Sales have plummeted by nearly 40%, and NIO’s hope of turning around is already slim?

On May 1, NIO announced its sales for April. The domestic leading new force only delivered 6,658 new cars in April, a decrease of nearly 40% compared to March. In contrast, 25,681 new cars were sold at the same average price above 330,000, and 8,101 new cars were sold at JK. That is to say, NIO is not only no longer the top seller of new forces, but even failed miserably in the battle at the same price.

In early April, Li Bin said in an interview that if this year’s work is not good, 24 years will become another 19 years, that is, NIO may have to "return" to the ICU again. Judging from the current situation, this time may be further advanced.

What was the problem with NIO? Why did the new power, which was still in full swing in the past two years, suddenly fall into crisis? Let Kung Fu Car take everyone to take a look.

(1) The more models are sold, the fewer cars are sold

NIO has never been a brand that takes volume. As early as 2014, when the NIO brand was established, the slogan shouted was to represent domestic high-end electric vehicles to participate in global competition. But if there is no volume at all, the brand will be difficult to survive.

In December 2017, ES8 was launched, ES6 was launched in December 2018, and EC6 was launched in July 2020. NIO has completed the preliminary product layout. The three cars together can contribute about 10,000 units of sales per month, which was very moist at that time.

What’s more impressive is that NIO has "almost" achieved its goal. As an independent brand, its average transaction price exceeds 400,000 yuan, which is comparable to Mercedes-Benz and BMW, and far exceeds Audi. This result is also very scary. You know, this is a brand that has only been born for a few years, and it can be said that the sky is its limit.

But NIO’s subsequent performance was a big surprise. Since 2021, NIO’s new speed has accelerated significantly. ET7, ES7, ET5, EC7 have been listed successively, and old models such as ES6 and ES8 have also been rejuvenated. As a new force, NIO has seven models on sale simultaneously, but the monthly sales are only poor more than 6,000, which is very disappointing. As a comparison, the ideal three cars sell more than 20,000 per month, and the Tengshi (Parameter Shu Picture) sells more than 10,000 a car, and the polar krypton single model sells more than 8,000.

In the case of such a fragile brand, the "car sea tactics" are enough to show that NIO is casual in product definition. I talked to a former NIO engineer before, and he said that NIO’s approach is that the supervisor swings his arm and has no brains to start.

There is no clear definition before the project starts, and then there are more and more problems, and finally it is a work in progress or marginalized product when it is delivered to the market.

This approach will work in the "early days of entrepreneurship" in the future. For example, when ES8 first came out, although many functions were not opened. But because there are not many decent competitors at the same price, it sells well. But at this moment, in today’s highly invaded market, it is undoubtedly a great waste of resources to push new ones at will.

ET7, as a flagship sedan, is a front-drive platform, and ET5, as an entry-level model, is a rear-drive platform. The non-flagship ES7 entered the second-generation platform and lidar early, killing the "aging" ES8 in one fell swoop, but there is no market at all because of pricing issues. Such a slapstick operation is not uncommon here at NIO.

There is a saying that Li Bin and Qin Lihong are both liberal arts students, which makes them often do not make careful inferences and reviews when it comes to market layout, and are more willing to make emotional choices. On the one hand, this has created NIO’s unique humanistic temperament, but on the other hand, it has also caused the current chaos.

(2) The LeTV model is unsustainable. Is power exchange really the future?

Last year, NIO’s financial situation was already very bad. In 2022, NIO’s net loss for the whole year was 14.4371 billion yuan, of which 5.786 billion yuan was lost in the fourth quarter alone.

What is NIO’s response? At the same time as announcing the 2022 annual report, NIO said that 1,000 replacement stations will be built in 2023, and 500kW ultra-fast charging will be deployed "incidentally".

