During the Spring Festival journey, have these protective tasks been completed?

During the Spring Festival journey, have you completed these protective tasks?

Experts from the Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention remind: Wear a mask throughout the process, do a good job of personal health monitoring during the journey, and wash your hands, face, and clothes in time after returning home

Cartoon/Yu Ningshan

Changsha Evening News full media reporter, Yang Yunlong

The Spring Festival of 2021 is getting closer and closer to us. Although many people choose to celebrate the New Year on the spot, the personal flow is inevitable.

Under the current epidemic prevention and control situation, how to reduce the risk of travel? In the face of the possibility of relatively concentrated flow of people today and tomorrow, Liu Fuqiang, director of the Emergency Office of the Hunan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, reminded that passengers should wear masks throughout the process; minimize the number of meals on public transportation; do a good job of personal health monitoring on the journey; after returning home, wash your hands, face and clothes in time.

Before traveling, prepare masks, disinfection products and negative nucleic acid test certificates

Liu Fuqiang said that according to the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in Local Chinese New Year Service Guarantee Work" issued by the Central Office and the State Office, the people in high-risk epidemic areas should celebrate the New Year on the spot, minimize the personal flow, and prevent the spread of the epidemic due to the personal flow; People in medium-risk areas celebrate the New Year on the spot in principle, and those who need to travel under special circumstances need to be approved by the local epidemic prevention and control agency; low-risk areas advocate the masses to celebrate the New Year on the spot, and do not travel if necessary. Although many people choose to celebrate the New Year on the spot this year, there are still not a few homecoming wanderers who are eager to reunite with their families, and the personal flow is inevitable. If you travel, you should always take good personal protection, such as wearing a mask, washing your hands frequently, and using one-meter noodles.

Droplets produced when coughing, speaking, and sneezing are the transmission carriers of many viruses. Carriages, stations, service areas, and other places are crowded places, and wearing masks can effectively isolate droplets. It should be reminded that it is recommended to prepare a few more masks when you go out, so that you need to change the masks in case of emergencies or long journeys.

Contact transmission is the mode of transmission of the virus, and it is crucial to maintain hand hygiene. When taking public transportation, you must pay attention to hand hygiene. If there is no hand washing condition, you should prepare 75% alcohol hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes and other products before traveling, so as to better sterilize and disinfect. In addition, you should carry some garbage bags to carry contaminants during the trip. For example, you can also use used masks to hold vomit when you vomit on the way.

There is also one of the most special and important "baggage" on the way back home this year, which is the negative certificate of COVID-19 virus nucleic acid test. The negative certificate of COVID-19 virus nucleic acid test can be a paper report, or you can find your own nucleic acid test results on the national government service platform. " Winter and spring rural areas COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control work plan is clear: inter-provincial returnees, returnees from cities where medium and high-risk areas are located in the province (internal personnel in medium and high-risk areas are not mobile in principle), imported cold chain food practitioners in the province, port direct contact with imported goods practitioners, isolation staff, transportation personnel and other key groups, need to hold a valid COVID-19 virus nucleic acid test within 7 days to return home negative certificate. Holding a negative nucleic acid test certificate does not need to be isolated after returning home, but needs to carry out 14-day home health monitoring, during this period do not gather, do not flow, carry out a nucleic acid test every 7 days. All townships (streets) and administrative villages (neighborhood committees) implement a responsibility system, implement grid management for returning personnel, and do a good job in registering, health monitoring, and handling abnormal conditions.

Take a train or plane, etc., wear a mask throughout the process, and do a good job of personal health monitoring

Trains, planes, buses, etc. are the means of transportation that many people take when returning to their hometowns. These public transportation vehicles are densely populated and relatively closed in space. Problems such as passengers walking around casually and wearing irregular masks bring many hidden dangers to epidemic prevention and control. For example, passengers wearing masks are not standardized, and even take them off or put them in their jaws. Or passengers take off masks to eat and drink. Due to the small seating gap, taking off masks to eat and drink will also increase the risk of virus transmission. For example, in the queuing, ticket checking, etc., individual passengers cannot maintain a one-meter distance; some passengers move around in the train compartment, or even cross the compartment; if the journey time is long, some passengers will gather at the train gate to smoke on the platform before boarding or when the train stops, these factors may increase the risk of virus transmission.

