"Crowd" exposes director’s special to guide Andy Lau’s "soul pumping"

1905 movie network news On February 10, the Spring Festival inspirational comedy starring director Rao Xiaozhi was revealed to the audience for his unique absurd comedy style.

But who knew that Rao Xiaozhi, who had won 790 million box office and high reputation as a dark horse, was in a long period of anxiety after entering the "Crowd" project, and even "nervous enough to suspect that he had a heart attack".

In the face of the strongest Spring Festival, in the face of Andy Lau’s joining, Rao Xiaozhi admitted that the popularity of "Crowd" had a bad start and was worried that it would live up to Brother Hua’s expectations, but Andy Lau’s reply gave him a shot in the arm: "Your talent will definitely be seen."

Xiao Yang was tortured the worst by Rao Xiaozhi, but still praised him as a "natural director"

The studio director Andy Lau’s "soul pumping" skillfully explains the troubles of Wan Qian’s lines

As a friend of Rao Xiaozhi for many years, Xiao Yang did not hide her recognition of the director. On the set of "The Crowd", Xiao Yang was always the one who was abused the most. The director’s requirements for him were also very high, always saying "another one" "can be better", and even in a scene where Liu Dehua slapped Xiao Yang bluntly: "Brother Hua should really fan it, the effect of real fan is better."

So Xiao Yang was forcibly slapped by Liu Dehua 36 times. But when it comes to the evaluation of the director, Xiao Yang still sincerely said that "he is naturally suitable to be a director, because he is not only immersed in his own world, but also can solve the difficulties in reality tit for tat." For example, when Wan Qian was faced with a difficult line and asked for advice on the spot, Rao Xiaozhi could immediately "prescribe the right medicine" to help her understand the character’s mood.

As a director with a very strong personal style, Rao Xiaozhi has an innate sense of humor, just as Xiao Yang described it as a "high-level joy." In the filming of the scene where Andy Lau taught Xiao Yang how to play the role of being stabbed to death, the director took a flash of inspiration from Andy Lau’s traditional character characteristics and proposed, "Brother Hua, you can add that kind of twitch." As it turned out, the performance became one of the most talked-about passages because of the temporary "twitch".

Andy Lau’s original sound in Mandarin, Rao Xiaozhi incarnated as a "sparring partner"

The line "nanny style" demonstration is very professional

At the request of the director, the whole film of "Crowd" must be played by Andy Lau in Mandarin, and no dubbing is used. It is difficult to know that there are not many movies with the original sound of Hua Ge’s Mandarin, and what is even more difficult is that he has to read the tongue twister "800 Pacesetters Run to the North Slope" fluently in the film. It is said that this tongue twister scene is also the most difficult one for Hua Ge. He practices back and forth on the set and reads the script anytime and anywhere.

In this director’s special, Andy Lau broke the news that "the director will read every line specially to me." In order to have a better line effect, the director will read every line to Andy Lau first, and then the two will communicate the final expression effect. Especially for some lines of stage performances, the stage director Rao Xiaozhi will read words synchronously with Brother Hua, looking for differences, and perfecting them to the best effect over and over again.

Shouqi has been awarded the first "Online Booking Taxi Operation License" in Beijing.

Shouyue CEO Wei Dong received the "Online Booking Taxi Operation License"

  China News Service, February 8th, at 9 am today, at the Beijing Municipal Government Service Center, the capital’s first "Online Booking Taxi Business License" was issued to Shouqi.

  Beijing is an important online car-hailing market and a benchmark city for the implementation of policies in the online car-hailing industry. In order to obtain the operation qualification of the online car-hailing platform, the identification of the enterprise’s online service capability needs to go through a series of strict review processes. Shouqi Car-hailing took the lead in winning the first "Online Booking Taxi Business License" among many competing enterprises. It can be seen that it has a relatively complete online service capability, and the identification result of the online service capability can be used nationwide.

  In 2016, the Ministry of Transport and other seven departments issued the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Car-hailing Business Services", and various localities successively issued detailed implementation rules, allowing the entire online car-hailing market to officially enter the era of "law-abiding", and also marking a new stage of orderly competition and high-end development in the online car-hailing industry.

  Shouqi Car-hailing was officially launched in September 2015. Using mobile Internet technology and the mature operation and management experience of Shouqi Group, it has continuously accelerated the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and has continuously accelerated in-depth cooperation with taxi companies across the country. It has built an online car-hailing platform covering 35 cities across the country, with tens of millions of users and nearly 20,000 vehicles. All vehicles operating in Beijing are Class B or above, and all drivers and vehicles are "Beijing Registered Beijing Brands", all of which meet Beijing’s entry requirements for the online car-hailing industry.