Why does NIO do this? In fact, it is to exchange services for the market. Compared to doing battery research and development, or building a battery production line. The return on investment ratio of power exchange services is immediate, at least the power station is actually increased. Tesla’s 4680 battery has cost a lot of money, and it has not been mass-produced for three years. If such investment is replaced by a power station, at least there is a real physical site. This is considered a major highlight of NIO. After all, for many users, power exchange is indeed very practical.

At the same time, NIO is "immune" to all price wars. No matter how Tesla and BYD are involved, NIO always insists on not reducing prices, which safeguards the interests of regular customers to the greatest extent.

But the crux of the problem is that today’s tram technology is becoming more and more mature, and the battery life is also constantly improving. When the actual battery life of high-end trams exceeds 500km, the added value brought by power replacement has become lower and lower.

At this time, consumers may pay more attention to the benefits. After all, the B-class ET5 sells more than 300,000, and the C-class Feifan F7 only sells 210,000, and the service seems to be less important.

In order to promote power exchange, NIO adopts the typical "LeTV model". The power exchange business is independent and placed outside the listed company, and then the power exchange business is continuously subsidized through the listed money. This seems "seamless", but as the NIO customer base continues to expand, the resources occupied by power exchange are also increasing, which will eventually feed back to the car price, that is, the price of NIO cannot be lowered.

That is to say, regardless of whether the battery is replaced or not, NIO’s users will eventually have to pay for this business. This is not a problem when sales increase, because doubled users can share these costs equally. But when NIO’s sales do not rise but fall, how can new car owners support the existing huge car owner base?

(3) To have faith, we must also look at the product

In the past few years, NIO could be said to be buying cars and giving away "Moments". There were NIO owners around Kung Fu Cars, and they were truly proud of their cars. They were very proud of NIO’s various activities and praised NIO’s various services.

But NIO should also realize that while this segment of consumers is important, they are far from the whole market. Most ordinary users still want high-quality and affordable models.

Not long ago, NIO launched the power station swap wish list function on the NIO App, where consumers participate in recommending the location of the power station. This may seem like a very "democratic" approach, but it may not be a good choice for the market. The location of the power station should be like opening a store, and "professional" choices should be made according to the local flow of people and the layout of the supplementary facilities, so as to ensure the interests of more car owners, not just the car owners to "vote".

The layout of products and technologies must be based on "professionalism", not emotion. Just like talking to the ideal engineer before about why the ideal doesn’t make cars, he replied that because the ideal customers at this stage are mainly family users, and the space of cars is difficult to meet, so he does not consider highlighting car products for the time being; when talking to the JK technicians about product definition, they said that it is not easy to break the game as a latecomer, and finally chose a relatively niche and the demand is not small.

To put it bluntly, if the market is already very crowded, as a latecomer to enter, there is a high probability that it will be cannon fodder. If there are still some gaps in the market, companies have a chance, provided that the price and positioning are appropriate in all aspects.

In a situation where all opponents are highly nervous, NIO’s careless market play, although it does seem to be a light weight, is inevitably gradually thrown away.

(4) Kung Fu shooting

In 2019, NIO was on the verge of bankruptcy because it could not raise money, and later Hefei City’s investment of 7 billion yuan saved it. I never thought that in this short two or three years, NIO would have to put himself in the "ICU" again, which has to be sighed.

Not long ago, Li Bin came out to reassure investors, saying that NIO was currently urgently saving itself, focusing on the four major fields of chips, mobile phones, sub-brands, and batteries. I don’t know if investors heard it or not. At least in Li Bin’s opinion, NIO’s product and technology layout is fine, so what kind of changes can be expected to be made.

Combined with the dilemma of Weimar, perhaps the entrepreneurial path of the first generation of new forces is about to be turned over.

Zulu, a new force in Civilization 6, announced that African chiefs led the rise of tribes.


Characteristic unit-Bantu samurai regiment

Wandering stars

  Zulu Warrior Regiment is a formidable force. Ambitious Shaka raised their fighting capacity to a new height with the help of the Ikova spear (a short and sharp spear with a wider blade than the throwing spear) and the light shield (a large oval shield covered with cowhide). Zulu warriors can perform shield wall tactics, which can not only defend against throwing stones and flying arrows, but also hide their true strength. When attacking, the "horns" are discharged-the recruits are responsible for containing the enemy’s two wings to encircle them (horns), while the more experienced main force is responsible for destroying the contained enemy (oxen).

