He stressed that it is necessary to deeply study the spirit of the important speech of the Supreme Leader General Secretary at the Cultural Inheritance and Development Symposium, give play to historical and cultural advantages, deepen regional mutual learning and mutual learning, and show greater responsibility in promoting cultural self-confidence and self-improvement and building a modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

  During his visit to Xi’an, Jiang Ling held talks with Fang Hongwei, member of the Standing Committee of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Xi’an Municipal Party Committee, to exchange views on deepening project cooperation. The two sides said that Xi’an and Luoyang are both famous historical and cultural cities of the country, with rich cultural heritage, rich natural resources, superior transportation location and good industrial foundation. They will further deepen practical cooperation in the protection of major heritage sites, the protection and activation of cultural relics, and the integration of culture and tourism, and jointly promote the creative transformation and innovative development of China’s excellent traditional culture, so as to contribute to the construction of modern Chinese civilization.

  Xi’an, like Luoyang, has a profound historical heritage and many cultural relics. Jiang Ling has successively visited Daming Palace National Heritage Park, Small Wild Goose Pagoda Historical and Cultural Area, Tang Chang’an City Anrenfang Inn, Xi’an City Wall Yongning Gate and other places to inspect the protection and utilization of cultural heritage. He pointed out that it is necessary to learn from the experience of Xi’an, put more effort into activation and utilization, strengthen the protection of cultural logos and the construction of immersive experience scenes, not only protect cultural relics and cultural heritage, but also display the texture of famous historical and cultural cities, and enhance tourists’ recognition and recognition of Luoyang’s ancient capital.

  In the past two years, Xi’an Datang Never Sleeps City, Datang Furong Garden and other cultural tourism projects have innovatively launched new experience scenes such as "Tumbler Miss", "Neon Clothes" and "Tang Secret Box", which have become the Internet celebrity clock in. Jiang Ling has a deep understanding of the project planning and operation, pointed out that he should learn the experience and practice of building a full-chain cultural tourism industry ecology in Xi’an, firmly "subversive creativity, immersive experience, young consumption, mobile end communication" concept, and do a solid job in business innovation, efficient drainage, traffic monetization and other work to create an immersive cultural tourism destination.

  The Yisushe Cultural Block is an important window and business card for Xi’an’s newly built city charm. Furong Xintiandi Characteristic Block, Qujiang Book City and other projects have also explored many experience and practices in the experience scene. Jiang Ling has a deep understanding of the construction and operation of cultural blocks, and pointed out that great efforts should be made to do a good job in the construction of urban characteristic blocks, introduce more youthful and international new formats and scenes, vigorously develop the night economy, enhance the city’s smoke and smoke, and continuously improve its attractiveness to young people.

  Yan’an Red Street is a large-scale themed cultural tourism project invested and built by Wanda Group. Jiang Ling and Wang Jianlin, chairperson of Wanda Group, jointly inspected the construction and operation of the Yan’an Red Street project, inspected some immersive experience projects, and held talks. The two sides said that the current cultural and tourism consumption demand is strong, and they will deepen cooperation and complement each other’s advantages. Relying on the Longmen tourist resort project, they will deeply explore Luoyang’s characteristic historical and cultural resources, and make a modern expression of traditional culture, so that more tourists can "return to the prosperous Tang Dynasty" in the immersive experience.

  Yan’an is the Holy Land of the Chinese Revolution and the cradle of New China. During the inspection, the delegation paid tribute to the Yan’an Revolutionary Memorial Site with reverence, revisited the glorious years of the Party Central Committee in Yan’an during the Revolutionary War, remembered the great achievements of the older generation of revolutionaries, and visited "The Great Course – The Thirteen-Year History Exhibition of the CPC Central Committee in Yan’an". Everyone expressed that it is necessary to deeply study and implement the spirit of the important speech of the Supreme Leader General Secretary leading the 20th CPC Central Committee Politburo Standing Committee to pay tribute to the Yan’an Revolutionary Memorial Site, continue the red blood, enhance the political position, and transform the achievements of promoting the great party founding spirit and the spirit of Yan’an into practical actions to do a good job in current work, and promote the modernization of Luoyang. New achievements in various undertakings.

  The delegation also inspected the advanced concepts and operation management models of Xi’an and Yan’an in combination with the construction of youth-friendly cities and the renovation of key areas.

  Xi’an Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee, Secretary-General He Wenquan, Xi’an Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee and Minister of Propaganda Department, Qujiang New District Party Working Committee Secretary Yao Lijun, Yan’an Municipal Party Committee Deputy Secretary and Political and Legal Committee Secretary Ma Yuefeng, Wanda Group Chief Vice President Liu Haibo, Luoyang City Leaders Wang Jun, Zhang Yujie, Wei Xianfeng, etc. participated in relevant activities respectively.