  It is reported that since the operation of the first car, it has established a "high quality, differentiation" brand positioning, to create a state guest service, to enterprise and institutional users and high-end business people as the main service direction, while pursuing corporate social responsibility, in many bad weather, Spring Festival and other car demand soaring period, do not forget the original intention, providing a more adequate social capacity protection, but also launched a series of barrier-free models and other customized warm heart services.

  Now, Shouqi has obtained Beijing’s first "Online Booking Taxi Operation License", marking the full entry of its online and offline business into the fast lane of compliance development.

  Shouqi car-hailing CEO Wei Dong said that meeting the policy access requirements is the primary condition for survival in the industry, and enterprises must rely on full competition and quality services to win customer recognition and market share if they want to develop. Shouqi car-hailing will always adhere to continuous self-innovation and technological improvement, and the next step will focus on: improving product diversification and user experience, leading the high-quality and characteristic development of online car-hailing; secondly, expanding the openness of the platform, based in Beijing, providing high-quality services to the whole country, and actively applying for license certification for landing services in relevant cities; thirdly, accelerating the integrated development with cruise cars, playing a benchmarking role, and driving the adjustment and transformation of traditional industries; fourthly, operating in good faith and lawfully, and promoting the healthy development of the online car-hailing market.

Zhiji Automobile completed the A round of equity financing, and there is still suspense in the ranking of new forces?

On August 1, Zhiji Automobile announced the completion of the signing of the A round equity financing agreement. After completing this round of financing, the post-investment valuation of Zhiji Automobile will reach nearly 30 billion yuan. This is only one year and seven months after the official establishment of Zhiji Automobile-December 25, 2020.

This round of financing was led by Bank of Communications Capital, and SAIC continued to increase investment. At the same time, it also introduced many well-known investment institutions such as ICBC Investment, National Green Development Fund, Zhiyou Venture Capital, Shanghai State-owned State-owned Enterprise Comprehensive Reform Fund and CITIC Securities Investment.

The first model of Zhiji Automobile, Zhiji L7, was delivered on June 18th. As of July 31st, this model has delivered 1,051 vehicles to users, making it the fastest model with cumulative delivery of more than 350,000 yuan of luxury pure electric vehicles in China.

After the completion of the A round of financing, the development of Zhiji Automobile is bound to further accelerate.

According to the plan, in the second half of this year, Zhiji will also go on the market and deliver the L7 SUV model Zhiji LS7. By then, Zhiji will form a "double flagship" product structure. In 2023, Zhiji will also introduce two pure electric intelligent luxury B-class models.

After the first shot was fired by Zhiji L7, can Zhiji Automobile pursue victory and reshape the current new power pattern?

On November 26, 2021, SAIC announced that it would jointly invest with Zhangjiang Hi-Tech and Alibaba to set up Zhiji Automobile, a high-end intelligent pure electric vehicle project. This "No.1 Project", which was previously code-named "L" in SAIC, officially surfaced, and Zhiji Automobile also entered the running state.

Less than two months later, on January 13, 2021, two "mass production vehicles" of Zhiji Automobile were released in Shanghai, one was the pure electric car Zhiji L7 and the other was the pure electric SUV Zhiji LS7.

Zhiji L7 is the first product introduced to the market by Zhiji Automobile. Since the nationwide user delivery was started on June 18th, the first delivery volume of Zhiji L7 has exceeded 1,000 vehicles. This allows Zhiji Automobile to quickly enter the public’s field of vision from a young brand that has just been born.

In today’s new energy vehicle market, new products are listed together. As far as high-end models are concerned, a number of models have been listed this year, including Weilai ES7, Tucki G9 and Ideal L9, and the delivery time is within this year. In this "Wei Xiaoli" high-end product fight in 2022, why can Zhiji L7 stand out?

First of all, the products of Zhiji L7 must be excellent.

The electrification level of a new energy vehicle is the embodiment of its basic skills. In this respect, Zhiji L7 has the ability comparable to that of a million luxury cars. Zhiji L7 adopts four-wheel steering all-wheel drive system and front and rear mixed tire width design, especially the latter’s four-wheel drive system with mixed tire width and partial rear drive characteristics. Due to technical barriers and high cost, this kind of technology is rarely used in practice. At present, only Porsche Taycan applies the same design in electric vehicles.

In terms of assisted driving, the descriptions of various new energy brands on the market are dazzling, but some technologies are often not mature, resulting in uneven actual experience, and Zhiji Automobile hopes to create a "more human-like" intelligent driving experience.