  Shaka’s Bantu warrior training system is quite cruel. However, the harsh conditions also make the well-trained soldiers closely United and easily arrange a complicated battle. This unit replaces the spearmen and has a higher attack bonus; The cost is lower than that of other combat units in the same generation, and the maintenance cost is lower and the experience value is gained faster.

Characteristic area-Kanda, Iraq

Wandering stars

  Kanda (also known as "corral" or "Umz") is a self-sufficient Zulu settlement, which can defend against foreign enemies. It has a double wooden fence, the inner layer keeps livestock and the outer layer isolates intruders. For practical and strategic reasons, Kanda is usually located on the hillside: it can be used for natural cleaning by flowing rainwater, and it can also be used for commanding and defending foreign enemies. In Shaka’s military system, the Legion is stationed in Icandane for daily training and life.

  When Zulu marched eastward and westward for inclusion in the surrounding tribes, more Iraqi Kanda would appear like mushrooms after rain. This Zulu characteristic area can provide more housing instead of camp. After meeting the municipal or scientific and technological preconditions, legions and armies can be directly produced to speed up their creation.

Leader’s Characteristic Ability —— Ibuto

Wandering stars

  Shaka became the leader of a Bantu army at the age of 23. His outstanding military exploits made him become one of the most effective commanders under Chief Dingiswayo. Shaka was good at training troops and reorganizing equipment, and replaced the low-lethal javelin with a wide-edged Ikewa spear and a large cowhide shield. Therefore, in the game, Shaka can form a legion (which needs "mercenary" municipal government) and an army (which needs "nationalist" municipal government) earlier. In addition, Ibuto can also provide additional basic combat power for the legion and the army.

The ability of civilization characteristics-tribal praise

  After the tribe is conquered, it will be incorporated into the Zulu kingdom, and its young and middle-aged people will be incorporated into Ibuto and continue to fight with the Zulu army. Shaka waved the baton of the Bantu Warriors with one hand, and offered a diplomatic offensive with the other hand-a "tribal tribute" in the game. After conquering the city, you can gain loyalty bonus by stationing troops here. After unlocking the corresponding municipal government, the units that conquer the city will be upgraded to legions or armies.

  Chaka Zulu is one of the nine leaders in Civilization 6: Rise and Fall, which will be released on February 8, 2018.

For more information, please pay attention to:

The fatality rate of rabies is 100%! These life-saving knowledge must be known early.

