The reform of refined oil prices and taxes: will the car market make waves as soon as it comes out?

December 5, 2008, Xinhuanet


  On the evening of the 5th, the much-watched "Exposure Draft" was finally released. Fuel tax, a focus topic that has never cooled down in China’s auto market for more than a decade, has finally been substantially solved. Fuel tax reform, which has been around for a long time, will be settled as soon as January 1 next year. Will it make the Chinese auto market turbulent this year?   

  Fuel tax reform, wait for more than a decade

  After 11 years of waiting, the fuel tax reform plan has finally emerged. Since the National People’s Congress passed the Highway Law of the People’s Republic of China in 1997, it was first proposed to replace the "maintenance fee" with "fuel surcharge". After 11 years, the "fuel tax" has been ups and downs but failed to be levied, and it has almost become a long-term "heart disease" of the Chinese auto market.

  However, with the collapse of international oil prices in recent months, there is also a "golden opportunity" for domestic fuel tax reform.

  On the evening of the 5th, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Transport and the State Administration of Taxation jointly issued an announcement to solicit public opinions on the "exposure draft" of the refined oil price tax reform plan. According to the plan, this reform will abolish road maintenance fees, waterway maintenance fees, road transportation management fees, road passenger and freight surcharges, waterway transportation management fees, and waterway passenger and freight surcharges, and gradually and orderly cancel the government’s loan repayment of secondary road tolls.

  The reform plan will increase the unit tax of gasoline consumption tax from 0.2 yuan per liter to 1 yuan, diesel from 0.1 yuan per liter to 0.8 yuan, and the unit tax of other refined oil products will be increased accordingly without raising the current price of refined oil. The "Reformation Plan for Refined Oil Prices and Taxes" will be implemented from January 1, 2009.

  According to industry analysts, there are many reasons why the fuel tax reform plan has not been implemented for 11 years, including the failure to coordinate the interests of various departments and the distribution of central and local issues. However, in recent years, it has been mainly constrained by the high international oil prices. As a result, the fuel tax reform that has been mentioned many times has ended with "only the sound of the stairs".

  "The plunge in international oil prices is the best opportunity for China to implement fuel tax reform. If this opportunity is lost, it may take a few more years." Rao Da, secretary general of the National Passenger Car Market Information Association, analyzed that using this "time window" to launch fuel tax reform will straighten out the pricing mechanism of refined oil products in our country and create a good environment for the future development of China’s auto market.

  Rao Da believes that the tax amount proposed by the current plan is lower than originally expected by the industry, and it explicitly eliminates road maintenance fees, reducing the burden on car owners.

  "This plan is indeed more reasonable, and the rate is lower than the original guess of 30% or 50%, or the plan of increasing 1 yuan, so the implementation will be relatively smooth," said Zhao Chenxi, an auto industry analyst at Haitong Securities. "Especially the fuel tax is finally levied in the form of increasing the fuel consumption tax, which avoids the problem that the introduction of a new tax will face complicated procedures. Now the introduction will be natural."   

  The overall situation of the car market is unhindered, and internal structural adjustment is accelerated

  Before the introduction of the fuel tax reform, China’s auto market had already encountered a "freezing point". At the beginning of this year, the booming Chinese auto industry put forward the ambitious goal of producing and selling 10 million units and exporting 1 million units. However, with the new surge in oil prices since March and the sudden tightening of the economic situation, the domestic auto market has taken a sharp turn for the worse. Even before September, the national passenger car consumer market experienced five consecutive monthly negative growth, which is unprecedented in the history of China’s auto industry.

   China’s auto market, which is preparing to "warm up for the winter", will be "hit" by the fuel tax reform most directly related to the auto industry at the beginning of next year. So this "sudden" variable will be a "snowflake" that adds a touch of chill to the auto market, or a "match" that warms up the auto market?

  "My opinion is that the car market is basically stable, and the fuel tax reform plan currently introduced has little impact on the car market," said Rao Da, secretary general of the All-China Ride Federation.

  He pointed out that the purpose of the fuel tax reform is mainly to straighten out the fuel pricing mechanism in our country and promote energy conservation and emission reduction, rather than to save the car market, so it is not a driving force for the car market.