Tik Tok Female online celebrity Rankings 2018 The most famous Tik Tok female anchor rankings.

  Tik Tok is a video app that many people like to play nowadays. You should know that there are a lot of female online celebrity on Tik Tok, and their values are exploding. Every day, many single dog kneels down on these Tik Tok goddesses. Let’s take a look at the list of Tik Tok female online celebrity. How many do you know?

Tik Tok Women’s online celebrity Rankings 2018

1. Wu Jiayu

  Wu Jiayu is one of the most popular goddesses in Tik Tok. Her videos are basically dances. There are many people who can sing and dance well in Tik Tok, and she can stand out from the homogenization content and become one of the top ten online celebrity in Tik Tok. Wu Jiayu relies on special shooting techniques. From the subway station to the street, from the bedroom to the living room, the videos are very rhythmic and bring more visual stimulation to users.

2. fox is rigorous

  Fox was originally a model with a professional background, but I believe no one had heard of her before Tik Tok appeared. And her real popularity on the Internet is on Tik Tok. Some time ago, some negative news about her came out, such as indecent photos, but she still has a large number of fans on Tik Tok. In addition, fox has a very domineering name, which is called the first beautiful goddess in Tik Tok, and runs its own clothing brand Taobao shop offline.

3. Keiko ssica

  Keiko ssica is also a very famous dance goddess in Tik Tok, and she dances very well. I believe many netizens on Tik Tok have seen the video of Miss Keiko. Miss Keiko looks sweet, her big white legs are very beautiful, her dance is superb, and her smile is particularly charming. Every video of her brings youth and vitality, which makes people feel very comfortable.

4. Tik Tok is gentle.

  Speaking of Wen Wan, I believe many people have heard that this young lady was very popular at the beginning. She became popular all over the country overnight and was later banned. This new goddess of Tik Tok, who became popular overnight, is gentle, and many people got to know her after being screened by her overnight. However, there are many people who are popular. Only after a period of popularity, the new goddess was banned because of various negatives.

5. Brother Li

  Tik Tok Lige became popular because of a song called "Let You Be My Eyes". Just like this video, the cumulative praise is close to 20 million, which makes Li Ge rise by tens of millions. With a sweet smile and a unique voice, the number of fans is now more than 39 million, nearly 40 million, but it was later banned because of the national anthem.

6. Qu Yiting

  Qu Yiting is a well-known long leg in Tik Tok, and fans tease his legs for years. Qu Yiting heard that she is particularly low-key, but she has a pair of legs that can hold up a two-meter gas field. It’s the kind of thin, white, straight legs that I’ve ordered in my last life. Dancing is also very good, and the face value is also very high, which is really enviable! Dance with passion, changeable temptation, and play with legs for years.

7. Zhang Tianyun

  Zhang Tianyun believes that many otaku will like it because she is a very sweet girl. Otakus watch her videos many times every day, and even the mobile phone screensaver is all her. Xiaoxiao’s posting in Tik Tok has set off an upsurge that my husband wants to hug me. Because of wearing a rainbow sweater, Xiaoxiao’s recognition of sending a few shaking videos can be said to be very high.

8. Jiaxin

  Tik Tok Jiaxin can be said to be a strange man. With the help of "Hum, I will know all the time whether to accompany me to sleep!"! What, are you going to play for a while? No! " "Roll", and has a lovely appearance and a voice that attracts a lot of popularity!

9. Brother M

  Brother M’s popularity mainly depends on her unique voice, that is, her smoky voice with the same style as Zhou Xun. Brother M doesn’t have much advantage in face value, and his face is a little chubby, but Miss Jie’s singing skills are really invincible. With her unique voice and singing skills, Brother M also has tens of millions of fans on Tik Tok, many of whom are true love fans. Every time I listen to my little sister’s song, people have to love it.

10. Erdou

  In Tik Tok, Erdou is a very special female online celebrity. Because, she became popular not by herself, but by adoration. She had little experience in shooting short videos before she became popular. Later, without relying on facial features or jokes, Meng Chong became a figure in the popularity list of online celebrity, Tik Tok, and people had to sigh the strong attraction of Meng Chong.

Original title: Tik Tok Women’s online celebrity Rankings 2018 How many of the most famous Tik Tok female anchors do you know?
Editor in charge: Ke Jinding

On April 23rd, the new car map of the M5 was exposed.

Recently, we obtained a set of real car maps of the new model M5 from domestic social media. Earlier, at the Huawei HarmonyOS Ecological Spring Communication Conference, Yu Chengdong announced that the new M5 would be officially launched on April 23rd. The new car is expected to be upgraded for intelligent driving and driving control, and will continue to introduce pure electric and extended-range models.



