Xiaomi 50W two-in-one charger/power bank picture reward: plugged in is a charger, unplugged is a power bank

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The public has raised three major questions about Hangzhou Fujiazi’s drag racing crash

One of Tan Zhuo’s favorite photos during his lifetime became his last photo.

Data map: Photo by Ren Ye, a reporter for the driver involved in the accident

  The public questions the "5.7" drag racing death case

  Our reporter, Wang Chengming, correspondent, Yan Yongzhou

  Question 1: Can the perpetrator still go home and surf the Internet?

  After the QQ space of the perpetrator Hu Bin was found and cracked by netizens, there were photos of Hu Bin himself traveling in Beijing in the space. The mood of the space owner was updated in the early morning of May 8 to: "Blank, causing a big disaster." This update aroused strong doubts from netizens: Under the premise of criminal responsibility, the perpetrator Hu Bin was actually lifted from the compulsory measures that night and went home to surf the Internet?

  One car owner, who did not want to be named, said that at the scene of the incident, the attitude of the traffic police handling the case changed subtly before and after the long phone contact with the perpetrator’s mother. And Hu Bin was able to go home that night. The fact that Hu Bin was not investigated for multiple violations before the incident also raises questions. It can be said that this "loose" law enforcement environment created the impunity of lawbreakers and led to the tragedy.

  Question 2: The speed of the vehicle involved in the accident was only 70 yards per hour?

  At the first press conference of the West Lake Traffic Control Department, it was initially determined that the speed of the vehicle involved was 70 yards per hour, based on the statements of the parties and the statements of relevant witnesses.

  This raised more questions. Witnesses at the scene at the time said that Tan Zhuo flew nearly 5 meters high when he was hit by the car, and it was obvious that the speed of 70 yards per hour could not be established.

  A vehicle expert, who did not want to be named, believes that according to the original braking equipment of the accident car factory, it takes about 35 meters to brake at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour to 0. After the vehicle hits the person, it takes more than 50 meters to stop. According to the driver’s instinctive reaction, assuming that he braked at full force at that time and the speed was at least 100 kilometers or more, according to the speed limit of 50 kilometers on this road, it is absolutely not wrong to say that the perpetrator was speeding at more than double the speed at that time.

  The traffic control department has released information one after another in the past two days, and has re-visited the scene to measure the speed of the vehicle, but the public still has doubts. Can the speed measurement of the accident be more transparent?

  Question 3: Is it a "traffic accident" or "endangering public safety"?

  After Hu Bin was criminally detained by the police on the charge of "causing a traffic accident," the public questioned that his drag racing in a busy area caused death, which constituted "disregard for the safety of unspecified public personnel" and met the criminal requirements of "endangering public safety."

  Because the penalties for the two crimes in the Criminal Law are far apart, the former can be sentenced to less than three years in prison, while the latter can be sentenced to death.

  Liu Chenglin, a lawyer at Liuhe Law Firm, expressed confidence that the court will make a trial according to law. He believes that the core of the case is the subjective intention of the perpetrator Hu Bin to drive at high speed. In any case, I believe that the huge social effect of this incident will become an important reference indicator for the judge to decide the case.

  (Hangzhou, May 12)

  Ask "Road Killer"

  A university graduate in his prime has left us regretfully. But who will be next? When will "road killers" stop taking lives?

  One of the follow-up questions:

  A "killer" who doesn’t pay for his life can only be let go?

  Everyone knows that "ten accidents are nine times faster".

  But why are so many people still speeding recklessly, even in the streets?

  "The most important thing is to have a heavy enough price for breaking the law so that those people don’t dare to do whatever they want." Many experts and readers have pointed out that from a management perspective, the penalties for those responsible for traffic accidents are too light. Generally, points are deducted and money is lost, and most of them do not need to pay for themselves, and the insurance company will settle the claim. Even if the person is killed, according to the "Criminal Law", it is generally sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention.