Liu Fuqiang suggested that when taking relatively closed public transportation such as planes, trains, and buses, try to choose online real-name ticket purchases and implement contactless payment; abide by order, queue in an orderly manner, maintain a safe social distance of more than one meter, and avoid waiting in groups; actively cooperate with staff to measure body temperature and take the initiative to declare health status. If there is an abnormal body temperature, you must follow the staff’s arrangement and emergency response; take appropriate seats, sit in separate or scattered places as much as possible to reduce the number of walks; wear a mask throughout the process; disinfect your hands and avoid touching your mouth, nose, eyes, etc. with unclean hands; cover your mouth and nose with elbow clothes when sneezing or coughing; in order to reduce the risk of exposure to yourself and others, try to avoid close contact with others. If you need to chat at close range, be sure to wear a mask; reduce the risk of exposure in public The number of meals on the means of transportation, encourage alternate meals with others; properly keep air tickets, train tickets, bus tickets and other bills to cooperate with the investigation of possible close contacts or epidemic traceability investigation; pay attention to the health status of surrounding passengers, avoid close contact with people with suspicious symptoms such as fever and cough, and do a good job of personal health monitoring during the journey. Once the body temperature is abnormal or suspicious symptoms appear, cooperate with temporary isolation, health investigation, etc.

Take a private car or an online car, etc., ventilate more, and do not stay in the service area for a long time

Many citizens, especially those whose hometown is in the province, will take online car-hailing, taxi or drive a private car home for the Chinese New Year.

Liu Fuqiang said that when choosing online car-hailing, taxis and other means of transportation, passengers should sit in the back row, wear masks throughout the process, do a good job of health registration, and cooperate with body temperature measurement; try not to carpool with others; pay attention to hand cleaning on the way, do not take off the mask when coughing and sneezing, and avoid touching the mouth, nose, eyes, etc. with dirty hands; when conditions permit, open more windows for ventilation. Online car-hailing and taxi drivers should also pay attention to opening windows for ventilation if there are no passengers in the car; regularly disinfect high-frequency contact items, such as door handles, car armrests, seats, seat belts and their sockets.

If citizens drive their private cars back to their hometowns, they should check the condition of the car in advance and fill it up with oil; regularly clean the door handles, armrests in the car, car keys and steering wheels, commonly used buttons, seats, seat belts and their sockets; ventilate the car well; do not turn on the vehicle air conditioner for domestic circulation; do not drive tired, you can rest and adjust properly in the service area, but do not stay in the crowded service area for too long; prepare sufficient food, drinking water, etc. in advance to reduce the number of shopping and meals in the service area; if you need to go to the toilet, shopping, etc., get out of the car and enter the service area and other public places to wear masks, and wash your hands in time, or disinfect your hands with hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, etc.

Liu Fuqiang reminded that before arriving at the destination and entering the house, it is best to clean your hands with running water or hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, etc.; after entering the house, wash your hands and face in time, preferably take a bath, change clothes in time and wash or disinfect. Once symptoms such as fever and cough appear, don’t panic or hide, and report your health truthfully to the village committee (especially rural returnees) or the neighborhood committee where you are located; go to the fever clinic (fever clinic) of a regular hospital in time. Do not take antipyretics, cough medicine, etc. Wear a mask throughout the visit to reduce personal contact.

Avita, whose sales fell far short of expectations, launched management compensation changes

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  Rising price wars in 2024 and the tempo of rivals bringing out the old have made the "knockout" crisis felt by every car brand head. They are stimulating sales through more internal reform measures.

  According to media reports, Avita management initiated a salary change, and managers above the director level signed a new salary agreement. Their monthly income was directly linked to sales and increased the floating ratio. According to people familiar with the matter, the year-end sales target, the management pressurized 10,000 vehicles.

  Avita officials confirmed the news to Interface News. It is reported that the annual sales target of Avita in 2024 is 90,000 vehicles.

  The salary structure adjustment reflects Avita’s internal pursuit of large-scale sales. In 2023, Avita’s annual sales volume is 27,000 vehicles, far from reaching the sales target of 100,000 vehicles.

  Market pressures and capital conditions are demanding that Avita boost sales as quickly as possible. The price war that began in 2023 has continued this year, with experienced automakers seeking market share at the expense of profits.Wise self andCompetitors in the high-end pure electric market are seeking to expand by adding cost-effective products or expanding their network layout.

  At the level of capital markets, state-owned industriesAnd private capital outside the automotive industry chain companyAlthough the investment of vehicle companies is still active, it has also turned cautious. Affected by various factors such as geopolitics, domestic vehicle companies have also found it difficult to attract large-scale US-funded LP/GP-led pension or Private Offering Funds.

  This is not good news for Avita, which has not yet formed positive cash flow and relies on external financing for blood transfusion. From 2020 to the first half of 2023, Avita’s loss reached 4.136 billion yuan.

  Avitayu,Jointly participate in building with Huawei. Despite the technical advantages of the three companies, in the past three years since its establishment, it has failed to accurately grasp the rhythm of the market, and is still in the stage of brand perception establishment from 0 to 1, and has not yet gained a firm foothold.