  In appearance, this car is equipped with a closed air intake net, which is a pure electric version. The new border M5 has been fine-tuned for the appearance details. The LOGO of the front of the car is designed in black, and the silver trim at the lower enclosure is also changed to black. Other parts are consistent with cash.


  From the side of the car body, the camera components at the fender of the new car and the chrome trim around the window are all replaced with blackened designs. The new car is also equipped with black double five-spoke wheels and red brake calipers, which further increases the sporty atmosphere. In addition, we can see that the roof is equipped with a lidar.

  The power information has not been released, and the current models are available in pure electric and extended range. The motor is available in 272 HP rear drive and 496 HP four-wheel drive. The cruising range of pure electric rear-drive vehicles is 602 km and 620km, and that of pure electric four-wheel drive vehicles is 534km. The extended-range model is equipped with a 1.5T engine as a range extender, with a maximum power of 152 HP and a pure battery life of CTLC ranging from 230 to 260km.

Disclaimer: This article is transferred from the Internet, only representing the author’s personal views, and has nothing to do with AsiaInfo. Its originality and the words and contents stated in this article (including the copyright of pictures) have not been confirmed by this website, and this website does not make any guarantee or commitment to the authenticity, completeness and timeliness of this article and all or part of its contents and words. Readers are invited to make reference only, and please verify the relevant contents by yourself. This site does not bear the direct and joint liability for the infringement of such works.

Do not hesitate to violate the law in order to increase the powder? Be wary of "Tik Tok-style life" becoming a public hazard.


  On October 31, the official WeChat of the traffic police in Hanshou County, Changde City, Hunan Province issued a warning report, saying that some drivers with cars were illegally parked in the queue at Yuanshui Bridge in Hanshou County, occupying the road to shoot Tik Tok. After receiving the report, the police have organized an investigation and will deal with it seriously after verification. At the same time, they call for compliance with road traffic safety laws and regulations.

  Judging from the live pictures taken by netizens, more than one car occupies the road and is suspected of violating the parking. On the one hand, it hinders the normal passage of other vehicles and easily causes traffic congestion; On the other hand, because the road narrows, it is easy to cause rear-end collision, rubbing and so on, which can be said to be harmful to others. However, these phenomena of illegally occupying roads to shoot vibrato videos are just a microcosm of the prevailing "Tik Tok-style life". There are many forms and channels for similar things in reality, so we should be vigilant enough.

  For example, in order to shoot a short video of vibrato, someone forcibly accosted women on the road, which led to conflicts between the two sides and even criminal cases. Some people imitate the so-called "exchanging vegetables for meat" in the short video of vibrato, and exchange their vegetarian dishes for other people’s barbecues in restaurants or nightingale stalls. As a result, the other side is disgusted and the two sides fight. When more and more similar farce is staged around us, it reminds us that it is time for some young people to lead a "Tik Tok-style life".

  The "Tik Tok-style life" of netizens can also be divided into two situations. One is that some people take shooting short vibrato videos as a means to seek benefits and earn extra money, or even as their own career or entrepreneurial project. In order to attract attention, increase the number of fans and raise their attention, some people become increasingly anxious and crazy, even to the point where they do whatever it takes. There is also a kind of taking vibrato video as a pastime or entertainment, satisfying one’s vanity and getting satisfaction in others’ praise and evaluation. They may not be as eager for quick success as the first kind of people, but driven by vanity and stimulated by others’ praise and evaluation, they are easy to become sensitive and melodramatic, gradually lose self-control and do some weird or extreme things.

  It stands to reason that a person’s words and deeds in public places can generally be tolerated as long as they do not violate national laws and regulations and social order and good customs. However, it has been suspected of violating national laws and regulations, as well as social public order and good customs, for example, motor vehicles illegally occupying roads to shoot videos, forcibly chatting up and harassing others in order to shoot videos, or damaging the environment and cultural relics in order to shoot videos. In this regard, some netizens bluntly pointed out that those who trample on national laws and social morality for their own interests have actually become "social hazards."

  You can live a "Tik Tok-style life", but you must be responsible for your actions, consciously self-discipline, and keep your actions within the track of national laws and social morality, and not be too willful. The network platform that publishes such short videos should also increase the intensity of audit and supervision. Once illegal and unethical behaviors are found in short videos, they must be resolutely curbed, cleaned up and given necessary punishment.

  The relevant government departments should also strengthen the supervision and punishment of this phenomenon. For example, the act of illegally occupying roads to shoot short videos should be dealt with seriously in accordance with the existing laws and regulations, which will not only make the parties pay the due price, but also be a necessary warning education for others.