  Xiao Yan, an associate professor at Guanghua Law School at Zhejiang University, said: "I think some serious speeding violations should not be equated with ordinary traffic accidents. The nature of this mentality is’disregard for the safety of unspecified public personnel ‘, and should be considered for suspected endangerment of public safety." In August last year, the Chaoyang District People’s Court in Beijing sentenced three young men for the first time for "endangering public safety".

  According to the provisions of the Criminal Law, crimes against public safety are felonies punishable by fixed-term imprisonment of more than 10 years, life imprisonment or the death penalty. The deterrent effect of felonies on traffic offenders will undoubtedly be greatly enhanced.

  The second question:

  Illegal rage, can you revoke the "killer license" in time?

  The perpetrator of the "May 7" drag racing death in Hangzhou had speeding three times before, including the one in December last year, which reached 210 kilometers per hour, while the speed limit was 120 kilometers per hour, far more than 50%.

  The province’s penalties for serious speeding violations have always been strict, exceeding the specified speed by more than 50%, and the driver’s license will be revoked.

  Liu Zikun, a driver with more than 10 years of driving experience, said: "The reason why the driver’s license of this perpetrator has not been revoked may involve a procedural issue. Now catching speeding is basically an off-site law enforcement, and then the punishment notice is mailed to the offender. If the offender does not take the initiative to accept the punishment, it will be counted as a’general ledger ‘at the annual trial."

  Liu Zikun said that if the off-site law enforcement finds that the driver’s license is to be revoked, it should be "specially handled" and severely punished as soon as it is found. Only in this way can the threat to public safety and other lives be reduced in a timely manner, and it is also a more responsible approach for the violator himself.

  Question number three:

  The zebra crossing has become a "death line", where does the sense of security come from?

  "Pedestrians are frequently killed at zebra crossings, which is almost a’death line ‘. This is a great irony to social order and modern rule of law."

Fujiazi drag racing accident news tracking:

    The Revelation of the Case of Hangzhou Fujiazi’s Drag Racing Death (Part 1)

    The Revelation of the Case of Hangzhou Fujiazi’s Drag Racing Death (Part 2)

    Hangzhou Fujiazi drag car crash continues: Police urgently search for two key witnesses

    The "rich family son" drag racing tragedy continues: the Public Security Bureau answers questions from the outside world

    Flaunting wealth and hating wealth: the social divide that cannot be ignored

    Hangzhou police talk about the death of a rich boy in a drag racing accident: the case will be handled fairly

    Fujiazi once raced on the Shanghai-Hangzhou Expressway to 210 kilometers per hour

    Expert: Rich boy’s drag racing behavior has been suspected of "endangering public safety"

    Sunshine, motivated, caring, loving life, this is Tan Zhuo

    Tan Zhuo, go well, there are no cars coming and going in heaven

    Why do highways frequently stage "life and death speed"?

Old swimming photos with Lin Qingxia exposed, Jackie Chan said his favorite is still Lin Fengjiao (photo)

Jackie Chan (from right) posed for a group photo with Qingxia Lin and Qin Xianglin in Thailand many years ago.

Jackie Chan prepares for dinner after the premiere.

  China News Service, March 25, Jackie Chan went to Taiwan yesterday with Wu Yanzu and director Er Dongsheng to build momentum for the movie "Shinjuku Incident" and attended the premiere. Seeing more tourists at Taoyuan Airport, he said: "There is a feeling of warming up, and the economy should improve." Recently, old photos of him wearing swimming trunks and Lin Qingxia and Qin Xianglin appeared on the Internet. He said yesterday: "It was taken when we went to Thailand to do charity activities before marriage. At that time, a group of people played paragliding, and I almost died." He also talked about his past relationship with Teresa Teng, and revealed that his wife Lin Fengjiao rejected the 15 million yuan (NT $, the same below) advertising invitation.