At present, Zhiji L7 can cope with the high-order ability of complex road scenes such as "traffic jam on congested roads", "big cars dodging with special-shaped cars" and "big curvature curves" only through visual fusion scheme. This is due to the artificial intelligence super algorithm empowered by Zhiji L4-level same algorithm platform.

With the increasing intelligence level of new energy vehicles, software OTA has become a standard. However, Zhiji Automobile does not equate simplicity with intelligence, but insists on the technical route of coordinated upgrade of software and hardware, and regards Zhiji Automobile as a growing "digital life".

In other words, with "upgradeable hardware" as the growth trunk, "software iteration" as the development thinking, and iteration on the cloud driven by numbers, the "smart car" has the ability of self-evolution.

Different from fuel vehicles, the attributes of smart cars have changed now. It is no longer just a means of transportation, but a mobile space, which meets more diverse needs for travel, work and entertainment than in the past.

This also means that users put forward higher requirements for the comfort of cars, and in all these comfortableness, although the air health level is extremely important, especially for the mother and baby groups, it is often overlooked.

The 180+ clean and high-definition cockpit is a major feature that distinguishes Zhiji automobile from other brands. Through the whole industrial chain control far exceeding the national standard benchmark, Zhiji has realized the industry’s first pure taste workshop, and the new car will have a healthy air level after being placed for 180 days. This also allowed Zhiji to get the perfect score of CN95 fresh air cockpit certification, the only one in the industry.

Due to these characteristics, Zhiji Automobile has won the recognition of a large number of users from an emerging young brand in a very short time, and competed with Tesla, Weilai and Ideality in the high-end market.

Nowadays, with the completion of A round of equity financing by Zhiji Automobile, the future of Zhiji Automobile’s rapid development is very clear.

As a new car-making force that landed in the capital market earlier among the new forces, "Wei Xiaoli" has become a solid head of the new energy track. These three companies were established around 2014 and 2105, and many models are currently on sale. Last year, the delivery volume was close to 100,000.

Behind "Wei Xiaoli", there are Nezha and Zero Run, whose delivery volume has increased rapidly since last year. With their cost-effective products, they have gained a firm foothold in the second echelon.

From the establishment of the company to the launch of products, although the speed of Zhiji has been very fast, it is not too early to enter the game.

Under such circumstances, it seems that it is not easy for Zhiji Automobile to break through. In addition to the most important product strength, it is particularly important whether Zhiji has the advantage to widen the gap with its competitors in terms of system, service and even resources.

Different from the "Wei Xiaoli" Internet cross-border car building, Zhizhi has its own unique advantages in the background of car building.

On the one hand, Zhiji is backed by SAIC, the largest automobile group in China, and can share SAIC’s rich experience in automobile manufacturing, ensure product quality and shorten the cycle of making cars. This is also the reason why Baidu built a car and bound Geely early.

On the other hand, Alibaba and Zhangjiang Hi-Tech provide support for Zhiji’s software and intelligence. As the largest artificial intelligence company in China, Alibaba will empower Zhiji Automobile in terms of cloud capability, data security, intelligence and future cutting-edge technologies. Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park, known as "China Silicon Valley", provides technical soil for the growth of Zhiji automobile.

In the first half of this year, due to uncertain factors such as epidemic situation and local conflicts, the automobile supply chain suffered an unprecedented impact. Stopping production and reducing production are the common difficulties experienced by most manufacturers, which once challenged the lean production mode of the automobile industry. The ability to control the supply chain has also become one of the core competencies of current automobile companies.

At present, Zhiji has established in-depth cooperation with Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, Momenta, Zebra Zhixing, Huayu Vision, Yanfeng Group and other leading enterprises in the automobile industry chain. In the future, this will bring more gains to Zhiji’s spare parts supply and cost.

If Zhiji’s strong background gives it a higher starting point, then the "Yuanshigu User Data Rights Plan" is entirely from Zhiji’s own innovation ability.

Through the "Original Stone Valley User Data Rights Plan", Zhiji applied the blockchain technology to the smart car industry for the first time, with 300 million "original stones" corresponding to the growth rights of Zhiji’s founding value, and gave back the contribution of user data in the form of data rights.

This means that Zhiji makes cars no longer "consumables" in the traditional sense, but can constantly "add value" through the use of users, bringing them a steady stream of new value.

For example, new users can use up to 6,800 rough stones and 10,000 yuan in cash to exchange for the laser radar integrated intelligent driving hardware system. According to Zhiji’s plan, in the future, the original stone can also be used to exchange software and hardware upgrades, enjoy services, limit fine products, digital collections and limit experience activities.

