Jay Chou was exposed: his relationship with Patty Hou came out of an "online chat".

  On the evening of February 15th, Jay Chou led the singing of the "Red 2009 Hengfeng Night" romantic Valentine’s Day large-scale star concert, which was staged at the new stadium in Xuzhou, Jiangsu. China News Agency, photo by Yongjun

Data map: Patty Hou. Published by China News Agency, photo by Zhang Kui

  Chairperson Zhou’s love affair is no less than his music. Even if his affair with Hou Pei Cen has long been old news, many details of this past story still make people want to pry. Chairperson Zhou is tight-lipped about it, but this time, he has been sold "absolute privacy" by his behind-the-scenes "Iron Triangle" – the royal lyricist Fang Wenshan, the royal makeup artist Du Guozhang, and the royal dance teacher Hou Pei Cen’s love affair began with "online love" – the cool-looking Chairperson Zhou also has a shy and sullen side when he is in love.

  Zhou Dong is an idiot

  I can’t even go to the convenience store to buy anything.

  "If you take away the phone and give Jay Chou some change and throw it on the streets of Taipei, it is estimated that it will be difficult for him to survive." Fang Wenshan said of Jay Chou in his life.

  Fang Wenshan admits that Jay Chou is a creative genius, but he is almost incompetent in daily life. According to him, Jay Chou’s parents divorced early in life and have been living with his mother, and his mother takes care of everything, so Jay Chou can’t even pay the most basic utilities and go to the convenience store to buy things. "After entering the company, there is an assistant to take care of him, because the assistant is always around, so Jay Chou has no cash or credit card. If the assistant is not there for dinner or doing anything, he will borrow it from me."

  Zhou Dong loves tricks

  Improper celebrities must be big scammers

  The outside world gave Jay Chou some imagination, which made him feel very cold. In fact, Jay Chou was talented in trickery, and everyone around him had suffered from his evil hands. When Du Guozhang, the royal makeup stylist who often traveled with Chairperson Zhou, talked about these pranks of Chairperson Zhou, he told reporters, "If Jay Chou is not a star today, he is definitely the leader of a fraud group."

  Once, Fang Wenshan received a call from Hong Kong. The other party said in a Hong Kong accent that he had won the radio music award and wanted to broadcast Fang Wenshan’s acceptance speech live. "At that time, I said, ‘Thank you all, I am very happy to get this award today.’ It turned out that Jay Chou was the one who did it." The ice cream teacher also admitted that Jay Chou is very good at changing his voice and can speak as various people. "Sometimes he calls me, ‘Hey, hello, I want to learn a 3D dance, do you have it there?’ He also asked’How much is it, do you accept it? ‘He always makes fun of everyone with these strange phone calls."

  Zhou Dong is also sullen

  Zhou Houlian started online chatting

  The Internet is indispensable among ordinary people, but the hipster Jay Chou doesn’t know about typing and surfing the Internet, "Typing is a one-finger magic skill, he typed very slowly, just a few simple words. For him, the computer only has the function of finding information."

  When it came to computers, the ice cream teacher also quietly revealed a little secret. Jay Chou finally knew how to use the chat tool after learning for a long time, but because he couldn’t register, he used to steal other people’s instant chat tool accounts, "Once, while I was away, he used my online chat tool to chat with my friend. The other party found out from the text that it was not me, and asked him who he was. He said, ‘I am Jay Chou,’ but the other party didn’t believe it and asked him to open the video. Usually my video is on, but Jay Chou will insist on closing it. He feels that the video makes him feel insecure. That day, Jay Chou actually agreed to open the video and let the other party confirm that the person chatting with him was – Hou Pei Cen." After getting acquainted on the Internet, Jay Chou and Patty Hou became closer and closer, gradually developing into lovers and becoming the only relationship Jay Chou admitted to.

  Chairperson Zhou called Fang Wenshan "wife" on different occasions. Although this nickname sounded awkward, it did prove Fang Wenshan’s value to the entire pop music scene. Xiaoyu

Editor in charge: Sun Jie

Avita, whose sales fell far short of expectations, launched management compensation changes

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  Rising price wars in 2024 and the tempo of rivals bringing out the old have made the "knockout" crisis felt by every car brand head. They are stimulating sales through more internal reform measures.