  According to Taiwan’s Apple Daily, Jackie Chan’s appearance at the premiere of "Shinjuku Incident" this time is to promote the film again after going to Taiwan in September 2003 to promote "Gold Medal Avoid Death". Before the premiere, he gave a non-stop interview. The interview with Dongfeng "Entertainment @Asia" also broke the news of Lin Qingxia, saying that he and Lin Qingxia and Qin Xianglin beach eye-catching photos were circulated on the Internet. At that time, Lin Qingxia wanted to go into the water, but was worried that someone would look at her in a swimsuit, so she had to give up the idea. The host Hou Pei-cen praised his strong abdominal muscles, and Jackie Chan couldn’t help but laugh at himself: "It used to be a 6-pack muscle, but now it is a unity muscle."

  When interviewed by Zhongtian, he admitted that his relationship with the late superstar Teresa Teng was caused by the right time and place, and he was busy adding that his favorite was still Lin Fengjiao.

  He also said that many people were looking for Lin Fengjiao to come back, and offered her 15 million yuan to shoot shampoo advertisements. "I asked her, if you just wash your hair and move it, can you make some money for me? But she just refused."

  He seemed nervous at the beginning of the premiere last night, and stuttered slightly. After the premiere, he went to the "Ji Yuan" restaurant on Dunhua South Road for dinner. When asked if he had felt old in the past few years, Jackie Chan said slowly: "When a person reaches a certain age, there will always be certain places that are not good!" Does he feel powerless? Jackie Chan replied philosophically: "We are not in the ring!" Asked if his hair is thinner after middle age? He immediately hunched over his body to show the reporter carefully and said directly: "Is there?"

Editor in charge: Zhang Renhe

Liu Yifei: "Dew Beauty" was beaten in the kissing scene, and the director treated me as a vase

    1905 movie network news On October 29, director Gao Xixi made an appearance at the film press conference with the stars of the new film, Liu Yifei, Wang Xuebing, and Tang Yan. One of the male protagonists, Rain Zheng Zhixun, was unable to attend the event due to filming in South Korea. At the scene, Liu Yifei revealed that the shooting scene was full of danger. In addition to jumping off a building and drowning, she was also "punched" by Wang Xuebing during the kissing scene. Director Gao Xixi praised Liu Yifei for being "willing to work hard for the role", but she jokingly "blackened herself": "Actually, I know that the director didn’t expect much from me at the beginning, just treated me as a vase."

    It is reported that the movie "Dew Beauty" will be officially released in theaters on November 7.

Liu Yifei was beaten by Wang Xuebing in a kissing scene, and the director initially regarded me as a vase

    Liu Yifei, who plays the heroine Xing Lu in the film "Lushui Hongyan" based on Zhang Xiaoxian’s novel "Lushui Hongyan", said she chose to take on the role because she saw the dramatic conflict in the character, which opened up more possibilities for her performance: "Xing Lu is a very divided person. She has contradictions and hatred in her heart, and there are many plays within the play, which is a bit like." In order to fully present Xing Lu’s struggles with money and love, the director arranged a lot of visually striking scenes. Watching Liu Yifei keep filming underwater all day for a drowning scene, Gao Xixi was moved and praised her as an actress who was "willing to work hard for the role". Hearing the director’s praise, Liu Yifei "blackened herself": "In fact, the director should have no expectations for me at the beginning, just treat me as a vase!"

    In addition to the scenes of jumping off a building and drowning, Liu Yifei also revealed that the process of her kissing scene with Wang Xuebing was also "dangerous": "The two of us were scuffling and kissing in the heavy rain, and I suddenly felt punched in the face." Wang Xuebing hurriedly explained: "Hand slippery! Hand slippery!" And complained: "The passion scenes in’Dew Beauty ‘are like martial arts scenes!" In contrast, another male protagonist, Rain, is obviously more "liked" by Liu Yifei. Although the language is not clear, Liu Yifei said that the two have a tacit understanding during the play, and praised the other party as a "genius": "Our lines are often long and long, and I pause very casually, but Rain can match my rhythm, which is very genius."