This is the first in the world. On July 12, 2022, Zhiji Automobile specifically announced the details of the rights and interests of the original stone convertibility, and penetrated the mining path of the original stone, and this user data rights plan officially landed.

Following Zhiji L7, the SUV model Zhiji LS7 will also be listed and delivered in the second half of this year, and two pure electric smart luxury B-class models will be introduced next year. These products will quickly enrich Zhiji’s product matrix, so as to bring greater brand effect.

A young brand, how to tear open the existing pattern to find a place? Zhiji Automobile will give an answer.

Degang Guo countered Cao Yunjin: I will take care of you if others are at the end of their rope in the future.

  Hualong. com at 8: 10 on September 25th (Chief reporter Huang Jun) After 20 days in Cao Yunjin, Degang Guo finally wrote a post in Weibo to respond to the grievances between the master and the apprentice. Many people think that Degang Guo is fighting back, only to find that he left a meaningful sentence at the end of the article — — "In the future, if there is a horse riding high and running short, and there is no one to solve the problem, I don’t care, I care about you."

  Why didn’t Degang Guo respond before? Degang Guo said, in terms of Cao Yunjin’s cultural level, it is not easy to write down these 6,000 words slowly, even if you read them. Trying to figure out the scene at that time was about one person’s dictation, everyone’s help, someone’s input, and collective polishing. "I have to respond to every composition. If I come to this novel, I will be exhausted."

  Degang Guo believes that this incident is also regarded as cyber violence, and now cyber violence has reached its peak. "A group of people to scold and scold, there is no bottom line. Good or bad, true or false is not important to them. The key has another point to vent, which is really happy. People need to vent in an environment without consequences, which shows how unsatisfactory life is. These outstanding talents, listening to the wind is rain, really think that they are caught, biting their mouths and shaking their heads. "

  This time, Degang Guo refuted and responded to Cao Yunjin’s earlier long articles one by one. For example, he thinks that teaching cross talk is different for each apprentice. Because everyone’s understanding and expression are different. "I taught He Wei" Spitting Lotus "not to let Xiaojin attend, and I didn’t let others listen when I taught Xiaojin. This is a teaching method, not an experience of oppression. "

  Degang Guo also praised Xiaojin for his cleverness and cross talk, and sincerely hoped that he would become popular. Create opportunities to praise him, take him to do programs, and give him a special cross talk, which is slowly becoming popular.

  "People’s ambitions are constantly expanding with the change of position, and no one is no exception. One of Xiaojin’s favorite words after drinking is: I support half of Deyun Society! I don’t know where to start with this sentence until today. For a time, the younger brothers didn’t even dare to talk to him in the background. When they met opposite, they had to stop and bow respectfully to greet him. The expression of greeting was not good, and they had to be carried to him again. Whoever doesn’t praise him and treat him as a god will be scolded and threatened. During the second enrollment of Crane Word Department, the teachers held a meeting on the second floor, but they didn’t agree. Xiaojinju punched Mr. Xie Tianshun. Mr. Xie is a cross talk treasure, and he is the same generation as Mr. Hou Baolin. Three generations older than Xiaojin, he should call bodhi old zu. But he regarded his seniority as dirt and dared to fight against his ancestors. Later, Xiaojin met an investor who was said to be rich. In my impression, this investor can be close to the people. He can eat two boxes of lunch in the background and watch the fragrance. This gentleman was later sued for slandering a movie star, which shows that his work is very busy. Anyway, after Xiaojin knew this bento tycoon, he became even more unscrupulous and felt that he had a backer. At this time, his face became more and more ugly … …” Degang Guo pointed out that since 2009, Xiaojin has basically stopped performing in a small theater. He went outside to take pictures and do private work, and he earned money by himself.

  Later, Degang Guo also described in detail the whole story of their war.

  "All this until January 18, 2010, my birthday, finally had an outbreak. In Guo Jiacai, Sanlitun, all the people of Deyun Society gathered together. Xiaojin shouted at everyone with wine and madness. And shouted: I quit! Zhang Deyan, the daughter of Mr. Zhang Wenshun, begged Xiaojin to come back and said, Please look at my father’s face! Xiaojin shouted: I don’t fucking look at anyone! Turning and walking to the door, I knelt in front of the statue of Guan Gong in the front hall and said loudly, Master Guan is my witness. If I go back to Deyun Society, I will be a * *. After swearing, she turned and left. Zhang Deyan chased her to the road and stopped her. Xiaojin pushed her to the ground and drove away. Of course, there is another reason behind why it was so noisy that day. That’s why Yunzike wanted to expel two people … …”