  Zhong Shi, an auto analyst, said: "The introduction of fuel tax reform has little impact on the domestic auto market as a whole. The experience of fuel tax implementation abroad also shows that it is difficult to directly change consumers’ willingness to buy cars because of fuel tax reform. However, the introduction of fuel tax reform will have a profound impact on the domestic auto market segment and the adjustment of the structure. Energy-saving and low-consumption small cars and small-displacement vehicles will play an increasingly important role."

  "Fuel tax reform will not have a big impact on the car market, but the proportion of models with large emissions and high fuel consumption will decrease, while the proportion of energy-saving cars will increase." Jia Xinguang, an auto industry expert, believes that as our country’s auto market matures, this structural adjustment has actually begun to appear since last year.

  However, auto analyst Zhao Chenxi also pointed out that the current plan has little impact on the passenger car market, but the impact on commercial vehicles such as trucks and buses with much greater mileage is very obvious.   

  "Energy consumption moderation" will become the concept of the "post-fuel tax" era

  "The new plan is undoubtedly the most fair and just policy and regulation, and it effectively reflects the principle of more vehicles and more taxes." Xing Wenjun, an auto industry expert, said the fuel tax reform plan will give government agencies and enterprises, consumers and automakers a strong signal that the powerful lever of taxation will promote the production and sales of energy-saving and environmentally friendly small-displacement vehicles.

   Zhong Shi, an auto analyst, said that "energy consumption control" will be the most important signal to the Chinese auto market and the whole society after the introduction of fuel tax reform, because as a developing country and a net importer of oil, China’s two major pressures on energy and emissions will become increasingly heavy. Through taxation, energy conservation and emission reduction will be moved from concept to conscious implementation.

  Gong Xiaorong, who works at a bank in Shanghai and has owned a private car for more than four years, told reporters: "I think the fuel tax reform can reflect fairness and efficiency. The abolition of road maintenance fees already reflects a kind of fairness. It changes the size of the displacement, no matter how much you drive, no matter how much you drive, you will be charged the same road maintenance fee. Instead, you have independent choice, you can adjust and choose through your own actions, which reflects the principle of efficiency."

   She said that after the implementation of the fuel tax reform, based on the mileage she currently drives about 18,000 kilometers per year, if the road maintenance fee is removed, it will still be lower than the original fee. "With the string in my mind that you drive less and save more money, your car habits will change in the future."

   Automotive analyst Jia Xinguang said that although the current plan shows little change in fuel costs, excluding expenses such as road maintenance, as long as a simple calculation can be seen that different fuel consumption cars and mileage are different, and the cost gap is significantly widening. Over time, this structural change will guide consumers to change their habits in car selection, car purchase, and car use, thus changing the structure of the domestic car market and highlighting the theme of energy conservation and consumption reduction.

  Moreover, industry experts also believe that the fuel tax reform will also promote our country to create more conditions and opportunities in the research and development of automobile fuel-saving technologies and new energy vehicles. December 5

Hurry up and watch! Details of Xu Jiayin’s return home are fully exposed

In the past two days, the news of Evergrande boss Xu Jiayin returning to his hometown has easily occupied the headlines of major media. Xu Jiayin is from Taikang, Henan. Over the years, he has invested more than one billion yuan to build schools, hospitals, and industrial bases, and Xu Jiayin has been "walking" with his hometown frequently. And this time, Xu Jiayin and his wife Ding Yumei accompanied his father back to his hometown. What did he do? The editor will decipher it for you as soon as possible, and the details you want to see are here.

What kind of hometown flavor did you eat back home?

Sweet potato, sweet potato soup, black wotou, boiled cabbage and radish… Returning to the old house in Jutaigang Village, Xu Jiayin, his wife, and the villagers sat around the old house and ate a sweet meal to reminisce about the hard life in the past. On the table was Xu Jiayin’s childhood home-cooked dishes.

In October 1958, Xu Jiayin was born into a poor peasant family in Jutaigang Village. The next year, due to illness, no money and no place to treat, Xu Jiayin became "half an orphan" and grew up under the care of his elderly grandmother. Looking at the mottled walls, potholed floors, worn bed boards and bamboo back baskets of the old house, Xu Jiayin opened the chatterbox: "We grew up eating sweet potatoes and sweet potato noodles. We laid, covered and wore patches and patches. Now everyone’s life is better, and the food, clothing and housing are getting better and better."