Gao Xixi said that he will continue to make movies, and Wang Xuebing talked about Li Yapeng: He is now single

    Gao Xixi is known to audiences for making TV series such as "Happiness is Like a Flower" and "Three Kingdoms". "Beauty in Dew" is his first big-screen work. Another well-known TV director, Zhao Baogang, has just released his film debut. In an interview, Zhao Baogang said that if the box office of the work is not good, he will return to the small screen and will not try again. In this regard, Gao Xixi has a diametrically opposite attitude: "I like movies, and I have confidence in the box office of’Beauty in Dew ‘. If there is a bad result, I will also’lose again and again’."

    Wang Xuebing, who starred in "scum" in "Dew Beauty", is currently busy rehearsing the play, and he also appeared on the stage with a rather decadent and exaggerated appearance on the same day. Earlier, Li Yapeng, a friend in Wang Xuebing’s circle, was photographed going to the theater to visit the class. Regarding Li Yapeng’s state after his divorce from Wang Fei, Wang Xuebing responded: "He is single now, so he controls his private life." When asked if he would introduce a new girlfriend to his good friend, he said flatly: "I don’t do this."

Wanda sells Shanghai Wanda Hotel Investment Company

Tianyancha App shows that recently, Shanghai Wanda Hotel Investment Co., Ltd. has undergone a number of industrial and commercial changes. The former wholly-owned shareholder Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group joint stock company withdrew, and Beijing Yinglang Commercial Management Co., Ltd. was newly added as a wholly-owned shareholder. The legal representative of the company was changed from Zhang Jing to Zhao Yong. It is worth mentioning that a few days ago, the company increased its capital by about 1.33 billion yuan in debt, and its registered capital increased to about 1.38 billion yuan. Shanghai Wanda Hotel Investment Co., Ltd. was established in October 2012, and its business scope includes various engineering and construction activities, tobacco product retail, food management, asset management, and hotel management.

More than 8 models of Tiggo were exposed to brake failure, and the problem pointed to brake by wire!

If you are the owner and prospective owner of Tiggo 8 PRO or Tiggo 8 PLUS, please note that there is something wrong with Chery’s brake-by-wire technology.

Recently, Master Jiao learned from relevant channels that Chery’s brake-by-wire technology has brought troubles to many car owners. The specific performance is as follows: 1. There will be a buzzer when braking; 2. The brake pedal becomes hard; 3. Brake failure; 4. Brake jitter. At present, it is understood that some car owners have formed rights protection groups and shared fault cases in the groups.

Please step on the brakes when the vehicle starts, but the owner has been stepping on the brakes.

The corner master found that a car owner was driving at a low speed of 30 kilometers per hour, and suddenly the brake pedal rebounded, and then a fault code appeared in the dashboard. At this time, the brake pedal felt hard and the hard-vegetable pedal vehicle appeared jitter.

At present, the official has not responded to this problem, and the owner has locked the root of the problem in the brake-by-wire technology. Because some owners of Tiggo 8 PRO and Tiggo 8 PLUS do not have such problems, the problem owners are mainly concentrated in the vast version of Tiggo 8 PRO and Tiggo 8 PLUS pride+,so what is Chery’s brake-by-wire technology?

In March 2022, Chery Automobile announced a major innovation when it launched the Tiggo 8 PLUS version. The braking system of the car was upgraded and the integrated brake-by-wire system of Bethel WCBS was adopted. The core technology of this system is to integrate the vacuum booster pump, master cylinder, electronic vacuum pump, EPB and ESC. The following figure shows the comparison between the integrated brake-by-wire system module and the traditional vacuum booster pump. Its main purpose is to reduce costs and enhance the competitiveness of products. In addition to cost reduction, the official said that this system can also coordinate energy recovery system and high dynamic pressurization capacity. In other words, most of Chery’s new energy vehicles will adopt the brake-by-wire system in the future.