When summer comes, you should be more careful when walking your dog. Why? The weather is hot, everyone wears thin clothes, revealing their arms and legs, and children like to trick cats and dogs. Coupled with the sultry weather, it is easy to make animals fidgety and impulsive. If you accidentally bite, it is terrible to catch rabies.
Q: How dangerous is rabies?
A: the fatality rate is almost 100%
Rabies is an acute infectious disease caused by rabies virus, which will attack the central nervous system of people and animals.
The patient’s nerves are damaged, and he loses the swallowing function. When he hears the sound of water and wind, he will feel a sense of impending death similar to drowning, showing symptoms such as mania, fear, fear of wind and water, drooling, and muscle twitching all over the body. In the late stage, the muscle spasm stops and he enters a state of paralysis and coma.
The most terrible thing is that the fatality rate of rabies is almost 100%, and it usually dies within one week after onset. It is precisely because of this that the prevention of rabies is particularly important.
Q: Can only dogs infect rabies?
A: it is possible for mammals.
Theoretically, all mammals, including cats, dogs, foxes, weasels and bats, may be infected with rabies.
However, 95% of people’s rabies is caused by being bitten by dogs, and less than 5% is caused by being bitten by cats. Other animals are very rare case reports.
Q: can rabies lurk for more than ten years?
A: The incubation period of rabies virus is 1~3 months.
The World Health Organization has proved that the incubation period of rabies virus is 1~3 months, and the longest is 6 years.
99% of rabies always occurs within one year after being bitten, and it is rare to get sick again after more than one year. Therefore, if you don’t have symptoms for one year after being bitten by an animal, you can basically stop worrying.
Q: Nothing without broken skin?
A: Wipe it with alcohol right away.
In principle, as long as you are bitten, you should be vaccinated. If you don’t bite your skin, the probability of being infected will be relatively small.
However, whether the skin is broken or not can’t be judged by the naked eye alone. If you are not sure, you’d better rub it with alcohol at once. If you feel tingling, it means that your skin is damaged. You’d better go to the hospital for vaccination.
Need to be reminded that if the skin itself has a wound and has been licked by cats and dogs, it may also be infected. It is best to go to the hospital for vaccination.
Q: After being bittenWhat should I do?
A: Rinse with soapy water for 15 minutes.
Rabies virus is afraid of "alkali". After being bitten, it can be disinfected and the risk of rabies can be reduced by washing it with soapy water for 15 minutes in time.
If you really can’t find soapy water, washing with clear water can also have a certain effect.
But reducing the risk does not mean that rabies can be completely prevented, that is to say, after washing with soapy water, the vaccine can’t run away.
If the wound is big and deep, you must go to the hospital immediately.
Q: Must everyone be vaccinated immediately after being bitten?
A: If the animal is healthy, it can be observed for 10 days first.
If your cat and dog have been vaccinated for two years in a row, and it is because the animal was accidentally injured when playing normally, the animal looks healthy, and it is not necessary to inject rabies vaccine immediately after being bitten by a dog.
You can try the "10-day observation method" given by the World Health Organization first.
Because dogs or cats are infected with rabies within 3 to 5 days after onset or before onset, there is a risk of infection if they are caught and bitten during this period.
"10-day observation method" means that if the dog or cat is still very healthy 10 days after biting a person, it proves that the saliva of the biting dog or cat does not contain rabies virus at the time of the incident, and the danger is very small.
If cats and dogs are abnormal during the observation period, people need to get vaccinated in time. As long as people are not sick before the vaccine stimulates the body to produce enough immune antibodies, the vaccine can play a protective role.
Attention! ! ! There is a very important requirement for "10-day observation".
You must be very familiar with the usual situation of biting animals, and you can ensure close observation. Once the animals are abnormal, they can be implemented in time.
As mentioned just now, our cats and dogs have been vaccinated against rabies for two consecutive years. This situation can be observed first.
Or, although not vaccinated, there is good reason to think that animals can’t be infected with rabies.
For example, there have been no rabies cases in the area for several years, and our cats and dogs never go out and have no contact with other animals. This can ensure that animals cannot be infected, and we can adopt the 10-day observation method without vaccination first.
If it is impossible to ensure the health of animals, but it is very unlikely to judge that there is something wrong with animals, people can be vaccinated first after exposure. After 10 days, the injured animals are still healthy, and the vaccines that have not been finished after 10 days can be dispensed with.
If it is bitten by a stray animal or cannot be observed for other reasons, people must get rabies vaccine immediately. According to the exposure, the doctor decides whether rabies immunoglobulin is needed.
Q: Is it okay if your dog bites?
A: Those who have been vaccinated for two consecutive years can rest assured.
If your cats and dogs have been vaccinated against rabies for two consecutive years, the probability that they will be infected with rabies is relatively small, and the injury is only "accidental injury", and they still look healthy afterwards. In this case, the observation method can be used for 10 days without vaccination.
If your cat and dog have not been vaccinated against rabies, don’t take it lightly, because it may be risky for your cat and dog to be bitten by stray or wild animals when you are not paying attention. It is best for people to get a vaccine first, and at the same time carry out the "10-day observation method".
Q: bite your face and die faster?
A: Yes, the incubation period is shorter.
If you are bitten by an animal with rabies in the head, face or other parts with dense nerve distribution, the incubation period will be shorter and the onset will be faster.
So don’t rub your face against cats and dogs when you are not sure whether they are healthy or not. If a mad dog really bites, try to protect your head and face.
Q: I’ve been vaccinated. Do I still need to be vaccinated if I get bitten again?
A: You don’t need to be vaccinated again within three months.
After vaccination with rabies vaccine, that is, after 4 or 5 shots (depending on whether the course of vaccination is 4 or 5 shots), you will be bitten again within 3 months without repeated vaccination.
However, the exposure that has occurred for more than 3 months or within 3 months is a serious bite (level 3 exposure). It is best to go to the hospital for two shots of booster vaccine.
Q: The vaccine is not finished. Is there any preventive effect?
A: It still has a certain preventive effect.
As long as you have been vaccinated against rabies, you can have a certain preventive effect. It just doesn’t last as long as the whole vaccination.
Q: Can pregnant women get rabies vaccine?
A: yes.
Rabies vaccine has almost no contraindications, and all people can take it unless they are allergic to the vaccine. Even during pregnancy, if you are bitten by a suspected sick cat or dog, you should get rabies vaccine.
Q: Can you prevent rabies vaccine in advance?
A: Only special people need it.
Work requires frequent contact with animals, such as veterinarians, or people who are going to the wild in the near future, so it is necessary to take rabies vaccine in advance to prevent it.
Q: Where can I get a rabies vaccine?
A: Call the health hotline 12320.
Not all hospitals can be vaccinated against rabies. Call the health hotline 12320 to find the nearest medical institution that can be vaccinated.
Tie the dog leash and walk the dog in a civilized way. If you have any questions about rabies, ask the doctor ~
Source: Good Doctor Online (ID: haodf _ wx)
Producer: Li Daixiang
Editor: Guan Kailiang, Lu Yu
Internship: Lei Wenwen, Jiao Fengjiao
Be vigilant!
Everyone is searching.
The only person who survives rabies, the probability of normal people getting rabies, the survival rate of rabies, the ten misunderstandings of rabies, the incidence of rabies, the six people alive, can’t the animals with rabies live for 10 days?