  Senior automotive industryMei Songlin pointed out in an interview with Interface News that newly established car brands need to rely on time or a sufficiently obvious long board to establish a strong brand identity.Cars andThe ability to gain a certain market share lies in the fact that the three companies have established labels with sufficient intelligence, clear positioning, and extreme service to the outside world.

  "Although there are no shortcomings in Avita’s products, the positioning is vague, and consumer perception is not clear enough. The blessing of Huawei has not helped Avita establish its core competitiveness."

  Fitch Ratings Asia Pacific Corporate Ratings Director Yang Jing told Interface News that for traditional auto companies, especially state-owned auto brands,Customer-centric product design, marketing strategies, and rapid technology and product iterations are areas where they are relatively inexperienced.

  From the external environment, in the passenger car market of more than 300,000 yuan, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in 2023 is only 31.4%, which is lower than the overall market. Represented by BMW, Mercedes-Benz and AudiThe brand still has market appeal. Especially in the situation of the continuous slowdown of the pure electric vehicle market, the new brand represented by Avita needs to come up with new strategies to deal with the crisis.

  Avita MaxFounder is increasing its emphasis on Avita, which can be seen in the management change at the end of last year.

  According to personnel adjustmentTan Benhong, the former chairperson and CEO of Avita, became the deputy secretary of the party committee and is no longer responsible for Avita-related business. Chen Zhuo, the former vice president of Avita, was promoted to president and took over the operation and management of Avita. The chairperson was Zhu Huarong, secretary of the party committee and chairperson of Changan Automobile.

  The cooperation between Avita and Huawei will also become closer. At the launch of Avita 12, Avita’s first pure electric sedan, in November last year, Yu Chengdong, chairperson of Huawei’s smart car solutions BU, shared a rare stage with Zhu Huarong. Deliveries of this model reached 5,021 in January, second only to Model Y and 001 in the high-end pure electric vehicle market above 300,000 yuan.

  In addition, Huawei and Changan Automobile will establish a joint venture, in which the former will integrate the core technologies and resources of its smart car solutions business into the new company.It is pointed out that Avita may benefit from expanding the brand’s product matrix and model number, and deepening the depth of cooperation with Huawei. This year, Avita plans to launch two new products and supplement four extended-range power models.

  Yang Jing believes that the advantages of traditional automobile companies lie in supply chain management and cost control. At the same time, large traditional automobile companies have diverse financing channels and low financing costs, which provides confidence for them to continue to invest in the unprofitable new energy vehicle business. In August last year, Avita completed the B round of financing, and the proceeds raised to 3 billion yuan.

Takeaway platforms should not tolerate malicious complaints, experts suggest compacting platform responsibility

  Takeaway riders deliver takeout in the snow. Our reporter, Yang Jinfeng, photo

  □ Our reporter, Pu Xiaolei

  "On-time delivery was maliciously complained by customers about’early delivery ‘, and now there is a fine of 500 yuan. Can you call the police or find the media for this kind of thing?"

  Not long ago, a takeaway rider in Beijing posted an online post asking for help, saying that a girl from a certain university of finance and economics ordered takeout, first urging herself to deliver the food quickly, and then maliciously complaining that she ordered the delivery early, resulting in a fine of 500 yuan. In order to prove his innocence, the takeaway rider also posted a screenshot of the order being delivered on time. In the end, under the attention of public opinion, the platform refunded the fine.

  Being stopped by the doorman, unable to enter the community or school, being complained; refusing to help with trash, being complained; not helping customers with cigarettes, being complained… In recent years, there have been many incidents of takeaway riders being maliciously complained.

  In the opinion of Yao Zhiwei, a professor at the Law School of Guangdong University of Finance and Economics, if there is no corresponding mechanism to protect the rights and interests of takeaway riders, malicious complaints will recur.

  "The platform should not only protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, but also safeguard the rights and interests of food delivery riders. At present, the legal provisions on the protection of the rights and interests of food delivery riders are not perfect. It is recommended to pass legislation to require food delivery platforms to solve the problem of some customers maliciously complaining about food delivery riders by improving technical means and establishing a public review mechanism." Yao Zhiwei said in a recent interview with the "Rule of Law Daily" reporter.

  Some consumers maliciously give bad reviews.

  "As a delivery person, it is my duty to deliver food to customers as soon as possible. If you encounter something, you should report it to the station calmly, rather than posting everywhere to seek help from netizens to try to expand the situation. I am sorry for causing trouble to the parties. I also bother you. I would like to express my deep remorse and say sorry here." The delivery rider posted a few more apologies online after claiming the 500 yuan deducted by the platform.