Integrated brake-by-wire system

Traditional vacuum booster pump

However, at present, it is obvious that the technology is not yet mature, and some car owners equipped with brake-by-wire technology have become "mice". Master Jiao then went to the domestic third-party vehicle quality complaint platform to investigate and found that there have been centralized complaints about the models equipped with brake-by-wire technology in the Tiggo 8 PRO plate, and the most complained car in the Tiggo 8 PLUS plate is Haoqing+,which is also equipped with brake-by-wire technology.

Up to now, Chery officials have not responded to the vehicles with problems in the by-wire control technology. Judging from the problem of concentrated outbreak, Master Jiao’s personal guess may be that there is a problem with a batch of vehicles equipped with wire control technology. The failure of the brake system is a major personal safety hazard, and the manufacturer must attach great importance to it, and it is necessary to complete the upgrade, optimization and even recall of the problem model in a short time.

A few days ago, Chery Automobile just released the sales data in July 2022, and the group’s sales volume was 131,533, a year-on-year increase of 57.7%. This figure successfully surpassed 122,633 vehicles of Geely Automobile and 101,920 vehicles of Great Wall Motor. In terms of splitting, Chery’s total sales volume was 131,533 vehicles, of which 50,614 vehicles were exported, up 90.1% year-on-year. The sales volume of new energy was 25,614 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 253%. It can be seen that the sales of new energy have surged, and in addition, the export volume has reached a new high. This is the happy side.

However, the safety hazard brought by the brake-by-wire technology hangs over Chery like a time bomb. However, if it is detonated, it will surely face the collapse of product quality reputation, and all efforts will be wasted.

"Hot Search" won the Golden Rooster domestic new film exhibition, which was most anticipated by the audience. Xin Yukun did not play suspense to dig deep into human nature.

A few days ago, the film "Hot Search" appeared at the Golden Rooster Film Festival and held a screening event. Director Xin Yukun, producer Wang Hongwei, starring Zhou Dongyu, Song Yang and Justin attended the post-screening interaction to share the behind-the-scenes story of film creation with the audience. In this film festival, Hot Search won the 36th China Golden Rooster Award, and the domestic new film exhibition was the most anticipated feature film by the audience.

The film "Hot Search" tells the story that Chen Miao (Zhou Dongyu), the editor-in-chief of the media, penetrated the traffic password, created an explosive article and rushed to the hot search, but indirectly boosted the female student of the bully to jump off the building. At this time, Chen Miao accidentally discovered the help information sent by a female student and involved a sexual assault case. Chen Miao’s partner He Yan (Song Yang) and investor Peng Yue (Justin) are involved in it. Public opinion has turned many times, what kind of interest chain is hidden behind the incident, and a public opinion war for the weak has started … The film will be officially released on December 1.

Xin Yukun, the director of Heart Labyrinth and Silent Burst, didn’t choose to make a fuss about suspense structure this time, but focused on the network theme closely related to the present, and explored the complex humanity behind the "network public opinion war". Xin Yukun said that in such a story, the suspense skills full of design will weaken the sense of reality. "I am willing to sacrifice suspense and impress the audience with authenticity.".

At the scene, producer Wang Hongwei said that movies have the responsibility to show social phenomena. Xin Yukun also said, "What happened in the network in recent years is the power of awakening, and it is necessary to be recorded and transmitted.". "The film can’t tell all the complicated causes behind the network, but I hope it can help you sort out the whole story and improve your ability to identify the truth."

This time, Zhou Dongyu plays Chen Miao, the editor-in-chief of the media. At the scene, Zhou Dongyu also shared his love for the role. "Chen Miao believes that one thing will die to the end, and this tenacity in her body particularly attracts me.".

Song Yang plays He Yan as a "middle-aged social animal" trapped by interests. Song Yang said frankly that the middle-aged crisis dominated the choice of what to say, and the reality and pressure made him constantly compromise, and he was powerless to the truth. Yuan Hong played a "perverted and bad" villain. Peng Yue held power and did whatever he wanted. Justin couldn’t help but say "I want to beat him!"