Why does the country not attach importance to Chinese medicine? I have someone in Guangxi who can cure this disease. But he’s 70 and 80 years old. Young people today don’t. Alas. In the past, many people in the village were cured of incurable diseases that could not be cured by hospitals. Chill.




Yang Yang Yang xiZ

Are you sure?




How about now?

Originally, I didn’t believe that a real friend was born here. The woman was bitten by a dog for a few days and even barked like a dog. Her family didn’t know where to find a prescription and gave her a few times. It was miraculously better.


Want to fly out of Mars

Nonsense, rabies virus is 100% lethal.




Yang Yang Yang xiZ

Are you sure




Ll peach dies.

An alarmist. It’s really ignorant and I don’t know what psychology it is. This is a fact. Although not all cats and dogs carry rabies virus, the fatality rate is 100% as long as they have been bitten and not vaccinated in time. I remember reading a report that there was only one patient infected with rabies in the world, and it didn’t work at all to treat others by treating him. You are bitten by an alarmist, and it is your own business that you are irresponsible for your own life. Don’t show off your ignorance here and mislead some people who are not very clear.




The account has been cancelled.

This is the data obtained by all authoritative organizations in the world, and it is also an internationally recognized fact. And which dog lovers can refute the theory only by their mouth and keyboard, so that they can come up with real data and overturn the internationally recognized standard, and they can’t do it at all




Gong Juan Qiao He

All the reports I have seen are 100% dead, or almost 100% dead, which may be this case, so I have to add almost.




All three replies


But the state does not attach importance to it. Everyone in my hometown will. But he is a very old man.


What about now?

Eating Chinese medicine can cure it.