  According to media reports, Avita management initiated a salary change, and managers above the director level signed a new salary agreement. Their monthly income was directly linked to sales and increased the floating ratio. According to people familiar with the matter, the year-end sales target, the management pressurized 10,000 vehicles.

  Avita officials confirmed the news to Interface News. It is reported that the annual sales target of Avita in 2024 is 90,000 vehicles.

  The salary structure adjustment reflects Avita’s internal pursuit of large-scale sales. In 2023, Avita’s annual sales volume is 27,000 vehicles, far from reaching the sales target of 100,000 vehicles.

  Market pressures and capital conditions are demanding that Avita boost sales as quickly as possible. The price war that began in 2023 has continued this year, with experienced automakers seeking market share at the expense of profits.Wise self andCompetitors in the high-end pure electric market are seeking to expand by adding cost-effective products or expanding their network layout.

  At the level of capital markets, state-owned industriesAnd private capital outside the automotive industry chain companyAlthough the investment of vehicle companies is still active, it has also turned cautious. Affected by various factors such as geopolitics, domestic vehicle companies have also found it difficult to attract large-scale US-funded LP/GP-led pension or Private Offering Funds.

  This is not good news for Avita, which has not yet formed positive cash flow and relies on external financing for blood transfusion. From 2020 to the first half of 2023, Avita’s loss reached 4.136 billion yuan.

  Avitayu,Jointly participate in building with Huawei. Despite the technical advantages of the three companies, in the past three years since its establishment, it has failed to accurately grasp the rhythm of the market, and is still in the stage of brand perception establishment from 0 to 1, and has not yet gained a firm foothold.

  Senior automotive industryMei Songlin pointed out in an interview with Interface News that newly established car brands need to rely on time or a sufficiently obvious long board to establish a strong brand identity.Cars andThe ability to gain a certain market share lies in the fact that the three companies have established labels with sufficient intelligence, clear positioning, and extreme service to the outside world.

  "Although there are no shortcomings in Avita’s products, the positioning is vague, and consumer perception is not clear enough. The blessing of Huawei has not helped Avita establish its core competitiveness."

  Fitch Ratings Asia Pacific Corporate Ratings Director Yang Jing told Interface News that for traditional auto companies, especially state-owned auto brands,Customer-centric product design, marketing strategies, and rapid technology and product iterations are areas where they are relatively inexperienced.

  From the external environment, in the passenger car market of more than 300,000 yuan, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in 2023 is only 31.4%, which is lower than the overall market. Represented by BMW, Mercedes-Benz and AudiThe brand still has market appeal. Especially in the situation of the continuous slowdown of the pure electric vehicle market, the new brand represented by Avita needs to come up with new strategies to deal with the crisis.

  Avita MaxFounder is increasing its emphasis on Avita, which can be seen in the management change at the end of last year.

  According to personnel adjustmentTan Benhong, the former chairperson and CEO of Avita, became the deputy secretary of the party committee and is no longer responsible for Avita-related business. Chen Zhuo, the former vice president of Avita, was promoted to president and took over the operation and management of Avita. The chairperson was Zhu Huarong, secretary of the party committee and chairperson of Changan Automobile.

  The cooperation between Avita and Huawei will also become closer. At the launch of Avita 12, Avita’s first pure electric sedan, in November last year, Yu Chengdong, chairperson of Huawei’s smart car solutions BU, shared a rare stage with Zhu Huarong. Deliveries of this model reached 5,021 in January, second only to Model Y and 001 in the high-end pure electric vehicle market above 300,000 yuan.

  In addition, Huawei and Changan Automobile will establish a joint venture, in which the former will integrate the core technologies and resources of its smart car solutions business into the new company.It is pointed out that Avita may benefit from expanding the brand’s product matrix and model number, and deepening the depth of cooperation with Huawei. This year, Avita plans to launch two new products and supplement four extended-range power models.

  Yang Jing believes that the advantages of traditional automobile companies lie in supply chain management and cost control. At the same time, large traditional automobile companies have diverse financing channels and low financing costs, which provides confidence for them to continue to invest in the unprofitable new energy vehicle business. In August last year, Avita completed the B round of financing, and the proceeds raised to 3 billion yuan.