Who is the old father?

Xu Jiayin returned to his hometown this time to accompany his 96-year-old father, Xu Xiangao. The Xu family lived in the village of Gaotaigang, which was the revolutionary base of the Ji-Lu-Yu Military Region during the Anti-Japanese War. Xu Xiangao joined the revolution in 1938 when he was only 16 years old. He joined the army that year and joined the party that year. After the war ended, Xu Xiangao was demobilized in 1946 due to injury and returned to his hometown to work in agriculture.

Xu’s father is an old revolutionary party member, and Xu Jiayin, who is "rooted in Miao Hong", also loves the party and is patriotic. As early as August 2002, Xu Jiayin led Evergrande to establish the first private enterprise party committee in Guangzhou and served as the party secretary. Evergrande currently has 140,000 employees and more than 10,000 party members.

What did the boss do when he returned to his hometown this time?

In addition to visiting his hometown parents, Xu Jiayin made a special trip to visit four schools, a hospital and an agricultural base built with a donation of more than 1 billion yuan.

In 1998, Xu Jiayin just started his business, donated 1 million yuan to establish a primary school in his hometown, and donated 5.80 million to build roads and install tap water and drainage systems in the village. Beginning in 2016, Xu Jiayin donated another 1 billion yuan to build Jiayin Middle School, Jiayin High School, Gaoxian Hospital and Modern Ecological Circular Agriculture Base, etc., and also established a 100 million yuan education for poverty alleviation fund.

This time, Xu Jiayin decided to donate 650 million return to his hometown, among which 300 million the construction of Jiayin Middle School and High School, and plans to put it into use before the start of school on September 1, 2019; 250 million yuan to complete the expansion of Jiayin High School; Donated 100 million yuan to purchase medical equipment for Gaoxian Branch of Taikang County People’s Hospital.
During his return to his hometown, Xu Jiayin also made a special trip to his home to see the couple of high school physics teacher Cheng Shoude and high school mathematics teacher Zhou Yuan, thanking the teacher for his tireless education.

Is she the first wife of 35 years of marriage?

When Xu Jiayin returned to his hometown this time, he brought his hair-bearing wife Ding Yumei to visit the parents and villagers, distributed candy to the children of Jutaigang Village, and took photos with the parents and villagers in the yard. Ding Yumei, who was born in an ordinary worker’s family, said with emotion, "When I went home with Jiayin 35 years ago to get married, the poor in the village was so poor that I couldn’t say it. Now it has changed a lot."

It is understood that Ding Yumei and Xu Jiayin have been close to each other and have been silently supporting her husband’s career. This time, she and Xu Jiayin returned to their hometowns to visit their parents and take photos with everyone. It was her first public appearance.


The implementation of the new version of the negative list of foreign investment access | The restrictions on the ratio of foreign shares in the automobile industry are fully liberalized

  CCTV News:On January 1 this year, the new negative list of foreign investment access was implemented. In the field of automobile manufacturing, compared with the 2020 version of the document, the new list is clear, and the restrictions on the ratio of foreign shares in passenger car manufacturing and the restriction that the same foreign investor can establish two or less joint ventures to produce similar vehicle products in China will be abolished. What does this mean for foreign auto companies and China’s auto industry?

  In 2018, the restrictions on the ratio of foreign shares in special-purpose vehicles and new energy vehicles will be abolished; In 2020, the restrictions on the ratio of foreign shares in commercial vehicles will be abolished; In 2022, the restriction on the ratio of foreign shares in passenger cars will be abolished, and at the same time, the restriction on no more than two joint ventures will be abolished. After a four-year transition period, China’s automobile industry is fully open to foreign investment.

  In 1994, the "Automobile Industry Policy" issued by China set the "upper limit of 50% of the shareholding ratio of foreign-funded enterprises", and since January 1 this year, this red line of industrial policy will withdraw from the historical stage.

  Experts said that the major policy of liberalizing the ratio of foreign shares in the automobile industry and overlapping relevant automobile industry policies will have a far-reaching impact on the development of the automobile industry in China.