Sure, one of the two brothers has passed away. One of them is almost 90 years old. He can get well after taking the medicine, but there are also some taboos. He can’t eat everything, and he can’t be saved after taking the medicine.




Yang Yang Yang xiZ

Are you sure?





Don’t be so scary, it’s nothing if it’s not a mad dog. Were you bitten by dogs less in the past? How many people have had injections? Have you heard about the dead?




Please enter the board.

We have a groom who was bitten by a dog before he entered the bridal chamber and died three days later.





Last year, there was another epidemic in Shaanxi. A woman was bitten by a mad dog while crossing the street, and then she went to the hospital for rabies vaccine. However, it took time for the vaccine to produce immunity in human body, and finally this person died of rabies virus.




All 11 replies

The warm winter sun is here.

Dog lovers don’t get rabies, do they?




Weifengjun 128

No, immunity




Dream of making money

I won’t!




All 4 replies

It’s a boast.

For the health and safety of the people, the state should issue strict documents and regulations on raising cats and dogs (especially large dogs)! ! !





Only when a mad dog bites it, but normal dogs basically don’t. We used to be bitten by dogs in the countryside. It’s been 20 years now and it’s all right.




Yunyizhu 4f





Si Lu Hua Yu 121

You know you’re scared when you get bitten by a dog.




All 4 replies

T fly against the wind c

When I played with my dog the day before yesterday, its paw scratched my leg and broke a little skin. It’s scabbed today, so it should be all right.




A windy and frosty spring in the desert

Don’t take it seriously, the incubation period of this disease can reach 20 years, so you’d better get an injection quickly.




Toxoplasma guanyi

Some time ago, the people in our town happened exactly like you, and they died not long after.




All 15 replies

Cohabitation equals second marriage.

The news should report more about the dangers of rabies, so that those who have dogs know what they are doing.




Ciyinqian 3K

I was bitten by a dog when I was a child, and I didn’t get rabies vaccine. It’s been decades now, and it’s okay. It’s not that a mad dog bites me.




Ciyinqian 3K

I just said I didn’t say anyone else.




Yunyizhu 4f

It’s really ignorant and fearless. Just because you’re okay doesn’t mean that others are okay. Can you take responsibility for something?




All 4 replies

A path

Dog owners deserve it. It’s not that they don’t report their time.




A path

Do you understand this time? Who is ignorant?




A path

You are mistaken. I mean it has nothing to do with this article. The original intention is that the dog owner has the right to feel it himself, and the dog will repay your kindness sooner or later.




All three replies

Luneng xintaishan

Almost everyone has been bitten, don’t scare people.




Luneng xintaishan

There is no doubt that you may be hit by a car as long as you go out.




Luneng xintaishan





Phoenix dance for nine days 6Aa

"10-day observation method" is useless for observing for a few days if it is really unfortunately infected!




Sapphire to buy fruit in Otaki Mountain.

Twenty-four hours of rabies vaccine, ten days of observation, it’s too late, and I don’t know how I died




Little people, oh, 35

Take a good look at the article




Rural life in Mao Mao, Germany.

Last year, a man in our village was scratched by his own dog while feeding his dog. Died after the fourth dose of vaccine. Only in his twenties.





Jiao Hua man yuan

Rabies is being said every day. Is there really that much rabies?




Xiaoming children’s footwear

One in the village next door was bitten and vaccinated the next day, but died in a cage within a few days, which was ugly.




Jiao Hua man yuan

You’re a moron. Just comment. Watch your mouth.




All 4 replies

Let me talk to you.

My cousin’s son died of rabies, or his own dog?




Boundless sea 1007

You should pay attention to rabies, and don’t mess with dogs.




Zhi ai hei la

Alarmist, make a mountain out of a molehill, exploit the topic, and make a bubble.





Zhi ai hei la

Do you have to be so high-profile before eating dog meat is prohibited by law? ! If this is something to show off, why don’t star politicians who prefer hype just use it? !




Zhi ai hei la

So, working dogs in public places can take a curtain call. How about you?




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