  A takeaway rider told reporters that usually, 500 yuan is equivalent to two or three days’ salary, and the fine can be recovered, which is a happy result. "But our losses are more than that. After being complained, the platform will also reduce the number of orders. Even if the appeal can get the fine back later, there is no way to make up for the loss caused by reducing the number of orders."

  Liu Junhai, a law professor at Renmin University of China, pointed out that the platform returned the fine after accepting the complaint, indicating that the takeaway rider was indeed maliciously complained by the female college student. From this point of view, the real fault is the female college student who maliciously complained and the platform that failed to carefully verify the situation.

  "In the face of consumer complaints, platforms usually do not offend customers, but prefer to use the simple and crude treatment of fines to punish takeaway riders. In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, takeaway platforms will use a bad review mechanism to restrict the behavior of merchants and riders, but this mechanism is sometimes used maliciously by some consumers," Liu Junhai said.

  The All-China Federation calls for the establishment of trade union organizations

  In recent years, relevant departments in our country and some localities have increased the protection of takeaway riders through the introduction of policies and regulations.

  In July this year, the State Regulation for Market Regulation and other seven departments jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Implementing the Responsibilities of Online Catering Platforms and Effectively Safeguarding the Rights and Interests of Takeaway Deliverymen", which clearly stated that it is necessary to smooth the appeal channels of takeaway deliverymen, clarify the appeal handling procedures and time limits, and strengthen democratic consultation and equal communication to meet legitimate demands.

  The All-China Federation of Trade Unions recently issued a notice to launch a nationwide "centralized action for workers in new employment forms to join the union." Trade unions at all levels should focus on four groups, including truck drivers, online car-hailing drivers, couriers, and takeaway delivery staff, and focus on platform leaders. The key is to focus on tackling difficulties.

  "It is necessary to strengthen the supervision of labor laws of trade unions, cooperate with the government and its relevant departments to supervise law enforcement, and speak out in a timely manner against major typical violations. Where there are employees, there should be trade union organizations, and where the legitimate rights and interests of employees are infringed, the trade unions must stand up and speak out." A relevant person in charge of the All-China Federation said.

  In recent years, improving legislation to protect the rights and interests of takeaway riders has become a hot topic during the National Two Sessions.

  Xiao Shengfang, a deputy to the National People’s Congress, suggested separate legislation for new platform practitioners to give them legal status in the employment category. Liu Yingcai, a deputy to the National People’s Congress, believes that the safety management of takeaway platforms should be strengthened to protect the legitimate rights and interests of takeaway riders. Tang Weijian, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, called for legislation to protect the basic rights of workers in new employment forms… During the ** this year, a number of **** put forward legislative proposals to strengthen platform responsibilities and protect the legitimate rights and interests of takeaway riders.

  Explore the introduction of a public review mechanism

  Facing the two interest groups of consumers and riders, how to achieve a balance between the two will test the governance capabilities of takeaway platforms.

  "If the bad review mechanism is too loose, it will harm the rights and interests of consumers; but if the mechanism is not perfect, it will cause harm to takeaway riders by condoning malicious bad reviews," Yao Zhiwei said.

  According to Zhu Wei, deputy director of the Communication Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, with the development of intelligent technology, in many cases, it is not difficult for food delivery platforms to identify whether a complaint is malicious.

  "Whether the takeaway is delivered on time can be confirmed through the function of system positioning; whether the customer has made unreasonable requests can be verified through phone recording, text messages, etc. The platform uses intelligent technology to invest a certain amount of manpower, time and other costs. It is not difficult to solve this problem." Zhu Wei said.

  Yao Zhiwei believes that the platform is not perfect in the design of the bad review mechanism, relying too much on the subjective evaluation of customers, and it is difficult to conduct detailed investigations when handling disputes between the two parties. In this regard, it is recommended that the platform explore the introduction of a public review mechanism while strengthening the application of technology to better protect the legitimate rights and interests of takeaway riders.

  "You can select some users who have been registered for a year, have real-name authentication, and have a good credit history, and invite them to become the platform’s reviewers, and let them make judgments on some disputes. This way, the results are often more neutral and objective, and consumers and riders are more likely to be convinced." Yao Zhiwei said for example.

  Zhang Tao, director of the Commercial Law Research Association of the China Law Society, suggested that the obligations and responsibilities of the platform should be clearly stipulated through legislation.

  "As a system designer, the platform is the main role in solving the problem of malicious complaints. It is recommended that through legislation, the delivery platform should make clear regulations on improving corresponding technical means, establishing and improving reward and punishment mechanisms, unblocking appeal channels, and establishing trade union organizations, so as to further consolidate the platform’s responsibilities and better protect the legitimate rights and interests of delivery riders." Zhang Tao said.